Tests To Determine Stress Concentration Factors For Square Bird-Beak SHS Joints Under Chord and Brace Axial Forces

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Tests to Determine Stress Concentration Factors

for Square Bird-Beak SHS Joints under

Chord and Brace Axial Forces
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Bin Cheng 1; Qin Qian 2; and Xiao-Ling Zhao 3

Abstract: Bird-beak joints are a type of welded square hollow section (SHS) joint, the static strength of which is higher than that of conven-
tional joints. Experimental analyses were conducted on the stress concentration factors (SCFs) of square bird-beak joints to obtain more
information regarding their fatigue behavior. Twelve specimens, i.e., three conventional joints and nine square bird-beak joints, are separately
tested by considering chord and brace axial force load cases. Both conventional and square bird-beak joints tested have a T-shape and are
simply supported at their chord ends. Elastic strain distributions near the crown and saddle areas are measured, and strain concentration
factors (SNCFs) at potential hot spots are calculated using an extrapolation approach. Quadratic extrapolation is suggested for the square bird-
beak joints because linear extrapolation may underestimate SNCFs by up to 35%. Furthermore, critical locations are identified for square
bird-beak joints subjected to chord and brace axial forces. A comparison indicates that the square bird-beak joints can produce lower stress
concentration factors than the conventional or the diamond bird-beak joints with identical nondimensional parameters, especially when brace-
to-chord width ratios are relatively small. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001095. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Square hollow section (SHS); Bird-beak joint; Axial load; Hot spot stress; Stress concentration factor; Metal and
composite structures.

Introduction et al. (1993) initially investigated the ultimate bearing capacities

and failure modes of square bird-beak T-joints, using a structural
Steel tubular constructions have extensive applications in many test and numerical analysis, where multiple load cases, including
industries such as buildings, bridges, offshore structures, and lattice brace axial force, in-plane bending, and out-of-plane bending were
masts, where steel members with hollow sections are generally considered. Davies et al. (1996) conducted a similar finite-element
directly welded to each other (Wardenier et al. 2010). These hollow analysis. Owen et al. (1996) focused on the differences in structural
sections can be circular hollow section (CHS), rectangular hollow behavior between bird-beak and traditional concrete-filled SHS
section (RHS), and square hollow section (SHS). For SHS-SHS T-joints. Owen and Kelly (2001) described the effects of purlin loads
welded connections, the chord walls are traditionally aligned parallel/ on the capacities of over-lapped bird-beak K-joints. Owen et al.
perpendicular to brace walls, which makes end cutting and fabricat- (2001) also investigated the influences of structural parameters,
ing extremely easy [Fig. 1(a)]. However, there are other configura- such as brace/chord length ratio, chord slenderness ratio, sec-
tions, known as bird-beak joints, which are created by rotating the tional wall slenderness ratio, and boundary conditions at chord
members by 45° about their longitudinal axes. Figs. 1(b and c) dem- ends on the resistances of bird-beak X-joints loaded by pairs
onstrate two types of bird-beak SHS T-joints, i.e., a square bird-beak of brace axial compression forces. Christitsas (2007) and Lei
joint generated by rotating only the chord and a diamond bird-beak (2009) conducted experiments and parametric FEM analysis of
joint generated by rotating both the chord and brace. These innovative square bird-beak x-joints subject to in-plane bending, by which
connections were originally proposed for their aesthetic appeal. formulas for design resistance have been proposed. Zhu and Liu
Afterwards, researchers and engineers surprisingly determined (2012) studied the nonlinear behavior of axially loaded diamond
that bird-beak joints could assist in relieving lateral wind loads bird-beak XT-joints using a FEM. All of the studies indicated that
and providing higher structural resistances. the ultimate strengths of bird-beak joints were higher compared
To ensure the safety of using these novel constructions, many to that of conventional joints with the same nondimensional
researchers devoted their efforts to the ultimate resistances of bird- parameters. The actual reason for the improved mechanical
beak joints under static loads. Ono et al. (1991, 1993, 1994), Ishida behaviors was thought to be that the oblique orientation would
assist in transferring forces between members through a natural
1 in-plane action rather than the bending of walls.
Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering,
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai However, limited references are available concerning fatigue
200240, China (corresponding author). E-mail: cheng_bin@sjtu.edu.cn behavior of bird-beak joints. Ishida (1992) performed the earliest
Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong fatigue tests of bird-beak T-joints under a brace axial force load
Univ., Shanghai 200240, China. E-mail: losangel6@126.com case. Keizer (2003), Keizer et al. (2003) investigated the stress
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Monash Univ., Melbourne, VIC
concentration factors of diamond bird-beak joints under brace axial
3168, Australia. E-mail: zhao.xiao.ling@monash.edu
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 22, 2013; approved
forces. Tong et al. (2014) presented an experimental study on
on April 7, 2014; published online on May 29, 2014. Discussion period stress concentration factors for diamond bird-beak T-joints under
open until October 29, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for axial force and in-plane bending on the brace. Compared with
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineer- abundant products for fatigue of conventional SHS-SHS connec-
ing, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/04014088(11)/$25.00. tions that have been presented in literature (van Wingerde 1992;

© ASCE 04014088-1 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2014, 140(11): 04014088

Test Setup

Twelve specimens were fabricated, three conventional T-joints (J)
and nine square bird-beak T-joints (SBBJ). The nine square
bird-beak joints were orthogonally designed based on the three
types of nondimensional parameters, (1) brace-to-chord width ratio
β ¼ b1 =b0 , (2) chord wall slenderness ratio 2γ ¼ b0 =t0 , and
(3) brace/chord wall thickness ratio τ ¼ t1 =t0 . In this paper, b0
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and t0 represent the sectional width and wall thickness of the chord,
and b1 and t1 correspond to the sectional width and wall thickness
of the brace (Fig. 2). The parameter values used for the orthogonal
experiment were originally selected as β ¼ 0.45, 0.60, and 0.75,
Fig. 1. Welded SHS-SHS T-joints: (a) conventional; (b) square bird- 2γ ¼ 16.67, 20, and 25, and τ ¼ 0.5, 0.65, and 0.8, and the real τ
beak; and (c) diamond bird-beak values of certain specimens were slightly modified based on the
actual modular dimensions of steel tubes provided by the manufac-
turing factory. For the purpose of comparison, three conventional
van Wingerde et al. 1997; Packer and Wardenier 1998) and sub- joints (J-3, J-5, and J-7) were designed to have similar dimensions
sequently documented in current design codes, such as the IIW to the square bird-beak specimens SBBJ-3, SBBJ-5, and SBBJ-7,
(2008) and Zhao et al. (2000), existing fatigue studies with regard respectively. All specimens had chords that measured 1,200 mm in
to bird-beak joints are far from systematic and complete. This lack length and braces at least 600 mm in length. Therefore, the member
of literature is the reason that few applications of bird-beak joints ends were kept away from the junction area by at least 3× the mem-
are used in structures dominated by cyclic repeating live loads, bers’ sectional width so that the effects of boundary conditions could be
e.g., bridges. ignored. Table 1 provides the dimensions of the specimens.
In current design codes regarding the fatigue design of tubular The brace members were connected to the chords through 80%
joints, the hot spot stress range-based stress range-number of cycles partial joint penetration (PJP) groove welds and fillet welds, which
(S-N) curves have been primarily recommended and extensively are produced by carbon dioxide gas arc welding (Fig. 3). The cor-
used for practical applications. The hot spot stress approach, in ners of cold-formed steel tubes used for fabrication were measured
which nominal stresses and stress concentration factors (SCFs) to be 3–10% thicker than the plate between them and to have outer
are both used, is expected to give more precise results than the radii of about 2× their thicknesses. The steel tubes were of Q420
nominal stress-based classification method (i.e., detail category ap- grade, which strictly conforms to GB/T 6728-2002 (National 2002).
proach) for fatigue designs of tubular joints. Therefore, this paper Standard coupons were taken from the tubes and tested in uniaxial
focuses on the stress concentration characteristics of square tension. The measured mechanical properties are determined as
bird-beak T-joints using experimental methods. Two load cases, follows: (1) yield stress Sy ¼ 494 MPa, (2) ultimate tensile strength
the (1) chord axial force, and (2) brace axial force, are separately Su ¼ 597 MPa, and (3) Young’s modulus E ¼ 202 GPa.
considered. The nonlinear distributions of strains at hot spots are
analyzed and then a number of strain extrapolations from which the
Test Rig
strain concentration factors (SNCFs) at potential hot spots are ob-
tained. The locations most prone to the highest stress concentrations In all tests, each T-joint was simply supported in-plane at two chord
are verified. Furthermore, comparisons between different joint ends. The two load cases were applied separately, i.e., (1) a pair of
types, which intend to verify lower stress concentrations for square axial compression forces applied at two chord ends, and (2) a single
bird-beak joints, are presented. axial compression force applied at the free end of the brace. Therefore,

y t1 y t1

x b1 x b1
b1 b1
End plate End plate

Stiffener Stiffener
300 300
End plate Brace End plate Brace
y t0 I III III
Stiffener Stiffener y

x b0
Support plate Support plate b0
I b0 I

Steel rod 250 Steel rod 250

L0 L0

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Specimens: (a) conventional T-joints; and (b) square bird-beak T-joints

© ASCE 04014088-2 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2014, 140(11): 04014088

Table 1. Dimensions of T-Joint Specimens
Chord Brace Nondimensional parameters
Specimen b0 (mm) t0 (mm) L0 (mm) b1 (mm) t1 (mm) L1 (mm) β 2γ τ
J-3 200 8 1,200 150 6 641 0.75 25.00 0.750
J-5 200 10 120 5 0.60 20.00 0.500
J-7 200 12 90 8 0.45 16.67 0.667
SBBJ-1 200 12 1,200 150 6 600 0.75 16.67 0.500
SBBJ-2 200 10 150 6 0.75 20.00 0.600
SBBJ-3 200 8 150 6 0.75 25.00 0.750
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SBBJ-4 200 12 120 10 0.60 16.67 0.833

SBBJ-5 200 10 120 5 0.60 20.00 0.500
SBBJ-6 200 8 120 5 0.60 25.00 0.625
SBBJ-7 200 12 90 8 0.45 16.67 0.667
SBBJ-8 200 10 90 8 0.45 20.00 0.800
SBBJ-9 200 8 90 4 0.45 25.00 0.500

other than the vertical rigid reaction frame used for brace axial load- The chord section I-I as located 250 mm away from the chord
ing, a self-balanced loading device was also designed for the im- end and the brace section II-II as located 300 mm away from the
plementation of the horizontal axial forces at the chord ends. The brace end (Fig. 2), were used for nominal strain monitoring, respec-
fabricated device is primarily composed of two stiffened H-steels tively, for the load case of chord axial force and brace axial force.
and four steel bars that connect them, with one of the H-steels being The strain distributions on these sections would neither be affected
fixed to the ground with foundation bolts [Fig. 4(a)]. The horizontal by the junction details nor by the end boundaries. Twelve equally
loading forces are internally balanced within the closed rectangular spaced regular gauges were symmetrically arranged around the
frame without placing a horizontal support for the jack. Each of two outer surface of each section [Figs. 5(a–c)].
jacks at the member ends has a maximum capacity of 500 kN. The strip gauges, each of which contained several regular base
Studies have proved that even a slight eccentricity of axial force elements, were arranged along the potential hot lines to obtain the
may cause significant errors to the test dedicated to obtaining hot spot strains at the weld toes using an extrapolation approach.
accurate stress/strain values at complex local areas of tubular con- According to recommendations in existing literature (van Wingerde
nections. The existence of initial geometrical imperfections in both 1992) and design guides (IIW 2008; Zhao et al. 2000), six hot lines
member straightness and section shape makes it more difficult to (i.e., B, C, and D in the chord, and E, F, and A in the brace) were
apply a uniformly distributed compression on the member section. specified for the conventional joints [Fig. 5(d)]. Among these, four
Therefore, the nominal strain distributions in the member section corner lines (A, B, D, and E) were required to be aligned with the
were monitored during the current test by arranging several strain inner surface of the brace wall. However, for the square bird-beak
gauges around the specific section located between the junction joints, the junction configurations containing the so-called crown
area and the member end. A special kit used for load positioning areas and saddle areas, as used for CHS-CHS tubular joints, are
has also been introduced [Fig. 4(b)]. By gradually adjusting the much more complex in geometry and there is no relevant reference
jack position and analyzing the symmetrical characteristics of to stress distribution regularities in published reports. Therefore, in
the recorded nominal strains on the opposite sectional walls for order to facilitate the determination of potential hot lines, finite-
every step, an ideal axial force used for producing approximate uni- element analyses were first performed by the use of a general-
form compressions on the member section can then be verified. purpose finite-element program Ansys 12. Solid elements (SOLID95)
with 20 nodes and three degrees of freedom for each node were
Measurement of Strains employed to describe the geometries of both section walls and
fillet welds. Stress distributions near the crown and saddle areas
Two types of strain gauges, (1) regular gauges, and (2) strip gauges, were carefully examined. The results indicate that in certain cases
were used in the test to record the nominal strains and hot spot where the outer radius of brace corner is greater than the brace
strains, respectively. wall thickness, stresses in areas near the brace corner ends are
lower compared to those near the locations aligned with the inner
t1 t1 surface of the brace wall. Therefore, by adopting the similar criteria
used for conventional joints, four crown hot lines (i.e., Cr-B and
Brace wall Brace wall Cr-C in the chord, and Cr-F and Cr-A in the brace) and six saddle
45° t0 hot lines (i.e., Sa-B, Sa-C, and Sa-D in the chord, and Sa-E, Sa-F, and
0.8t1 Sa-A in the brace) were selected for the square bird-beak specimens
[Fig. 5(e)]. Strip gauges of the same quantities were also arranged
in symmetrical lines about the brace axis in the joint plane, which
t0 implied that strains in 12 (or 20) hot lines were actually recorded for
Chord wall
each conventional (or square bird-beak) T-joint. The larger SNCFs
Chord wall
of the two sides were used.
By referring to the boundaries of the extrapolation region for
conventional RHS joints as provided in IIW (2008) and Zhao et al.
(a) (b) (2000), each extrapolation region was required to start from a
length Lmin [Figs. 5(d and e)], away from the weld toe and have
Fig. 3. Eighty percent partial joint penetration groove weld plus fillet
a length of t, where t represents the sectional wall thickness of
weld: (a) crown area; and (b) saddle area
the member on which the strains were measured; and Lmin is taken

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Fig. 4. Test rig: (a) overall view; and (b) load positioning kit

to be the greater value between 0.4t and 4 mm. For every strip an absolute axial force, i.e., when both NSNRx and NSNRy equal
gauge, the uniform intervals between the regular base elements exactly 1 simultaneously, can hardly be achieved because the
were precisely designed by the manufacturer to be 2 mm, which symmetries in the x-direction and y-direction are always coupled
is regarded to be highly consistent with the extrapolation regions to each other due to the initial geometrical imperfections of the
and accurate enough for strain extrapolations. specimens.
Fig. 6 provides photographs of typical strain gauge arrange-
ments for both conventional and square bird-beak joints.
Nominal Strains from Experimental Testing and Beam
Discussion on Test Results The experimental nominal strain increments (Δεnom;exp ) were com-
pared to the theoretical nominal strain increments (Δεnom;theory ),
Symmetry of Nominal Strains which was calculated using beam theory as Δεnom;theory ¼
ΔPðE · AÞ), where ΔP = axial force increment; A = sectional area
The nominal strains on the specified sections, as described previ- of the member; and E = Young’s modulus of steel. A good agree-
ously, were monitored to ensure that an approximate axial force had ment between the experimental and theoretical nominal strains
been applied to the member. Two nominal strain ratios (i.e., NSNRx is found (Fig. 7), with the averaged and the maximal differences
and NSNRy ) were introduced to indicate the similarity between the between them being observed to be 4 and 11%, respectively.
nominal strains on opposite walls of the section (Fig. 5).
For the chord axial force, the ratios are
Nonlinearity of Strain Distributions within Extrapolation
C11 þ C6 þ C5 þ C10 Regions
NSNRx ¼ ð1aÞ
C12 þ C1 þ C2 þ C9
Fig. 8 illustrates the typical strain distributions for different load
levels along the hot spot location line C of the conventional speci-
C12 þ C8 þ C7 þ C11
NSNRy ¼ ð1bÞ men J-3 and line Sa-C of the square bird-beak specimen SBBJ-2,
C9 þ C3 þ C4 þ C10 where both linear and quadratic extrapolation curves have been
plotted. Nonlinear variations of strains are apparent, which indi-
For the brace axial force, the ratios are cates that quadratic extrapolation will produce more accurate hot
spot strains at weld toes.
B12 þ B1 þ B2 þ B9 This conclusion is confirmed by introducing a ratio of
NSNRx ¼ ð2aÞ
B11 þ B6 þ B5 þ B10 SNCFl =SNCFq , where SNCFl and SNCFq correspond to the strain
concentration factors derived from linear and quadratic extrapola-
B9 þ B3 þ B4 þ B10 tion, respectively. Fig. 9 illustrates the SNCFl =SNCFq ratios at all
NSNRy ¼ ð2bÞ the investigated spots of 12 specimens, respectively for the two load
B12 þ B8 þ B7 þ B11
cases. The mean values of the SNCFl =SNCFq ratios for the conven-
where the subscripts x and y represent the comparison between the tional joints under chord axial force and brace axial force are 0.89
two opposite walls in the x-direction and y-direction, respectively and 0.83, respectively; for the square bird-beak joints, the mean
[Fig. 5]. A value closer to 1 for NSNRx (or NSNRy ) indicates a values under the two loads are 0.84 and 0.90, respectively. The min-
better position of the load in the x-direction or y-direction. imum SNCFl =SNCFq ratios under the two load cases are observed
The averaged ratios of the loading attempts from which the to be 0.65 and 0.68, respectively. In other words, linear extrapola-
experimental data were between 0.96 and 1.07, which implies that tion may underestimate the SNCFs of both conventional and square
approximate axial forces had been applied in the members. Normally, bird-beak RHS joints by up to 35%. Therefore, only the SNCFs/

© ASCE 04014088-4 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2014, 140(11): 04014088

y C12
y x y
C8 C1
C7 C8 B8 B7
C11 C12 B12 B11
C7 C2
B1 B6
C6 C1 C11 C9 b1 b1/3 x
B2 B5
200 60 x b1/3
C5 C2 70 C6 C3 70 B9 B10
B3 B4
70 b1/3 b1/3 b1/3
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60 C5 C4 60
C10 C9 200 200
C4 C3 C10
70 70
70 60 70


(a) (b) (c)

Center line of brace section

2mm 2mm
Brace wall
D E E' D'
t1 Lmin F A t1 A' F' Lmin t1

C C'
Toe of fillet weld
t1 B B' t1
45° 45°

Chord boundary


Center line of brace section

Lmin Lmin
Cr-C Cr-F Cr-F' Cr-C'
Crown area t0 t0 Crown area
Cr-A Cr-A'
Cr-B Cr-B'

2mm 2mm
Brace wall
Sa-D Sa-E Sa-E' Sa-D'
t1 Sa-F t1 Sa-F' t1
Lmin Sa-A Sa-A' Lmin

Saddle area Saddle area

Sa-C Sa-C'
Toe of fillet weld
t1 Sa-B Sa-B' t1
45° 45°

Chord boundary

Fig. 5. Arrangement of strain gauges: (a) chord section I-I of conventional joints; (b) chord section I-I of square bird-beak joints; (c) brace section II-
II; (d) hot spots of conventional joints (top view from section III-III); and (e) hot spots of square bird-beak joints (top view from section III-III)

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Fig. 6. Strain gauge distributions: (a) conventional joint; and (b) square bird-beak joint

40 40

30 30
R2=0.9978 y=1.055x-0.184

R =0.9834

20 20 y=x
nom, exp
nom, exp


10 10

Bird-beak joint Bird-beak joint

Conventional joint Conventional joint
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
-6 -6
(a) nom, theory (×10 ) (b) nom, theory (x10 )

Fig. 7. Experimental nominal strains versus beam theory nominal strains: (a) chord axial force; and (b) brace axial force

600 600
Line A y=2.81x2-58.62x+414.25 P=10kN Line Sa-A 2
y=0.41x -19.70x+393.80 P=10kN
J-3 2
y=2.19x -45.78x+324.05 P=20kN SBBJ-2 2
y=0.32x -14.68x+293.39 P=20kN
500 2 500 2
y=1.62x -33.35x+230.70 P=30kN y=0.24x -10.32x+198.60 P=30kN
Hot spot strains (x10-6)
Hot spot strains (x10-6)

y=0.75x -15.70x+110.40 P=40kN y=0.13x2-5.67x+107.60 P=40kN
400 400 y= -12.23x+365.06
y= -19.25x+290.50
y= -6.06x+271.40
y= -15.15x+227.80 y= -6.06x+182.18
300 y= -10.60x+159.20 300
y= -3.26x+98.31
y= -5.20x+77.40
200 200

100 100

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
(a) Distance from weld toe (mm) (b) Distance from weld toe (mm)

Fig. 8. Typical strain distributions for different brace axial force levels: (a) along hot line A of conventional specimen J-3; and (b) along hot line Sa-C
of square bird-beak specimen SBBJ-2

© ASCE 04014088-6 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2014, 140(11): 04014088

Square bird-beak joint Square bird-beak joint
Conventional joint Conventional joint
1.0 1.0

0.9 0.9


SCFl 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7
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Chord Chord Brace

0.6 0.6






















(a) Hot Spot (b) Hot Spot

Fig. 9. Linear versus quadratic extrapolation: (a) chord axial force; and (b) brace axial force

SCFs generated from quadratic extrapolation were used for the For square bird-beak joints subjected to brace axial force, the
discussion in this paper. following are noted:
• Six of the nine square bird-beak specimens have maximum
Magnitude of SNCFs at Hot Spots chord SNCFs at saddle spots Sa-C. In these cases, saddle spots
Sa-B have the second highest SNCFs (average 86% of Sa-C),
Table 2 provides the SNCF magnitudes at selected hot spots as de- and the average ratios of the SNCFs at spots Cr-C, Cr-B, and Sa-
termined using the quadratic extrapolation approach. Fig. 10 shows D to the maximum values at spots Sa-C are 0.65, 0.70, and 0.69,
an intuitive comparison, the normalized SNCF of the measured respectively. As for the remaining three joints (i.e., SBBJ-4,
spot against the maximum SNCF of whole joint, i.e., normalized SBBJ-5, and SBBJ-7), the maximum chord SNCFs occur at
SNCF = measured SNCF/maximal SNCF. Conclusions can be crown spots Cr-C or Cr-B, and saddle spots Sa-C also possess
made as describes next. extremely high strain concentrations, with the SNCFs being
For square bird-beak joints subjected to chord axial force, the only 4–11% less than the maximum values. Therefore, the high-
following are noted: est SNCFs in the chord are most likely to appear at spots Sa-C,
• All braces are free from strain concentrations and all chord and that spots Sa-B, Cr-C, and Cr-B may provide extremely
SNCFs are less than 1.6, which is identical to conventional high SNCFs next to or exceeding the spot Sa-C.
joints; • There are seven square bird-beak specimens whose maximum
• The maximum SNCFs in the chord always occur at saddle spots brace SNCFs occurred at saddle spots Sa-A (five joints) or Sa-F
Sa-D, which is similar with the occurrence at spot D for (two joints), with the SNCFs at crown spots Cr-F and Cr-A aver-
conventional joints, and SNCFs at crown spots Cr-C and Cr-B, aging 0.81× and 0.80× the maximum values, respectively. For
between which very small differences were observed, are extre- the other two joints (i.e., SBBJ-4 and SBBJ-8), where the max-
mely close to the maximum values at spots Sa-D in most occa- imum brace SNCFs occurred at crown spots Cr-F and Cr-A,
sions; and high strain concentrations (83–85% of the maximum SNCFs)
• Small tensile strains were detected at both spots Sa-B in square were also observed at spots Sa-A. Saddle spots Sa-A and
bird-beak joints and spot B in conventional joints, which could Sa-F have the most possibility of producing the largest SNCFs
be attributed to the effects of Poisson’s ratio because these lines in the brace, with the SNCFs at crown spots Cr-F and Cr-A
are always perpendicular to the chord axial force. being similar.

Table 2. Determination of SNCFs

Chord axial force Brace axial force
Chord spot Chord spot Brace spot
Sa-D Sa-C Sa-B Sa-D Sa-C Sa-B Sa-E Sa-F Sa-A
Specimen Cr-C Cr-B or D or C or B Cr-C Cr-B or D or C or B Cr-F Cr-A or E or F or A
J-3 — — 1.19 0.99 −0.15 — — 5.16 6.40 4.17 — — 4.50 4.56 14.11
J-5 — — 1.32 0.80 −0.31 — — 5.13 4.38 6.39 — — 8.54 9.24 11.47
J-7 — — 1.15 0.67 −0.22 — — 4.11 5.73 5.41 — — 3.47 4.49 8.56
SBBJ-1 0.52 0.66 1.01 0.70 −0.32 2.91 3.11 3.04 4.39 3.97 3.30 2.89 2.70 3.85 4.41
SBBJ-2 0.75 0.75 1.20 0.52 −0.32 4.07 4.20 3.79 6.00 5.22 3.93 3.54 2.61 4.52 4.05
SBBJ-3 0.98 0.98 1.28 0.65 −0.22 4.82 4.39 5.37 9.99 7.45 5.18 4.97 3.76 3.78 6.75
SBBJ-4 1.05 1.20 1.56 0.69 −0.49 6.07 5.67 5.89 5.29 4.17 3.59 3.54 — 2.30 2.99
SBBJ-5 1.02 1.09 1.31 0.58 −0.36 3.79 3.60 2.81 3.36 3.73 3.16 4.00 2.71 2.69 4.05
SBBJ-6 0.54 0.80 1.40 0.63 −0.24 3.52 4.13 3.73 5.17 4.15 3.29 3.00 1.82 3.53 3.61
SBBJ-7 0.96 0.81 1.08 0.57 −0.29 3.36 3.46 3.18 3.23 3.02 2.44 1.94 2.21 3.07 2.14
SBBJ-8 0.80 0.72 1.14 0.58 −0.36 3.81 4.27 3.84 4.87 4.57 2.95 3.42 1.74 1.46 2.90
SBBJ-9 0.74 1.09 1.18 0.70 −0.26 2.17 2.30 2.66 3.43 3.03 2.90 2.90 1.27 1.78 3.79

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J. Struct. Eng., 2014, 140(11): 04014088


Chord Sa-D

0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1
Normalized SNCF
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Brace Sa-E

Chord Sa-D

0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1
Normalized SNCF

Fig. 10. Comparison of SNCF magnitudes for square bird-beak joints at different hot spots: (a) chord axial force; and (b) brace axial force

• In comparison, the maximum chord SNCFs of the six square (DEVSQ), the degree of freedom (DF), the F-value, as well as the
bird-beak joints are greater than the corresponding maximum critical F-value (Fc ) were further introduced. The DEVSQ of
ones in the brace, with the differences between them being factors were calculated as DEVSQ ¼ ðK 1 − K 2 Þ2 þ ðK 2 − K 3 Þ2 þ
11–41%. However, for the other three joints whose highest ðK 3 − K 1 Þ2 by the use of K 1 , K 2 , and K 3 values provided in the
stress concentrations were observed in the braces, the maximum intuitive analysis, and the DEVSQ of error came from the blank
chord SNCFs are as large as 91–99% of the global maximum column of the orthogonal design process which was used to mon-
SNCFs. Therefore, for square bird-beak joints, the chords are itor the random error of the test. The DF was defined as the number
more prone to higher stress concentrations than the braces. of factors minus 1. The F-value, which was defined as the rate of
DEVSQ of two samples, was calculated in this paper as the
DEVSQ of factor divided by the DEVSQ of error. The Fc , which
Influence of Nondimensional Parameters
was used as the comparing reference for the calculated F-value,
Influencing factor analyses based on the experimental results of was determined by the degrees of freedom of the two samples
nine orthogonally designed specimens were conducted to reveal and certain confidence coefficient according to statistical theory.
the relative influences of three nondimensional parameters on The relative influences of the factors were assumed to be reflected
the maximum SNCFs of square bird-beak joints. Both intuitive by their F-values when excluding the impact of error, i.e., a greater
analysis and variance analysis were conducted. F-value represented a more significant influence.
In the research reported in this paper, three nondimensional Table 3 provides the results of the analysis for the chord spot
parameters are considered with each containing three levels, Sa-C and brace spot Sa-A. The two approaches provide similar
i.e., β ¼ 0.45, 0.60, and 0.75, 2γ ¼ 16.67, 20, and 25, and results. For the spot Sa-C, where the maximum SNCFs in the chord
τ ¼ 0.5, 0.65, and 0.8. In the intuitive analysis, three mean values
of the SNCFs corresponding to each level (i.e., K 1 , K 2 , and K 3 )
were first calculated for each factor. Take the case of parameter Table 3. Results of Influencing Factor Analysis for Orthogonally
β as an example, K 1 = mean SNCF of three specimens with β ¼ Designed Bird-Beak Specimens
0.75 (i.e., specimens SBBJ-1, SBBJ-2, and SBBJ-3), K 2 is the
Intuitive analysis Variance analysis
mean SNCF of three specimens with β ¼ 0.60 (i.e., specimens
SBBJ-4, SBBJ-5, and SBBJ-6), and K 3 = mean SNCF of three Spot Factor K1 K2 K3 R DEVSQ DF F Fc
specimens with β ¼ 0.45 (i.e., specimens SBBJ-7, SBBJ-8, and Sa-C A, β 6.79 4.60 3.84 2.95 14.08 2 15.59 9
SBBJ-9). Afterwards, the range R, which was defined as the maxi- B, 2γ 4.30 4.74 6.20 1.89 5.90 2 6.53 9
mum mean value minus the minimum mean value, i.e., R ¼ C, τ 3.73 4.80 6.72 2.99 13.75 2 15.23 9
maxðK 1 ; K 2 ; K 3 Þ − minðK 1 ; K 2 ; K 3 Þ, was calculated and then used Error — — — — 0.90 2 α ¼ 0.1 —
to describe the influencing degree of each factor. A greater R value Sa-A A, β 5.07 3.55 2.94 2.12 7.18 2 7.53 9
signified a more significant influence. However, for the variance B, 2γ 3.18 3.67 4.72 1.54 3.71 2 3.89 9
analysis, in which the random errors of test were considered, addi- C, τ 4.08 3.26 4.22 0.13 1.60 2 1.68 9
Error — — — — 0.95 — α ¼ 0.1 —
tional parameters including the sums of the squares of deviations

© ASCE 04014088-8 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2014, 140(11): 04014088

commonly occur, the R (or F) values of β and τ are clearly greater 16
compared to that of 2γ, which indicate that β and τ have more Chord

Maximum SNCF for square bird-beak joint

notable effects than 2γ. The differences between β and τ are 14 Brace
unremarkable because their R and F values are extremely close Joint
to each other. As for the brace spot Sa-A, the SNCFs are still 12 J-3 vs SBBJ-3
the most sensitive to β; however, the influence of τ is quite limited
because the corresponding R and F values are significantly lower. 10 y=0.6x

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Comparison between Joint Types

Square Bird-Beak Joints versus Conventional Joints 4
In the chord axial force case, all SNCFs of conventional and square
bird-beak specimens, between which extremely small differences 2
were observed, are less than 1.6. However, it has been specified
in IIW (2008) and Zhao et al. (2000) that the SCFs considered 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
for the fatigue design of conventional RHS joints should not to
Maximum SNCF for conventional joint
be less than 2.0. Therefore, no comparison between two joint types
is needed, and the writers recommend the same requirements for Fig. 11. Maximum SNCFs of square bird-beak joints and conventional
SCFs (i.e., no less than 2.0) to be used for square bird-beak joints joints with identical nondimensional parameters
subject to chord axial forces.
In the brace axial force case, Table 4 lists the SNCFs of the three
pairs of conventional and square bird-beak specimens with identi-
cal nondimensional parameters (i.e., J-3 versus SBBJ-3, J-5 versus the conventional ones (i.e., J-5, VI, and J-7). However, for
SBBJ-5, and J-7 versus SBBJ-7) as well as their comparisons. joints with β ¼ 0.75, the maximum chord SNCFs of SBBJ-1
Another two conventional T-joints, i.e., the joint T0 investigated by and T0 are almost identical, and the maximum chord SNCF of
van Wingerde (1992) and the joint IV investigated by Chiew et al. SBBJ-3 is 1.56× that of J-3. Therefore, the square bird-beak
(2007), are also used. The nondimensional parameters of the two configuration might provide a higher stress concentration in
specimens are quite similar to those of the square bird-beak joints the chord than the conventional joint, especially when β values
SBBJ-1 and SBBJ-6, respectively (Table 4). Furthermore, Fig. 11 are relatively high. This reason could be determined by a dee-
shows the relationships between the maximum SCFs for the two per investigation into the variations of SCF with β for the two
types of joints. The following are observed: types of joints. For conventional SHS joints with β > 0.5,
• The maximum brace SNCFs of all square bird-beak joints con- decreasing SCFs with increasing β have been clarified in
sidered are smaller compared to that of the compared conven- IIW (2008) and Zhao et al. (2000). This trend occurs because
tional joints by 42–65%. as β increases the brace walls become closer to the chord cor-
• With respect to the maximum chord SNCFs, three square ners, where the stiffness in the direction of the brace axis is
bird-beak joints with β ¼ 0.60 and 0.45 (i.e., SBBJ-5, large. Thus, the stiffness differences between the brace walls
SBBJ-6, and SBBJ-7) have values at least 40% smaller than and the chord walls supporting them are of less significance,
and therefore lower stress concentration factors appear. The
variations are reversed for joints with β < 0.5 because a smaller
Table 4. Comparison of Maximum SNCFs between Square Bird-Beak β indicates that the brace walls are closer to the midspan of the
Joints and Conventional Joints chord’s top wall, where the out-of-plane stiffness is smaller.
However, for the square bird-beak joints, the upper bounds
of the β ranges, where the SCFs are improved by increasing
parameters Maximum SNCF
β values, will be enhanced from β ¼ 0.5 (for conventional
Specimen β 2γ τ Chord Brace Joint joints) to β ¼ 0.8 or larger due to the oblique configurations
SCFT0 0.7 16.00 0.500 4.37 7.59 7.59 between the chord walls and brace walls. There may exist
SCFSBBJ-1 0.75 16.67 0.500 4.39 4.41 4.41 a critical β value beyond which square bird-beak joints have
SCFSBBJ-1 =SCFT0 — — — 1.00 0.58 0.58 larger stress concentrations compared to that of conventional
SCFJ-3 0.75 25.00 0.750 6.40 14.11 14.11 joints. Therefore, in the case of large brace-to-chord width
SCFSBBJ-3 0.75 25.00 0.750 9.99 6.75 9.99 ratios (e.g., β > 0.8), replacing conventional SHS joints with
SCFSBBJ-3 =SCFJ-3 — — — 1.56 0.48 0.71 square bird-beak configurations may not be recommended.
SCFJ-5 0.60 20.00 0.500 6.39 11.47 11.47
• By considering the global maximum SNCF (i.e., the larger
SCFSBBJ-5 0.60 20.00 0.500 3.79 4.05 4.05
SCFSBBJ-5 =SCFJ-5 — — — 0.59 0.35 0.35 value of the maximum chord SNCF and the maximum brace
SCFIV 0.57 21.88 0.625 11.94 10.06 11.94 SNCF) as the measure, five square bird-beak joints always
SCFSBBJ-6 0.60 25.00 0.625 5.17 3.61 5.17 provide smaller stress concentrations than the corresponding
SCFSBBJ-6 =SCFIV — — — 0.43 0.36 0.43 conventional joints. For the specimens J-3 and SBBJ-3,
SCFJ-7 0.45 16.67 0.667 5.73 5.35 5.73 Table 4 shows that although the maximum chord SNCF of
SCFSBBJ-7 0.45 16.67 0.667 3.46 3.07 3.46 the square bird-beak joint is 56% greater than that of the con-
SCFSBBJ-7 =SCFJ-7 — — — 0.60 0.57 0.60 ventional joint, the global maximum SNCF (i.e., the maximum
Note: SCFs of joint T0 with τ ¼ 0.500 take the averaged values of the chord SNCF) in specimen SBBJ-3 is still 29% smaller than the
measured SCFs of joints with τ ¼ 0.400 and the measured SCFs of global maximum SNCF (i.e., the maximum brace SNCF) in
joints with τ ¼ 0.600, both provided by van Wingerde (1992). specimen J-3.

© ASCE 04014088-9 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2014, 140(11): 04014088

Table 5. Comparison of Maximum SNCFs between Square Bird-Beak brace axial forces. Based on the experimental data, the following
Joints and Diamond Bird-Beak Joints can be concluded for this type of joint:
Nondimensional • A quadric extrapolation approach is suggested for the calcula-
parameters Maximum SNCF tion of hot spot SNCFs/SCFs due to the significant nonlinearity
Specimen β 2γ τ Chord Brace Joint
of strain distributions within extrapolation regions;
• In the chord axial force case, the braces are free from stress
SCFT3 0.72 20.83 0.500 5.08 4.66 5.08 concentrations and the maximum SNCFs occur at the saddle
SCFSBBJ-2 0.75 20.00 0.600 6.00 4.52 6.00 spots Sa-D in the chords;
SCFSBBJ-2 =SCFT3 — — — 1.18 0.97 1.18
• In the brace axial force case, the largest SNCFs in the chord are
SCFT2 0.56 20.83 0.500 4.78 4.32 4.78
most likely to appear at saddle spots Sa-C, with spots Sa-B,
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SCFSBBJ-5 0.60 20.00 0.500 3.79 4.05 4.05

SCFSBBJ-5 =SCFT2 — — — 0.79 0.94 0.85 Cr-C, and Cr-B providing high SNCFs near to or exceeding spot
SCFT6 0.56 25.00 0.500 6.22 5.5 6.22 Sa-C; for the brace spots, saddle spots Sa-A and Sa-F have
SCFSBBJ-6 0.60 25.00 0.625 5.17 3.61 5.17 the highest likelihood of producing the maximum SNCFs, with
SCFSBBJ-6 =SCFT6 — — — 0.83 0.66 0.83 similar values at crown spots Cr-F and Cr-A;
• For joints under brace axial force, the maximum SCFs in the
chord are more likely to be greater than that of the brace;
• Both β and τ exhibit more significant effects than 2γ on the
8 y=1.0x chord SCFs, while the influences of τ on the brace SCFs are
Chord unremarkable; and
Maximum SNCF for square bird-beak joint

7 Brace
T3 vs SBBJ-2 • In the case of identical nondimensional parameters, the maxi-
Joint y=0.8x mum SCFs in square bird-beak T-joints can be 40–65% smaller
6 than that of conventional or diamond bird-beak joints when β is
less than 0.75.

4 Acknowledgments
3 The research reported in this paper was undertaken with support
from the Science and Technology Research and Development
2 Plan funded by the Ministry of Railway of the People’s Republic
of China (P.R.C., No. J2011G002).

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J. Struct. Eng., 2014, 140(11): 04014088

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