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First Description: It was a busy day at the bank and ever since the COVID-19 pandemic

started, many people are getting a loan at the bank for their different needs.

(First Loan applicant is Zyrha: The Credit card loaner)

Zyrha: Good day, I would like to apply for a credit card.
Leira: Wonderful! Which credit card interested you the most?
Zyrha: I wanted to apply for a Mastercard please.
Leira: Alright, we can get started on the application. Are you currently working?
Zyrha: Why do you need to know if I am working?
Leira: The bank needs to know that you will be able to pay back your credit card.
Zyrha: Okay, I understand now. Yes, I do have a job.
Leira: How long have you worked at your job?
Zyrha: I have been working with this company for two years.
Leira: Also, may I know where are you going to use this loan?
Zyrha: It is just for a back-up in case that one of us in my family will need a essential
needs and we do not have a cash for it.
Leira: And what is your gross monthly income?
Zyrha: I make 125,000 a month before taxes.
Leira: Do you rent or own your home?
Zyrha: I rent an apartment.
Leira: What is the amount you pay for rent every month?
Zyrha: I pay 20,000 a month in a rent. It is a condominium located at somewhere in
Leira: Now I am going to check your credit report to find your credit score.
Zyrha: Why is it that my credit score is important?
Leira: We use your credit score to determine how reliable you have been in the past.
Zyrha: Oh, so it’s basically you want to know if I am good about paying my debts.
Leira: Exactly, and it look like you have a credit score of 700.
Zyrha: Is that good enough to get a Mastercard today?
Leira: Yes, and because your score is high, we can also give you a low interest rate.
Zyrha: How will the interest rate affect my credit card?
Leira: The lower your interest rate, the less you will have to pay back the bank.
Zyrha: It’s totally good! Is there anything else for me to do?
Leira: Just sign this form and you will receive your Mastercard in the mail in a few days.
Zyrha: Thank you for assisting me.
(Second Loan applicant is Joerish: Home Loan)
Leira: Good day Sir, how may I help you today?
Joerish: I would like to apply for a loan please.
Leira: Okay sir, what kind of loan are you looking for?
Joerish: I want a loan to buy a new home.
Leira: And how much were you hoping to apply for today?
Joerish: I was hoping that I could apply for a 4.5M home loan.
Leira: First we just must see if your credit is good enough for a loan that large.
Joerish: I have a credit score of 760.
Leira: Excellent! And I also see on your credit report that you have always paid on time.
Joerish: Yes, I know how important it is to pay your debts and pay them on time.
Leira: Will you be making a down payment on your new house?
Joerish: I have 50,000 available for a down payment and I would like to finance the rest.
Leira: I have just a few more questions for the application. What is your gross monthly
Joerish: I make 37,500 weeklies, so I suppose my average monthly income would be
about 150,000.
Leira: How long would you like the life of the loan to be?
Joerish: What are my options?
Leira: You can choose between a ten-, fifteen-, twenty- or thirty-year loan.
Joerish: What is the difference between a ten year and fifteen-year loan?
Leira: A ten-year loan will mean higher monthly payments, but you will pay less interest.
Joerish: So, a fifteen-year loan will mean lower monthly payments, but I will end up
paying more in the long run?
Leira: That is right. Which would you prefer?
Joerish: I think I would rather pay it off sooner and not pay as much interest.
Leira: Then we will sign you up for a ten-year loan.
Joerish: What is my interest rate?
Leira: Based on your credit report and excellent credit score, your interest rate will be
Joerish: That is great! Where do I sign?
Leira: Just fill out this remaining paperwork and we will get you into your new home.
(Third Loan applicant is Vincent: Car Loan)
Vincent: Hello. I am going to apply for a loan today.
Leira: Hello sir, what kind of loan are you looking for?
Vincent: A loan for a new car.
Leira: And how much were you hoping to apply for today?
Vincent: At least a half-million will do.
Leira: First we just must see if your credit is good enough for a loan that large.

Leira: Okay sir, I’ve checked that you credit score is 730.
Vincent: Is that good enough for a loan?
Leira: It’s a good score sir, and we can assure you that you will receive your loan. I have
just a few more questions for the application. What is your gross monthly income?
Vincent: My average monthly income would be 100,000.
Leira: How long would you like the life of the loan to be?
Vincent: I would prefer the fifteen-year loan than the ten-year loan.
Leira: Okay sir, it’s your choice but let me remind you that paying a fifteen-year loan will
have more interest, but you will pay low monthly payments.
Vincent: I am fully aware of that, now, you may proceed.
Leira: Let me also remind you that your interest rate will be 5%. Is that okay with you
Vincent: Of course, no problem.
Leira: Fill this out sir and your loan application are done.
Vincent: Okay, thank you.

(Fourth Loan applicant is Fredmark: Small business loan)

Employee: Hello sir how can I help you?
Loaner: I would like to apply for a loan
Employee: Okay sir what kind of loan?
Loaner: I want to apply a loan for the start-up of my business
Employee: Okay sir hold on.
Employee: How much money are you planning to loan sir?
Loaner: maybe a one and a half million?
Employee: First sir we must check you are qualified for the qualifications of the amount
you’re planning to loan.
Employee: Can I have your personal information sir?
Loaner: Yeah sure
“Then tanungan na about sa info ni sir”
Employee: okay sir do you mind if I ask if you have any bad records when it comes to
loaning money from the banks?
Loaner: No, my records are good.
Employee: Okay sir that’s good to hear.
Employee: Now let’s see if your credits are good
ichecheck yung credits
Employee: okay sir so far, your credits are good, and I can see that you can pay your
loans right on time.
Loaner: Yeah, I always pay my debts on time or before the due date because I know
how important my payments record is when it comes to bank loans.
Employee: I have a few questions sir if you don’t mind. How much do you earn
Loaner: More than 50 k and I have a small sari sari store also and in that sari sari store I
normally earned 30k monthly so in total maybe more than 80k I can’t give you exact
amount but I’m pretty sure it’s more than 80k.
Employee: How long would you like the loan to lasts sir?
Loaner: What do you recommend or what are your options?
Employee: we offer 5, 10, 15 years loan sir.
Loaners: What are the benefits of each offer?
Employee: It’s like this sir the longer the year it does lessen your monthly payment, but
the interest is higher and the shorter the year there will be a high monthly payment but
then the interest won’t be that high sir. So, what do you think sir?
Loaners: Maybe I’ll take the 10 years to it’s in the middle option.
Employee: Then we will sign you up for 10 years loan sir.

(Fifth Loan applicant is Gracie: Personal loan)

Personal loan
Employee: Good day ma’am, how may I help you today?
Loaner: I would apply for a loan.
Employee: Okay ma’am, what kind of loan are you looking for?
Loaner: about this personal loan, I will borrow money for my travel
Employee: And how much money will you borrow?
Loaner: I will borrow 100,000 pesos for travel
Employee: are you serious about your decision to borrow that much money just for
Loaner: Yes, because I had planned to travel for a long time, I just couldn't do it
because I was too busy to my work.
Employee: So, what is your reason why you borrowed money for travel?
Loaner: it just doesn't match my salary on the day of my travel.
Employee: so how long will you repay your borrowed money?
Loaner: I think maybe 5months before I complete the payment on the money, I
borrowed from you.
Employee: 5months is too early, how can you pay for that?
Loaner: I have a salary of 50,000 pesos monthly, I will divide my salary every month
and I will pay 20,000 pesos per month to complete the 5 months of payment of the
money I borrowed.
Employee: I see, based on your credit report and excellent credit score, your interest
rate will be 6%.
Loaner: That’s great, where do I sign?
Employee: just sign these papers and you will get the personal loan you are asking for.

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