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1. Introduction 1

2. Cause of terrorism 1

3. Types of terrorism 2

4. Terrorism in local environment 3

5. Impacts of terrorism on local environment 5

6. Terrorism in global environment 6

7. Impacts of terrorism on global environment 7

8. Conclusion 9

9. Recommendation 10

10. Reference list 11

11. Appendices 12
Terrorism an act that has changed hundreds of lives, family’s, countries around the
globe. The word terrorism means “the unlawful use of -- or threatened use of --
force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate
governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological
-- U.S. Department of Defense publication For example, In Munich Olympics during
the year 1972 11 Israelis were killed but the impact was on 1 billion watching the
Terrorism involves three types of communities the terrorists, the general public and
mostly the victims of the attack.
The earliest known organization that exhibited aspects of a modern terrorist
organization was the Zealots of Judea. Known to the Romans as dagger-men they
carried on an underground campaign of assassination of Roman occupation forces, as
well as any Jews they felt had collaborated with the Romans. Their motive was
uncompromising belief that they could not remain faithful to the dictates of Judaism
while living as roman subjects.
(Terrorism research)
In today’s world terrorism has taken up a whole new shape and with the advancement
in the technology it’s gaining more power and becoming stronger than before. The main
aim behind the terrorist attacks is either to take back what belongs to them or to earn
freedom. Besides the injuries and deaths immediately brought about by terrorist attacks,
survivors often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and major depression.
The economy suffers an immediate impact due to infrastructural damage as well it
suffers a long term affect on financial market a rise in spending of defense equipments.

Terrorism major causes are:-

 Ethno-nationalism – when people break away from the rule of a government or some
power this leads to formation of terrorist groups

 Alienation /Discrimination – people facing discrimination and injustice or are alienated

form a type of groups that seek revenge
 Religion – it is the most common belief that religion is the major cause of terrorism

 Socio economic status- Terrorists may also be driven by a sense of relative

depravation and lack of upward mobility within society. Globalization and the
modern media have given the ‘have not’s an acute awareness of their situation
compared to the ‘haves

 Political grievances - A lack of political inclusiveness in states or grievances

against a certain political order may cause individuals to join or create terrorist

(Causes of Terrorism)


1. State terrorism- state can terrorize the citizens without declaring a war by using force
or threat of force the Nazi controlled Germany by this type

2. Bioterrorism – it refers to the international release of toxic biological agents to harm

the citizens in the name of political or other cause

3. Cyber terrorism – it is a way to use technological information to attack the citizens

example it can be used to block the emergency networks

4. Eco terrorism – environmental extremists sabotage property to inflict economic

damage on industries or the natural environment

5. Nuclear terrorism – it is a way to use different nuclear materials as a way to

terrorize. These include purchase of nuclear weapons or using different resources to
built a nuclear weapon

6. Norco terrorism - violence used by drug traffickers to influence governments or

prevent government efforts to stop the drug trade terrorism as a local viewpoint
(Types Of Terrorism, 2015)


March12,1993 there was a series of thirteen explosions(bomb blasts) in Mumbai,

which resulted in to the death of 257 peoples & over 700 injuries. It was all organized by
a crime syndicate known as D-Company ,headed by Dawood Ibrahim

Feb 14,1998 Coimbatore Bomb blasting , 46 deaths, 200 wounded & was resulted
because of 13 bomb attacks at 11 places.

Oct 1, 2001 Jammu & Kashmir legislative Assembly complex was attacked by Militants
killing about 38 peoples at the spot. A group of Muslim extremist Jaish-e-Mohammed
was involved in it.
Dec13,2001 A Pakistan based terror groups attacked a Indian Parliamentary complex in
New Delhi killing over dozens of peoples with 18 injured once.

Sep 10, 2002 A blast / disaster took place in Rafiganj train which was in Bihar in which
130+ were dead & more than 300 peoples were injured

Sep 24, 2002 It was Akshardham Temple of Gujarat this time, The first major attack
hostage taking since sep 11. 39 peoples were killed & the another 79 peoples were
wounded .

Aug 15, 2004 An explosion took place in the northeastern state of Assam killed over 16
peoples, mostly it was all the school children.
Oct 29, 2005 Delhi Bombing: Three powerful serial blasts took place which rocked the
busy shopping areas of South Delhi, just before 2 day of a big Hindu festival Diwali,
killing over 70 peoples & over more than 200 were injured. The responsibility of this
attack was taken by the Islamic Inqilab Mahaz which was said having links with

July 11, 2006 Seven consecutive bomb blast occurred on various places of Mumbai
Suburban Railways , killing 200 of peoples & over 500 injured. After investigation it was
said that a terror outfit base in Pakistan was behind this blast a islamist group.

Sep 8 , 2006 At least 32 peoples were killed in the blast which was in Malegaon
Maharashtra including a mosque in the town.

(see appendix 1)
(Wall street journal 2011)

July 27, 2015

On Morning of July 27, 2015 the three terrorist dressed in army uniform carrying AK-47
rifles targeted two places first on state roadways bus and then Dina agar Police Station.
In that total seven of the peoples including three civilians, one SP, three personnel were
died and fifteen were injured. Several back up teams were called the senior police
officers were supervising the situation.
Till that time no one claimed the responsibility for the attack and the officers informed
that it’s too early to blame anyone for the attack.

However the Indian Ministry and some of the media reports said that Terrorist come
from Narwhal Pakistan based on terror group (Lashkar-e-Taiba) who is behind this all

Motive Behind it was said that it could be to protest the upcoming punishment of Yakut
Memo which is scheduled on 31 July. But the root motive of it is yet not cleared or been

26/11 Attack of Mumbai

In November 2008 , 10 members Pakistani members engaged with the group of

Lashkar-e-Taiba, an islamic militia organisation.The carried out a series of shooting and
attacks lasting four days across Mumbai.The attacks, which drew a global
condemnation, began on Wednesday 26 November and lasted till Saturday 29
November 2008 , Killing over 173 peoples and wounding 308.

It was referred to as 26/11attack on the lines of 9/11 which reminds the attack on the
Twins Towers U.S .
Total eight of the attacks took place in South Mumbai including Chhatrapati Shivaji
Terminus , Oberoi Trident , The Taj Mahal Palace & Tower , Leopold Cafe , Cama
Hospital , Orthodox Jewish-owned Nariman House , and the Metro Cinemas. An
explosion which took place at Mazagaon ,in member port area and also in a taxi at Vile
By the morning of 28 November all the places were secured by the Mumbai Police &
security forces. But on November 29 , India’s National Security Guard (NSG)who all
conducted ‘Operation Black Tornado’ to swap out the remaining attackers who all were
in the hotel Taj resulted into the death of all.
Ajmal Kasab was the only one attacker who was caught alive from Chhatrapati Shivaji
Terminus (CST). Later onwards he disclosed that all of them were the members of
Lashkar-e-Taiba, a pakistan based militant.
On January 2009, the Information Minister of Pakistan Sherry Rehman officially
accepted Ajmal Kasab’s nationality as Pakistani.
Afterwards in the investigations it was revealed that the attackers traveled through sea
from Karachi, Pakistan across Arabian Sea , by hijacking the Indian fishing Trawler
‘Kuber’ killing four of the crew member and then forced the captain to go towards
Mumbai and after killing captain they started their mission. It seems as if all the
attackers planned the

attacks several months ago and was knowing some of the areas well enough to vanish
it all.
It was said that it is been the longest terror attacks ever had in the history of India.
The security forces rescued around 250 people from Oberoi , 300 from Taj and 60
people ( members of all 12 different families) from Nariman House.


The Impacts of this all attacks weather it is 26/11 Mumbai attack or any other one but
the impacts of it not only affects the city nor the state but some of the attacks impact or
affect within the country & its economy , but some of them crossing the boundaries of a
country affect it globally and to its economy as an e.g. of 26/11 Mumbai Attack which
affected a lot in the economy.

Political Fallout (Locally & Globally)

The Union Home Minister Mr. Shivraj Patil who was responsible for the nation’s security
resigned from his post. After his resignation the former Finance Minister of that time
P.Chidambaram took over that job & took charge on the finance portfolio.
In the state of Maharashtra the things were also started rolling over. The Chief Minister
Vilasrao Deshmukh was also been forced to resign from his post of CM.

The Implication of Politics were also apparent to the International Level. Though, India
has moved & have a very close and good relation to U.S , which send the secretary of
state Condoleezza Rice to visit & look over the sub continent.
As there was been a talk in Washington too about reacting to the Mumbai Attack as a
multi-country initiative rather treating it all just as if a India — Pakistan affair. But
ironically the problem was Pakistan now has an elected government and they can't
come out saying or looking like they are giving in to India’s demands even if they
believe that the Demand of India are right.

Economic Issues
The Financial Capital of the country is also likely to be impacted of the terrorist attack ,
much as New York city did in the September 11.
“Mumbai brings in 40% of foreign trade, 60% of customs duty collections, 40% of
income tax collections, 20% of central excise collections and $10 billion in corporate
taxes,” says Rangar of IndusView. This all terror attacks would give a big negative
impact on the foreign investors which can also drop down the FI in india.

Gloom & Doom

The attacks also occurred in that time of the India’s economy when the economy was
already begun to slow as a result of Global Recession. According to the data of that
time in the second quarter (Jul — Sep) the GDP growth was fallen to 7.6% compared to
7.9% in the previous first quarter. The mood of business was highly bearish.
Exports were down ,as in Oct they fell 12.1%. The target of over 200 billion for 2008-09
was likely to be missed almost. Afterwards the inflation arrises in the economy from
13% it fall down to 8.40%.

Tourism it is the most important aspect which is been affected by the terror attack in any
of the country. As the tourists mostly avoid to visit such places where there is been risk
to rome around or spend vacations. And cordially india has been suffered for the same
during those 26/11 attack.
The rate of foreign tourists were falling yearly as in the year 2007 the rate of Foreign
Tourist Arrival was 14.3% and in the year 2009 the (FTAs) was -03.3% which was a
really alarming time for india. (see appendix 3


May 10, 2010 there was a series of bomb and shooting attacks took place which killed
over 114 people and injured 350, the highest death toll in a single day in Iraq which
terribly shook people.

May 28, 2010 attacks killed 70 people of Pakistan, the attack took place on Ahmadi
Mosques in Lahore. A group of heavily armed Punjabi Taliban fighters entered mosque
and openly fired which injured more than 78 people also.

July 15, 2010 killing of 27 people and injuring 270 others in the twin attacks of
Zahedan city which is the capital of Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran.

January 18-20, 2011 on 18 january attack took place near police facility which killed 63
people and injured 150 in the city of Tikrit. On 19 january attack occurred in the town of
Baqubah and Ghalbiyah which killed 15 people and two car bomb took place on
January 20 near Karbala during the holy festival of Arba’een which killed at least 56

September 9, 2012 A major attack by Islamic Terrorist group Al-Qaeda took place in
the morning of 11 september’2011 in the New York, United States. The twin towers of
the World Trade Centre (WTC) was on target and hit by aircraft. About 2,996 innocent
people including 19 hijackers, with billions of damaged in property and infrastructure
was caused.

September 22, 2013 Another twin suicide bombing at All Saints Church in Peshawar at
the end of service in the Northwest Pakistan which killed at least 78 people. Most of
them were injured severely.

May 20, 2014 attack occurred in the central Nigerian city of Jos when two bombs killed
118 people through a business district packed with commuters and traders. Many got
injured but claim of responsibility of bombing did not took place immediately.

December 16, 2014 peshawar people were heart broken when Pakistani Taliban have
attacked a army- run- school in Peshawar killing 141 people including 132 innocent
children in them. Some of the children managed to run away and others just lost their
lives. Injured were rushed to the hospital as soon as possible and police entered the
scene and tried to save lives of children.

November 13, 2015 With another recent terror of thirty minutes in the evening feared
lives of people in Paris, France with the killing of 129 people and left over 350 wounded.
Locations for attacks was Country's National Sports Stadium, the stade de france, in the
suburb of Saint- Denis.

November 24, 2015 A bomb killed at least 12 people when a bombing occurred on a
bus packed with Tunisian presidential guards in the capital Tunis. Security was made
alert on the streets of around Mohamed V Avenue, one of the main streets in Tunis.
13/11 Attack of Paris
With another recent terror of thirty minutes on 13th nov’2015 in the evening feared lives
of people in Paris, France with the killing of 129 people and left over 350 wounded.
Locations for attacks was Country's National Sports Stadium, the Stade De France, in
the suburb of Saint-Denis. Suspect was ISIL for the attacks. Alert was given to German
to all the way in India. 13/11 of Paris in some sense been relating to 26/11 of Mumbai.
Man named Salah Abdeslam , the eighth attacker is been investigating who has been
caught with a rented car. Several football matches was delayed due to high alert in
Europeans Countries. The lights of Eiffel Tower is been lit up by tricolor of France for
peace because

of horrific terrorist attacks. Man entering the stadium with bomb belt on his body been
killed with the passer-by people over there. Further investigation and security is been on
The first attack took place at Stade de France were 2 explosions occurred at about
9:20pm as a large crowd were enjoying the first half of the international friendly
between France and Germany. Then they moved to central Paris where gunmen arrived
n a black Seat at the Right Bank area of the city. An open fired explosion was on
the Petit Cambodge Cambodian restaurant in Rue Bichat, and the Le Carillon bar on
the other side of the road. Friday night of people took shape of black night. Reportedly
over 19 innocent people lost their lives at this point of firing. But the scene was not yet
done as another attack which killed at least 89 people was, at the Bata clan concert
venue in Boulevard Voltaire. Security checked in every place of attack and ambulance
was rushed to the nearby hospitals and lives of people were saved. Mastermind of
attack in Paris was Abdelhamid Abaaoud accompanied with Sami Amimour, Ahmad
Al Mohammad and Bilal Hadfi.


Impacts of various attacks in different factors took place just after the attack which
cause a lot of disturbance locally and globally in the environment

Economic Issues
ECB officials warn the changes in economy after the attack as the close of trading,
European equity markets, measured by FTSE Eurofirst 300 was little changed
compared with Friday’s market closed. The French stock market index also lowered
down. The currency fell 0.7 percent. There was a weak investment process in consumer
spending was seen. Vitor Constâncio, the ECB’s vice-president, said the shootings “can
compound all the problems that we were already facing” although it was somewhat
reassured that “markets, so far, are taking it calmly”. A major attack do lead to
recovering slowly which losses confidence of the economy also.

Gloom & Doom

Officials said that though economy was been disturbed but so did the confidence by the
recent paris attack. They believe that any of the gloom & doom talk is not warranted at
this stage. Expecting a proposal for a euro zone-wide instant payment scheme from the
Euro Payments Council.

Some Metro stations near the massacre locations are closed, and RER (suburban train)
and many bus services are disrupted. Many security checks is been setup. By 16 th
national museums and attractions such as the Eiffel Tower was closed. Though
travelling to Paris was been normal and passengers were allowed to visit and not
postponing their programmed.

‘Schengen’ border-free zone

Within the Schengen area which allowed citizens to travel in and out of the zone of 26
europeans countries out of which 4 were non-EU nations (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland
and Liechtenstein). But because of the attacks travelling of citizens might be controlled
and they might not be as free to move as it was done before.

9/11 totally shaked America’s Involment in the terror for the safety perspective. Several
policies and programmes were changed and defensive system made more powerful for
future benefits. US occupied Iraq, Afganistan as because of the treath for terror and
eventually removed Taliban government. But this was not that enough budgets for
different defence system tossed really high ie. $16 billion in 2002 to more than $43
billion in 2011. Budgets leading to different departments also got doubled after 2001.
Thousand of killing young American Soldiers is done. Deportation is also gone double in
US mainly after 9/11 attack. Airport checking was been stricted by not allowing ‘trade
tools’ and cigratte lighters as these were also the weapons which was early permitted
and used in 9/11 case. Osama bin laden was killed. A huge support and anger for 9/11
was seen from different nations also. (see appendix 2 )

Terrorism is a multifaceted problem with numerous different causes. therefore no single

helpful method to counter it exists. To fight terrorism, one must first understand the
basic motivations for each particular group's actions. Then a approach needs to be
developed based on those findings. Regardless, it is hard to struggle terrorism without
endangering civil liberties. Many innocent people get caught in attacks they plan.Due to
terrorism the local as well as global environment is hampered. The economic conditions
and political fallouts and tourism is diversely affected by terrorism. Terrorism in India
affects many aspects such as it has mainly affects the financial capital of the country
and the country’s most earning sector which is tourism is impacted by terrorism it has
reduced to margin of 10% from 26/11. The global environment is affected by terrorism
the recents attacks at paris has impact the globe there was a severe loss of causalities.
The crude oil industry was affected immediately and the gold prices were down shares
of many big companies were at a low e.g. London listed shares fell 1.3 percent . From
this we can conclude that
errorism is an international problem in today’s global community. Many nations
are affected, whether directly or indirectly. Most nations oppose terrorism.


Based on the following findings we can recommend that :-

 Domestic and International information sharing efforts should be improved

 Event a legalized detainment outline for weakness and lawful interrogation of
 Improve preclusion of terrorist travel
 Reporting suspicious transactions associated to terrorism
Causes of Terrorism | Hand of Reason. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 08 December

Evolution of Islamic terrorism by john moore,Accessed 17
November 2015

Graeme Mcqueen & Kevin Ryan (2012) Journal of 9/11 studies pp1-5 (access on 5’dec)

Bill Roggio (2010) a project of the foundation for defense of democracies, The long war
journal, access on 5 December 2015

Sample Essay On The Unforgettable 26/11 In India

Vineet Prakash (N.D)
2611-In-India.Html ,Accessed 17th November 2015

Shweta Mishra (N.D) Impact of terrorist attack on tourism in india pp9-10

Terrorism research (n.d.), available from http://www.terrorism- , accessed on 17 November 2015

Timeline Of Attacks In India (2011)

Http://Www.Wsj.Com/Articles/Sb122772515602360289 ,Accessed On 16th November

Types Of Terrorism | Hand of Reason. [ONLINE] Available

at: [Accessed 08 December

Terrorist Attacks Will Further Weaken a Slowing Indian Economy. [ONLINE] Available at:
Indian-Economy/. Accessed 17 November 15

Web desk (2013)the express tribune with the international New York times

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