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Choosing the correct word forms

Question 1
He made the __________ in a speech on television. [announce]
 The article “the” suggests that a noun is needed to complete this sentence.
The noun form of announce is announcement.

Question 2
If you want to _______ , you need to be persistent. [success]

 A verb is needed after “want to” and the verb form of success is succeed.

Question 3
We were _________ to arrive on time. [anxiety]
 The verb ‘to be’ indicates you need an adjective. The adjective form of
anxiety is anxious.

Question 4
Working as a ________  is not as easy as it sounds. [beauty]
 The article ‘a’ indicates you need a noun. Beautician is another noun form of

Question 5
We were glad to ________  the entire family last Christmas. [photograph]
 The verb form of photograph is the same as its noun form.

Question 6
The scandal is unlikely to affect her _________ . [famous]
 The possessive adjective “her” indicates that the noun form of famous is
needed, which is fame.

Question 7
The police could have charged them with ________ behaviour. [threat]
 You are looking for a word to describe the noun ‘behaviour’.
The adjective form of threat is threatening.

Question 8
The dollar has fallen in value amid rumors of _______ in the economy. [weak]
 A noun is needed to complete this noun phrase. Weakness is the noun form
of weak.
Question 9
Providing ________ people with somewhere to stay when the weather is cold
doesn't solve the problem. [home]
 An adjective is needed to describe the noun “people”. The
negative adjective of home is homeless.

Question 10
It is a requirement to show your ID upon ________  . [enter]
 Entrance and entry are two possible noun forms for enter. Entrance refers to
the physical space (e.g. door or gate) while entry is the act of going inside.

Question 11
Some people like to live _______ . [danger]
 To describe the verb ‘live’, you need the adverb of danger, which is

Question 12
The _________  of the lake has never been measured. [deep]

Question 13
My country now exports all kinds of _______ products. [industry]

Question 14
Unfortunately, the police were completely _________ of what had happened.

Question 15
I have a ________ to play with my phone before going to bed. [tend]

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