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Productivity improvement in manufacturing industry by lean tool

Harish Kumar Banga a,⇑, Rajesh Kumar b, Puneet Kumar a, Ayush Purohit a, Hareesh Kumar a,
Kamalpreet Singh a
MED, GNDEC, Ludhiana 141006, India
MED, UIET, Chandigarh 160014, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Time has become a major constraint in nearly all fields of life, let it be science, technology, medicine, arts
Received 14 March 2020 or any other field. In the context of manufacturing its impact comes to fore in the form of larger demands
Received in revised form 19 April 2020 that are supposed to be met in less time. In such a scenario, managers are forced to bring improvements
Accepted 7 May 2020
to their production systems to meet the required production target in less time. Cycle Time has to be
Available online xxxx
taken into consideration a feasible alternative whilst an agency is attempting to enhance: efficiency, pro-
ductivity, value base, customer responsiveness, velocity to the marketplace of latest services, merging of
tactics publish-acquisition, and flexibility. By casting off ‘‘fats” within the methods an organization is able
Lean Manufacturing (LM)
to make itself ‘‘lean”. This research focuses on suggesting feasible alternatives to decrease the cycle time
Non Value added activities and consequently increase the throughput of a batch production system in a sheet metal parts manufac-
Reduction turing firm. Siemens Tecnomatix has been used as the prime software in this research. In this research,
Lead time simulation is used as the main tool to experiment on the system with various feasible alternatives. After
the results of the simulation, the analysis has been presented regarding the extent of achievement of an
objective about various methods employed.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International
Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering

1. Introduction amount of work. Several aspects of manufacturing make it compli-

cated to assign equal work assignments to all workstations. Gener-
Delivering the desired level of performance in minimum time has ally, most operations are supposed to be done in a particular
become a key objective of every competitive organization. In the sequence. Also, the capacity of the equipment and the efficiency
context of manufacturing, this situation has led to very little flexibil- of the people on the assembly line differ. So, it becomes difficult
ity in terms of production schedules, production rate, delivery to improve the production rate and reduce cycle time. Various
schedules, quality and other such avenues associated with manufac- techniques are available for this purpose but none of them guaran-
turing systems. Cycle time in the context of manufacturing can be tees the optimum solution but the best of the considered arrange-
defined as the total time spent by the part/product in the manufac- ments is expected to be found.
turing system or the time between the exits of two consecutive parts
or it can also be called the time part spends as work in the process [1]. 2. Literature review
Throughput may be defined as the production rate or the number of
components produced in a specific time as below. There are different methods accessible for the decrease of pro-
cess duration, yet which one or a blend to apply relies on the exis-
Throughput ¼ 1=ðcycle timeÞ tent framework and flexibility of the framework to the change for
example how adaptable the framework is A few strategies to
The throughput rate is governed by the most laden workstation,
diminish the process duration are as under: -
while the other stations undergo idle times [2,3]. For an efficient
production operation, all stations should be loaded with an equal
i. Sequential construction system adjusting,
ii. Plant format advancement,
⇑ Corresponding author.
iii. Minimization of material,
E-mail address: (H. Kumar Banga).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering

Please cite this article as: H. Kumar Banga, R. Kumar, P. Kumar et al., Productivity improvement in manufacturing industry by lean tool, Materials Today:
2 H. Kumar Banga et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Feasibility matrix for assembly line balancing.

Tasks A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S
A 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
B 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
E 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
F 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
H 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
J 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
K 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
M 1 1 1 1 1 1
N 1 1 1 1 1
O 1 1 1 1
P 1 1 1
Q 1 1
R 1

iv. Work study, and adaptability of a framework to change, stock issues and
v. Reenactment and demonstrating. arranging of creation related exercises. In their work, they have
additionally clarified the significance and job of measurable con-
The sequential construction system adjusting issue contains a templations and irregularity in the improvement of a recreation
successful appropriation of complete work in regards to assem- model[15].
bling of an item among all the work stations [4] recommended that The hypothesis of imperatives was given by Eli Goldratt during
there are different ways to deal with mechanical production sys- the mid-1980s. The idea of hypothesis imperatives is condensed
tem adjusting as which incorporate heuristics, scientific demon- underneath as deciphered and depicted by [16]. Each framework
strating, tasks investigate based strategies, for example, direct should have at any rate one limitation. The nearness of limitations
programming and dynamic programming and careful methodol- delineates odds of improvement. As indicated by Goldratt as por-
ogy, for example, branch and bound strategy and so forth. Notwith- trayed by [16] while managing limitations administrators, for the
standing, heuristics don’t guarantee an ideal arrangement however most part, need to take three choices –
an almost ideal arrangement is required to be accomplished [5].
They talked about the fundamental heuristics which include the  Decision of what should be changed.
positioning of errands as per a specific measure and afterward  Decision of what it ought to be changed to.
redistributing the remaining task at hand to adjust the sequential  Decision with respect to how to bring that change.
construction system [6–9]. The portrayed PC reproduction as an
unbendingly settled help apparatus for dynamic in the assembling Its about the significance of the hypothesis of limitations in
scene. They discovered an assortment of information, age of model assembling. They talked about decreasing lead time through the
and experimentation as the mainstays of recreation and if these hypothesis of limitations [17,18]. examined the use of the hypoth-
three components are of terrible quality, at that point there will esis of requirements for the coordinated poultry industry. They
be sure restraint to great outcomes. [10] After saw that when forms found that the hypothesis of imperatives tackled the issue of
as dissected become progressively tangled and perplexing and as throughput increase with no significant speculation. They pro-
more factors need to include, at that point re-enactment turns posed the improvement of the online data innovation framework
out to be increasingly significant with its examination of genuine and changes in deals strategy and deals choice criteria [19].
procedures. [11] These procedures can’t be secured by scientific The inspected the outcomes acquired from the utilization of the
procedures or advancement procedures or they might be done dis- hypothesis of limitations in the past writing. They found that the
tinctly by abusing countless assets. The point of reproduction is to hypothesis of limitations has been applied to various zones in
go ahead target choices by the energetic investigation, to engage recent years. They found that the associations which applied the
administrators to safely draw the plan, at last, to decrease cost hypothesis of limitations in the past have announced sizeable
[12] led a review on the utilization of re-enactment as an instru- enhancements in significant execution parameters as lead time,
ment for the activity and structure of assembling frameworks, throughput, and income and so on [20].
his examination additionally secured the advancement of recre- The case (sheet metal parts manufacturing firm) company man-
ation programming for assembling frameworks. [13,14] They ufactures various sheet metal parts such as ironing board, chassis
found that out of all-out writing he considered 49% of the papers support, fuel tanks, etc. The problem addressed in this study is of
were from the assembling frameworks plan classification, 41% of ironing board manufacturing process. The problem before the com-
the exploration papers had a place with the assembling frame- pany was that the customer for whom the ironing board was being
works activity classification and 9% papers were from the repro- manufactured was asking continuously to increase the supply, but
duction programming improvement region. the company due to the limited resource capacity and limited per-
The portrayed the nuts and bolts of the recreation of assembling sonnel was unable to meet out that demand of the customer.
frameworks. In their work they have expressly characterized the Therefore, there arose a possibility of slipping the orders from
advantages of recreation for assembling frameworks as throughput the company to any other similar company, due to this it became
assessment, arranging of control methodology, work in process essential for the company to somehow manage to increase its
examination, the prerequisite of laborers and hardware, versatility capacity and fulfill the demand of the customer. The current

Please cite this article as: H. Kumar Banga, R. Kumar, P. Kumar et al., Productivity improvement in manufacturing industry by lean tool, Materials Today:
H. Kumar Banga et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

production system produces nearly 900 (as discussed by the com- iii. Building a simulation model.
pany officials) parts per day. The customer wanted the company to iv. Experimentation on the simulation model.
supply 200 to 300 more pieces per day. Following points will be v. Analysis of results.
capable enough to present the problem more lucidly: - vi. Conclusion.

i. Being a batch production system, right batch size was sup-

3.1. Analysis of the assembly line
posed to be determined.
ii. Increase in throughput was desired.
This is the first step towards the objective. This includes the
iii. Control over expense was a major concern while increasing
analysis of the assembly line in terms of number of operations,
the throughput.
types of operations, current sequencing of operations, current pro-
iv. The improvements needed to be made to increase the pro-
duction rate etc.
duction should not hinder in the processes of other assembly
v. The planning should be such that the investments required 3.2. Identification of feasible alternatives
to increase the throughput should have a low payback
period. This step involves the identification of various alternatives that
can be looked for and their selection based on feasibility and cost-
3. Methodology effectiveness. These alternatives need to undergo the experimenta-
tion part so that their feasibility and reliability can be judged.
The Figs. 1 & 2 shows the precedence diagram of the manufac- Firstly, since the travel time or the time in taking one part from
turing operations involved in the process of ironing board manu- one workstation to the other was long and there was a large dis-
facturing. Various processes has been listed below - tance between machines as the machines were located in their
respective sections, so it was thought to optimize the plant layout
a) Roll forming or the machine layout. But in doing so disturbance to other assem-
b) Bending bly lines could be created. Moreover, this requires a fair amount of
time to set up and install different machines to a new place and
The methodology or process involved in addressing the above production needs to be stopped, so this alternative could make
problem is shown below in seven steps - the company lose its production targets and could result in lost
sales. Hence, this alternative was rejected.
i. Analysis of assembly line. Secondly, the processing times for different workstations were
ii. Identification of feasible alternatives. very much uneven and had a lot of difference between them so

Fig. 1. Process Flow for the ironing board top manufacturing process.

Please cite this article as: H. Kumar Banga, R. Kumar, P. Kumar et al., Productivity improvement in manufacturing industry by lean tool, Materials Today:
4 H. Kumar Banga et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Precedence diagram for the ironing board top manufacturing process.

assembly line balancing was considered as an alternative which to fix the mesh in the frame of the ironing board top. So, it was
could reduce the cycle time and increase the throughput, but thought that if something could be done to fix the mesh in the
assembly line balancing was not feasible with this assembly line. frame and these processes could be eliminated as they were con-
The main alternatives which are considered in this study are- suming too much of time, then there can be a certain benefit to
the organization.
i. Assembly line balancing
ii. Theory of constraints 3.6. Building a simulation model
iii. Change in design of the product.
This step includes the construction of a simulation model.
3.3. Assembly line balancing Building the simulation model requires the probability distribution
of various processing times taken on different work stations. It also
The assembly line balancing approach for the reduction of cycle requires data regarding availability and MTTR. Then using simula-
time was also seen as an alternative in this study, as shown in Fig. 1 tion software such as TECNOMATIX in which the simulation model
the precedence diagram was referred for the generation of the fea- will be built.
sibility matrix [21,22]. After the precedence diagram was known
the next step was to construct the feasibility matrix. The Feasibility 3.7. Experimentation on the model
matrix for assembly line balancing as shown in Table 1. In con-
structing the flexibility matrix following are the basic rules This step includes the experimentation part of the already built
involved- simulation model. The experimentation process is necessary to
evaluate and analyze the results after the selection of alternatives.
i. The number of rows (I) and columns (j) of the matrix corre- The simulation also gives the real-time analysis of the assembly
spond to the number of task elements in the assembly line
ii. If task I must precede task j, a 1 is entered at the intersection 3.8. Analysis of results
of row I and column j otherwise, a 0 is entered at this
intersection. After experimentation results of the experiment needs to be
iii. The upper right half of the matrix is then used to calculate analyzed which will give an insight into how far have the selected
the F-ratio by the following formula: alternatives been able to meet the desired goal.

2h 4. Selection process

kðk  1Þ
The collection of data was the first step that was taken in the
The F ratio in this case came out to be 0.29, which means there
process. Data were collected by observing the work being done
is only 29% probability for this line to get balanced. So, this alterna-
in the case company. Data regarding the following activities were
tive was not further considered for the reduction of cycle time.
taken into consideration-

3.4. Theory of constraints i. Processing times (shown in Table 2) + loading and unloading
The theory of constraints tells about finding the bottleneck in ii. Availability of machines
the process and exploiting the bottleneck to make the best out of iii. Time taken to take the parts from one workstation to the
the system. Initially, in this process, we found that the whole sys- other.
tem is suffering from one or two big bottleneck processes. The first
bottleneck operation was extended cage forming operation which 4.1. Processing times and loading & unloading times
had the highest processing time of 41 s which was hindering in
other operations’ productivity. If, somehow this is improved or The readings of processing times and loading and unloading
removed the second big bottleneck was full welding straight times were taken considering both the times as a single unit
(FWS) operation which had a mean cycle time of 45.08 s. because in some processes it was difficult to separate the tasks
of loading and unloading from processing, for example in the pro-
3.5. Change in design of the product cess of Extended Cage Forming the coils of steel sheet automati-
cally unroll and the mesh is formed. In this process, it is difficult
In the study of the process it was analyzed that three continu- to separate the two. Moreover, the total time spent by a part on
ous welding operations i.e. tacking, full welding straight and full a workstation is the sum of both the times, therefore, loading,
welding radial were contributing to only one purpose which was unloading, and processing times have been taken as a single unit.

Please cite this article as: H. Kumar Banga, R. Kumar, P. Kumar et al., Productivity improvement in manufacturing industry by lean tool, Materials Today:
H. Kumar Banga et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Table 2
Sample data of processing times (seconds) observed for a batch of size 30.

Arch making FWS Mesh fitting FWR Blanking Shaping Channel fitting Tacking Seam weld MIG weld
1236.9 1350.3 1205.1 709.8 1056 669.3 457.2 763.8 436.8 677.1
770.4 1230.9 1233.3 660.3 1371.3 600.3 501.6 744 371.7 1011.6
1565.7 1280.1 1170.6 1106.1 932.7 462.9 359.7 834.3 389.4 477.3
891 1046.1 1262.1 1203.3 1362 540 474 699.9 420 744.9
960 1533.3 1033.2 680.4 1176.6 444 639.3 810 520.8 870
999.3 1259.7 1287.9 1205.1 1119.6 417.6 619.5 843 562.5 559.2
1129.5 1458.6 1194 1026.6 1682.7 513.9 575.1 750 444 1056.6
1135.2 1374.3 1716.3 908.4 872.1 559.5 514.2 864 650 513
1266 1284 1146.3 970.2 1302 657 529.5 883.7 514.2 567
1164.6 1485 1284.9 953.4 945.6 569.1 303.6 696.3 512.7 715.2
1042.5 1232.1 807.9 1024.8 1582.5 421.2 480.9 814.2 600.9 747.9
1122 1347.6 1233.6 796.2 1026 467.1 577.5 774 480 810
970.5 1315.2 1149.9 891.3 1098.9 450.6 511.8 835.8 618 671.4
896.1 1383 1221 841.5 1050 598.8 513 799.2 661.4 624
865.2 1429.5 1253.7 931.2 1164.3 480.3 453.6 846.3 435.9 721.5
1131 1509 1226.7 814.5 1229.1 513.9 600.3 719.4 389.4 746.1
1035 1362 1113 885 1173 457.2 603.9 750.3 394.2 700.5
1128 1374 1294.2 760.2 1054.5 646.2 421.5 830.4 414.6 918
1121.7 1385.7 1231.2 897.3 903.3 591 436.5 735.6 437.1 681
1113.6 1435.5 1258.8 707.1 1092.6 357 527.4 822 501.9 690.3
1167.3 1233.6 1125.6 903.3 1476.3 418.5 688.8 702.9 595.8 641.1
1188.6 1320.9 1164 970.2 1014.6 632.1 657.9 762.3 868.2 687
1129.5 1355.4 1215.9 1134.3 1588.5 540.9 749.1 893.4 402.6 693.9
1025.4 1380 1602.3 871.2 1205.1 360 717.3 798.9 503.1 836.1
1377 1330.2 1140.3 1002.6 974.4 471.3 664.5 844.2 561.6 909.3
1410 1698.9 1197 834.3 1267.5 580.5 497.4 737.1 513.3 509.4
1169.4 1373.4 1370.1 702.3 1530 487.5 528.3 930.6 507 723.9
1203 1465.8 688.2 874.2 1254.9 453 567 901.6 615.9 608.1
977.7 1200.6 1113.9 846 1125 414.9 612 786 470.4 706.5
1204.8 1512.9 1255.5 931.5 948.9 474 570.3 835.5 503.7 754.2

The observations of processing and loading and unloading times 4.2.2. Blanking
for a single part as well as batch sizes of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. Blanking is another operation that faces such unavoidable hin-
The observations of times of only two segments of assembly line drance to production. In this case, the stoppage is due to the accu-
were made as the time for the third segment is very less as com- mulation of removed material on the bed of the press due to the
pared to the other two, therefore, a simulation study of only the press’ action. After every 12 pieces, the operator needs to clean
first two segments was required to increase the throughput. Table 2 the bed so that the press can function properly. Twenty readings
shows the sample processing times observed for a batch of 30. were taken to find out the meantime taken by the operator to clean
the bed. The mean came out to be 23.885. It takes 39.66 s to pro-
4.2. Availability of machines cess one piece in the blanking process so 12 pieces would take
475.92 s. So after every 475.92 s, there would be a lapse of
Data regarding the availability of machines was gathered from 23.885 s. Total operation time for one day is 52,776 s. So availabil-
the company and it was found that there are no considerable fail- ity can be given as under –
ures in the past one year but there are some small hindrances due
to which operation has to be stopped during work. This stoppage is
total operation time  total down time
periodic and cannot be avoided hence it has been counted as a av ilability ¼
reduction in the availability of the machine. There are two such total operation time
workstations namely
If taken for one day, it comes out to be –
4.2.1. MIG welding
In MIG welding it was found that after every 18 pieces, an 52776  ð5277623:885Þ
electrode was changed and time consumed was observed 20 av ailability ¼ 475:92
¼ 0:9498 ¼ 94:98%
times and mean was taken to represent the time taken to
change the electrode, the table below shows the sample. The The availability as calculated comes out to be 94.98% and 95.6%
mean came out to be 18.73 s. According to our data 24.03 is
the meantime taken by a job on MIG welding station, so 18
pieces would take 432.6 s. Now, after every 432.6 s, there will 4.3. Travel time
be a lapse of 18.73 s.
Travel time is the time taken in taking the part from one work-
station to the other. Since the parts are carried manually in trolleys,
total operation time  total down time
av ailability ¼ therefore, there is not constant or fixed travel time between any
total operation time two workstations. So, it becomes necessary to mean or average
If taken for one day, it comes out to be – the time by taking a random sample of travel time between differ-
ent workstations. A sample of size 20 was selected and observa-
52776  ð5277618:3 Þ tions were made for the travel time between different
av ailability ¼ 432:6
¼ 0:956 ¼ 95:6%
52776 workstations.

Please cite this article as: H. Kumar Banga, R. Kumar, P. Kumar et al., Productivity improvement in manufacturing industry by lean tool, Materials Today:
6 H. Kumar Banga et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

4.3.1. Theory of constraints – Scenario 1 6. Conclusion

In this scenario, the bottleneck has been considered for
improvement. The bottleneck here pertains to the workstations Throughout this paper, authors have studied the lean manufac-
which have the highest task time and which due to its time taking turing system and tried to present an overview of the benefits and
process limits the production rate of all the workstations. So it was shortcomings associated with its implementation in manufactur-
thought to increase the capacity of this workstation. This worksta- ing industries. As part of the non-stop improvement software,
tion in the assembly line is Extended Cage Forming (ECF); this has a the lean six sigma implementations are performed in the distinc-
task time of 51 s. Since extended cage forming is not a manual pro- tive production industries. The principal subject of Kaizen became
cess it is a completely automatic process, therefore to increase its to create a tradition of non-stop improvement, largely through
capacity any motion time study or other human factor methods assigning responsibility to people and inspiring them to become
could not be applied, either the machine had to be changed and aware of possibilities for development. Three non-value-added
a faster machine was to be installed or one more similar machine parameters were taken into consideration namely, defects, lead
was to be installed. Since IEDL has a section for in house develop- time and absentees, Reducing defects, lead time and absenteeism
ment of machines, therefore, the currently installed machine was have generated a wave of productivity development packages in
developed by the company itself in their development section. those production industries and others can reflect lean six sigma
Since it was developed by the company itself so its overall cost implementations to gain competitive benefit. Finally, one of the
was quite low. contributions of this research is the discount of non-price delivered
time, defects, lead time, absenteeism in production industries and
introducing simulation modeling ideas to improve the decision-
4.3.2. Theory of constraints – Scenario 2 making skills of the managers and supervisors of manufacturing
As in the previous section, the capacity of the most time taking industries. Now, it’s clear that manufacturing industries too can
workstation was doubled. In this case, along with the doubled initiate productivity development applications like other produc-
capacity of the ECF, the capacity of the second bottleneck i.e. Full tion sectors.
Welding Straight (FWS) will be doubled as after ECF FWS is the
next capacity constrained resource.
CRediT authorship contribution statement

Dr Harish Kumar Banga framed the manuscript and plotted all

5. Result
relevant plots in the manuscript. Dr Rajesh Madan helped for
applying Lean Manufacturing tool and plotted all relevant plots
It was seen that the company (IEDL) was not having a fixed
in the manuscript. Puneet Kumar, Ayush Purohit, Hareesh Kumar,
batch size and the batch sizes followed were largely varying with
Kamalpreet Singh All investigation of problem and experimenta-
time. So, it was decided to find an appropriate batch size for the
tion in this study is carried out by in group.
production of the ironing board top. The new batch size after see-
ing the simulation runs and their results were found to be 30. With
the new batch size, the throughput of the assembly line was 71.7 Declaration of Competing Interest
parts per hour or nearly 1051 parts in a day. The actual throughput
in one day on an average is 900 parts. So, this shows an increment The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
in throughput of 151 parts per day. So, the cycle time is reduced respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
from 58.64 s to 50.20 s. So, there is an overall improvement of article.
8.44 s in the cycle time. Initially, an appropriate batch size was
found out and thereafter three alternatives were explored for the
improvement in cycle time namely theory of constraints- scenario
1, the theory of constraints- scenario 2 and change in the design of
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
the product. There were varying results obtained after the experi-
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
mentation with these three scenarios. Here, the results obtained in
all the cases are discussed. In this alternative, the capacity of the
bottleneck operation was increased to double and the results were References
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Please cite this article as: H. Kumar Banga, R. Kumar, P. Kumar et al., Productivity improvement in manufacturing industry by lean tool, Materials Today:

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