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96 Book reviews

its multiple nature, and the interactions among nutri- & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL 2007. (ISBN: 0-8493-
ents. It is now evident that micronutrient deficiencies 7474-X) 178 pages, softcover. US$99.95 UK$54.9.
usually occur together and require an integrated and
multidisciplinary approach. This book will help not This small paperback is an expanded version of a 2005
only nutritionists but also other health specialists Symposium of the Society for the study of Human
understand and take these issues into consideration Biology in collaboration with the London School of
when developing policies and interventions. Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Its aim is to highlight
This book will provide policymakers and nutrition some of the important health and social factors affect-
and health professionals with the most recent and up- ing the well-being and quality of life of older people
to-date knowledge regarding major health and nutri- and to review possible interventions aimed at the
tion problems in developing countries. Its editors and prevention or amelioration of problems that reduce
authors are all outstanding international authorities their well-being.
and the text is greatly expanded in this new edition. It is now clear that it is possible to postpone or even
prevent much of the age-related decline in health that
was once thought inevitable. Future policies must
Tea and Tea Products: Chemistry and Health-Pro- recognize in all areas of public policy this changing
moting Properties. Edited by Chi-Tang Ho, Jen-Kun paradigm for older people including nutrition, health,
Lin, and Fereidoon Shahidi. Published by CRC Press and social support. This will not only benefit the indi-
Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL 2008. (ISBN: vidual but is also necessary for reducing the overall
0-8493-8082-2) 305 pages, hardcover. US$149.95 cost of health care and making the goal of “health for
UK$79. all” realizable.
Better diets, much more physical activity, good pre-
Although tea is a beverage that originated in China, it is ventive medical care and gratifying social networks will
now consumed in steadily increasing amounts in nearly be the keys to success. Each of these topics is addressed
all parts of the world. Moreover, it has been the subject at a level understandable by almost any informed health
of intensive research in recent years and health benefits professional. This new paradigm applies to developing
have been found that vary with variety and method country populations as well, but will be more difficult
of processing. It is useful to have a comprehensive, to implement because the gap between current policy
authoritative and relatively concise book that presents and practices and the new reality is so much greater.
recent research in an organized format describing the Six chapters authoritatively describe the nutritional
science behind claims for the beneficial effects of tea, vulnerability in older people, the promising results of
particularly in polyphenol-linked components and nutritional and social interventions among frail older
antioxidant activity. people, the multiple benefits of regular exercise, and the
This book provides authoritative reviews and analy- impact on the quality of life for older people, of talking
ses of comprehensive studies of key catalysts in various about past and present events, and the variety of factors
teas. The chapters include explorations of cellular and that can contribute to successful cognitive aging.
animal models in carcinogenesis research, application Chapters deal with the significance of health for
of chromatographic techniques and analytical tools for the quality of life at older ages, including an in-depth
the analysis of bioactive components. analysis of the major health indicators in developing
It examines the evidence—or lack thereof—for the countries such as maternal mortality, importance of
new claims. Emphasizing black and green teas equally, family support and kin network and of the effects of
this book covers the analysis, formation mechanisms economic concerns in the home. The cost effective-
and bioavailability of tea polyphenols. Catechins, thea- ness of interventions aimed at improving the health of
flavins, and thearubigins are three important groups older persons is analyzed. The final chapter discusses
of polyphenols. The mechanisms for their formation the many challenges to society including the effects of
during processing are of great current scientific and increased longevity.
commercial interest and thoroughly discussed. Other
biological claims for teas—including anti-cancer, anti-
inflammatory, anti-obesity and anti-diabetes—are Food, Economics and Health. By Alok Bhargava. Pub-
also reviewed. Because worldwide production and lished by Oxford University Press, Oxford 2008. (ISBN:
consumption of teas are increasing each year, this book 978-0-19-926914-3) 240 pages, hardcover. US$90.00.
will be of wide interest.
Most books concerned with nutrition and health are
written from the public health nutrition perspective. It
Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health, and Social Interven- is becoming increasingly clear that nutrition and health
tions. Edited by Alan D. Dangour, Emily M. D. Grundy, are both heavily dependent on economic, social, and
and Astrid E. Fletcher. Published by CRC Press Taylor political factors. The more all of these disciplines and

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