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ALE Extrusion Example -3


1.1.  Creating a New Problem 1 

1.2.  Layout of Extrusion template 1 

1.3.  Defining the Extrusion Process 2 

1.4.  Defining model type and number of objects required 3 

1.5.  Defining workpiece object 4 

1.6.  Defining Die1 object 8 

1.7.  Defining Die2 object 12 

1.8.  Defining Die3 object 15 

1.9.  Defining Die4 object 20 

1.10.  Positions the objects. 24 

1.11.  Defining Inter-Object Relations 25 

1.12.  Step control and stopping criteria 26 

1.13.  Running the Simulation and Post-Processing 28 

1.14.  Exiting DEFORM-3D 28 

ALE Extrusion Example -3

1.1. Creating a New Problem

From the Windows Start menu, select DEFORM 3D Extrusion in DEFORM v11.0 Beta.

1.2. Layout of Extrusion template

The layout of the interface can be seen in the figure below. The screen is distributed into four
discrete sections. The display window is where the objects for the current operation can be
viewed. The project list window is where the list of settings currently editable. Based on the
selection in the project list window, certain values can be edited in the setting modification
window. As information is provided to the interface, information will be printed in the project
record window such as saved steps.

Figure 1: The layout of the Extrusion template interface.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Select SI units for this Lab and enter Project Name & Title as ALE_Extrusion_Example3 as
shown in Figure 1.
Click the “Next” button.
Specify the Operation Name “ALE_Extrusion”.
Click the “Next” button.

1.3. Defining the Extrusion Process

In Extrusion type page select extrusion type as “ALE EXTRUSION”, (See Figure2). Click the
“Next” button.

Figure 2: ALE Extrusion type.

In the thermal calculations page, select the "Calculate temperature in workpiece and dies
(non-isothermal)" option (See Figure 3). Click Next.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 3: Setting type of thermal calculation

1.4. Defining model type and number of objects required

In model type and number of dies page, there are two options one for full model and other with
symmetry condition. In this lab, we are going to use Full model option and use number of dies as
4 (See Figure 4) as we are going to use 1 object for Die and other 3 objects for Back-up-plate,
Container and Ram respectively.

Figure 4: Model type and number of dies page.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Note: The Extrusion template supports the guided/open concepts used by many DEFORM
products. At any time during the problem setup, the next or back buttons can be used to
navigate to adjoining windows. In addition, the Project View highlights the current position in
the setup at any time.

1.5. Defining workpiece object

Specify workpiece temperature as 432 C. (See Figure 5) and click next to define its Geometry.

Figure 5: Defining workpiece parameters

1.5.1. Import Workpiece Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_Example3_Billet.STL” (See Figure 6).

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Click on check and correct geometry.

Figure 6: Import workpiece geometry.

1.5.2. Generating Mesh for Workpiece

The workpiece mesh has the largest influence of all simulation settings on simulation accuracy
and speed. A coarse mesh will allow extremely fast simulation speeds, but surface resolution will
be poor. More mesh elements will enhance surface resolution, but will do so at the expense of
simulation time, for this lab we will use 200K mesh elements with absolute mesh type, use 3
mesh windows on top, middle and bottom of the workpiece with element size as 20, 3 and 4 for
respective windows, so that we can get fine mesh at the die exit compare to rest of the
workpiece. Define minimum element size as 1 and size ratio as 5, now click on Surface mesh to

ALE Extrusion Example -3

see the preview and if the surface mesh looks fine click on Solid mesh to generate solid mesh
(See Figure 7, Figure 8).

Figure 7: Detailed setting meshing option.

Figure 8: Mesh window definition.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

1.5.3. Defining Material & BCC for Workpiece

In Material window, import Aluminum_Extrusion2009Data from saved material Key file.

Figure 9: The Material selection page.

In BCC page, Heat exchange with environment surface assigned the default conditions are
accepted for now. Define free surface BCC for the workpiece by selecting the free end as shown
in Figure 10, click Next.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 10: The Workpiece BCC page.

1.6. Defining Die1 object

Change the object name to Die and specify a Die temperature of 393 C and also select assign
bearing surface check box (See Figure 11) as we are going to define the bearing surface to be
considered by solver and click next to define its Geometry.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 11: Defining Die parameters

1.6.1. Import Die Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_Example3_Die.STL” (See Figure 12). Check the geometry by
clicking on check geometry. Turn on normal vectors to see the normal directions.

Figure 12: Importing Die geometry

1.6.2. Bearing surface definition for Die

Click next for geometry page and define the bearing surface for the container geometry by
selecting the surfaces as shown in Figure 13 and Figure 13a, and click next up to Die mesh

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 13: Defining Bearing surface for Die.

Figure 13a: Defining Bearing surface 1 and surface 2

ALE Extrusion Example -3

1.6.3. Generating Mesh for Die

Define 3200000 as Number of elements and size ratio as 5, so that we will get good surface.
Check the surface mesh and click on Generate mesh to generate solid mesh (See Figure14).

Figure 14: Detailed mesh setting option.

1.6.4. Defining material for Die

In Material window, import AISI-H-13 from saved DEFORM material Library and click next up
to Die2 page

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 15: The Material selection page.

1.7. Defining Die2 object

Change the object name as Back-up-plate and specify a Back-up-plate temperature of 393C,
(See Figure 16) and click next to define its Geometry.

Figure 16: Defining Back-up-plate parameters

ALE Extrusion Example -3

1.7.1. Import Back-up-plate Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_Example3_ Back_up_plate.STL” (See Figure 17) and click next upto
Back-up-plate mesh page.

Figure 17: Importing Back-up-plate geometry

1.7.2. Generate mesh for Back-up-plate.

Generate mesh with 80000 elements for Back-up-Plate (See Figure 18).

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 18: Back-up-plate mesh setting.

1.7.3. Select material for Back-up-plate

In Material window, select AISI-H-13 material from material list and click next up to Die3 page.

Figure 19: The Material selection page.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

1.8. Defining Die3 object

Change the object name as Container and specify a container temperature as 393 C, (See Figure
20) and click next to define its Geometry.

Figure 20: Defining Container parameters

1.8.1. Import Container Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_Example3_Container.STL” (See Figure 21) and Check Geometry.
Click next upto container mesh page.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 21: Importing Container geometry

1.8.2. Generate mesh for container.

Generate mesh with default 32000 elements for container (See Figure 22).

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 22: Container mesh setting.

1.8.3. Select material and defining BCC for Container

In Material window, select AISI-H-13 material from material list and click next to define BCC.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 23: The Material selection page

In BCC page, Define Temperature and heat exchange with environment BCC to the container
surfaces as shown in Figure 24 and Figure 25 and click Next upto Die4 page.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 24: Defining heat exchange with environment BCC.

Figure 25: Defining Temperature BCC.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

1.9. Defining Die4 object

Change the object name as Ram and specify Ram temperature of 365 C, (See Figure 26) and
click next to define its Geometry.

Figure 26: Defining Ram parameters

1.9.1. Import Ram Geometry

Click on “Import geometry”
Open the file “Extrusion_Example3_Ram.STL” (See Figure 27) and Check Geometry as
explained earlier. Click next upto Ram mesh page.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 27: Importing Ram geometry

1.9.2. Generate mesh for Ram.

Here we are going to Generate mesh with default 32000 elements for container (See Figure 28).

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 28: Ram mesh setting.

1.9.3. Select material for Ram

In Material window, select AISI-H-13 material from material list and click next to define BCC.

Figure 29: The Material selection page.

In BCC page, Define heat exchange with environment BCC (See Figure 30).

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 30: Defining heat exchange with environment BCC.

After defining heat exchange with environment BCC for ram click next up to movement control
page to define ram movement. Now define ram movement as Speed 10mm/sec (See Figure 31).

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 30: Defining Movement control.

1.10. Positions the objects.

Set the Ram to position by interference into the Billet in the -Z direction, using drag and offset
option position the container, Back-up-plate with respect to billet and Die (See Figure 32). After
setting this, click next to define inter object data.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 32: Object position details.

1.11. Defining Inter-Object Relations

In the Generate inter-object relations page (master-slave relations will be automatic) and also
add one master and slave relation using master as Back-up-plate and slave as Die. Go to edit
page, define the shear factor as 0.4 and interface heat transfer coefficient as 11 for all the

relations. Click on to calculate contact generation tolerance automatically. Click on

“Generate all” button to generate contacts (see Figure 33).

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 33: Inter-object relationship window.

1.12. Step control and stopping criteria

After inter-objects relations, go to step controls and stopping criteria. Set 5000 time steps for this
simulation with a step increment of 100 and set “Time per step” value to 0.001. Simulation will
stop after reaching steady state or specified steps.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Figure 34: Step controls.

Check the data and generate the database. Save the project and close operation.

Figure 35: Generate database window.

ALE Extrusion Example -3

Image of the setup after defining workpiece, Die, back-up-plate, Container and ram data is as
shown below in Figure 36.

Figure 36: Image after complete setup with full model mode.

1.13. Running the Simulation and Post-Processing

In GUI main select the DB & under simulator click on Run. The simulation will be started.
Simulation Graphics to see the results simultaneously as simulation runs. Post-Processor can be
used to view the results.

1.14. Exiting DEFORM-3D

Click the Exit icon. Once you are back in the MAIN window, you can exit DEFORM-2D3D

by selecting File Quit or by clicking . When asked whether you want to quit,

click .


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