LD Objectives (New)

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Remembering :

 After completion of today’s lesson the students will be able to define(factual) the term
refraction of light
 After today’s lesson students will be able to recall(conceptual) the two laws of refraction
 Students will be able to tell why(conceptual) refraction occurs when light enters from one
medium to other
 After today’s lesson students will be able to label(procedural) the prism diagrams present on
 After the lesson students will be able to tell how(factual) does a light ray deviate when it enters
from one medium to the other
 After today’s lesson students will be able to define(conceptual) the term ‘refractive index ‘.
 After today’s lesson students will be able to tell what(factual) are the factors on which the
refractive index of a medium depends
 After today’s lesson students will be able to tell when(conceptual) no refraction occurs when a
light ray passes from one medium to another
 Students will be able to label(factual) a given ray diagram on a glass block based on refraction


 After today’s lesson students will be able to relate(meta) the phenomenon of refraction with
real life examples
 After today’s lesson students will be able to compare(conceptual) the cases of light ray when it
changes medium
 Students will be able interpret(meta) the meaning of lateral displacement on a glass slab on the
basis of refraction
 Students will be able to explain(conceptual) the cause of refraction when light enters from one
medium to another


 After today’s lesson students will apply(meta) the basic reasoning of refraction in other possible
phenomenon they see around them
 Students will be able to solve(factual and conceptual) numerical problems based on formulas
 Students will be able to experiment(conceptual) with a glass block based on refraction
 After today’s lesson students will be able to organize(procedural) a chart based on different
refractive indices of liquids
 After today’s lesson students will be able to make use of the(factual) formulas and snell’s law to
draw the diagrams present on prism
 After today’s lesson students will be able to identify(factual) the angle of refraction and angle of
incidence and normal from a given ray diagram on refraction

 Students will be able to simplify(factual) the various phenomenon happening around them due
to refraction
 Students will be able to analyze(conceptual) the value of angle of deviation from a graph
 Students will be able to examine(conceptual) the path of light ray during prism experiments
 After today’s lesson students will be able to list(factual) the factors on which lateral
displacement of a light ray depends when it passes through a glass block
 After today’s lesson students will be able to distinguish(conceptual) between angle of deviation
and angle of minimum deviation
 Students will be able to determine(meta) the value of refractive index of a liquid from an


 Students will be able to judge(conceptual) whether a given phenomenon is refraction or not

 The students will be able to justify(conceptual) that a phenomenon is refraction on the basis of
reasoning and concepts
 Students will be able to prove(factual and procedural) that no medium has absolute refractive
index less than 1
 After today’s lesson students will be able to understand the importance(factual) of the concept
of refractive index
 After today’s lesson students will be able to conclude(factual and conceptual) that whether a
medium will decrease or increase the speed of light when it passes through it


 After today’s lesson students will be able to create(meta and factual) a chart based on various
phenomenon on refraction
 Students can develop(meta) a model which shows the phenomenon of refraction
 Students can build(meta) a vanishing liquid based on the concept of refraction

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