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(Food and Beverage Services)
Activity Sheet Quarter 4 – MELC 1
Know the Product


TLE/TVL - HE (Food and Beverage Services)
Activity Sheet No. 1
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of TLE/TVL-SHS HE (Food and Beverage Services)

Activity Sheet

Writer: Maria Lourdes E. Bastareche

Language Editor: Thea M. Tecson
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Jeanalyn L. Jamison
Ana Lee C. Bartolo
Division of La Carlota City Management Team:
Neri Anne M. Alibuyog, CESO V
Bernie L. Libo-on
Melgar B. Coronel
Jeanalyn L. Jamison
Ana Lee C. Bartolo
Regional Management Team :
Ramir B. Uytico, CESO IV
Pedro T.Escobarte,Jr., CESO V
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine

Introductory Message
Welcome to TLE/TVL Food and Beverage Services!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of La Carlota City and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults)
in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For Learning Facilitator:

The TLE/TVL-HE Food and Beverage Services Activity Sheet will help you
facilitate the Teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the Learner:

The TLE/TVL-HE Food and Beverage Services Activity Sheet is developed to help
you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and
answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

TVL-HE,Quarter 4, Week 1

LAS 1 Food and Beverage Servicing

Name of Learner: __________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _______________________________Date: _____________

Know the Product

I. Learning Competency
LO 1. Know the product ( C1 )
1.1 Identify what is a menu.
1.2 Know different types of sauces and accompaniment
1.3 Know common food allergens to prevent serious health consequence
1.4 Study the special dietary requirements and cultural needs of food and

II. Background Information for Learners

Have you ever dined in a restaurant? Were you able to receive from the
waiter/waitress a printed brochure with a list of food items with corresponding
price list? That is a menu. Sometimes it is posted on a wall.

Types of Menu
1. Ala Carte Menu – is a menu which shows portioned dishes and each dish
Is priced separately. In a Ala Carte Menu:
a. Food is kept in a semi-prepared form and takes time to serve.
b. Food items are individually served, and guests pay for what they order.
c. There is a vast choice, the menu is elaborate
d. Silver is laid according to the dishes

2. Table d’hôtel Menu – is a French word, which l means “hosts table”. It

offers one or more variants of each dish for a fixed cost.
In a table d’hotel Menu:
a. Food is kept in fully prepared form and can be served immediately.
b. The menu is collectively priced - the customer has to pay for the full menu
whether he consumes a certain dish or not.
c. There is a limited choice. The menu is comparatively small.
d. Silver for the whole menu is laid in advance as the menu is known in

Other Types of Menu

1. Static Menu – is the most common type of menu or pre-determined menu that
does not change every day.

2. . Du Jour Menu or Daily Menu – Do jour translate to of the day, as in soup du

jour or soup of the day.

3. Cycle Menu – is a set of dishes or menu items that is different for each day
during a cycle and repeats

4. Breakfast Menu – is fairly standardized. Most restaurants will offer a choice of

cereal, juices, eggs, breakfast meats like sausage, bacon, or ham, waffles, or
pancakes with maple syrup.

5. Dinner Menu – is more elaborate as guests have more time and leisure for

6. California Menu - Features items that are traditionally available for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner offered throughout the day.

7. Children’s Menu – Typically has burgers, fried chicken, hotdogs, sandwiches,

French fries, noodles, or ice cream.

8. Dessert Menu – offered by the restaurants that have a good patisserie.

9. Tourist Menu – is posted on the board outside a restaurant, usually with an

attractive headline price, primarily designed to attract tourist.

Food Items Used as Accompaniments

Accompaniments are offered to enhance the taste and flavor of the main dish or to
counteract its richness. This will be introduced during the serving of food.

1. Apple sauce - Puree cooking apple, slightly sweetened with some amount
of sugar usually used for roast pork or roast chicken.
2. Chili sauce – Chinese flavor hot, hot sauce vinegar flavor with chili, served
in Chinese-style foods.
3. Chili vinegar – Chili with white vinegar, is a good accompaniment of oyster.

4. Chili in mayonnaise – all-purpose cream, mayonnaise, black pepper, and

a dash of salt is for roasted pork or beef with blended of

5. Cranberry sauce – this sauce is made from cranberries usually available
as proprietary sauce. It can be served hot or cold, and
best for turkey.
6. Balsamic chili vinegar – small amount of balsamic, white vinegar and
amount of chili and sugar, used as a dressing for all types
of vegetable salad.
7. French dressing – this dressing is made from oil and wine vinegar or
Lemon juice with seasoning. Mustard and herbs may be
added and it can be used as a dressing for salads.

Dietary Requirements and Cultural Needs of Customers

There are a variety of medical condition, including allergies, which are

common. Although each customer will usually know what they can and cannot eat, it
is important that when asked, a server is able to accurately describe the dishes so
that the customer can make the appropriate choice. The waiter/waitress should
never guess, and if in doubt, should seek further information.

Examples of Common Dietary Concerns of Customers

Allergies - Food items that are known to cause allergies include the gluten in
wheat, cereal, peanut, sesame seeds, milk, fish, eggs, tropical fruits etc.

Diabetic- This refers to the ineffectiveness of the body to control the level of insulin
within the blood. An appropriate diet may include foods listed in the low
cholesterol section and the avoidance of dishes with high sugar content.

Low Cholesterol- Diet may include polyunsaturated fats and may include limited
quantities of animal fats. Other items eaten may include lean, broiled, or
grilled meat, fish, fruit and vegetable, and low-fat milk, cheese and yoghurt.

Low sodium- This requires a limiting in the amount of sodium or salt consumed. Diet
will include low sodium / salt food and cooking with very limited or no salt.

Cultural and Religious Dietary influences

 Do not eat beef and rarely eat poultry and pork. Some Hindus will not eat
any eggs, meat, and fish. Diets may include milk, cheese, and vegetarian

 Only “clean” (kosher) animals may be consumed. Jews do not eat pork or
pork product, seafood, or animal meat and gelatin from beasts considered to
be unclean or not slaughtered according to the prescribed manner.
 There are restrictions placed on method of preparation and cookery. The
preparation and eating of meat and dairy product in the same meal is not

Muslim -
 Will not eat, offal (edible internal organs) or animal fat unless it is halal
(lawful, as required under Islamic Dietary Law) meat.
 Will not consume alcohol even when used in cooking.

 (members of Indian religion who broke away from Hinduism during the 16 th
century) Do not eat beef or pork.
 Some will keep to a vegetarian diet. Other may eat fish, mutton (animal protein)
cheese and eggs. They will not eat
halal meat.

Rastafarians (member of Afro –

 Caribbean Religions Group). Will not eat any
processed foods, pork, or fish without fins (e. g. eels).
 Will not consume tea,
coffee, or alcohol.

Roman Catholic-
 Few restrictions on diet; will usually not eat meat on Ash
Wednesday or Good Friday.
 Fish and dairy product may be eaten instead.

 Vegetarianism may be derived from cultural, religious, moral, ethical, or
physiological consideration
 Food description should be accurate

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites.

Department of Education. (2017) Technical-Vocational -Livelihood Food and Beverage
Manual ( pp.82-94 ). Pasig City, Philippines

Maria Lutgarda Manuela B. Punay. 2015 Food Service Management, Manila: Rex
Book store.

IV. Activity Proper:

Exercise No. 1:

Direction: Read the questions carefully. Identify the correct type of menu.

1. French phrase, which literally means “hosts table”. It offers one or more
variants of each dish for fixed prices.

2. Most common type of menu or pee-determined menu that does not change
every day.

3. Set of dishes or menu items that is different for each day during a cycle and
4. Variety of menu which shows portioned dishes, and each dish is priced
5. Typically has burgers, fried chicken, hotdogs, sandwiches, French fries,
noodles or ice cream.

Exercise No. 2:

Direction: Write the best accompaniment for the following foods.


1. Roast pork / Chicken

2. Vegetable salad

3. Turkey

4. Oyster

5. Chinese Style foods

Exercises No. 3

Direction: Make an a la Carte menu, create your own design. You will be graded
based on this rubric

Appropriate Viewpoints and
CONTENT examples are interpretations are
examples are
provided unsupported
There is
evidence of evidence that There is evidence
EFFORT working very showed some that shows no effort
hard on all effort
Excellent and
RELEVANCE highly Somewhat relevant
Submitted on Submitted a Submitted 3 days
TIMELINESS time of the day after the allowance from the
deadline deadline deadline.

V. Reflection

As a waiter or waitress in a restaurant, why there is a need for you to be

acquainted of the menu offering, and its corresponding price?

Why there is a need for you to check customers preferences such as dietary
and religious restrictions?

If the menu is not available what would you offer as substitute?



Children menu 5.
A la Carte menu 4. Chili Sauce 5.
Cycle menu 3. Chili Vinegar 4. Answer may vary
Static menu 2. Cranberry sauce 3.
Table d’ hote menu 1. Balsamic chile vinegar 2.
Apple Sauce 1. Activities
Exercise No. 1 Exercise No. 2: Exercises /

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