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Fraudsters con
Film crew back more than £2m
at Bridgerton out of victims
location in city
Bank account fraudsters conned
Bridgerton are reportedly back and victims out of £2.3million in the
filming season two in Bath. Avon & Somerset Police area
The Holburne Museum, which throughout the pandemic, new fig-
doubles as Lady Danbury’s home, was ures reveal.
busy with film crews all day last Friday. Crooks used lockdown to target
A source told the Chronicle’s vulnerable residents and trick them
website Bath Live that it is Bridgerton into handing over personal details
filming at the museum, despite trucks and cash.
being marked up with ‘Waterloo’. Data obtained from the National
It is understood ‘Waterloo’ is a code Fraud Intelligence Bureau found
name for the hit Netflix show, which that 571 residents in the region
has been watched by as many as 82 Film crews pictured near The Holburne Museum, which doubles as Lady Danbury’s home in Bridgerton were victims of online bank fraud
million households and put Bath on the or the use of payment cards and
map for a whole new audience. tight to stop any avid fans from Jonathan Bailey, in his quest to find a When it was filming in 2019, Bath cheques that were stolen, forged or
The stunning Grade I listed building’s glimpsing too much. wife, as seen in the second novel of Live regularly covered film crews being cloned between April 2020 and
exterior is seen in all but one episode Spencer Hancock, who works for the Julia Quinn’s The Viscount Who Loved out and about, but little did anyone March this year.
of season one so its no surprise film Holburne Museum, has already said Me. know how much of a global hit the It places Avon & Somerset 15th
crews would need to return. what it was like to have the cast and Back in January, production show would become. worst out of 44 forces in the country
Traffic was affected by the crew as crew film at the Bath landmark for company Shondaland confirmed that It is expected that there may be for finance fraud and cost each of
part of the A36 at the bottom of season one, saying Rege-Jean Page there would be a season two, three and something of a tourism boom post those targeted in the area an aver-
Sydney Place opposite the museum “liked to stay in character between four after the phenomenal success of lockdown as fans visit the many filming age of £4,028.
was closed off. takes”. season one which focused on Daphne locations across the city. The figures were analysed by
The front of the museum was According to Tom Crudgington, a Bridgerton (Phoebe Dynevor) and the Already several walking tours of which has
cordoned off by a large screen which boxing trainer from Bath, the star was Duke of Hastings (Rege-Jean Page). Bridgerton filming locations have issued four top tips to safeguard
shielded any activity inside. “charming” as he had boxing lessons in Many locations across Bath were sprung up across the city offering fans your money.
Bath Live has been told that actors the city ahead of filming. used for season one like The Guildhall, a ‘behind the scenes’ experience. ■■ Stay vigilant and keep a close eye
were not on set as the crew were Season two won’t feature the actor The Assembly Rooms, Beauford The Holburne Museum, Netflix and on monthly bank statements to
purely filming exterior shots. though, as it will be focusing on Square, Trim Street, Bath Street and at Shondaland have been approached for spot any unusual activity, as well as
Security around the museum was Anthony Bridgerton, played by the Royal Crescent. comment. shredding any sensitive financial
■■ Avoid public wifi hotspots such

CAZ’s forcing big lorries

as coffee shops and libraries to
access online banking.
■■ Take precautions and only
access online banking via your
bank provider’s official website,

onto out street - resident

and use the bank’s official app
when using mobile banking.
■■ Have strong credentials by mak-
ing your online banking password
as sophisticated as possible.

Actors hoping to
Imogen McGuckin

A man has expressed his con- raise the roof

cern about the number of lor-
ries using his road since the The Mission Theatre is appealing
Bath Clean Air Zone began. for a business or person to help
Julian Broad, 57, lives on Old with their roof appeal fundraising.
Newbridge Hill on the west side of The Bath theatre needs to raise
Bath and said heavy goods traffic £110,000 in total to fix and replace
had been worse since the “very first the roof of the 250-year-old, Grade-
day” of the new scheme. II listed theatre.
Some HGVs can be charged £100 Both the flat roof and the main
a day to enter the zone and Mr slate pitched roof are showing large
Broad said they were now using the cracks and are in need of replace-
Hill as a link between the Upper ment.
and Lower Bristol Roads. The theatre has so far raised
He said: “It’s not just vans, it’s £36,000 with £20,000 of that com-
massive lorries too and they simply ing from resident drama company
shouldn’t be coming down this Next Stage.
way, it’s just dangerous for pedes- It has been nearly two months
trians. since the fundraising began and
“When articulated lorries are artistic director Ann Ellison has
coming down the hill, very little said that it is harder to raise money
else can come up. There is a 7.5- as the theatre is not able to put on
tonne limit sign at the bottom of events and shows due to Covid.
the Hill, but the one at the top of the She said: “What we would love at
road is missing.” this stage is for some angel and
He added: “There are loads of lover of performing arts, some mar-
kids using the Hill to walk up to Julian Broad is concerned about HGVs using Old Newbridge Hill in Bath vellous biz entrepreneur to step out
Oldfield School from the buses at of the wings at this point.
8am and back again at 3pm. around it - no child should have to “The council have put two bol- whole road up,” Mr Broad said. “We are, however, opening next
“These kids they’re on the phone do that,” Mr Broad said. lards in to stop them mounting the He urged other residents who week with The Memory of Water
while they’re walking, they’ve just Old Newbridge Hill is a narrow kerb because there are a lot of had experienced the issue to make and at every performance we will
woken up and they’re crossing residential road, with on-street pedestrians. They were both their feelings known to Bath and be reminding people of our appeal.”
roads with this heavy goods traffic.” parking for residents. To turn onto knocked down by a lorry on the North East Somerset Council. The The theatre is also in the process
Mr Broad added that his 10-year- it from the Bristol direction, drivers very first day of the Clean Air Zone. council has been contacted for of putting in a bid to the National
old son walked to school and had must negotiate a sharp corner. Mr “Particularly just before school, comment. Lottery Fund.
one day found the pavement Broad said the turn had caused this road is a line of traffic and if you Have you been affected by the To donate to the appeal, go to
blocked by a tractor and trailer. issues for the extra HGV traffic from get an HGV coming, what with Bath Clean Air Zone? Email imo- https://missiontheatre.squares-
“He had to walk in the road to get the “very first day” of the new zone. parking the way it is, it fills the

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