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Hasil Diskusi Blog:

Language Choice in Your Multilingual Communities


In multilingual context, language choice at the individual is more complex and is determined by a lot of
factors. According Holmes, the linguistic forms chosen by a speaker is influenced by social context in
which he is talking. The choice depends on these factors give a different result how we interact with
variety of people in social life. As a result, the same massage may be expressed differently to different
people. The factors such as:

1)Participants, Who are the speakers?

2)Setting, In what context is the language used?

3)Topic, What are the speakers talking about?

4)Social distance, How well do the speakers know each other?

5)Status, The social status

6)Social roles, Teacher-student; doctor-patient; father-son

7)Formality, Formal vs. informal

8)Function/goal of the interaction, What is the language being used for?

9) differences in gender, age, culture

Multilingual Communities:

Multilingualism is the use of two or more languages, either by an individual speaker or by a community
of speakers. Multilingual communities are community or social group where more than one people use
more than one language, it can be bilingual, trilingual, or more. The way how we choose language that
we use in multilingual community is based on the factors above. For example, when in the forum
discussion in Quora platform there are many people from the world discussed any topics and they are
responds to each other. For sure we should adapt with the language that related with the people we
want to talk about. Multilingual communities are advantageous for people who want to participate in
globalization and cultural openness.

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