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DEAssignment DetailsStudent Details Assignment Details

Student Details
Course Code / Title : CSZD2233


Due Date : 5 March, 2021

Lecturer : MS STELLA


I/We hereby declare that this assignment is my/our own work, and does not involve plagiarism or collusion.
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No. Content Page
1.0 Introduction 3
- explain general.- listening activity?
- why it is essential - child development?
2.0 1. method 1- whole body action 4
2. method 2- Rhythmic Clapping
3.0 1. why we choose whole body action to teach 5
2. why we choose Rhythmic Clapping to teach
children in class?
4.0 Step of conducting activities. 6, 7, 8

5.0 How the children respond through out the 9

6.0 Conclusion 10

7.0 Reference 11

Listening is what we can teach children, so listening is the key to communicating

effectively. Listening activities among these youths are developed with games and simple
activities. This activity only takes 5 to 15 minutes a day while in class. Listening is the activity
of noticing and getting meaning from something you hear. By asking students to engage in a
variety of classroom activities, teachers will help them develop and build their skills even
more. Teaching listening allows students to follow instructions, understand expectations, and
understand verbal communication. As children improve as listeners, they learn to use similar
strategies to improve their abilities in language, voice, and more.

Speaking and listening are increasingly helping children develop their language skills
and vocabulary. This helps them learn new words. This helps them develop grammar and
reading skills while in school. The role of parents when speaking and listening to children is
to motivate, develop and improve their speaking and listening skills. the role of teachers is to
correct and increase their motivation in listening. not only that, listening important to make
children active listeners and speakers because not all children are indeed good listeners and
speakers. Encouraging them to speak and listen in the early years will help them in their
academic future alone. Speaking and listening skills are more important for children as they
develop areas such as physical, social, emotional, intellectual, language, -verbal and
vocabulary skills.

The first method is body action play. Our activity on body action play is “be a whole
body listener” Listening with the whole body involves the unification of all the senses of the
body i.e. sensory processing, and combining it with the executive function i.e. self -control of
the brain and body, and perspective taking i.e. thinking about what others think and what
they say. Whole body listening is a useful tool for elaborating on the tasks involved in
listening. This not only helps make complex concepts clear, but raises awareness of
expected behaviors and can facilitate the teaching of self -advocacy skills. If taught,
practiced and supported attentively, it can become a more automatic habit and response.

Next method activity is the clapping. Our activity at Rhythmic Clapping is applause is
a percussion sound produced by uniting two flat surfaces, as on a human body part.
Applause is the most common sound we always do, as human beings, this activity is just
having to clap simply. We do it as a social gesture to show agreement and admiration in
groups, the public, and even more so in a ceremony atmosphere at school with something
like a show or presentation. moreover, enough applause with the amazing pulse of the
music. Start by singing simple songs and clapping. children can also try clapping while piano
playing music is played. Perception and performance of rhythmic movements unify several
different brain functions for them.

The method we choose is the action of the body. For the action of the body is “to be
a whole body listener” is one of the earliest activities taught using the Early Science section
in the learning area, in whole body listening, a student practices attention so that the main
parts of their body are focused on the speaker. In other words, they are actively "listening"
with their whole body. This activity is suitable for children aged 3 to 4 years. Therefore, this
activity can be categorized as a simple activity that is easily understood by children because
they not only know the body parts but also know its function. In addition, bodily actions are
activities that activate children in the classroom. this is because the child is left active while
in the classroom. To boost their enthusiasm, by launching this activity, we do an activity
where the child will always memorize the method of feet, eyes, brain and so on so that the
child can know its function. Next is that children use their whole body to listen well despite
the sensory challenges organizing them. In whole-body hearing, the ear must be ready to
hear, but it is difficult to hear when the whole body of the child is not ready. To listen, their
eyes must be focused on who is speaking. Looking around the room does not pay full
attention to the person speaking, and they may miss something important. The feet must
also be flat on the floor, and the body should face the person speaking. This is a way to tell
the speaker that they are ready to hear what is being presented.

The second is the Rhythmic Clapping method. Applause is the sound of a

combination produced by uniting two flat surfaces of a finger. So, when a person claps using
both their palms quickly and repeatedly, a sound will be produced. Clapping is not just for
playing but applause is also our way of giving appreciation or being excited to see something
beautiful. The appropriate age to do this activity is in the range of 5 years to 6 years. But, in
rhythm also in terms of body percussion is to match the voice in music, singing, clapping
games and many more. This clapping game is a kind of cooperative and active game that is
usually played by a few people who want to play it. Clearly, clapping can serve as a rhythmic
accompaniment to children’s play at school and is easy to understand. This clapping game is
also found everywhere and even almost all over the world. Similar games may be known
throughout the school district. Based on the method of activity that will be done by the
children is “Cup Game” for the standard area of learning Creativity and Aesthetics. The
learning experience of is that children will focus their full attention when the teacher gives
way to the game. While doing the activity, the teacher should give simple and clear
instructions to the children so that they can understand one by one the activity and do it with

Why the action of the body in children? The answer is to identify the body and use
the body vigorously is a process of cognitive, physical and language enrichment. At their age
level, we as teachers should motivate them to find the sense that happens by moving and
experiencing their world. With every physical ability we have acquired, we should be more
sensitive to something they can do, see or explore. for example, the child is very extreme.
then his hands perform a very simple waving activity. So the child will use the brain to think
inadvertently it is waving to his parents or teacher on the way home from school. The most
important aspect of encouraging body learning is to help children develop an appreciation for
their bodies and convince them of achievement at a new level. besides, why do we need to
teach them to love their own bodies? this is because their bodies at a young age help them
grow into children and people who want to run their bodies strong, healthy and safe so that
they can continue to do all the activities they want. Finally, they learn why take care of the
body? Because the body is like an eye for us to see what we want to do. Ears? to hear the

Next with rhythmic clapping. Regarding Rhythmic Clapping, the “Cup Game” game,
this is because of the arrangement of children participating in activities and turning to
musical rhythms such as clapping, they will take part in something that is very easy for them
to complete. In addition, with Learning Standard KE1.2.3 Producing sounds using a variety
of improvisational instruments creatively, children will learn to use cups as their musical
instruments. While listening to music is one of the keys to choice, the arrangement of
children actively and intelligently participating in music. Eventually, children will develop their
brains in the skills they use for language, literacy, coordination, attention and the strong
connection between brain and body. Feeling the rhythm and experiencing the concept, is an
important aspect in achieving music. Songs and poems of every culture can use the
melodies of our oral language tendencies and convey emotions that can be universally
understood. By teaching a child’s language is by preparing the child’s ears, voice and brain
to listen and sing along with the song using and developing both sides of the brain. While
listening to music is one of the keys to choice, the arrangement of children actively and
intelligently participating in music.

A. Whole body action

1. Preparation
About introduction is the process of combining what is going to happen and the goal
that is expected to be accomplished and the goal that is actually accomplished.
Before starting the activity, I will ask the students to guess what our activity is for
today. After that, I will let them see what I brought today and let them guess what
activities we will using those materials. Then I will tell them about the topic they studied
today. This will allow them to integrate in learning and learn with interest.

2. Imagination

While teaching students, I would ask them what they thought when they saw the
materials. I will also ask the students what the name of the material I brought and ask
them what is in the picture. So I had to let the student talk and say the name that was
in the picture.

3. progress

Teachers make a democracy about how children can identify the names of body
parts such as eyes, nose, ears, feet, fingers, brain and others. Teachers can also guide
children by showing the legs and explain what their function is. then, the teacher will
re -ask the child the functions of other limbs other than the written ones.

4. Action

After the activity, the kindergarten teacher will ask the children to completely arrange
what is comparable to the picture. then, the teacher asks the children to create an
activity related to the limbs. for example hands. after that, the children will do a
clapping activity.

5. Closure

Children show what the function of the heart is to the teacher. once finished.
Teachers can give any gift to them so that they are more enthusiastic after doing the
activity and more confident about the activity the next day.


1. Preparation.
For preparation, the kindergarten teacher will usually greet the children in the
class in advance and ask how the children are that morning. After that, the
kindergarten teacher will tell the children about the activities that will be done shortly.
Once all the children in the class are focused, the kindergarten teacher will ask the
children a simple question that is closely related to the topic of the activity.

2. Imagination.
For imagination, the kindergarten teacher will give a lesson that is easy to
understand by children that is related to how to produce the sound of cups and clap.
So here, the kindergarten teacher will ask children how to make a song through cups
and clap. Here, we can see the extent to which children understand and children's
imagination about the activity.

3. Progress.
For progress, the kindergarten teacher will distribute some materials used in
the activity such as cups to each child in the class. Then, the kindergarten teacher
will give instructions one by one to the children in the class. So, the kindergarten
teacher will instruct the child to pay full attention to the teacher who is in front of the
class so that each activity described can reach into the brain of the respective child.

4. Action.
For action or action, children will start doing the activity following a
demonstration from their teacher. First, the children will start by placing the cup
upside down on the table and they should clap their hands twice and hit the bottom of
the cup 3 times between right and left. Second, the children should clap again and
pick up the cup and put it down and clap again, then, they will turn the lid of their left
hand to pick up the cup. Third, they would hit the top of the cup with their right hand
and hit the bottom of the cup on the table. Fourth, they switched cups from their left
hand to their right hand and tapped the table with their free left hand. Finally, the
children place the cup with their right hand and they have to repeat the same method
and song until they are good at playing it.

5. Closure.
For closure, the kindergarten teacher will ask the child to play the Cup Game
again to make sure the child understands or is not related to the activity.

1. Cup


Through my view, there were some responses from the children after doing the
activity. For example, children can understand every function in our body. This is because
after they do the activity. I will always repeat the question a few times so that they always
remember what its function is. In addition, their response to the activity also made them
aware of the importance of keeping their limbs out of danger, namely being careful when
walking. This is because in order to prevent injury from happening to them. With this,
children respond positively with more caution in doing things. Next, their other response was
that they asked questions they did not know or questions that were not posed in the activity
list. For example, they ask about the use of internal organs such as the intestines, and
others. In this, we will see their enthusiasm in knowing more in the outer and outer limbs.
Then, with that, the child becomes active in asking questions to the teacher. Not only that,
The faster we as teachers react when children become too physically, the easier it is for
them to regain control their bodies. for example, when a new child starts knocking on a
neighbor, it takes less effort to stop and put it down hands down than if the knock had
already changed rough.

Next is for the children's feedback during the clapping activity in the "Cup Game", is when
the children participate in this activity and move to the rhythm of the music such as clapping
with fun and jumping around with a big smile. Eventually, children will get the latest skill
development they can use for language, literacy, coordination, concentration and building
strong connections between brain and body. Feeling rhythm through words is one of
understanding concepts, and is also an important aspect.

As a wrap up of all the above discussion, these two lesson methods are an action-
Body game, “Hands, Shoulders, Knees and Fingers” and Rhythmic applause, “Cup Game” is
successfully planned until the child is really ready to learn new learning about this activity. In
addition, learning methods for body-action games, “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Legs”
activities are performed based on Science and Technology Learning Area Standards with
SA3.2 content standards Acquire basic knowledge of body parts and senses and SA3
Learning Standards. 2.1 Identify body parts. So, this lesson activity involves body
movements which are gross motor skills and fine motor skills of children. We planned this
activity because this activity can teach children about Body Parts that recognize Body Parts
such as head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

After that, for the rhythmic clapping activity, “Cup Game”, the learning method for this
activity is based on Physical Development and Aesthetic Strain, Creativity and Aesthetics
Learning Area with Content Standard KE1.2 Playing Percussion, and Learning Standard
KE1.2.3 Producing sound use a variety of improvisational instruments creatively. Therefore,
this activity involves rhythmic clapping and making a sound through the cup. Clearly, this
activity involves fine motor skills such as holding, tapping, and grabbing objects. We have
planned this activity because this activity can teach children about how to use the materials
around us to be used as musical instruments such as cups and clapping earlier.
7.0 Referent

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