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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT) Lesson Idea

Amber Carr 😊
Lesson Title Monsters are Among Us
Content Area High School Biology-Genetics Lesson

Content Standards SB3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how
biological traits are
passed on to successive generations
Technology Standards Innovative Designer: Students use a variety of technologies within a design
process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative
4a: Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas,
testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

Integrated Technology A Drawing App that normally comes downloaded automatically on computers
or iPads.
Reference or
Supporting Resources This video really opened my mind on not just using word or google doc
productivity tools, but also tools that students can simply create without being

Bloom’s Taxonomy Creating

Integration Level Level 4: Integration

Universal Design This type of lesson can be used by all types of students and especially those
Rationale that are visual or kinetic learners. This activity allows for creativity freedom
while applying knowledge about basic genetics to create your own monster.
With an activity like this, we are addressing the option for recruiting interest.
We provide learners choices in the color and design of their product, they get
to involve their own personal twist, and allows for active participation and
Lesson Idea First, the students will all be given the same handout of alleles and their
phenotypic characteristics.

Being able to read and understand this will address the standards mentioned
above and require background knowledge of dominant vs. recessive genes
and the type of physical characteristics these genes will show. In the chart in
the handout, this is an example of the monster drawn and it’s following
phenotypes. As the teacher, my job today is just giving instruction and help
those if truly confused with either the given genes or the drawing application.
After students receive this handout, they will be given a random assortment
of genotypes and create their own monster using the characteristics on the
right side of the handout. The students should be able to figure out what their
creature will look like but will also have the creative freedom for everything
else while using a drawing application on a computer or iPad.
This should take the class time but not over. When the assignment is
finished, we will show the class the complete products from the students and
the following genotype should be with the monster so I can tell if they did the
assignment correctly. This assignment can lead to higher learning because
they will have to apply their knowledge about reading genotypes and
phenotypes and create something of their own. To conclude this lesson, I will
address any confusion and admire the artwork of the students.

Design Reflection I believe this activity is a fun, simple assignment for the students. This goes
away from teacher-centered teaching to student-centered and this also
creates some fun and participation as this activity isn’t stagnant. I understand
some students aren’t artistic, but the grade won’t be based on how well or
pretty this monster is, but if they read the genotypes correctly and drew
appropriately. This activity shouldn’t last longer than the class period and can
be a fun interaction with the topic of genetics.

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