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Beauty - My perception

As said by John Keats, ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’, in his poem ‘A thing of
beauty’, the nature is beautiful with endless joy that never fades away. Beauty can
be found in everything, it’s just ones perception which keeps changing person to
person. Beauty does not only mean the external appearance of a person or a thing,
rather the inner attraction and emotion depicts beauty.

We are surrounded by beautiful things; it lies in the eyes of the beholder to enjoy
the beauty of the things. Our perception, makes beautiful things look more
beautiful .Anything the fades away negativity and sadness is brings positivity and
joy is beautiful. The beauty of nature is immortal and one must leave the trap of
today’s world which runs behind money to enjoy the beauty of nature .The sun,
the forest, the flowers, the mountains and the whole of nature is filled with endless

The beauty of a person lies in the eyes and not its appearance, lies in the ethics of
and not the amoral attitude, beauty lies in respect and not criticism and beauty lies
in soul of the person and not the physical body of the person. Beauty is found in
mothers love for her son and fathers care for his daughter. Presence of a person is
also beautiful as well as their emotions is beautiful. A person is ten times more
attractive, not by their looks but by their acts of kindness, love, respect, honesty,
and loyalty. True beauty comes from being yourself.

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