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Oceans and Seas – Research work

Use an encyclopedia or the internet to research on any two seas or oceans of the world on word
document file or your geography copy and upload the completed work.

Q1. How are they similar or different from each other?

Ans. Both the ocean and the sea are large and vast water bodies that cover 70 percent of the
earth’s surface. In terms of geography, seas are smaller than oceans. Generally, seas are very
close to land or human habitation. They are found around the edge of oceans and are partly
surrounded by land. Here, you can see that the Bering Sea is part of the Pacific Ocean. In
oceans, we have big mammals, whales, sharks, dolphins and many more. In the sea, we have
both aquatic and amphibian animals, that live in the water and on the land.

Another difference between the sea and ocean is that World Oceans hold enormous resources,
such as natural gas. Natural Gas is considerably found more in the Middle-East region, and the
largest natural gas and condensate is jointly owned by Iran and Qatar.
Q2. How does its coastal area benefit the people?

Ans. Coastal land is used for human settlement, agriculture, trade and industry. The coastal sea
presents problems related to transport, fishing, dumping, mining, etc. The temperature of
coastal areas is also moderate throughout the year, making the day to day weather pleasant.
People living around coastal areas also get to appreciate the beauty of the coast and are also
living in a comparatively healthier environment as compared to the inland areas. Coastal areas
help prevent erosion, filter pollutants, and provide food, shelter, breeding areas, and nursery
grounds for a wide variety of organisms. Coastal regions also provide space for shipping and
ports, and other raw materials, including salt and sand. They also give opportunities for
recreational activities such as fishing and diving.

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