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Name: Sonam Gulzar


Give the answers of four questions

What is the difference between customer and consumer please

explain with help of examples? 
Ans: Customer is one who getting the goods and the Consumer is
one who is the end user of any goods or services. Consumers are
incompetent to resell any invention or service. Customers need to
purchase a product or service in order to use it.
The words “customer” and “consumers” are often interchangeably
used and are easily disorganized with one another. It is high time
that common folk and businesses alike learn the meaning of
“customer “and “consumer”

 What includes in Market analysis and why companies should

conduct it?
Ans: Market analysis is one of that B2B (Business to Business) and
second one is B2C (Business to Customers)
B2B is one business to sells services and goods to others
B2C is that sells products and provides
And you also know about your products your customers your competitors also
 What includes in 4P’s explain with the help of one practical
Ans: there more some 4ps but we are describing here only 4pc
which is related to entrepreneurs, which mention below
1: Price
2: Promotion
3: Products
4: Place
We should need to know what will be the price of our Products and
how we can promote them, we can also promote them as
billboard, streamers roadshow etc.
Need to choose the place where our products can be good sell so
that our financial volume be good
Price should be low as compare to our products so that income
volume could be increase,
 Explain what includes in a customer profile?
Ans: customer profile exemplary is a picture of an individual or a
set of customers which includes different appearances and other
important information. A customer profile example is also known
as user profile template and it helps businesses make decisions by
protection track of habitué material.

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