Myelt Units 10 11 and 12

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Unit 10

1 Use the word given in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same sentence. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 After such a serious accident, the __healing__________ process can take some time. HEAL
1 I have an appointment with the dentist at three. APPOINT
2 It was a very painful surgical procedure. Harry was very brave. PAIN
3 Melanie is in the operating theatre right now. I hope the surgery goes well. OPERATE
4 Unfortunately, there is no treatment for this disease. TREAT
5 Hilary Clark is one of the country’s leading surgeon. She carries out hundreds SURGERY
of transplants every year.
6 I’d like to be a blood donate. Giving blood can help save the lives of others. DONATE
7 Be careful what you eat. There have been cases of food poisoning in this area. POISON
8 Jim fell off the ladder. His knee is a bit swollen, but otherwise he’s OK. SWELL
9 My stay was wonderful. I was shown so much warmly by all the people there. WARM
10 Living by the sea is amazing. Every morning, I gently wake up to the sound of the sea. GENTLE

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb take and any other words necessary. Use
no more than three words. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Last weekend, it _took hours___________ to tidy up after the festival.
1 Over a hundred competitors have been taking part in this year’s long distance swim.
2 Just take off your shoes in the hallway and put on these slippers.
3 I’m thinking of take up photography as a hobby. I think I’ll be good at it.
4 The plane took off and flew up into the night sky.
5 The demonstration will take place on 3rd June. If you intend to go on it, sign up before the end of the
6 Rebecca has decided to take on a scholarship to study in Germany.
7 The surgeon took out three bullets from the chest of the wounded soldier. Fortunately, he survived.
8 Mark’s experiences as a child took away his ability to trust other people. He has had serious
psychological problems all his life.
9 I think I’ll take up on the company’s offer of a job in the Berlin branch. I fancy the idea of living abroad.
10 Would you mind take care of the children while I do the shopping? I won’t be long. There are some
biscuits in the cupboard.

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and four words, including the word
given. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 A film is on tonight. I really want to watch it.

A film I really __want to watch is__________ on tonight.
1 I’ve never read a book as good as this one.
It’s the best book I’ve ever read.
2 The disease was cured after going on a revolutionary course of treatment.
He went on a revolutionary course of treatment which cured the disease.
3 Gareth Grant is a talented artist. He has an exhibition in our local gallery.
Gareth Grant is the talented artist who has in our local gallery.
4 We left our coats in the rose garden.
The rose garden, the place where we left our coats.
5 We’ve got a neighbour. Her hand is bionic.
We’ve got a neighbour whose hand is bionic.
6 My grandfather was shot. At that time, there was no treatment for his wounds.
My grandfather was shot at a time when there was no treatment for his wounds.
7 Whether humans could survive or not depends on how hot the planet’s surface is.
If it were too hot on the planet’s surface, humans would be able to survive.
8 You never buy a ticket, so you’ll never win anything.
If you bought a ticket, you might win something.
9 You’re tired because you keep staying up late.
If you went to bed earlier, you won’t be so tired.
10 I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager first.
If I were you I speak to the manager first.
4 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

If I (0) __were__________ you, I (1) would drop everything, and watch the exciting documentary on TV
tonight. It’s about Harry Houdini, a man (2) who is known to history as the greatest escapologist of all
time. Born in Hungary, he arrived in the United States at the age of four, at a time (3)
_________when___ it was hard for immigrants from Europe to make a living. His family went to
Wisconsin first – the house (4) where young Harry grew up still stands – before moving to New York. As
a boy, Harry (5) could do almost anything (6) if you paid him, and being a natural athlete (7)
_________who___ enjoyed taking risks, he soon found work as a trapeze artist and an acrobat. Harry
changed his surname from Weiss to Houdini in 1891 – I (8) ____will___ tell you why he changed his
name if I (9) __will_ remember, but I can’t. Over the next ten years, he developed the techniques (10)
which later made him famous. He learned how to escape from ropes, chains and handcuffs and by 1900
was famous throughout Europe and North America.

7 Read the task below.
Write an email to a friend, describing one of the dilemmas below and asking for advice.
• You have been offered a place at a university near your home and another place at a university in an
exciting city far from home.
• Your boss has offered you a promotion, but the hours and responsibilities are much longer and the pay
is only a bit higher.
• An old school friend wants to come and stay at your house for two weeks – you were once very close,
but you haven’t see the friend for a long time.
Write a personal email (approximately 200 words) to a friend.
Hi Ruth,
First of all, I am so thankful for your gift, I love this book, it's just amazing, that's why I finished reading
the book last weekend. Anyway, I want your advice about something.
The last month I applied to two universities, one is near here, and it is good, but the second y far from
home, it is in Spain, and I don't know which one I should choose.
On the one hand, I want to stay with my parents, and obviously, I would have save money, however If
I choose the second option, I would have to move to another country, and it is amazing due to is
other culture, nobody knows me and I would be more independent there.
It's hard, I don't tell my parents yet, I don't know how they will take my decision, I afraid but also I feel
so happy, it's my dream but I must think in all.
I want to study art you know, and the best option for me is in Spain, but I'm not sure, I need your
advice, especially now, your opinion is important for me, because maybe when choose the university I
will regret.
So what do you think?
I'll send you both links about my universities.
Hope all is well there, and please I need your advice now.
Take care,

Unit 11

1 Use the word given in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same sentence. There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 I watch the __national__________ news on the BBC. NATION

1 I rarely read the entertainment section of the newspaper. ENTERTAIN
2 I rely on the comment and analysis sections of news websites to help me form ANALYSE opinions.
3 The continuing employment of children in factories in the developing world is EXPLOIT something that
must be stopped.
4 Instant message is a great way of keeping in touch with friends throughout MESSAGE the day.
5 Many media organizations have been accused of spreading fake news. ORGANIZE
6 In the developing world, affordable technology has allowed people to get greater AFFORD access to
the news.
7 Unlike the traditional media, news websites are prepared to publish unverified TRADITION news
8 Journal in this country is not as trusted by the general public as it used to be. JOURNAL
9 The survival of many species of animals is in doubt. SURVIVE
10 Getting a promotion isn’t a gift in this company. You have to work hard for it. GIVE

2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 During recess / vacation, between 11 and 11.15, we had a long chat about Susie’s new house.
1 I didn’t grasp / hold the details of what he was trying to say. In fact, I didn’t understand much at all.
2 The handwriting on the old manuscript wasn’t mumble / legible until they cleaned it up and looked at
it under a microscope.
3 People use social media / search engines to keep in touch with friends by sending messages and
photos to each other.
4 Grant started / launched into an explanation, but I don’t think he knew much about the subject.
5 The story is on the front / top page of the newspaper.
6 Please link / dial this number if you are having problems.
7 Can you upload / load up the video to this website?
8 Highlighting / Enabling people to get online more easily is one of our key aims.
9 It’s not always easy to get internet affairs / access in rural areas.
10 I always read the business notice / section on Sunday mornings.

3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets and any other words necessary.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
I thought Jill (0) __was going to call__________ (call) me when she arrived at the airport. I had promised
(1) _____to pick___ (pick) her up, and she’d told me what time to expect the plane to arrive. But I didn’t
realize she (2) __didn’t have____ (not have) my number. It was three in the afternoon before I started
to wonder (3) ___why she didn’t call ___ (she / not call). I dialled her number and asked her (4) ___if she
was (she / be) OK. She said that she (5) ____was___ (be) fine – but really angry, and stuck at the airport.
She asked (6) ____if I wasn’t waiting____ (I / not wait) for her. I explained that I didn’t know (7) ___
when it was going to land_ (she / land). Of course, I promised (8) __to drive (drive) as fast as I could to
the airport. Even so, it was an hour before I got there. She asked me (9) __not to promise___ (not /
promise) to pick her up again and told me (10) to carry (carry) her bags!

4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and four words, including the word
given. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 ‘What do you think of the college?’ she asked me.
She asked me __what I thought of__________ the college.
1 ‘I’ll call them later tonight,’ Joe said.
Joe said that He would call later that night.
2 ‘You don’t look well,’ he told her.
He said that I didn’t look well.
3 ‘Did you break the window?’ she asked.
She asked us if I had broken the window.
4 ‘I’m sorry I broke your computer,’ said Annie.
Annie said she was sorry she broke my computer.
5 ‘Don’t forget to set your alarm,’ said the manager.
The manager told me that I didn’t forget to set our alarm.
6 ‘Andy stole the money,’ said Maria.
Maria said that Andy had stolen the money.
7 ‘Who’s coming this evening?’ asked Jane.
Jane asked who was coming that evening.
8 ‘Why aren’t they here yet?’ said Pete.
Pete wondered why they weren’t there yet.
9 ‘Don’t be late for the meeting,’ said Mr Grey.
Mr Grey reminded us not to be late for the meeting.
10 ‘Would you like me to help with organizing the party?’ said Tom.
Tom offered to help me with organizing the party.

Unit 12

1 Use the word given in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same sentence. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Thousands of people are suffering from _starvation___________ in the region. STARVE
1 Don’t be so impatient. Just wait a bit. PATIENT
2 It was an informal occasion so we didn’t wear smart clothes. FORMAL
3 Making strong friendships is one of the attractions of team sports. ATTRACT
4 The player was very inexperienced. He had only played three or four times before. EXPERIENCE
5 There were too many unaccompanied children at the event, which caused a lot ACCOMPANY of
6 It’s unlikely that we’ll get there before eight. I think we’ll be late. LIKE
7 We were impressed by our surroundings. We had never been anywhere quite so SURROUND
8 It was hard to get the waiter’s attention. In the end, we had to shout. ATTEND
9 Helen was angry because the people at the hotel were impolite. She complained POLITE
about their rudeness.
10 During the holiday, we had a number of unexpected problems. We thought everything EXPECT would
be fine, but it wasn’t.
2 Read the sentences and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 I haven’t __packed__________ my suitcase yet – I’ll be five minutes, then we can go to the airport.
1 Judo and karate are examples of martial arts.
2 Things didn’t go well for us on the trip. We got lost on the way and somebody stole
Jan’s passport.
3 After months of fighting, the soldiers were battle-warriors. They were depressed and wanted
to go home.
4 If I could go ahead in time, I’d like to witness the moon landing.
5 Prices have going up by twelve per cent in the past six months.
6 The Boston Red Sox baseball team where their name from the red stockings they wore when
they first started playing.
7 I’d like to experience a go at windsurfing. It looks fun.
8 On holiday, we dined fresh seafood every day.
9 Don’t worry. It wasn’t your idea. You’re not to blame.
10 If you decide to go ahead with these plans, I won’t support you.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
0 If you had had a positive attitude, you _would have succeeded___________ (succeed).
1 If the lesson had begun (begin) at ten, we would have been on time.
2 If the customer had called (call), I would have told her to come into the showroom.
3 If you had informed us of these problems, we would have been (be) able to deal with them.
4 If you had listened to the experts, your profits would have increased (increase) dramatically.
5 Your employees would have learned (learn) something if you had sent them on that training session.
6 If the explorer had used (use) his common sense, he would have survived.
7 Your company wouldn't have made (not make) a loss if you had done some market research.
8 If he wanted my help, Dan should have told (tell) me about his plans.
9 The mountain was really dangerous – the climbers could have fallen (fall) at any moment.
10 It was a mistake to go round so early – we should have waited (wait) until later in the day.
4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Last night I went to a party, and I didn’t get to bed until 3am.
If I hadn’t gone to the party, I __would have got__________ to bed earlier.
1 I missed the bus because I overslept.
I would have miss the bus if I hadn’t overslept.
2 I didn’t get to work on time because the train was late.
If the train had been late, I would have got to work on time.
3 I did well in the interview, so I was offered the job.
I wouldn’t have been the job if I’d done badly in the interview.
4 Anna wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt.
If Anna hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, she would have been injured.
5 The car broke down because it hadn’t been looked after.
If the car had been looked after properly, it wouldn’t have broken down.
6 The storm was so powerful the bridge collapsed.
The bridge wouldn't have collapsed if the storm hadn’t been so powerful.
7 Tom regrets not doing his homework.
Tom feels that he should have done his homework
8 Joe would have had a chance of winning if he had run a bit faster.
Joe could have won if only he had run a bit faster.
9 I know George was annoying, but being so rude to him was the wrong thing to do.
Although George was annoying, you shouldn't have been so rude to him.
10 I regret buying this sports car – it was a crazy thing to do!
I shouldn’t have bought this sports car – it was a crazy thing to do!

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