Daya Indonesia Performing Arts Academy: School of Music, Dance & Drama

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Passion in Music, Dance

& Drama
(Performing Arts)
can be expressed in
various paths, such as
educator, performer,
dancer, conductor,
scholar, music
manager, sound
designer, performing
manager, dramaturque
Daya Indonesia and many more.
Performing Arts Academy
Jl. Kemang Timur Raya
No 89 C To be successful, not
Jakarta Selatan 12730 only a portion of talent
is required, but also the
Landline: +6221 7197168
Cell: +62812 18143272
DAYA INDONESIA PERFORMING dedication, discipline,
compassion & humility.
ARTS ACADEMY Whichever path
you take, your journey
School of Music, Dance & Drama could start with us at
Daya Indonesia
Performing Arts
“Learn with Honor Serve with Compassion”
Is the first private PR OG RAMS
Performing Arts
Academy with On e- Ye ar F ou ndat ion
comprehensive a preparation course to
Curriculum based on enter Preparatory Program
Europe Union On e- Ye ar P re parato ry
Standard in Indonesia, a preparation course to
TH E F AC ULTI ES AC TI VITY enter Degree Program
founded in February PE RFO RMI N G A RTS DEG REE
2001 by Tjut Nyak Monthly regular
Prof. Tjut Nyak Deviana B ach e lor of Fi ne Art s in Pe rforman c e or
Workshops & Seminars M USI C D EGREE
Deviana Daudsjah. Daudsjah, M.Th., A.Mus.D. Pe rfor mi n g Arts M an ageme nt
with DAYA Faculty and B ach e lor of Mu sic
Formally known as R. Wahyu Panca Wati, S.Pd., Duration: Three Years
International guest Duration: Three Years
Institut Musik Daya M.Th. Lecturers
Indonesia, a partner Nial Djuliarso, M.Mus M aste r of F in e Ar ts in Pe rfor manc e or
M aste r of M usi c
Pe rfor mi n g Arts M an ageme nt
school of University of Rosmala Sari Dewi, M.Sn DAYA Sessions Duration: One to Two Years
Ganggeng Yudana, M.Mus Duration: One to Two Years
Arts, Design & Music Regular Performances &
Freiburg Germany Ignatius J. Andrianta, B.Mus Jam Sessions M aste r of M usi c
(HKDM). Every Thursay evening Th e rapy
Dian Natalina, B.Mus.Ed, • Private Lesson for beginner to advance,
from 8 pm to 10.30 pm Duration: One to Two years
M.Mus.The individual or group instructions (Vocal,
- V ision Guitar, Piano, Bass, Saxophone, Drums,
Andreas Nandiwardhana, DAYA Event
Improving the B.Mus Drama & Dance), monthly or per Semester
Management &
appreciation of culture Nicolaus Praditya, B.Mus Organization under
and arts through Otta Mohammad Tarrega, • “Ta yl or M ade” C e rti fic ate Co urs es
DAYA Productions
formal performing arts B.Mus Musical Theatre
Dian Natalina, B.Mus.Ed.,
education in Arnold Pontoh, B.Mus M.Mus.The.
Song Writing
Cahyo Pradanto, B.Mus Our Music Therapist & Preparation for Recording Sessions
Indra Bayu Rusady, B.Mus Head Faculty of Music Instrument/Vocal Instructure
- M is sion
Establishment of C hi ldr en Pe rformi ng Ar ts Edu ca tion
Performing Arts Center
in Jakarta for
Indonesia to improve
Indonesian human
resources in facing
globalization era in the
field of Performing
Arts (Music, Dance and

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