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ALE Extrusion Example - 4


1.1.  Creating a New Problem 1 

1.2.  Layout of Extrusion template 1 

1.3.  Defining the Extrusion Process 2 

1.4.  Defining model type and number of objects required. 3 

1.5.  Defining workpiece object 4 

1.6.  Defining Die1 object 12 

1.7.  Defining Die2 object 15 

1.8.  Defining Die3 object 19 

1.9.  Positions the objects. 23 

1.10.  Defining Inter-Object Relations 24 

1.11.  Step control and stopping criteria 25 

1.12.  Running the Simulation and Post-Processing 27 

1.13.  Exiting DEFORM-3D 27 

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

1.1. Creating a New Problem

From the Windows Start menu, select DEFORM 3D Extrusion in DEFORM v11.0 Beta.

1.2. Layout of Extrusion template

The layout of the interface can be seen in the figure below. The screen is distributed into four
discrete sections. The display window is where the objects for the current operation can be
viewed. The project list window is where the list of settings currently editable. Based on the
selection in the project list window, certain values can be edited in the setting modification
window. As information is provided to the interface, information will be printed in the project
record window such as saved steps.

Figure 1: The layout of the Extrusion template interface.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Select English units for this Lab and enter Project Name & Title as EXTRU_RAIL as shown in
Figure 1.
Click the “Next” button.
Specify the Operation Name “Rail_beam”.
Click the “Next” button.

1.3. Defining the Extrusion Process

In Extrusion type page select extrusion type as “ALE EXTRUSION”, (See Figure2).
Click the “Next” button.

Figure 2: ALE Extrusion type.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

In the thermal calculations page, select the "Calculate temperature in workpiece only (non-
isothermal)" option (See Figure 3) as we are not going to calculate the temperature on the dies.
Click Next.

Figure 3: Setting type of thermal calculation

1.4. Defining model type and number of objects required.

In model type and number of dies page, there are two options one for full model and other with
symmetry condition. In this lab, we are going to use symmetry model condition hence select with
symmetry condition model option and use number of dies as 3 (See Figure 4) as we are going to
use one object for Pusher and other two object for Rail and Container.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 4: Model type and number of dies page.

Note: The Extrusion template supports the guided/open concepts used by many DEFORM
products. At any time during the problem setup, the next or back buttons can be used to
navigate to adjoining windows. In addition, the Project View highlights the current position in
the setup at any time.

1.5. Defining workpiece object

Change the object name as Billet and specify a Billet temperature of 400 F. (See Figure 5) and
click next to define its Geometry.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 5: Defining billet parameters

1.5.1. Import Billet Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_ex4_billet.STL” (See Figure 6).
Click on "Check geometry", here the geometry is ok so click OK.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 6: Import billet geometry.

1.5.2. Defining Symmetry surface of the Billet

Select the symmetry surface of the billet (See Figure 7)

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 7: Selecting symmetry plane

1.5.3. Generating Mesh for Billet

Set the number of elements to 90000 and use relative mesh generation method in detailed setting
tab and also use the mesh window to generate finer mesh in critical regions like exit region
where material exits the die cavity, click on Generate mesh (See Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure
10). Click Yes for Default Boundary condition popup asking to generate the default boundary
conditions with respect to symmetric surface definition.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 8: Detailed setting general meshing option

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 9: Detailed setting weighting factor meshing option

Figure 10: Detailed setting mesh window definition

1.5.4. Defining Material & BCC for Billet

In Material window, import ALUMINUM-3003[500-900F(250-480C)] Material from Library
(See Figure 11).

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 11: The Material selection page.

In BCC page, View the default symmetry & Heat exchange with environment boundary
conditions assigned (See Figure 12, Figure 13 and Figure 14). The default conditions are
correct and now just define free surface BCC for the workpiece end surface towards the die,
click Next.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 12: Symmetric Plane BCC definition.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 13: Free surface BCC definition.

Figure 14: Heat exchange with Environment BCC definition.

1.6. Defining Die1 object

Change the object name as Container and specify a Container temperature of 400 F (See Figure
15) and click next to define its Geometry.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 15: Defining Container parameters

1.6.1. Import Container Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_ex4_Container.STL” (See Figure 16).

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 16: Importing container geometry

1.6.2. Symmetry surface definition for container

Click Next for geometry page and select the symmetry surface of the container in geometry
symmetry surface page (See Figure 17).

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 17: Defining symmetry surface for container.

Click Next up to Die2 page, because for container bearing surface, bearing control points, Die
Edges and Movement definitions are not required.

1.7. Defining Die2 object

Change the object name as Rail and specify a Rail temperature of 400 F and also select bearing
surface check box (See Figure 18). Click Next to define its Geometry.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 18: Defining Ram parameters

1.7.1. Import Rail Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_ex4_Rail.STL” (See Figure 19).

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 19: Importing Rail geometry

1.7.2. Symmetry surface and bearing surface definition for Rail

Click Next for geometry page and select the symmetry surface of the Ram in geometry
symmetry surface page (See Figure 20).

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 20: Defining symmetry surface for Rail.

After defining symmetry surface for rail click Next for defining the bearing surface for the rail
geometry as shown in figure 21. Click Next up to Pusher object page, because for rail bearing
control points, Die Edges and Movement definitions are not required.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 21: Bearing surface definition for rail.

1.8. Defining Die3 object

Change the object name as Pusher and specify a Pusher temperature of 400 F, (See Figure 22)
and click Next to define its Geometry.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 22: Defining Pusher parameters

1.8.1. Import Pusher Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_ex4_Pusher.STL” (See Figure 23).

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 23: Importing Pusher geometry

1.8.2. Symmetry surface and Movement definition for Pusher

Click Next for geometry page and select the symmetry surface of the Pusher in geometry
symmetry surface page (See Figure 24).

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 24: Defining symmetry surface for Pusher.

Click Next up to Movement page to define the pusher movement, now define pusher movement
as Speed 0.1 in/sec (See Figure 25).

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 25: Defining movement for Pusher.

1.9. Positions the objects.

Set the Pusher to position by interference into the Billet in the -Z direction, using drag and offset
option position the container and rail with respect to billet (See Figure 26). After setting this,
click Next to go to inter-object data.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 26: Object position of Ram with respect to billet.

1.10. Defining Inter-Object Relations

In the Generate inter-object relations page (master-slave relations will be automatic). Go to edit
page, define the shear factor as 0.4 and interface heat transfer coefficient as 0.002 Btu/sec/in^2/F

for all the relation. Click on to calculate contact generation tolerance automatically. Select
the “Generate all” button. The Generated contacts looks as shown in Figure 27.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 27: Inter-object relationship window and contact between objects.

1.11. Step control and stopping criteria

After inter-objects relations, go to step controls and stopping criteria. Set 5000 time steps for this
simulation with a step increment of 100 and set “Time per step” value to 0.001 sec (See Figure

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Figure 28: Step controls window.

Check the data and generate the database. Save the project and Close operation.

Figure 29: Generate database window.

ALE Extrusion Example - 4

Image of the setup after defining billet, Container and ram data is as shown below in Figure 30.

Figure 30: Image after complete setup in symmetry mode.

1.12. Running the Simulation and Post-Processing

In GUI main select the DB & under simulator click on Run. The simulation will be started.
Simulation Graphics to see the results simultaneously as simulation runs. Post-Processor can be
used to view the results.

1.13. Exiting DEFORM-3D

Click the Exit icon. Once you are back in the MAIN window, you can exit DEFORM-2D3D

by selecting FileQuit or by clicking . When asked whether you want to quit,

click .


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