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Manila * Makati * Malolos



In the present day, the nature of our modern day lives and innovations have changed
from a remote nation into a global unrestricted community. Hence, the significance of
the study of foreign languages becomes clear. Foreign language acquisition widens our
familiarity of the values we experience day by day. Aside from this, the learning of a
foreign language itself is a worthy rational expedition. It gives the learner a larger
perspective for appreciating other topics such as classical and contemporary literature,
arts, and history. Furthermore, it extends the understanding of one’s own language and


The course introduces learners to a more challenging standard Mandarin Chinese

language to build a solid foundation of the language. It is intended for learners with little
background or experience in the language. Students in this course will focus on learning
essential vocabulary and its pronunciation, while emphasizing simple grammatical
structures. This understanding prepares the learners to effectively communicate on a
restricted series of topics linked to daily situations. Students will practice listening and
speaking, also learn to recognize and write Chinese characters. Online activities and
course assignments aim to support learners as they improve their proficiency needed to
initiate and participate in simple conversations.

Countries and Nationalities


• Identify and familiarize countries and their nationalities.

• Construct simple sentences in identifying the country and their nationality.
• Introduce oneself and others, and provide additional information such as ones
birthplace, location, and nationality.

Pre-task: 12 Ways to Say “I Love You”

They say falling in love is easy to do, but getting out those three little words can be
harder than we thought. It can be even more difficult if your soulmate is from another
country, which could happen since there are over seven million people in the world.
Impress and surprise someone by saying “I love you” in different languages.

Instruction: In this worksheet, you will find 12 ways to say “I love you”. Can you guess
which language belongs with which country?

Lesson 1: Countries and Nationalities

1.1 Vocabulary
1.2 Sentence Pattern
1.3 Simple dialogue
I. Vocabulary

国家 Countries
guó jiā

澳大利亚 Australia 日本 Japan

ào dà lì yǎ rì běn

加拿大 Canada 韩国 Korea

jiā ná dà hán guó

中国 China 马来西亚 Malaysia

zhōng guó mǎ lái xī yà

法国 France 菲律宾 Philippines

fà guó fēi lǜ bīn

德国 Germany 新加坡 Singapore

dé guó xīn jiā pō

英国 Great Britain 台湾 Taiwan

yīng guó tái wān

印度 India 泰国 Thailand
yìn dù tài guó
印尼 美国 U.S.A.
yìn ní měi guó

伊朗 Iran 越南 Vietnam
yī lǎng yuè nán
意大利 Italy 马尼拉
yì dà lì mǎ ní lā
Sentence Pattern Vocabulary:

1. 在 zài - The verb “to be located”; must be used before indicating a location.
2. 住 zhù - To live or reside in a particular place.

3. 出生 chū sheng - To be born; to exist as a result of birth.

4. 是 shì - The verb “to be”; sometimes, it is translated as a linking verb “am, is, are”

5. 人 rén - A person; if added right after a country, the country becomes a nationality; formula:
country + rén = nationality

6. 吗 ma - A question particle that is added at the end of a statement to turn it into a “yes or
no” question; formula: statement + ma = question answerable by yes or no (example: I am a
Filipino + ma = I am a Filipino ma? = Am I a Filipino?)

8. 哪国人 nǎ guó rén - Literally means “which country person”; a question asking for
someone’s nationality

II. Sentence Pattern

Subject + 在 + Place S + 在 + Place + 吗?

zài zài ma

I am in Manila. Am I in Manila?
我在马尼拉. 我在马尼拉吗?
wǒ zài mǎ ní lā wǒ zài mǎ ní lā ma

You are in China.

S + 在 + 哪儿?
你在中国. zài nă’r
nǐ zài zhōng guó
Where are you?
nǐ zài nǎ'r

S + 住 + 在 + Place S + 住 + 在 + Place + 吗?
zhù zài zhù zài ma

I live in Manila. Do you live in Manila?

我住在马尼拉. 你住在马尼拉吗?
wǒ zhù zài mǎ ní lā nǐ zhù zài mǎ ní lā ma
You live in China.
S + 住 + 在 + 哪儿?
你住在中国. zhù zài nă’r
nǐ zhù zài zhōng guó
Where do you live?
nǐ zhù zài nǎ'r

S + 出生 + 在 + Place S + 出生 + 在 + Place + 吗?
chū sheng zài chū sheng zài ma

You were born in Spain. Were you born in Spain?

你出生在西班牙. 你出生在西班牙吗?
nǐ chū sheng zài xī bān yá nǐ chū sheng zài xī bān yá ma


S + 在 + Place + 出生 S + 在 + Place + 出生 + 吗?
zài chū sheng zài chū sheng ma

You were born in Spain. Were you born in Spain?

你在西班牙出生. 你在西班牙出生吗?
nǐ zài xī bān yá chū sheng nǐ zài xī bān yá chū sheng ma

S + 是 + Country + 人 S + 是 + Country + 人 + 吗?
shì rén shì rén ma

You are a Korean. Are you Korean?

你是韩国人. 你是韩国人吗?
nǐ shì hán guó rén nǐ shì hán guó rén ma

He is Chinese. Is he Chinese?
他是中国人. 他是中国人吗?
tā shì zhōng guó rén. tā shì zhōng guó rén ma

They are Japanese.

tā men shì rì běn rén
S + 是 + 哪国人?
shì nǎ guó rén
What is his nationality?
What is my nationality?
我是哪国人? tā shì nǎ guó rén
wǒ shì nǎ guó rén
What is their nationality? OR
What is your nationality? What are their nationalities?
你是哪国人? 他们是哪国人?
nǐ shì nǎ guó rén tā men shì nǎ guó rén

Check-in activity: Getting to Know You – Part 1

We already know who you are. And we are sure that you already learned how to
introduce yourself last semester. But we want to get to know you better. In this task, you
will be asked to introduce yourself again. And just in case you forgot some terms that’s
on the tip of your tongue, we got you all covered! Just follow these simple steps and
everything will be easy.

Instruction: Write a short introduction of yourself.

Post Task: Getting to Know You – Part 2

In our last activity (Getting to Know You - Part 1), you wrote a short introduction of
yourself. Now, make it come to life by recording it in a video.

Instruction: Introduce yourself in a short video.

Food and Beverages


• Identify and learn different food.

• Construct simple sentences using the sentence patterns and vocabularies.
• Identify and learn simple beverages.
• Construct simple sentence using the sentence patterns and vocabularies.

Pre-task: Familiar Chinese Food and Drinks

A lot of familiar food and beverages are familiar to our ears even if we translate it to
Chinese language. Below is a list of some food and beverages in Mandarin Chinese
language, can you guess what is it?

Online activity link:

Lesson 2: Food

2.1 Vocabulary - Written/oral

2.2 Sentence pattern
Lesson 3: Beverages

3.1 Vocabulary
3.2 Sentence pattern
While Task: My Likes and Dislikes

Instruction: Express how you feel about the food or drinks provided by the given
restaurants, coffee shops, or branded products. Construct simple sentences
using all the vocabularies we had tackled in our past lessons. Copy and answer on a
one whole sheet of paper.
Post Task: Food and Beverages

Matching Type: Choose the correct Chinese translations.

Online activity link:



Fruits and Vegetables


• Distinguish and familiarize different kinds of fruits.

• Construct simple sentences using the vocabularies.
• Distinguish and familiarize different kinds of vegetables.
• Construct simple sentences using the vocabularies.

Pre-task: Add Some Flavors

Our favorite food is yummier with the flavor. Now that we learned how to translate our
favorite food and beverages in Mandarin, let us add some flavors to make it more
special. In this task, you will be asked to cite at least 5 of your favorite food or drinks
along with its flavor.

Flavor reference link:

Instruction: Cite at least 5 of your favorite food or beverages along with its flavor.

Lesson 4: Fruits

4.1 Vocabulary
4.2 Sentence pattern
Lesson 5: Vegetables

5.1 Vocabulary
5.2 Sentence pattern

Lesson 6: Conjunctions
Check-in Activity: My Favorite Food and Drinks

Instruction: Write a short paragraph (at least 5 long sentence) discussing your favorite
and least favorite food, drinks, fruits, and vegetables. Then, proceed post task.

Post Task: My Favorites

Instruction: Shoot a 30-second video discussing your favorite and least favorite food,
drinks, fruits, and vegetables (check-in activity).



Types of Cooking


• Familiarize with various types of cooking.

• Make simple phrases and sentences on how the food was cooked.
• Discuss orally one’s favorite/least favorite food and drinks by providing additional

Pre-task: How Does It Taste

Lesson 7: Taste

7.1 Vocabulary
7.2 Sentence Pattern
Lesson 8: Types of Cooking

8.1 Vocabulary
8.2 Create phrases using the method used in cooking
8.3 Write/draft or make simple conversations/dialogue/paragraphs
Check-in activity: Cooking Verbs Activity

The food and cooking worksheet activity is ideal for practicing cooking verbs and food

Instruction: Write down all the

food words you can think of that
goes with the cooking verbs on
the worksheet.

Format: English -
Chinese character - Pinyin

Time Limit: 20 Minutes

Grading Scale:
1-7 Food = 5 Points
8-13 Food = 10 Points
14-19 Food = 15 Points
20-25 Food = 20 Points

Post Task: My Special Menu

Reference: Images -



• Identify and familiarize colors.

• Differentiate the colors of fruits using simple sentences.
• Discuss one's favorite/least-liked colors.

Pre-task: Mix and discover

Did you know that you can

combine colors? By mixing
color red and yellow, it
becomes orange. Can you
try experimenting at home?
Give me at least five of
what you have discovered.

Cite at least 5 combined

Format: English
translation + Chinese
characters - Pinyin

Lesson 9: Colors

9.1 Vocabulary
9.2 Sentence pattern to describe the colors of a noun
9.3 Write/draft or make simple conversations/dialogue
Watch the video for the correct pronunciation of colors.
Check-in activity: My Favorite Colors

Make a 30-second video discussing you favorite and least favorite colors. Don't forget to
introduce your name first.

Post Task: True or False

Instruction: Choose TRUE if the word, phrase, or statement's translation is CORRECT.
Choose FALSE if it's INCORRECT.



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