John Edward Terrell and John P. Hart: Omesticated Andscapes

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John Edward Terrell and John P. Hart

One of the most persistent and possibly pernicious Variation can thus be seen as deviation from what
ideas in Western thought is the distinction com- is natural (Sober 1994: 210). Newton’s first law of
monly made between things seen as natural, wild, motion is an example of such thinking in the phys-
uncultivated, and undomesticated, and things ical sciences; so, too, are certain statements about
seen instead as unnatural, tamed, cultivated, and the behavior of objects in the geometry of space-
domesticated. This distinction is easy to visualize time made under the general theory of relativity in
as the difference, for example, between a large post-Newtonian physics.
field of wheat in the American Midwest and an Given how entrenched in our Western cultural
Amazonian rain forest. The former is a landscape heritage is the distinction between the natural and
with all the hallmarks of domestication, including the unnatural, it is hardly surprising that domes-
the crop itself, mechanized plowing, and the use tication as a condition or a phenomenon is still
of petroleum-derived fertilizers. In stark contrast, commonly being defined as “a process of increas-
the latter is perceived, as a landscape in a pristine ing mutual dependence between human societies
state of being that has been little, if at all, changed and the plant and animal populations they target”
or corrupted by human intervention to make such (Zeder et al. 2006: 1). This process may be true, but
a seemingly wild place suitable for human settle- must human beings always be part of the equation
ment and land use. before a species—or a place—can be labeled as
This conceptual divide between the wild and “domesticated?”
the domesticated, the natural and the unnatural, From a scientific perspective, rather than just
has been a part of Western intellectual heritage for from a humanistic point of view, domestication is
longer than anyone can say. Elliot Sober (1994) a form of biological mutualism. What, if anything,
has noted, for instance, that a key idea behind sets human domestication apart from other kinds
Aristotle’s worldview is one that he refers to as of mutualistic relationships among species except
Aristotle’s natural state model. This is the thought that human beings are somehow involved, inten-
that it is possible to distinguish between the natu- tionally or unintentionally? There is no denying
ral and unnatural states of any given kind or type. that for human beings, adding us to the picture is
According to Aristotle, variation arises when some- key. Yet why limit the study of domestication even
thing is subjected to interfering forces that keep it in the social sciences so drastically? Why make
from realizing its normal or natural state of being. the circular assertion that what sets domestication

Chapter 33: Domesticated Landscapes 329

“apart from other successful mutualistic relation- would otherwise be the Earth’s normal pace and
ships is the role of sustained human agency in the course of historical development. For example, as
propagation and care of plants and animals with- the archaeologist Bruce Smith (2001) writes, many
in the anthropogenic context of domestication” people continue to see the beginnings of agricul-
(Zeder et al. 2006: 1)? ture after the Pleistocene as a revolution in history,
It is true that how plants and animals are a turning point marked by two alternative states or
domesticated by human beings must be unique in end points, one natural (hunting and foraging), the
at least some respects. Yet every known instance other unnatural (domestication and farming).
of mutualism in the biological world is undoubt- Unfortunately there is little agreement today
edly unique, or at any rate distinctive. All species on what are the best constituent definitions of
are by definition to some degree distinguishable or foraging and farming as distinct states or stages
unique. Therefore, how any two or more species of human subsistence life. Without agreement
mutually interact with one another is more than on what these terms mean (Bailey and Headland
likely to be similarly distinguishable. But is “sus- 1991:266), there is no dependable way to sort
tained agency” solely characteristic of instances of people or societies into one or the other of these
human mutualism with other species? Or is this two categories—foragers versus farmers—or place
just another example of the dubious claim, much any given society, modern or ancient, in a sensible
beloved by our kind, that what we do as human way somewhere along what many now concede is
beings has to be exceptionally unique, because the logical continuum between these two ostensi-
human beings are involved? bly polarized end-states (Smith 2001: 27).
In the social sciences, separating out what is It is not hard to see why labeling people as for-
judged to be natural out from what is seen as agers or farmers is hard to do. Most people, except
unnatural (or “artificial” [e.g., Simon, 1996]) contin- perhaps for modern urban dwellers who forage
ues to make perfect sense to many—for instance, almost exclusively in the supermarket, do both.
in framing research on the “origins” of agriculture Even more fundamental, when looked at closely,
(see Hart 1999, 2001Hart and Brumbach 2003). foraging is not as different from farming as popu-
However, such a distinctly humanistic understand- larly believed; farming, too, is a hazy category that
ing of plant and animal domestication weakens the covers a truly diverse range of human behaviors
value of archaeological research in the evolution- and relationships with other species (for additional
ary and ecological sciences. After all, Aristotle’s discussion and references, see Terrell et al. 2003).
natural state model was long ago discredited in In spite of this ambiguity, when it comes to
biology precisely because it has long been obvi- talk about such long-established issues in world
ous to many scientists that variation within sexu- prehistory as the origins of domestication and the
ally reproducing species is phenomenal. Hence beginnings of agriculture, the research agenda in
“there is no biologically plausible way to single archaeology has changed little over the years. It
out some genetic characteristics as natural while is still widely taken for granted that archaeolo-
viewing others as the upshot of interfering forces” gists should be able to pin down when and where
(Sober 1994: 225). For comparable reasons, we some of the Earth’s prehistoric inhabitants finally
think there is much to be gained by reconfiguring stopped behaving like foragers long enough and
archaeological approaches to the study of domes- successfully enough to be called farmers. And the
tication to make what archaeologists do and say lucky souls who recover vestiges of those ancient
more compatible with the biological, ecological, activities are the fortunate few who will be able to
and evolutionary sciences. This reconfiguration announce to the rest of us that they have success-
will in turn inform our understandings of how fully tracked down the culinary innovators who can
humans interact with their landscapes and how be designated posthumously as “the world’s first
archaeologists approach human-plant and human- farmers.” At the very least, these happy scholars
animal interactions on those landscapes. will be able to proclaim that they have discovered
a “new cradle of agriculture” (Neumann 2003).
The Conundrum As glamorous as such archaeological discoveries
may be, looking for the beginnings of domestication
For many social scientists—and many conserva- (and we would add, agriculture) is a research pursuit
tionists would agree—Homo sapiens is the quintes- doomed from the start. Why? Because (a) species do
sential disturbing force. From such a perspective, not have to be discernibly altered, morphologically
what we as a species have been doing to Mother or genetically, before they can be domesticated;
Nature at least since the end of the Pleistocene (b) morphological and genetic changes that some-
has been a powerfully disruptive force in what times may be taken as “signs of domestication” take
330 Part IV: Living Landscapes: The Body and the Experience of Place

time to develop, and consequently they show up, if particular species but also in effect entire
they are going to show up at all, after the fact of landscapes—a word that in this instance
domestication by human beings; and (c) conclud- should be taken to mean not only certain
ing that only plants and animals exhibiting plainly places, or types of places such as estuaries,
detectable signs of human use and cultivation can coastal plains, and tropical forests, but also
be called “domesticated’ risks underestimating the the species pool, or range of species inhabit-
generality and force of human domestication in the ing such places that a particular species (in
world we live in. this case Homo sapiens) exploits.
Here, then, is an archaeological conundrum. If
identifying the origins of domestication and the
beginnings of agriculture is as pivotal an issue Variation Is Real
in archaeology as many still maintain (e.g., Price
2000; Smith 2001), then how are archaeologists to Two obvious points arise. First, there is no doubt
get beyond the concern that they are looking for that people over time, intentionally or uninten-
something they cannot find? tionally, have altered some species genetically and
behaviorally to such a marked degree that nowa-
One Solution: Seeing Domestication days these hapless organisms are no longer viable
for What It Is on their own if they do not receive human care
and protection (Gepts 2004). Classic examples of
It is a credit to archaeologists that they have been such dependent, or symbiotic, species are maize
so persistent in looking for the beginnings of agri- (Zea mays ssp. Mays) and bananas (Musa spp.).
culture and domestication, but we think it would Second, it is absolutely true that for some spe-
help if they now opted to take roads less traveled cies of plants and animals, archaeologically visible
by. One way to do so would be to begin with the signs that they have been the focus of a great deal
wisdom at the heart of these four basic observa- of human attention are, for plants, increasing seed
tions (Terrell et al. 2003): size over time, and for animals, decreasing bone
size (Gepts 2004).
1. How human beings domesticated other spe- Both of these observations, however, point direct-
cies varies, and has always varied, depend- ly to the hidden defect of traditional ways of thinking
ing on the species in question and on how about domestication and the origins of agriculture.
extensively people want, or wanted, to What is being overlooked or underrated is the over-
exploit them; arching truth that domestication in such instances
is transformative—that is, evolutionary—and there
2. It follows that domestication can be gauged
are “all degrees of plant and animal association with
more consistently by its performance—by
man” (Harlan 1992: 64). The oft-cited continuum
the manipulative skills characterizing it
between foraging and farming has more than one
for each species in question—than by its
axis or dimension. One axis is behavioral. Different
(only sometimes discernible) consequences,
people use different mixes of what might be labeled
that is, the morphological and genetic
as farming and foraging behaviors to make their
changes that in due course may or may not
living. A second axis or dimension is genetic. The
become apparent as an upshot of human
impact of human exploitation changes different spe-
cies in different ways and to different degrees rang-
3. As counterintuitive as it may at first seem, ing from nothing obvious at all (as in the case of
when gauged by its performance, it also domesticated elephants, for instance) to the oppo-
follows that any species may be called site extreme (for example, sunflowers and the many
domesticated when another species knows breeds of dogs).
how to exploit it; in spite of what the Book We would add that if you are one of those
of Genesis tells us, domestication is a who absolutely insist that only species unable to
generic fact of life not a peculiar human survive without human intervention may be prop-
endowment; and erly called “domesticated,” then you should keep
` 4. Finally, and perhaps most important from a in mind that there are even pathogens meeting
scientific point of view, it follows that since this restrictive definition of domestication—for
people usually exploit not just a few but in example, the virus that causes human acquired
fact many different species of plants and immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Being stub-
animals, human beings domesticate (that born about what is and what is not “true” domesti-
is, know how to exploit) not only many cation is a tricky highroad to take.
Chapter 33: Domesticated Landscapes 331

It is ironic that those conventionally labeled b. The specific accessibility of each resource
“hunter-gatherers” are perhaps the people who harvested, both temporal (for example, its
best show us how to see domestication for what availability from season to season) and spa-
it is. As the renowned cultural evolutionist Leslie tial or geographic (possibly assessed as the
White (1959) once observed, hunter-gatherers time and effort needed to find and harvest
have and have always had abundant and accurate a specific resource);
knowledge of the flora and fauna of the places c. The reliability, or yield stability, of each
they inhabit. This being so, the “the origin of agri- resource harvested—how likely it is that
culture was not, therefore, the result of an idea each will live up to expectations over
or discovery; the cultivation of plants required no time. In evolutionary ecology, this variable
new facts or knowledge” (White 1959: 284). We is often described as “risk,” and models
would add that knowing how to hunt and gather exploring alternative risk management
is not all that different from knowing how to plant strategies are predicated on the assumption
and cultivate. In both situations, what counts most that the suite of resources harvested ought
to be a mix of more or less reliable foods
of all is knowing what works effectively to put food
that optimizes the likelihood of survival
on the table and a roof over your head.
during times of scarcity.
4. Secondary variables: skills used to achieve
The Subsistence Spreadsheet the specified goal (behaviors to change or
adapt to the yield, accessibility, and reliabil-
When it is agreed that variation is real and people ity of available species populations).
have varying ways of making a living, then it
follows that archaeological research protocols
emphasizing only the retrieval and study of the Conclusions
remains of “truly domesticated species” are mis-
leading ways of exploring the evolution of human Once it is accepted that people throughout history
subsistence. What is needed instead are research have been exploiting not only a few but, in fact,
protocols directing us to document not just the co- many kinds of plants and animals in varying ways
occurrence and morphological (and genetic) state and to varying degrees—only some of which might
of a handful of species now considered to be the now be described as “true domesticates,” then both
focus of human domestication, but the full range in effect as well as in practice Homo sapiens has
of varying and variable subsistence strategies that been domesticating not just a few species for untold
have supported our survival in different places on years but entire landscapes for the provisioning of
earth and at different times. food, useful materials, and shelter. What is chal-
We call one such protocol the “subsistence lenging then is not finding precisely when and
spreadsheet.” Sketched succinctly, this sort of where a few reference species evidently became
spreadsheet builds on these basic directives morphologically or genetically altered enough
(Terrell et al., 2003): (according to some formal scale) to tag them as
domesticates and allow us to label those associated
with such visibly altered species as “farmers” rath-
1. Goal: provisioning of food, shelter; and raw
er than as “foragers”; instead, the real challenge
is developing ways of improving how successfully
2. Observations to be made: the occurrence archaeologists can use what they discover to learn
(presence/absence), number of individuals, about what people in the past were actually doing
or amount of each species harvested for on the landscapes they inhabited to put food on
food or shelter; the table and a roof over their head.
3. Primary variables: yield, accessibility, and
reliability or yield stability (Cleveland 2001:
252) of each available species including:
a. The specific yield provided by each Bailey, R., and Headland, T. 1991. The tropical rain
resource being harvested, perhaps forest: Is it a productive environment for human
measured either in terms of calories and foragers? Human Ecology 19: 261–85.
profitability (energy gain/time) when what Cleveland, D. 2001. Is plant breeding science objective
is at stake is survival, and when not, then truth or social construction? The case of yield sta-
perhaps in locally specific terms of social bility. Agriculture and Human Values 18: 251–70
value (measured possibly in locally defined Gepts, P. 2004. Crop domestication as a long-term
“portions” or units per person); selection experiment, in J. Janick (ed.), Plant
332 Part IV: Living Landscapes: The Body and the Experience of Place

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