Revisão - Inglês

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Data: ___/___/____
Avaliação de Inglês
Where are you from?
Are you Brazilian?
Assinale a alternativa correta:
— No, I am not.
1.New York é:
— Where are you from?
a.( ) uma grande cidade dos Estados
— I am from Mexico. I am Mexican.
In Mexico we wear big hats. b.( ) Uma pequena cidade dos
— Are you American? Estados Unidos.
2.No México:
— Yes, I am. I am from New York,
a.( ) As pessoas usam grandes
a big city in the United States. chapéus .
— Is that man African? b.( ) As pessoas usam grandes
— No, he is not African. lenços na cabeça.

— Where is he from? 3.Roma:

a.( ) é a capital da França.
— He is from Germany. He is Germany.
b.( ) é a capital da Itália.
He is German. He likes beer.
4.As pessoas de Roma:
— Are they Japanese?
a.( ) gostam de vinho e macarrão.
— Oh, no! They are not Japanese.
b.( ) não gostam de vinho, mas de
— Where are they from? macarrão.
— They are from Rome, the capital of Italy. 5. Ah, Brazil! The country of
They like macaroni very much. gentle People, the land of
And wine, too. Carnival! Assinale a alternativa que
— Where are you from? melhor traduz a frase destacada:
— I am from Rio, a large city in Brazil. a.( ) Ah, Brasil! O país de pessoas
— Ah, Brazil! The country of gentle gentis a terra do carnaval.
People, the land of Carnival! b.( ) Ah, Brasil! O país de pessoas
— Who are they? educadas a terra do carnaval.
— They are Japanese, workers. 6.De acordo com o texto:
— Are they lazy? a.( )Rio de Janeiro é uma bela
— No, they are very busy! cidade do Brasil.
They work very hard! b. ( )Rio de Janeiro é uma grande
Compact Dynamic English- page 42-45
cidade do Brasil.
7. Leia o texto abaixo:
My name is Clark, and I will tell you a) Turn right on the next street.
about my city. b) Please, help me to finish this.
I live in an apartment. In my city, there c) I need you now!
is a post office where people mail d) Patrick is waiting for you.
letters. On Monday, I go to work. I e) Come here right now!
work at the post office. Everyone shops 9. Qual das frases abaixo NÃO está
for food at the grocery store. They also no modo imperativo?
eat at the restaurant. The restaurant a) Take care, man!
serves pizza and ice cream. b) Go up the street and turn right.
My friends and I go to the park on c) Leo wants to go to the cinema today.
Saturday. We like to play soccer at the d) Put your hands on my shoulders.
park. On Fridays, we go to the cinema 10. Complete com a forma correta
to see a movie. Children don’t go to do verbo TO BE
school on the weekend. Each day, a) Luke __________ a good teacher.
people go to the hospital when they are (am/is/are)
sick. The doctors and nurses take care b) Mônica and Jean _______ travelers.
of them. The police keep everyone safe. (am/is/are)
I am happy to live in my city. c) I _____________ very happy.
Marque AS ALTERNATIVAS corretas (am/is/are)
sobre a rotina de Clark e de sua cidade. d) You ____________ my best friend.
(marque 3 opções) (am/is/are)
a) Clark e seus amigos jogam futebol no e) The cat __________ sleeping.
parque às sextas-feiras. (am/is/are)
b) Os médicos e as enfermeiras cuidam
dos doentes no hospital.
c) Clark vai ao restaurante todos os
dias para comer feijão.
d) Clark vai ao cinema com seus
amigos às sextas-feiras.
e) As crianças não vão à escola nos
finais de semana.
8. Assinale apenas as alternativas
que estão no modo imperativo. (3

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