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The Company: REPSOL Lubricant Company

Lecturer: Mr Le Hong Dac

Class: Sales Management B06E - Group 7

Members : Le Gia Dien

Nguyen Nhat Hoa Trang
Le Ngoc Vy
Tran Thi Yen
Nguyen Nam Anh
Ho Chi Minh 07/2021
I. INTRODUCTION REPSOL ........................................................................................ 4
History ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Mission ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Vision .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Core Value .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Repsol in Viet Nam ............................................................................................................................ 5
II. MARKETING PLAN ................................................................................................6
1. Market analysis ........................................................................................................................... 6
2. PESTLE .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3. Five Forces Porter’s Analysis............................................................................................... 11
4. 5M.................................................................................................................................................... 13
5. SWOT ............................................................................................................................................... 17
6. Marketing Objective ................................................................................................................. 19
7. Customer Analysis .................................................................................................................... 20
8. Positioning ................................................................................................................................... 22
9. Marketing Mix (4P) ..................................................................................................................... 24
10. Canvas ......................................................................................................................................... 31
11. action plan .................................................................................................................................. 33
12. Budget.......................................................................................................................................... 33
13. Sale Forecast ........................................................................................................................... 34
III. SALE PLAN ......................................................................................................... 35
1. plan division of each saleman ............................................................................................... 35
2. Forecast Turnover .................................................................................................................... 35
3. Backup Plan ................................................................................................................................. 39
4. Organization Plan And Personnel Training ...................................................................... 39
5. action plan................................................................................................................................... 43

6. Budget .......................................................................................................................................... 44
7. Salary ........................................................................................................................................... 45
IV. STAFFING PLAN ................................................................................................ 46
1. Jod Description ............................................................................................................................ 46
2. Distribution .................................................................................................................................. 50
3. Customer Service ....................................................................................................................... 50
4. Build Relationship With Customer ........................................................................................ 50
V. REFERENCES SOURCE ......................................................................................... 51

- In 1927, CAMPSA was born: a joint venture aimed at managing the oil monopoly in Spain. This was
the first of a series of milestones leading up to the creation of the Repsol Group.

- In 1947, was an important year for the Spanish oil industry. After being jointly managed for 20 years,
the oil monopoly was reorganized and state participation in CAMPSA was reinforced.
- In 1951, The company REPESA was formed and launched a range of premium lubricants under the
REPSOL brand, which quickly became one of the most popular brands in Spain.

- In 1971, motorcycle racing experienced a complete revival in Spain with Angel Nieto winning his
first World Championship in the 125cc class. This was also the first time the Derbi motorbike bore the
Repsol logo, representing a REPESA product brand.
- 1980 – 1997: The Repsol Group emerged during Spain's negotiations to join the European Union. The
decision to adopt the name of REPESA's premium lubricant brand, Repsol, was an easy one, as it was so
well-known and easy to pronounce in other languages. The aim was to become a prestigious, leading
brand recognized around the globe.

- 1997 – 2005: Intenational expansion and innovation : During the following years, Latin America,
North America, Africa and Russia became areas of expansion for the company. At this stage, we
strengthened our various areas of activity, upstream above all.

- In 2013: The Repsol Campus, our corporate headquarters, was opened on January 31st, 2013: an
architectural benchmark based on the criteria of sustainability, accessibility, and adaptability to those it
was built for.

Our reason for being : To provide energy to society in an efficient and sustainable way.

Where we're headed : To be a global energy company that creates value in a sustainable manner
through innovation, efficiency, and respect to drive progress in society.

Core Value
Our Values: The basis of our identity :
+ Our values of integrity, responsibility, transparency, flexibility, and innovation are the basis of
our identity as an exemplary and upstanding global company that strives for the well-being of people and
works to build a better future by developing smart energy solutions.
+ The actions of each and every person who forms part of Repsol determine both the present and
future of our company. We therefore have our own Code of Ethics and Business Conduct which

establishes a reference framework for the kind of behaviors and standards which we expect from each
and every one of our employees in their daily work.

+ We have no doubt that training and awareness are key to effectively transmitting the Code of
Ethics and Business Conduct to our employees, which is why throughout the year we organize different
sessions and courses aimed at providing an in-depth explanation regarding its scope and the obligations
it involves.

+ The code also serves as a reference guide for our relations with third parties, as well as with
partners, suppliers, and collaborating companies, and helps to strengthen relations both with our
stakeholders and with society as a whole.

Repsol in Viet Nam

- Vietnam is the 5th destination of REPSOL brand in Southeast Asia after Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Philippines and China. REPSOL is a multinational energy corporation founded in 1926 with
headquartered in Madrid, Spain. Entered Vietnam market in 2014. In the list of 15 largest oil refining
companies around the world, REPSOL operates in all areas of the oil and gas industry.

- In 2017, Repsol launched an exclusive distributor in Vietnam, Vietsea. All products are imported
directly from the factory Puertollano, Spain.

- REPSOL's goal in Vietnam is to target the high-end customer segment of the lubricant market with
the product groups of lubricants for motorcycles, cars, commercial vehicles and industrial lubricants in
Vietnam and bring REPSOL to the market become the number one choice in this segment.

1. Market analysis
Market Need
- Vietnam ranks 4th after India, Indonesia and China in the list of countries with the largest consumption
of motorcycles globally. According to data from the Vietnam Register, the number of registered vehicles
for motorbikes is 36 million units and cars are more than 4 million cars in 2021. The average oil
consumption for a motorbike is 3-4 liters a year, a car is 12-18 liters a year and a truck is 120-160 liters
a year.

- In a period where personal transport vehicles are increasing, the number of cars and motorcycles has
increased sharply from small provinces to big cities, the lubricants market is also developing day by day.

Market Trend
- The number of Vietnamese motorbikes ranks 4th in the world and is always increasing by 10% per

- Lubricant market trend in the next 5 years increases by an average of 6% / year, annual new
registration vehicles range 2.7, of which scooters are expected to increase to 12 million units, cars grow
about 15% a year and trucks grow about 10% a year.

Market Size
- The lubricant market size is very large. The lubricant market size is about 264 million liters , of which
motorcycles accounted for 34% , cars accounted for 6% , trucks accounted for 43% and industrial oils
accounted for 17% .

Market Size



Motocycle Car Truck Industrial Oils

- The average oil consumption for a motorbike is 3-4 liters a year, which 89 million liters is needed
for the motorcycle market.
Market Growth
- Vietnam is considered a fertile land for lubricant companies. The number of registered vehicles for
motorbikes is 36 million units. The average oil consumption per motorcycle is 3-4 liters per year

- According to the latest statistics from the Vietnam Petroleum Association, the growth rate of the
Vietnamese oil industry is usually between 4-6% / year, of which more than half is consumed in the
Southern market, the rest is in in the North and a few in the Central region with 90,000 tons of lubricants
per year. Higher than the world average (only 1.5-2%).

 This explains why many famous lubricant brands of the world soon jumped into the Vietnamese
market such as Castrol (of Castrol BP Petco), Repsol, Mannol, Shell... More recently, the market
appeared more new faces like Vector, Rubik Elba (Elba Lubrication), Eurol...

- Currently in Vietnam, there are about 100,000 petrol distribution points throughout the country. In
which, car wash accounts for 15% of the distribution system; maintenance stations account for 40%; In
addition, lubricants are also distributed at gas stations and retail stores.

- In Southeast Asia, Vietnam is the third largest lubricant market with a compound annual growth rate
(CARG) in terms of revenue of 9.2% and estimated sales of 6.7% respectively in the period 2018-2023
(according to Ken Research).

Market Share
- Castrol BP Petco, Shell, Petrolimex, Chevron, Total are among the companies with the largest market
share, accounting for 60% of the market share of the engine oil industry in Vietnam.

- Sales volume of Castrol BP Petco leads the market share, accounting for 24% of the entire lubricant
market, Petrolimex 14%, Repsol holds 5% market share in lubricant Vietnam, foreign brand oil brands
including Shell, Caltex, Total , Motul, Bardahl ... accounted for 18%. , engine suppliers Honda, Toyota,
SYM, Suzuki, Yamaha, (OEM) accounted for 13%, Vilube, Mipec, Mekong, Nikko and other domestic
brands accounted for 26%.

Market Share


13% 14%

Castrol BP Petco Petrolimex Repsol

Foreign Brands OEM Domestic Brands

Market Demand
- Each car needs to change oil on average 3-5 times a year.

 Therefore, each year it takes about 1,584 billion liters per year to supply about 36 million

- In the age of technology development, it is essential to choose the most suitable oil for your car. The
people's demand for lubricants is often based on factors such as brand, price, and quality.

- Vietnam is a Single Party Communist State. Vietnam ranked 83/128 countries with a safety index of
11.15 . Vietnam has a stable political and good import tax (5%).

- Vietnam's political stability has always attracted foreign investors. This factor of Vietnam is
continuously appreciated by FDI enterprises, with a rate of over 90%. Vietnam has a lower risk of
business ground withdrawal and a lower risk of policy instability, after impressive progress in recent

 The right political conditions for Vietnam give Vietnam a peaceful and prosperous
development. There are good policies for investors, maximum support for foreign enterprises.

- Vietnam is one of the most potential destinations. HSBC's Economic Research Division expects
Vietnam's GDP growth to reach 2.6% in the whole of 2020 (previously forecasted to be 3%) and is
expected to grow 8.1% by 2021.

- Explaining the reason for this expectation, the HSBC Economic Research team said that the
Government of Vietnam has made great and successful efforts to control the disease proactively.

- Lubricant market trend in the next 5 years will grow at an average of 6%/year, newly registered
motorbikes are about 2.7 million units annually, cars will grow about 15%/year, and trucks will grow
about 10% year.

- The number of points of sale in the whole market is about 100,000 points of sale, the main sales
channels are Car Repair, Spare Parts, Car Wash, Car Garage, Truck Garage, Petrol Station, Lubricant
Store, Vehicle Fleets, factories ….

 The economy is delayed because of the pandemic. However, these are signs of early recovery.

- Health Consciousness: Nowadays, people are more aware of health and safety environment. All
lubricant firms must strictly follow the health and environmental policies regulated by the government.

- It can be praised that Vietnam's way of fighting the Covid-19 epidemic is effective and low in costs
and losses, however, there are also certain economic losses that deeply affect each business and
individual worker.

- The heavy transport segment is heavily influenced by the impact of the social distancing period during
the year, especially the transportation of passengers by road and waterway.

 Society is gradually stabilizing but there are many issues to worry about such as: Covid, natural

- Technology HMEOC (High Quality Motorcycle Engine Oil Conception)

- The basic functions of a lubricant are friction and wear reduction, heat removal and contaminant
- Blending some additional ingredients suitable for the conditions and climate in Vietnam.

- With the rapid development of science and technology, there has been a tendency to appear more and
more products capable of replacing part or all of the products on the market, making the life cycle of the
product gradually shortened. businesses face many potential challenges as well as many opportunities in
the future.

 There are more and more modern technologies for lubricant production.

- From September 15, 2019, lubricant products for internal combustion engines produced, imported and
circulated on the market must ensure standards and quality in accordance with Technical Regulations.

- Comply with regulations on import management, actual quality and regulations on environmental

 There is a special law for the oil industry, easily and quickly supported when problems occur.

- Increasing ecological pollution is a difficult problem today. Many factories discharge industrial and
daily-life wastes, toxic substances from the production process that are not treated seriously, but are put
directly into the environment, causing ecological pollution and causing diseases to people.

- Several companies located in Le Minh Xuan Industrial Zone Binh Chanh District – currently collect
and treat used oils and other hazardous waste.

 There are many environmental problems as emissions increase. Affecting the environment in
this industry.

3. Five Forces Porter’s Analysis

Bargaining Power of Supplier

- Bargaining power of suppliers is extremely high.

- A large number of suppliers with large scale. Suppliers for lubricant industry are mainly from base oil
and additives imported from the foreign countries such as USA, UK, France, Korea, Australia, Japan,...
and the rest from local suppliers in Viet Nam.
- The petrochemical industry is very dynamic. It is heavily dependent on the geopolitical situation of
the region. Repsol is a vertically integrated company. It controls everything from exploration,
transportation to retail. It only requires equipment for industry. There is a couple of oil governing bodies
in the world. Spanish oil producers are not part of any oil export group. So it doesn't need to comply with
their oil export capacity rules. It Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is the
intergovernmental body, which has 13 member countries, and 79.4% of all the world's oil reserves are
located in member countries (OPEC, 2019). In this case, the supplier doesn't hold any major power
against Repsol.

Bargaining Power of Buyers

- The bargaining power of buyers is high especially for B2B.
- The demand of oil replacement for the motorbike is increasing.
- The sensitivity of customers about pricing is also more specific.
- Being loyal to a brand is also gradually disappearing in the young consumer segment

- For B2C channel, the bargaining power of buyers is high also. Most of B2C customers are petrol
stations, washing shops, repair shops and spare-part shops.
Rivalry Among Existing Competitors
- There are hundreds of large and small lubricant brands in the lubricant industry.

- In the midst of high consumer demand, competition among lubricant businesses is inevitable. Most of
today's lubricant brands have set up factories in Vietnam to produce specific products for the domestic
market. In parallel with the competition between lubricant brands, petrol wholesalers and retailers also
"scramble" with each other in every corner of this lucrative market.

- Repsol is currently facing relatively high competition from domestic and foreign brands such as:
Castrol, Chevron, Shell or Mobil... which are very popular in stores today. Its major competitor is Castrol
BP Petco (CBP) is the largest lubricants marketer in Vietnam with 25,000 tons of products/year, leading
through its CBP joint venture with state oil company Petrolimex.

- Which is also the reason why multinational corporations and world famous brands are in turn and take
invest in lubricant dealers in Vietnam. Considering the presence of global conglomerate in petrochemical,
oil and gas exploration, and energy sector there is an intense competition.

Threat of Substitutes
- Threat of substitutes for those of lubricant is very low.

- Synthetic oil is also considered as a kind of lubricant consisting of chemical compounds that are
artificially made (synthesized).

- There are no substitutes until now. However, the trend of electric vehicles is challenging for the
industry of engine motorbike.

The Threat of New Entrants

- For lubricant industry, the barriers of entry are at medium level. The lubricant industry is highly
regulated . There is too much restraint to start a company in the oil and gas sector. The rules are set by
the oil governing bodies and Government. The oil and gas explorations need huge capital investment,
and its sunken investment cost makes it harder for the startup to compete with established companies.

- Apart from the financial barrier, the new entrants also have to deal with the presence of previously
existing large scale petroleum companies, along with the public oil corporation.

- The biggest barrier to lubricant business firms in these recent years is the shortage of base oil, the
main factor for producing lubricant.

- Potential of new entrants into the industry: Price, quality, brand name, marketing strategy, product
portfolio, etc.

4. 5M
- As a foreign company from Spain, Repsol's capital is extremely strong.

- Since 2003, Forbes’ Global 2000 list has measured the world’s largest public companies in terms of
four equally weighted metrics: assets, market value, sales and profits. Repsol SA market capitalization
of June 30, 2021 is $19.51B. Repsol is ranked 683th corporation and Repsol’s assest is ranked 609th.

- The launch of the company's 2021–2025 Strategic Plan and the measures implemented against the
pandemic are reflected in a positive cash flow in all business units and a net debt reduction of €326

- Quality raw materials are managed by Repsol company. Repsol’s product 100% synthetic oil.

- The lubricant composition consists of 2 main components: base oil and additives (vegetable oil,
mineral oil and synthetic oil). With fully synthetic technology oils, base oils are refined through changing
the molecular structure of the oil.

- Repsol lubricants for cars: Formulated using the most cutting-edge technology for the most demanding
engines. These lubricants bring you top performance in terms of protection and efficiency and have been
endorsed by the major manufacturers.

- Repsol lubricants for motorcycles: Repsol lubricants are the best choice for your motorcycle. Tested
in top-level competition, they guarantee the best performance and protection for your engine, offering
the best performance and the highest level of efficiency.

- Oils and lubricants for cranes and heavy equipment: Our lubricants for public works are designed to
improve the performance of each component and to extend the service life of your machinery.

- Lubricating greases: A full range that meets the needs of the most diverse industrial sectors and the
requirements of equipment used in agriculture, mining, and public works. We also launched a new range
suitable for the food industry with NSF category H1 certification.

- At Repsol, we developed a wide range of lubricants that cater to all the lubrication needs of the marine
world, both for engines and on-board machinery.

- With modern machinery, produced in the US and then imported to Vietnam. The types of machinery
can be mentioned: oil extraction machine, oil mill, oil production machine, oil filter,..

- By using modern technology, Respol has drilled a multilateral well with a total length of over 9.4 km
at the Ervier field in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. The initial flow rate exceeded 120
tonnes of oil per day — six times higher than the productivity of previously built wells in that area. The
new well has become one of the most complex drilling targets ever dealt with in Russia. The choice of
design, drilling technology and testing programme was predicated on the subsurface conditions of the
field. Implementation of the project and obtained commercial inflows confirmed the commercial
development potential of the field, initial reserves in place of which stand at about 200 million tonnes of
- Repsol Technology Lab :

+ Lubricants are essential for maintaining engines in optimal condition. That's why scientists from the
Lubricants Laboratory at the Repsol Technology Lab research, test, analyze, and create substances that
protect the environment.

+ Researchers are always on the lookout for any technological innovation that could contribute to
improving lubricants even further. Our aim: to increasingly provide more protection for engines and their
components, inside cars and other machinery, to get them operating more effectively, and to reduce
pollution. The Repsol Technology Lab is at the forefront of Europe and works on strategic projects aimed
at creating energy systems that are more environmentally sustainable and efficient, thus responding to
society's needs.

- Technology at the environment's service: Much of our work in research is done to create products that
promote sustainable development. In addition, by being as environmentally friendly as possible, we can
develop new components with enhanced resistance to aging, to give final products a longer lifespan. This
helps us to reduce the use of raw materials and produce less hazardous waste, such as used oil. We also
actively research how to create new molecules to replace those traditionally used in oils in order to reduce
polluting emissions in vehicles. Our other areas of innovation include using components to produce oils
from the refining of used oils as well as biodegradable lubricants, which are intended to reduce the impact
on the environment in the event of an accidental spill.

- Repsol not only invests and applies modern technology to develop products such as lubricants to
maximize the efficiency and productivity but also concerns about the affect from the exploit and
manufacture procedure to natural environment. We rely on a variety of technologies that we use as tools
to optimize our operations and processes. Big data, artificial intelligence, IoT, RPA, omnichannel
strategies, robotization, and blockchain help our professionals design new digital products and services
that directly benefit our customers.
- We continue to innovate in our business units by becoming more efficient and sustainable, while
building ever-closer relationships with our customers through new experiences aimed at the unique
digital customer to whom we deliver a personalized offer tailored to their needs.

- Exploration: Predictive algorithms and smart sensors to monitor seismic activity and optimize drilling
safety. Cloud-based global information for greater collaboration, improved connections, and improved
safety and efficiency.

- Production: Software to control every logistical element at oil rigs. Artificial Intelligence to manage
operations and improve safety.

- Processing and diversification: Advanced predicting models to plan raw material extraction and keep
our equipment in working order. Automation to achieve higher-quality products. Vertical geolocalization
systems to ease maintenance work at our industrial complexes and encourage mobility.

- Transportation: Trucks and boats equipped with sensors and IoT to ensure full safety and control over
transported materials and to monitor deliveries. Artificial Intelligence and appification to connect the
entire logistics chain.

- Distribution: Smart sensors and advanced mathematical algorithms to obtain predictive information
about product orders. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to automate operations at service
stations. Big Data and integration with partners like Amazon, El Corte Inglés…

- Consumption: Appification and omnichannel strategies. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to
improve our relationship with our customers. Encouraging new types of mobility. Home automation

 We have created nine technology hubs built to work across the entire company. Our more than
280 initiatives currently underway are possible thanks to people who are changing their way of doing
things and adopting new methodologies to become more agile, as well as working in multidisciplinary,
cross-company teams that incorporate talent and new digital roles.

- As one of the most famous lubricant brands globally, Repsol has experienced nearly 100 years of
development history and is present in more than 90 countries and territories.

- Repsol's human resource is carefully selected, so the level is very high. With Repsol’s team of more
than 25,000 multinational employees working in 79 other countries, Repsol currently serves more than
10 million customers around the world.

- A global human resources network consisting of more than 4,000 talented employees with 10 different
- Repsol employees are engineers and technology professionals, business managers or analysis.

- Committed to employees and provide challenges at every stage of their professional growth. Each
project is an opportunity to further your professional development by learning and gaining experience.
- Investment in 2020: Put €7.5 million towards 770,000 hours of training for our employees in 2020.
- Internal mobility (3,214): Encourage employees to gain experience in different areas and positions.
Changing scenarios give us a chance to reinvent ourselves. That's why at Repsol, they approved 3,214
internal and international transfers last year. Mobility between departments is the best way to expand our
skills, experience, and knowledge.

- Development: 99% of employees received feedback regarding their development and 99.6% on their
potential. Promoted employees (742): Based on performance, potential, and development

- At Repsol, they are committed to the continuous improvement of the services they provide our
employees. From our perspective, Repsol evaluate our training program with a two-fold objective: A
satisfaction survey that allows us to immediately detect areas of improvement. Additionally, an
Efficiency Survey is conducted by means of a questionnaire aimed at management three months after the
training is over, evaluating the degree to which the objectives sought after were met. During 2020, we
obtained a Satisfaction Survey average of 3.38 out of 4 and an Efficiency Survey average of 4.41 out of

- Repsol has a number of employees resources so that they specially concern about the employees
quality by spending money and time to train and help them gain more experiences to use the workforces

- Blending engine oil is a complex, costly affair that requires a lot of technical involvement, and is also
the competitive strength of lubricant companies. In fact, the ratio of base oil to additive would be 70/30
or 80/20. Always suitable for all environmental conditions, helps increase engine performance and
reduces temperature, extends engine life.
- Repsol has lubricant production and packaging plants all over the world: Spain, Portugal, Italy,
Turkey, Indonesia, Japan, Peru, Malaysia, China, Russia, Brazil, Ecuador, the United Arab Emirates, and

- Storage: all of Repsol’s plants have tanks for storing mineral and synthetic oils, additives, and finished

- Quality control: Repsol has facilities that analyze the raw materials, the intermediate products and, of
course, the finished products prior to sale in order to ensure they fulfill the most stringent requirements.

- Repsol has quality control procedure for each part of manufacture such as drilling, packaging,
transporting, etc.

- Repsol - famous European brand, Repsol is a company cost advantages, big investment.
- The quality of Repsol lubricants is highly appreciated.
- Price is affordable, viscosity suitable for Vietnamese market.
- Large size and scale with diverse operational areas.
- Being a major sponsor in world-class races as strategic partnership with Honda and GPN.
- Robust Distribution Network.
- Flexible large capacity plant of more than 30 million liters per year.
- Very good sales growth and business trend.

- Repsol still has no headquarters in Vietnam.
- Lack of strong and consistent brand activities. Growth mainly from sales efforts & distributor.
- No clear strategy.
- Low synergy realization from acquisition.
- Lower exploration success rate in Viet Nam market.
- There are not many distribution points in Vietnam.
- High price.
- Declining oil reserves.

- The domestic motorcycle market has developed rapidly. New motorbikes registered annually about
2.7 million units, of which scooters are expected to increase to 12 million units in 2022.
- Strong oil consumption demand. Lubricants market grow at an average rate of 6%/year.
- Vietnamese Consumers prefer foreign's brand to domestic's brands.
- Vietnam has protection policies for foreign enterprises. Vietnam's import tax is not high.
- Implementation of low-carbon business and recent exlorations.
- Adoption of natural gas as energy source.

- Effects from the COVID-19 pandemic
- Repsol just entered and sold in Vietnam in 2014. A brand name is considered new.

- Competition among foreign brands in Vietnam market. There are many young and strong competitors
trying to gain the market such as Castrol, Shell, Total, Caltex, Petrolimex, Vilube... making is a fierce
competition between lubricant operators.

- Make full use of all resources - Improve product quality,
and make full use of brands and enhance cost control.
types of products. - Expand input sources and
- Take advantage of the take advantage of
opportunity to scale your opportunities to increase
business. market share.
OPPORTUNITIES - With quality products and
prices suitable for Vietnamese
users, Repsol should distribute
products throughout the territory
of Vietnam to have the
opportunity to find more new
- Use brand, product quality, - Overcome weaknesses,
price policy to improve strengthen cost
competitiveness. management, market
- Repsol used to have a lot of stability.
experience in racing. Repsol can - Strengthen cost
partner with a certain brand to management to increase
THREATS host a race in specific locations: cost competitiveness,
increases the brand identity of market stability.
Repsol and creates a strong - If the media campaign and
impression on customers. the customer care team in
Vietnam are not strong,
Repsol should focus on
product quality.

6. Marketing Objective
Optimistic Plan
- Vietnam is the 4th motorcycle market in the world with an average oil consumption of more than 264
million liters / year, Vietnam is considered as one of the most potential destinations of the brand.

- About the revenue in the next year, Repsol's want to increased 30% revenue (22 billion VND).
Reaching sales of 68,000 bottles / year, higher than 20,400 bottles / year (30%).

- In the next year, Repsol will maintain its position in the Vietnamese market and increases 1% in the
market share ( from 5% to 6% )

- Repsol's goal in the next year is to build and develop the brand further, bringing this high-quality
lubricant brand closer to customers, thereby increasing the volume of lubricants sold and increasing
competitiveness in this "fertile" market. Besides that, Repsol’s want to become top 5 lubricant in Viet
Nam in the next year.

- Achieved top 1 search on the internet about motorbike oil and lubriant.

- Worst case scenario in Vietnam market (COVID epidemic is still complicated in Vietnam, causing
everything to be delayed and decreased in the past 2 years). Repsol's will try to maintain, develop and
enhance its influence of the brand than in the Vietnam market.

- In addition to the above revenue and sales goals, Repsol also sets short-term and long-term goals such

Objective Strategy Plan Tactic

Improve brand awareness Implement PR Advertising campaigns on

in the Vietnamese market activities Facebook, Google, etc.

- Developing and Distribute In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City there

expanding the products to are many motorbike repairing and
distribution network of potential retailers. washing shops, this is an ideal
Repsol in Vietnam Long-term destination for Repsol customers.
Motorcycle lovers go to there and
- Find new potential they come across lubricant products.

Offer appropriate Repsol offers monthly discounts,

Offer appropriate discounts discount events on Black Friday, and
discounts discount events on public holidays.

7. Customer Analysis
Our company divides into 2 customer segments suitable for my products:
- Customer Analysis for Repsol Racing:

Ages From 20 and above

Gender All kind

Income High income ( Over 20 million VND )

Job Wealthy class who are able to pay high price for their motorbike.

Have strong passion with powerful motorcycle, active, youthful, modern, love
Lifestyle the speed, the smooth and the adventures, acknowledge the operation of

Strong personality, Sporty, Youthful , Dynamic , like to show off their passion,

Regional Living in big cities such as Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang,…


- High quality.
- Protect engines and maximize the vehicle’s capacity.
- Outstanding acceleration.
- Speed enthusiasts and supercar.
- Bring society the highest-quality infrastructures that are also environmentally friendly. Going
beyond fuel supply to offer a more comprehensive service. Products are made using cutting-
edge technology, to make lubricants that protect and prolong the life of the engine, endorsed by
top manufacturers.

- Customer Analysis for Repsol Scooter & Repsol Super Scooter:

Ages From 24 – 40

Gender All kind

Income Above average Income ( over 8 million VND )

Middle – class and above who are able to pay high price for their scooter.
College students, Office workers, Business man, Employees.


Lifestyle Active, Modern, love the speed, busy.

Personality Polite, love the beauty, etc.


Regional Living in big cities such as Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang,…

- Bring society the highest-quality infrastructures that are also environmentally friendly. Going
beyond fuel supply to offer a more comprehensive service.
- Products are made using cutting-edge technology, to make lubricants that protect and prolong
the life of the engine, endorsed by top manuf acturers.

8. Positioning

High Quality

Low Price High Price

Low Quality

Repsol Products are of high quality with higher prices, Repsol is currently facing relatively high
competition from domestic and foreign brands such as: Castrol, Motul, Liqui Moly, Shell or Petrolimex...
which are very popular in stores today.

Points of Parity ( POPS )

- Have factories in Vietnam.
- Build brand reputation with customers.
- Nationwide distribution system.
- Top brand leading the lubricants market.

Points of Difference ( PODS )
+ Acting as a sponsor for the Honda racing team. At MotoGP races, Repsol has accompanied the
riders who have dominated the prestigious titles for many years.

+ There are many different choices at Repsol lubricant dealers distributed throughout the country.
From popular oil lines with affordable prices to high-end lubricants that support the needs of high-
capacity large displacement vehicles, long-distance vehicles, touring...

+ Playing the leading role in the domestic market in accordance with the direction of the Government
(With more than 14000 petrol station).

+ In addition to petroleum products, at Petrolimex petrol stations, there are also other goods and
services such as lubricants, gas, insurance, banking, etc., produced and provided by Petrolimex member

+ Manufacturing and supplying a range of products that bring high performance and reliability to

+ Castrol Vietnam also diligently works with 17,000 retailers, changing Vietnamese perceptions of
lubricants, whether by motorbike or car.

9. Marketing Mix (4P)
- Repsol’s products are still marketed under the orange color scheme that dates from the launch of
Repsol’s lubricant in 1951.
- Global famous brand

+ For those who like to follow sports and racing programs, it will be no stranger to the name Repsol.
Because this is a lubricant brand that has sponsored many big car races, such as MotoGP World

+ Repsol is a multinational energy corporation founded in 1927 with its headquarters located in
Madrid, Spain. After more than 90 years of operation, Repsol has now entered the Top 15 largest oil
refining companies in the world. The company's main business areas include: exploration, production
and distribution of petrochemical products,...

+ Currently, Repsol lubricants are not only famous in the country of bulls but are also popular in more
than 30 different countries and regions around the world. From Latin America, North America, Russia,
etc., this brand has quickly expanded its business area to Asia - Pacific, including Vietnam. And although
it has only joined the "big family" of Vietnamese lubricants for the past few years, Repsol has made
many positive marks of its own and has become one of the lubricant brands with the largest market share
- Products researched and tested by champions

+ Repsol has a technology center to research and manufacture high quality lubricants with optimal
performance. Thanks to strict and rigorous testing and production standards, Repsol branded products
are always appreciated by experts for their durability and fuel economy.

+ The fact that "Repsol motorcycle oil" combined with Honda for 20 years to create the winning pair
of Honda Racing Champions (HRC) is a strong proof, affirming the quality of this lubricant brand. Many
world-famous racers like Marc Marquez or Dani Pedrosa have trusted and used Repsol oil as fuel in their
races and won convincingly.

- Variety of sizes: Each type of motorcycle will need a different amount of oil. Determining the correct
oil capacity for the engine is also very important because if there is too much oil, the engine will run very
heavy and inert. And if you pour less oil, the engine is easy to dry, even cause damage. Repsol has
produced lubricants with various capacities, from 0.8L to 1L, compatible with almost all types of cars,
scooters, scooters and motorcycles.

- Diversity of species: In order to meet the different needs of customers, Repsol has continuously
improved and launched a wide range of lubricants with different SAE viscosities (from 5W40, 10W30,
10W40 to 20W40). For each type of car, scooter, large displacement motorcycle, Repsol has different
product lines to suit the individual operating characteristics of each vehicle.

Market Space Package Product

Moto Speed 4T 20W40 0.8L, Moto Sintetico 4T

10W40, Moto Racing 10W40, Racing 4T 10w50 1L,
MOTORCYCLE 0.8L, 1L Moto Scooter 4T 5W40, Moto Matic 4T 10W30, Moto
HMEOC 10W30 4T 1L, Repsol MXR Platium 10W40
1L …

Repsol Mixfleet 15W40 (CP-5), Repsol Mixfleet 20W50

(CP-5), Repsol Elite Neo 5W30 (CP-4), Repsol Elite
CAR 4L, 5L Injection 10W40 (CP-4), Repsol Premium Tech 5W40
(CP-4), Repsol Diesel Turbo Thpd 15W40 API

Dầu động cơ Repsol DXR 5 SAE 20W50 API CF4, Dầu

18L, 25L động cơ Repsol DXR 8 SAE 20W50 API CI4/SL, Dầu
động cơ Repsol DXR 8 SAE 15W40 API CI4/SL,…

- The economy of a country, transaction costs as well as mining costs contribute a lot to the pricing of
products in the petroleum sector. Therefore, mainly the price in Repsol's marketing mix depends on
factors such as government prices, crude oil prices and fuel demand.
- Repsol's use a Premium pricing strategy. Hit the Vietnamese mentality "you own money".

- Prestige, quality tested and trusted through many major racing tournaments, product diversification
for each model, reasonable price – it is really hard to find a better lubricant brand than Repsol.

- Some of the most Repsol products popular in Vietnam include:

Product Price Type of transportation

Repsol Moto Speed 4T
67.100 VND Motorcycle
20W40 0,8L

Repsol Moto Matic 4T 10W30 71.500 VND Motorcycle

Repsol Moto Rider 4T 15W50 82.500 VND Motorcycle.

Repsol Moto Scooter 4T

143.000 VND Scooter

Repsol Racing 4T 10w40 319.000 VND Motorcycle for Racing

Repsol Racing 4T 10W50 319.000 VND Motorcycle for Racing

- In general, exploiting the high-consumption market in Southeast Asia like Vietnam is a strategic move
for Repsol and helps the brand to "spread", increase awareness and enhance its position.
- Repsol's offering B2B partners. Build more distribution points and stores system.
- Sale distribution:
+ Direct sales at the headquarters of the business: Direct sales at Repsol headquarters from Spain.
+ Sales through distributors: In particular, Vietsea is a distributor in Vietnam.
 Shop 1: 427 Truong Chinh, Ward 14, Tan Binh Dist.
+ We have three distributors in each area of Ho Chi Minh City:
 Distributor Area 1: Shop 2: 83 Han Hai Nguyen, Ward 16, District 11.
 Distributor Area 2: Shop 3: 56 Nguyen Van Dau, Ward 6, Binh Thanh District.
 Distributor Area 3: Shop 4: 557 Le Van Tho, Ward 14, Go Vap Dist.

- Vietsea Company is the exclusive first-level dealer of Repsol in the Vietnam market, the remaining
dealers in the distribution area of Repsol in Vietnam are only second-level dealers. In terms of market
position, Vietsea is considered as the leading official trading agent of Repsol in Vietnam lubricant.

- Direct Marketing :
+ Communication channel: Social media network:

 Facebook: 6,800,000 VND/ month ( for 50 posts and 5 videos ) sync channels by brand and the
whole system full-channel SEO optimization.

 Email marketing: 8,500,000 VND/ month ( maximum number sent: 1,000,000 account ). Build
email: The title is short and attractive but conveys the message to be aimed a. Come up with a catchy
theme with promotions, attached catalog of promotional lubricants and leave contact information, etc.
 Purchase price of customer DATA: 500,000 VND ( for 3500 customer )
+ Repsol has marketing on the REPSOL website ( 20,000,000 VND a quarter )

- Sale promotion:

+ Repsol’s always the attractive promotions attached, special gifts for users, receive discount when
buying periodically (Combo T-shirt & hat ( 1000 pieces ) : 150,000 VND/ combo

+ Discount for retailers:

Product's Discount Discount: Discount: Bonus ( 200

name : 50 boxes 100 boxes 200 boxes boxes)
Racing 5% 10% 15% 20.000.000 VND
Scooter 5% 10% 20% 10.000.000 VND
2% 5% 10% 3.000.000 VND

- Advertising: Billboards at retail dealers, auto repair shops, car wash shops, parts suppliers, gas stations,
etc. ( 300,000 VND/ billboards )

- PR: Repsol builds a good image of the brand through real stories, organizes events to connect
businesses with customers, sponsors programs for the community, etc. to create trust in the brand
indirectly affect the buying behavior of customers.

+ Repsol has actively combining and sponsored races and is the face of many events taking place
around the world such as the Repsol Honda is the official factory team of Repsol S.A. and the Honda
Racing Corporation in the MotoGP World Championship.

+ Repsol is a company that is always focused on protecting the environment, always looking for ways
and creating clean energy sources to protect the earth, so they have organized in collaboration with
VinaCapital Foundation to create many playgrounds towards a green and clean lifestyle , keeping the
environment clean for city children with the theme Let's Protect The Environment With Repsol, ect.

+ Some activities of Repsol annual Volunteer Week globally:

 The project "Upgrading libraries and encouraging reading habits" for students at Tan Nhut 6
primary school in Binh Chanh district, Ho Chi Minh City

 Repsol's sponsor as they provide opportunities to disadvantaged children to be able to attend the
hospitality courses at Ha Noi

 Repsol sponsors the H2H Charity Bike Ride program with the purpose of raise funds for the most
vulnerable and disadvantaged children in Vietnam, etc.

10. Canvas

Key Partners Key Value Customer Customer

Activities Propositions Relationship Segments
- Vietsea
Company. - Selling - High Quality, - Mainly - Ages: 24-40
- Huynh Chau lubricants high durable. individual. - Income: High
Company. - Advertising on - Fuel economy - Long Term income, Above
- Honda Racing the company’s ensures Contracts with average Income.
Corporation to website. maximum domestic - Living in big
compete in - Distribution, protection for distributors. cities
MotoGP under marketing and special engines. - Good policy for - Gender: Male
Repsol Honda sale - Powerful and car wash shops, - Hobbies:
Team. - Sponsor the superior parts suppliers, Passionate about
- Distribution MotoGP World synthetic oil for gas stations, auto motorcycles.
network at car Championship maximum repair shops,… - Lifestyle: Have
wash shops, ( combine with engine - Repsol good financial
parts suppliers, Honda Racing) performance; communicates conditions, active,
gas stations, auto - Event for new engine, clutch with consumers modern, youthful.
repair shops,… products. and gearbox mainly through - Target the high-
- VinaCapital - Charity protection and Facebook. end customer
Foundation for Activities providing - Slogan: segment in Viet
optimal “Customer Nam market.
performance, deserve the best.
helping to We do no less”
prolong engine
Key Channels
- Quality
Resources lubricant with
lower volatility - Distribution
- Sales manager. and oxidation channel: Retail
- Regional sales resistance. agents, e-
managers, - Riding commerce, car
salespeople. comfort. wash shops, parts
- Marketing suppliers, gas
department. stations, auto
- Accounting repair shops, etc.

- Logistics and - Communication
goods import channel: Social
department. media network
- Potential (Facebook).
Customers. - Service
channel: Receive
discount when
receive bonus if
retailer achieve
the sales which
- Corporate and
regional offices.
- Website of
Sales location.

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

- Fixed cost: - Cash flow from selling lubricants.

+ Employee salary per month - Selling accessories: Repsol t-shirts, Repsol hats, Repsol
+ Rent for office space helmets, etc.
+ Rent for warehouse - Event for new products.
+ Advertising costs
+ Training staff costs
- Variable cost:
+ Commission
+ Bonuses for employees
+ Depreciation cost of fixed assets
+ Cost of hired services

11. action plan

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec






12. Budget

Expense Budget
Advertising Campaigns

Direct Marketing 265.600.000 VND

Sales Promotions 300.000.000 VND

Advertising 80.000.000 VND


Charity Actitives 700.000.000 VND

Back-up plans 30.000.000 VND

Totals 2.575.600.000 VND

13. Sale Forecast
Potential Customer

VN Motorcycle 37.212.357
Motorcycle in
22.1% 8.223.930
Class AB 22% 1.809.264
35% 633.242

Potential Market Size

Frequence/year 7
Market size (unit) 4.432.696
Market Share 5%
Unit price 150.000 VND
Sell out in unit 221.634
Sell out in value

Market Projection In The 3 Years Next

3 Years Market Projection

2022 2023 2024
Market Size 4.432.696 4.698.657 4.980.576
Market Growth 6% 6%

Market Ambitition In The 3 Years Next

3 Years Market Ambitition

2022 2023 2024
Market Share 5% 6% 7%
Sell out 221.634 234.932 251.377

1. plan division of each saleman
- In working: 18 employees
- Target of each saleman: 1050 bottle/ person/ month
- Recruiting: 6 employees
 Total: 24 employees

2. Forecast Turnover
- The target scooter it occupies 50% and super scooter it occupies 40% so the company focused on it,
Vietnam also use scooter so it occupies the focus of selling and many buyers
 The most used products
- Forecast Turnover & Sales in 2022:



40% Repsol Racing

Repsol Scooter
Repsol Super Scooter

No. Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Quantity (bottle) 52350 53710 55870 59710

1 Repsol Racing 2580 2690 2850 3060

2 Repsol Scooter 28620 29370 30950 33250

Repsol Super
3 21150 21650 22070 23400

Revenue (VND) 6,776,880,000 6,963,220,000 7,277,160,000 7,790,090,000

Repsol Racing
1 823,020,000 858,110,000 909,150,000 976,140,000
(319.000 VND)
Repsol Scooter
2 4,092,660,000 4,199,910,000 4,425,850,000 4,754,750,000
(143.000 VND )
Repsol Super
3 Scooter 1,861,200,000 1,905,200,000 1,942,160,000 2,059,200,000
(88.000 VND )











Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Repsol Racing Repsol Scooter Repsol Super Scooter

- Forecast Turnover & Sales in 2023


Repsol Racing
41% Repsol Scooter
53% Repsol Super Scooter

No. Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Quantity ( bottle ) 57900 58360 59110 59580
1 Repsol Racing 3110 3290 3630 3740
2 Repsol Scooter 31050 31120 31180 31450
Repsol Super
3 23740 23950 24300 24390
Revenue( VND ) 7,521,360,000 7,607,270,000 7,755,110,000 7,836,730,000
Repsol Racing
1 992,090,000 1,049,510,000 1,157,970,000 1,193,060,000
(319.000 VND )
Repsol Scooter
2 4,440,150,000 4,450,160,000 4,458,740,000 4,497,350,000
(143.000 VND )
Repsol Super
3 Scooter 2,089,120,000 2,107,600,000 2,138,400,000 2,146,320,000
( 88.000 VND )

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Repsol Racing Repsol Scooter Repsol Super Scooter

- Forecast Turnover & Sales in 2024


Repsol Racing
41% Repsol Scooter

52% Repsol Super Scooter

No. Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Quantity ( bottle ) 60480 61660 63160 66080
1 Repsol Racing 3890 4210 4810 5710
2 Repsol Scooter 31680 32070 32670 33820
Repsol Super
3 24910 25380 25680 26550
Revenue( VND ) 7,963,230,000 8,162,440,000 8,466,040,000 8,994,150,000
Repsol Racing
1 1,240,910,000 1,342,990,000 1,534,390,000 1,821,490,000
Repsol Scooter
2 4,530,240,000 4,586,010,000 4,671,810,000 4,836,260,000
(143.000 VND)
Repsol Super
3 Scooter 2,192,080,000 2,233,440,000 2,259,840,000 2,336,400,000
( 88.000VND )







Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Repsol Racing Repsol Scooter Repsol Super Scooter

3. Backup Plan
If the covid-19 pandemic occurs, the total number will change slightly, and more specifically, it will
+ Period 1: decrease 5%
+ Period 2: decrease 10%
+ Period 3: decrease 3%
+ Period 4: none
( The particular figures will be complemented afterwards – followed by the realistic situation)

4. Organization Plan And Personnel Training

Policy Issue
- Work & resign policy:
+ Number of days off: 12 days / year.
+ Number of working days: 25 days / 1 month.
+ Working time: 40 - 48 weeks / year.

+ Resignation: Employees must notify resignation 1 month in advance, the contract expires after 24

Selection Of Sales Force

- Choose a sales force
+ Standard of salespeople:
 Good appearance, good communication
 Good foreign language ability is an advantage
 Have passion for work
+ Check and select staff:
 Consciousness at work
 Personality and preferences in line with recruitment needs

- Graduated from University or higher majoring in Economics, Business Administration, Marketing….
- Preference will be given to candidates with previous sales consulting experience.
- Good negotiation
- Withstand work pressure.
- Having a driving license and knowledge of cars is preferred.
- Polite manners
- Professional appearance
- Fluency in voice and knowledge of foreign languages is an advantage.

Recruitment Sources
- Post job vacancies at the following sources:
+ Website recruiting: Careerbuilder ,,..
+ Company Website
+ Campus recruitment in Job Fair
+ Referrals
+ Headhunters

Human Resoure Training Policy

- Capacity: 24 employees and 1 supervisor.

- Form of training: Guided by supervisor. Repsol also organizes sales sessions every 6 months for
- For new employees:

+ Initial Training: Focus on introducing companies, products, customers, competitors. The purpose is
to give employees an overview of the job, the company and the market.
+ In-depth Training: Training on attitudes in communication and behavior, skill and art of sales.
+ Work culture for employees .
+ Skills: greeting, persuading, handling situations
+ Attitude
+ Create an environment for employees to interact with customers
- For longtime employees:
+ Training once a week for employees reducing sales
+ Understand the product

+ Sales and communication skills
+ Time management skills
+ The art of leadership (for trainers to promote)

- Evaluation result: When employees complete the process, the company should have a way to check
the quality, personal performance and assessment of staff to show they have passed or need retraining.
- Training alternating between areas: Each employee has 4 courses. One course per person / 1 million.

Compensation Policy
- Frequency of salary (per month).
- Method: bank account.
- Benefits:
+ Employees are entitled to health insurance, social insurance in accordance with state regulations.
+ 13th month reward.
+ Travel.
+ Provide other options.
- Bonus: 5% of revenue - when reaching target.

- About the spirit: Organize events exclusively for employees: "Excellent sales team". This program
takes place quarterly to honor outstanding sales teams in sales and sales that quarter.

Employee Assessment Policy

- Performance appraisal:
+ Compare the target set and the actual sales achieved by the staff.
+ Compare the goals achieved in the past and in the present.
+ Compare with other employees

- This policy aims to set out the evaluation criteria and fair evaluation process for all members of the
company. This policy is made with two main ideas: development assessment and work quality

+ Virtual Selling Imperatives: From mastering the medium to connecting and collaborating with
buyers virtually, team will learn the strategies, techniques, and tools to succeed selling virtually.

+ 9 Habits Extreme Productivity: Transform your team's results by helping them maximize
motivation, control their time and execute in the zone.

+ Winning Major Sales: Learn strategies and actions for maximizing sales wins and ensure a consistent
sales process across your team.

+ Insight Selling: Advanced Consultative Selling: Our advanced consultative selling program focuses
on driving demand and winning opportunities by helping buyers change their thinking.

+ How To Sell Professional Services: My team will learn how to excel in business development in
this consultative selling program designed specifically for professional services.

5. action plan

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



Seeking new




in special

6. Budget

Monthly Yearly

Recruitment new employees


Seeking new customer

Meeting customer


Customer care

Celebrating in special day

Human resource assessment


7. Salary
Division of salary for employees
- Hard wage : 4.500.000vnd
- Soft wage :
+ If sales reach, staff will be rewarded with 5% commission .
+ If sales increase by 20%, employees will be rewarded with a trip
- Allowance:
+ Support: Money for meals, petrol price,…

Table salary for employees

- Salary of employee: 4.500.000 - 9.000.000
- Salary of supervisor: 12.000.000
- Commission: 5% of revenue (reaching the target of 600.000.000)

Salary fund Allowance 13th month salary for food,
party, etc

120,000,000 VND – 12,000,000

228,000,000 VND VND

1,440,000,000 VND – 144,000,000 120,000,000 VND – 25,000,000

2,736,000,000 VND VND 228,000,000 VND VND

1. Jod Description
Marketing Manager’s JD
We are looking to hire a Marketing Manager who will be in charge of overseeing the promotion of our
company's brands. As a successful hire, you will be responsible for developing pricing strategies,
identilying new customers, supporting lead generation efforts, and creating promotions with our
advertising managers.
To be a successful hire, you will need prior experience with creating marketing campaigns and strategies,
as well as online marketing and social media strategy. A bachelor's degree in marketing or business
administration is a must.

Marketing Manager Responsibilities:

- Developing a pricing strategy that maximizes profits and market share but considers customer
- Identifying new customers. Supporting sales and lead generation efforts.
- Creating promotions with advertising managers. Developing and managing advertising campaigns.

- Understanding and devoloping budgets including expenditures, research and development

appropriations, return-on-investment and profit-loss projections.
- Compiling lists describing our organization's offerings.
- Organizing company conferences, trade shows, and major events.
- Building brond awareness and positioning. Communicating the marketing plan.
- Evaluating and maintaining a marketing strategy.
- Developing each marketing compaign from start to finish.
- Researching demand for the organization’s products and services.
- Handling social media public relation etforts and content marketing.

Marketing Manager Requirements:

- Bachelor degree or master degree in marketing, business administration.
- Experience with creating a marketing campaign, marketing strategy and marketing plan.
- Experience with online marketing including social media and content marketing.
- Understanding of public relations.
- Advanced communication skills. Ability to quickly adapt to change.

National Sales Manager’s JD
Objectives of this Role
- Represent our company, with a comprehensive understanding of our offerings.
- Research consumer needs and identify how our solutions meet them.
- Hire, train, motivate, and advise a team of sales representatives.

- Achieve company objectives through effective planning, setting sales goals, analyzing performance
data, and projecting future performance.

- Continuously develop personal leadership, hiring, and training skills while ensuring the team is using
effective sales tactics to meet revenue objectives.
- Generate leads, and build and nurture client relationships.

Daily and Monthly Responsibilitios

- Create and execute a strategic sales plan that expands customer base and extends global reach.
- Meet with potential clients and grow long-lasting relationships by understanding their needs.

- Track, analyze, and communicate key quantitative metrics and business trends as they relate to partner

- Recruit salespeople, set objectives train and coach, and monitor performance ensuring assigned tasks
and responsibilities are fulfilled.
- Identify knowledge gaps within the team and develop a plan to fulfill them.

- Oversee the sales team to ensure company quotas and standards are met by holding daily check-ins
with team to set objectives for the day and monitor progress regularly.
- Manage month-end and year and close processes.

Skills and Qualifications

- Bachelor's degree in marketing or business administration.
- 7+ years in sales management within a corporate setting.
- Proven track record of success the sales cycle from plan to close.
- Excellent communication interpersonal, and organizational skills. Superb leadership ability.
- Ability to travel at least 20% of the time.

Proferred Qualifications
- Advance degree. Proven success rate at levels above quotas. Motivational speaking experience.

Regional Sales Manager’s JD
As a key direct report to the Head of Lubricants, the Regional Sales Manager is responsible for the
planning and implementation of all applicable sales activities in the designated region.

Responsibilities for Regional Sales Manager

The responsibility extends to achieving strategy execution, volume, share, and profit targets, maximizing
sales coverage efficiency, developing business relationships with distributor groups and customers, and
achieving targeted distribution levels on strategic initiatives across the various channels route to market
and lubricants segments. (Business to Consumer Automotive Sector - Motorcycles, Passenger Cars,
Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle and Business to Business Industrial Sector).
- Provide support to distributors; managers; and teams.
- Determine long and short term sales goals.
- Oversee product and supply ordering and shipment in accordance with regional needs.
- Mentor managers and assistant managers.
- Plan and execute training among staff members and management.
- Oversee sales and special promotions.
- Provide leadership on hiring and employee retention.
- Resolve customer complaints and service issues.

Qualifications for Regional Sales Manager

- More 5 years of sales experience.
- More 3 years in a managerial role.
- Strong communications skills.
- Knowledge of Microsoft Office specifically Powerpoint and Excel.
- Excellent analytical skills.and comfort with math.
- Creative problem-solving skills.
- Ability to multitask.
- Excellent customer service.
- Ability to work well in teams.

Salesperson’s JD
Job Dutles
- Introduce company's products to customers through online and offline channels.
- Execute company's planning and complete customer data collection and organization.
- Provide good services and able to communicate with all the customers.

- Develop new customers and maintain good relationship with existing customer through various
- Develop markets, develop potential customers, and expand business scope.
- Conduct market research to identify selling possibilities and evaluate customer needs.
- Collaborate with team members to achieve better results.
- Gather feedback from customers or prospects and share with internal teams.

Hard Requirements:
- Selt-motivated positive working attitude, teamwork and able to communicate effectively.
- Have a good sense of customer service/sales.
- Able to work under pressure ond independently.
- Able to start immediately added an advantage.

Soft Requirements
- Candidate must possess ot least Higher Secondary and above in any field.
- Required Language(s) English and Vietnamese.
- Fresh graduates or candidate without expenence are welcome to apply as training is provicied.

Seniority Level
- Entry level

Employment Type
- Full-time

Job Functions
- Sales
- Business Developmennt.

2. Distribution
- More 7.000 retail customers on the nationwide. All these retail customers then distribute goods to the

- Safety is the first priority criteria espescially for Logistics Team and production departments.
Therefore all transportation vehicles from suppliers have to reach the safety standards

- Nowadays, Repsol develops an application that allows the customers to buy products directly from
offices. By the way, they are capable of approaching potential customers.

3. Customer Service
- Collect customer information, if they are using a product of another brand or not? If the customer uses
the competitor's products, we will find out and compare the prices.
- Call to request a direct appointment to exchange information cooperation (B2B partner).
- Questions when asking customers:

+ Hello, (name of distributor). Would you mind taking some time to have an appointment to exchange
some information?

+ What is your best-selling product? What features does the product have that differ from the others?
How is the product price difference compared to other products?

+ This is our product (show customers product-feature introduction). We will offer the price with the
best service for you.

4. Build Relationship With Customer

- Due to the influence of Covid 19 epidemic, customers limit to dealers who buy oil, the decrease in
purchasing power affects sales revenue. The strategies and methods to attract new customers.

+ For new customers to support promotions, to increase the awareness of customers for the company's
products and services. Collect referrals from new customers, ask each new customer to give you at least
3 names and voice numbers of acquaintances who can buy company products.

+ For existing customers: creating regular communication with customers, introducing new
preferential services for them, and polling about the products and services they are using.

- Organize activities to support customers during the current Covid epidemic, reduce prices to stimulate
oil market demand, gradually rebalance post-service sales.

- Promote online activities, hotlines, livetream on social networks, answer questions and online
consulting channels.











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