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Silver ornaments assignment

The 5 stores I visited were Madalgi Jewellers, Raikar Jewellers, Sai Jewellers, Mahalasa Jewellers, Swaroop
Jewellers. All the stores had only silver anklets and toe rings in the silver ornaments categories. No other
category of silver ornaments could be found in these stores. All the stores said that they did not sell any
particular brand. All of them purchased locally and sold locally.

2. ‘CaRoad’ market is king

The 'CaRoad' market is a market of enormous development.

Since December 2020, the market supposedly grows emphatically in India. As demonstrated by the buyer
direct floats, the longing to buy another vehicle, the Indian clients are going all out to check out this 'CaRoad'

The vehicle merchants and their agents are set up to serve the new masters and sovereigns in this new
creating business area - the 'CaRoad' market, which itself has anticipated distinguished degrees.

In case we look at even the vehicle changing business sector, you can see that it has experienced gigantic turn
of events, since clients needn't bother with their vehicles to lie dormant and it is significant that they get them
redesigned after not having used them for quite a while.

The development and the movement business and amicability organizations moreover have been participating
in the 'CaRoad' market, making it considerably great.

With the opening up of limits, beside keeping up the required purifying, cover and social isolating, the
significant aching to travel has been helped by the 'CaRoad' market, making the market the ruler.

3. Avatar Based Marketing

Some things in this virtual world may seem bizarre at first. Many residents wear sexually provocative
clothing, and some inhabit an animal or other nonhuman body. Avatars aren’t the only personal creations in
Second Life. Clearly, many of Second Life’s 100,000 or so residents are highly involved with this place.

And that makes it potentially a dream marketing venue. Instead of targeting passive eyeballs, marketers here
have the opportunity to interact with engaged minds. Commerce is already an integral part of Second Life. The
avatar, though, arguably represents a distinctly different consumer, one able to influence its creator’s
purchase of real-world products and conceivably make its own real-world purchases in the virtual world.

At the least, it may offer insights into its creator’s hidden tastes. Internet, in which users, through an
avatar, are able to play games or simply interact socially with thousands of people simultaneously. Many users
spend upward of 40 hours a week in these worlds. And as the technology improves over the next
decade, virtual worlds may well eclipse film, TV, and non–role-playing computer games as a form of

That’s because, instead of watching someone else’s story unfold in front of them on a screen, users in these
worlds create and live out their own stories. When marketing online,(you want sustained engagement with the
brand rather than just a click-through) to a purchase or product information, says Bonita Stewart, responsible
for interactive marketing for DaimlerChrysler’s Jeep, Chrysler, and Dodge brands. «Avatars create an
opportunity for just this type of engagement. Given the potential, marketers need to acquaint themselves with
the phenomenon of avatars and to consider whether it requires a rethinking of marketing messages and

They can draw on the experiences of the handful of pathfinding companies that have begun to explore this
What Is an Avatar?

The avatar is the most conspicuous online manifestation of people’s desire to try out alternative identities or
project some private aspect of themselves. Broadly defined, avatar encompasses not only complex beings
created for use in a shared virtual reality but any visual representation of a user in an online community.
Avatars are endowed with mannerisms, skills, and wardrobes that their users create, purchase, receive as
gifts , or earn. Indeed, while avatars’ anonymity is part of their appeal, many people take considerable pride in
their creations as public expressions of hidden aspects of their identities

Second Life residents pay for these products and services in local

Some avatar entrepreneurs, most notably fashion designers and land speculators, have been so successful that
their creators have quit real-life jobs to focus on their virtual-world businesses. The line between virtual and
real worlds is blurring in other ways. Lawrence Lessig gave a speech to a full house and electronically signed
virtual copies of his latest book.

Marketing to Avatars

Now that, in virtual worlds, consumers are taking the initiative and adopting alter egos that are anything but
under wraps, marketers can segment, reach, and influence them directly.

Marketing depends on soliciting people’s dreams, says Henry

As the options presumably multiply in the future, and the avatars become more complex, one could assemble
detailed profiles of those who might be likely buyers of either kind of model. Avatars might also be enlisted to
play a marketing role. They could use their virtual-world sensibility to design products with real-world
potential. Several Second Life clothing designers have been approached by real-world fashion houses, and at
least one business makes real-world versions of furniture based on virtual identity designed by Second Life

At the least, avatars are likely to window shop. Wilson, CEO of Makena Technologies, which runs There, says
that ecommerce sites, while they have reduced retailers’ brick-and-mortar costs, don’t address the inherently
social nature of shopping, especially for women. If she got rave reviews from her pals and became comfortable
with the idea of wearing a particular outfit, a purchase in the real world might follow.

The McDonald’s kiosks in the Sims Online, while popular, generated sniggering among residents about how fat
the patrons would become, says Book, of Virtual Worlds Review

4. 3 categories 9 brands journey from commodity to brand immortality

Commodity Brand Description

Lemon juice Nimbooz It is an authentic drink made from
squeezed lemons. No Fizz no
artificial flavours. It is tasty and
100% hygienic.
Brand Idea “Enjoy Being my Asli
LMN Parle’s LMN has utilized the idea
of packaged nimbu pani. But they
have positioned themselves as
“lemon flavoured drink” to avoid
comparison with nimbu pani
Minute Maid Nimbu Fresh They have placed their product
saying “Bilkul ghar jaisa”
Instant noodles Top Ramen This was introduced by Nissin
Foods in 1970. The brand is
popular in USA and it gained a
popularity in India after the maggi
ban. It is positioned in a way that
it is called as curry noodles
Maggi It is the most favourite and
popular brand for Instant Noodles
in India. The product is designed
in such a way that it matches the
Indian taste palate. The emotional
aspect of the advertisement of
maggi is the key driver of Maggi’s
Yippee It is a relatively new product and
the growth of this product was
quite high during maggi ban.
Biscuits Parle Parle food company hold the
dominant share of the Indian
biscuit market and famous for
biscuit brand Parle-G which is also
the largest selling biscuit brand in
the world. Parle biscuit brands
include Monaco, KrackJack, Hide
& Seek, Parle-G Gold. With
increasing variety Parle has
established itself as an immortal
brand for daily consumed
Britannia Britannia Industries sells biscuits,
rusk toast, breads, cake,
chocolate biscuit. Good day,
Marie Gold 50 50, Treat,Bourbon
and Tiger brands of biscuits are
the most popular Biscuit of
Britannia in India.
Sunfeast In July 2003, ITC made a foray into
the biscuits market by launching
the Sunfeast range of biscuits.
Since then, Sunfeast biscuits have
always stood for quality and are
known for offering innovative and
biscuits. Sunfeast connotes
happiness, contentment,
satisfaction and pleasure

5. Strategical step for fortune Disaster

If this happens with your brand what would you do?

According to me, if thus situation would happen with my brand, I would first take down the video, and would
post at twitter or any social media expressing concern towards the brand endorser, but would not remove him
as it would show that my organization does not care about the individual. The organization should handle it
proactively and not be reactive. Rather than my organization would rope in another personality of the same
age group and beyond and would first get the personality to wish Sourav Ganguly an immediate recovery (as if
it doesn’t seem like my organization is shirking off ganguly completely). I would try to use social media channel
such as twitter and facebook and would start Hashtag campaigns for speedy recovery of Mr. Ganguly.

But I don’t think that my organization would stop selling the product as for some percentage of my customers
the product would be habitual and but for the remaining customers, I would try to endorse a celebrity who has
his own brand identity (Eg. Amitabh Bachchan) and would suitable to show how the fitness at his age would
impact and create an image of a healthy heart on the customers which would in turn help in increasing the

6. FMCG sector commodity

According to me “Chiwda” is one product that has an immense potential to turn into an immortal brand.
Although currently it is available in recognised labels, its true potential has never been utilised. Traditionally
chiwda is consumed as a seasonal product, say during Diwali. But throughout the year it is served in bars or
households as an accompaniment during alcohol consumption. This is where a gap for an established brand
could be felt.

There could be several flavours of Chiwda’s. Within a decade the word “chakna” could be replaced by
“Chiwda”. A phone conversation could turn into “I will take care of Chiwda” instead of “I will take care of
munchies”. A Bollywood celebrity with a happy-go-lucky image could be employed for endorsing the product.
This can add a glamour quotient to an otherwise traditional and boring product. Special attention could be
given to packaging, for e.g. stacking Chiwda in tubes like those for Pringles. All in all, Chiwda can quickly move
from a Label to immortality through targeted and impactful branding

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