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"Media and Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic"

As a new learner of Media and Information Literate the important of this is that it provides
knowledge, skills and the Information that needed especially at this time where there's Pandemic.
This assist as on different aspect on communication on a different kind of media platforms it
provides an easier and convenient access to information on their surroundings. Media and
Information become one of our daily use. The tools that we use, the fast spreading of news on
social media, it help us to critically think analyze about media platforms.
As we face all the challenges of this Pandemic we should know various of information about it
however not all of it are true, as results of this accurate information some of us suffer. Media and
Information Literacy is a bridge of information and to communicate to others we have to be sure
on what we read.
Q1(Term 1)_Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Mario R HERBA Jr.
Title of the blog: Media and Information Literacy and Covid-19 pandemic


" Media And Information Literacy And Covid-19 Pandemic"

It is important to be media and information literate in times of pandemic because in order for us to
know what is happening in our country, just like the virus, the number of cases continues to increase
so we need to be careful such as following protocols. The media is important to us because here we
can get important information and here we can also find income such as online sellers, the media has
a good influence on us because it is becoming a hobby of young people today just like using social
networking sites.
Remember that social media and the internet are a public place, anything we post on social media
and on the internet is made public. One post can be read by hundreds of our friends. It can also be
shared and reached by thousands, or even millions connected to the internet. So we must be careful
with all our words, pictures, and even our expressions. Remember that they can be read by a wide
variety of people, relatives, friends, even our employers. Remember that what our reputation is
online, so will their recognition of us in real life.
As much as possible we avoid posting too private topics, sensitive photos and videos and do not post
offensive or offensive to other people especially regarding gender, religion, and politics.
Q1 (Term 1)_Media And Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Shenna Jane D. Gubatan

"Media and Information literacy and covid- 19 pandemic"

For me, As student social media is become my everyday routine to seek information about what's
going about covid or something else, a lot of people infected by virus and cause of them to death, so i
am aware to communicate to others on how to avoid it or learn it, communication is a must and can
also be effectively used to communicate health information to the general public during a pandemic.
Q1(Term 1)_ Media And Information literacy and learning facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Alfredo Cervan
"Media and Information Literacy and Covid-19 pandemic"
Social media is increasingly used as a tool for communication and education for healthcare
professionals; in recent years, the pros and cons of such platforms have caused widespread
debate, with mixed results. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of social media has
accelerated to become a ubiquitous part of the modern healthcare system. As with any tool in
healthcare, its risks and benefits need to be carefully considered.
Like diseases, false information and misinformation are problematic events that can be
contagious and therefore risky. During a pandemic, it can become a matter of life and death.
Therefore, media and information literacy capabilities are the foundation of all members of
society. More importantly, we depend on each other to survive and develop in a healthy
environment of information, media and technology. Media and information literacy are needed
every day, but especially during turbulent times when misinformation runs rampant.
In today's social media world, people are both producers and consumers of information. We must
start with ourselves and exercise agency power, autonomy and moral integrity. In doing so, we
can expect others to do the same. Together, we maintain and protect the type of information
environment that we hope to bring benefits to families, communities, and active citizens,
sustainable development, and viable democracy. By critically managing how we handle
Q1(Term 1)_ Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Raizza Mae J. Toriana

4You and 3 others

"Media and information Literacy and Covid19 Pandemic"

Social media also helps widen the knowledge of an individual.. Also, the interpersonal
communication skills of an individual is being affected in the process. Communication to others
can be also online media community to other people
Media Literacy, information Literacy, and technology literacy are all similar in terms of goals.
They all share the common goals of cultivating people's ability to access, understand, use,
evaluate and create media message, information, or content using information technology
Media fulfills several basic roles in our societ. One abvious role is intertainment. Indigenous
media can also convey significant meaning as indicatos cultural and society change
Q1 (Term 1) media and information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Edriane Algeria

6You and 5 others
"Media and information literacy and covid-19 pandemic"
For me as a student, it helps me a lot because it will be a way that I can talk to people even
virtually.Having these things also make me more knowledgeable even when I am at home.Learning
at school in this time of pandemic is hard but with the help of social media platforms and educational
sites it becomes easier and having more time to spend it in things that you should accomplish at the
moment. Media Literacy provides me with a framewrok to access and evaluate and even create my
own message in a variety of forms. And information Literacy help us recognize misleading or false
information. That it is important source of communication.
Q1( Term 1) _ Media and information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherry Zamonte
Blogger: Carl joshua C. Enriquez

" Media And Information Literacy And Covid-19 Pandemic"

Media it is very important in our time now because here we can get news we need to know what
is happening in our country. The media helps us to know important information just as our
situation continues to spread the virus, many people are affected by it. Staying informed about
the virus is key to protecting ourselves and others. It also helps us know how we can prevent the
virus and the proper way to maintain our safety and health.
Information and media literacy enables people to show and make informed judgements as users
of information and media as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and
media messages in their own right.
Q1 (Term 1)_Media And Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Weslee I. Tupas

5You and 4 others
"Media and information literacy and covid-19 pandemic"
Media is important during this time to update all the people what is happening or any update about
the things going around and in online you can just search and one click you already find the
information your looking for and getting in touch with media.
It is critical to stay educated about the virus in order to protect yourself and others. Media outlets,
especially social media, have played a critical role in flattening the curve by increasing social
separation and encouraging individuals to contribute to the effort through basic measures like as hand
washing. However, not all media outlets are trustworthy.
It's no surprise that rumors and misleading information about COVID-19 are spreading faster than
the virus itself in this age of fake news and "alternative facts." As the World Health Organization's
Director-General phrased it, "We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic." This
is problematic since individuals are more inclined to em when they are anxious and uncertain.
Q1( Term 1) _ Media and information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherry Zamonte
Blogger: Eirille Mae B. Ricalde

"Media and Information Literacy and Covid-19 Pandemic"

Being a Media and Information Literate during the time of pandemic is very essential, staying
informed about the virus is key to protecting yourself and others. Media sources, including social
media, have been crucial in helping flatten the curve by encouraging social distancing and pushing
for individuals to contribute to the efforts with simple actions like washing their hands. But not all
media sources are reputable.While they have been a useful venue for quickly disseminating correct
information about the virus, they have also been a source of confusion.
Never before in human history has it been possible to communicate so quickly during a pandemic,
social media platforms have been a key piece for the dissemination of information; however, there
are multiple advantages and disadvantages that must be considered. Responsible use of these tools
can help quickly disseminate important new information, relevant new scientific findings, share
diagnostic, treatment, and followup protocols, as well as compare different approaches globally,
removing geographic boundaries for the first time in history.
In order to use these tools in a responsible and useful way, it is recommended to follow some basic
guidelines when sharing information on social networks in the COVID-19 era. In this paper, we
summarize the most relevant information on the influence, and advantages, and disadvantages of the
use of social networks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Q1(Term 1)_Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Mrs. Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Jhan Patricia Abad

"Media and Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic"

Many people are struggling because of the pandemic. Social media platforms have been a key
piece for the dissemination of information. It is really important to cope up, because nowadays,
where updates about the status of our country can be obtain via internet. Information Literacy is
the ability to communicate information in all various forms. And I can say that it has a beneficial
impact on me, and by having these things, we can live a normal life again, and we can explore
and possibly help the world heal.
Being able to communicate through people far away is a really big help in personal concerns in
this situations. Media and Information Literacy is a system that allows you to access through
worldwide communications. Whatever range of area it is, communication is always available,
that's why by the help of this system, we all be able to contact our love ones or even participate
at school and work. Many people have been encouraged in taking the risk of trusting
communication online instead of going outside, because if many people encounter with viruses,
that is very more dangerous.
Q1 (Term 1) Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Mrs. Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Apple Rose V. Cayetano

7You and 6 others

"Media and Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic"

The Media is one of the most significant tool in our daily lives it is the main means of
Communication. It Promotes awareness to people by giving exact and reliable information and
knowledge.Its Important nowadays because we need to know what will happen to our country.
In this time of Pandemic,we are force to limit our actions.We study at home,Work at home,Spend the
whole day at home,Despite of all,The world never stop and people never stop as well.That's why we
need media,to stay updated and connected to each other,In order for us to be informed,aware and
entertain.The help of media we can access the world no matter our situation is.
It serves as a communication tool that is best since it allows people to interact without being near to
each other and practicing social distancing and quarantine.This Pandemic set boundaries to us,but
media remind people how to be limitless, and fight for the world.
Q1(Term 1)_Media and Information Literacy
Leaning Facilitator:Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger:Hanika A. Anareta.
"Media and Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic"
In the midst of the pandemic, most of us have made it a hobby while others have made it a stress
reliever where they make funny videos on tiktok, fb instagram, etc. Others have made channels with
content regarding the health of each.
Being media and information literate during this pandemic is important because it has played a big
role in everyone and in our country.its giving us information on what's happening in our country,and
to communicate to our loved ones.
Social media has done a lot for us. We also get information on various social media platforms that
have helped us to know or say hello to our loved ones who are far away or ofw. Because of social
media, we also know if there is a typhoon in the country so that we can prepare if there is one.
without it we might not be what is still happening in our country and loved ones .
Quarter (Term)_Subject: Q1(Term 1)_Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Alexa R. Romero

"Media and Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic"

Being media and information literate during the time of pandemic helps people how to demonstrate
and make informed decisions as users of information and media,as well as to become skilled
developers and producers of their own information and media message.
It is important that we are informed and updated on our current global situation.Therefor,we know
how to protect ourselves,as well as how me might contribute to reduce and slow the virus's spread.
There is information all over the place.It is plentiful.Limitless.In general,we have a voracious
appetite for information.We have access to the most up-to-date data,numbers,headlines and articles
about the topics and causes that matter most to us.We will not be concerned about missing out on
something important.
As part of the society each and everyone of us has a part to play,and one of it is educating ourselves
on contemporary issues like COVID-19.Therefor,we can support and act accordingly and relevantly
to the problem that we are facing.That is why having access to media and information is really
beneficial during this pandemic.
Q1(Term 1)_Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator:Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger:Elyzel F. Abella

"Media and information Literacy and covid 19 pandemic"

The media is important during the pandemic because of the media many people can get information
about what is happening in the country and in the media they can also get information. and because
of the pandemic it is possible that the media only got everyone's communication and other people
used the media to make money like online sellers because of the media they saw a lot of money too
much media value in our time pandemic.
Q1 (Term 1)_Media and information Literacy learning facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Ellona Jane C. Llegos
“Media and Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic”
Nowdays people are defending on their mobile phones specially in our situation that covid-19 are
spreading around the world. They are using it in terms of intertaining themselves and getting
news and information about whats happening inside and outside the world. Media and
information literate helps us during the time of pandemic beacuse we can see and be informed
about the negative effect of covid-19 in terms of living, economic and indurtry. It also help us to
know how we can prevent the virus and proper ways of maintaining our safety and health.
Being a Media and Information Literate during this pandemic has a limitation and responsibility
you should know, to help you become a responsible social media user not only for yourself but
also for our co-users. This pandemic people are making the social media as their source of living
while their other are manipulative and making the media as source of their own interest, they do
scam those people who are not familiar with media and publishing fake news that people believe
without liable sources.
Media and Information Literate helps us in many ways, giving news, events, entertainment and
information. It also help us to be familiarize to other culture and believes of other. Country, It
also serve as one of the ways of communications in exchanging personal messages. But must
importantly as a user of social media be responsible enough on what you click and posted.
Q1(Term 1)_Media and Information Literacy
Learing Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Jhezarie Mhay M. Pagilagan

9You, Krystel Shane Anastacio, Apple Cayetano and 6 others

“Media And Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic”

The media has one of the important role in our country. They always gives us information time to
time. They always wants to gives us new and good information no to fake.
On this time of pandemic, we always need to know the news about Corona virus. The media can
deliver the news through television, cellphone and internet. We always need media to prepare and to
be ready of what's going next on our situation due to this pandemic..
If we don't have media, we will not know what is happening in our country, and we cannot prepare
on this kind of is an influencer. They always loves to give their best to give us true
and good information for all our sake.
Q1(Term 1)_Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Daisylou C. Leyco

"Media and Information Literacy and Covid 19 Pandemic"

Being media and information literate during this pandemic is important because social media
plays an integral role in our daily lives, but the way we communicate has dramatically changed.
Despite the debate surrounding its use in medical education, it has become established at medical
conferences and as a platform for sharing information. This has increased the use and
dependence upon social media platforms to stay connected for work, education and social
purposes; platforms such as zoom , Facebook, messenger,etc.
Social media brings a new dimension to healthcare by providing a common channel for
healthcare professionals, patients, and the public to communicate regarding health issues, with
the potential to improve health outcomes. It is a powerful tool for social interaction and ongoing
education, and facilitates collaboration between users.
Q1(Term 1)_Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Mark John F. Parado

12You, Krystel Shane Anastacio, Alexa Romero and 9 others

"Media and Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic"

In the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are using social media more than usual routine
because they rely on news sources from online sources to seek health information for themselves and
their loved ones. Social media platforms usage has become a welcome relief in the health disaster
and global crisis during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
It is important nowadays because it makes it easier for us to know what is happening around us and
in the world, especially now that we are in the middle of a pandemic we are not allowed to go out
and we have protocols to follow, so social media is one of our sources of information on each
happening and what is already happening in the country caused by the spreading corona virus.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of social media in education helps students, teachers and
parents to get more useful information, to connect with learning groups and other educational
systems that make education convenient. Social network tools afford students and institutions with
multiple opportunities to improve learning methods.
Q1 (Term 1) Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Alessa Audrey G. Magarro

Media and Information Literacy and Covid 19 Pandemic

In this pandemic season many family sufferd to much problem because some of them lost their job it
is not easy to find extra work because of the protocols of the goverment only one in the family can go
out students also affected because of learning system their are not focus for their study in modular
sometime parents can do their module and we hoping times come this pandemic ends.
Q1( Term 1) Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherryl Zamonte
Blogger: Leslie Caspe

"Media and Information Literacy and COVID-19 Pandemic”

Globalization is inextricably linked to the media and information technologies. As a result, we
become connected to different people all over the world. These have a significant role on the
modern culture, and turn into tools for exchanging information, ideas, personal messages,
beliefs, and other content, and have become prevalent and acessible. Not only do they become
providers of information, but they also become a source of entertainment.
Media and Information is crucial in this time of pandemic aim that It aware us on the condition
occurs in our country. I still fit updated with the current
issues that our country is facing today, such as the coming Presidential Election, loss of plebians
currency that leads in corruption, criminality, the weather's condition, education, and also the
wealth of all Filipinos. I stake someone's have their cellphone, television or radio like me to stay
updated on what is happening around.
As an Filipino citizen, we must do something to restore the former vigor and joy of our fellow
citizens. We need to be a disciplined individuals, so that we can be a role models to our
neighbors. And finally, we need to comply with the mandates and prohibitions in order to
prevent an increase in the number of Covid19 pandemic cases, and in order to prevent the
extinction of the majority even though we already have a vaccine discovery.
Q1( Term 1) Media and Information Literacy
Learning Facilitator: Sherry Zamonte
Blogger: Theolieza Anne M. Reyes

Visit the COVID-19 Information Center for vaccine resources.

Get Vaccine Info

7You, Alexa Romero, Apple Cayetano and 4 others

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