Lesson 10 Meaningful Living

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Lesson 10

How To Know If
You're Wise
Ecclesiastes 8:1-17
I thirsted in the barren land of
sin and shame,
And nothing satisfying there I
But to the blessed cross of
Christ one day I came,Where
springs of living water did
Drinking at the springs of
living water, Happy now am I,
My soul they satisfy;
Drinking at the springs of
living water, O wonderful and
bountiful supply!
How sweet the living water
from the hills of God,
It makes me glad and happy all
the way;
Now glory, grace and blessing
mark the path I've trod,
I'm shouting “Hallelujah”
every day.
Drinking at the springs of
living water, Happy now am I,
My soul they satisfy;
Drinking at the springs of
living water, O wonderful and
bountiful supply!
O sinner, won't you come today
to Calvary?
A fountain there is flowing
deep and wide;
The Savior now invites you to
the water free,
Where thirsting spirits can be
Drinking at the springs of
living water, Happy now am I,
My soul they satisfy;
Drinking at the springs of
living water, O wonderful and
bountiful supply!
Lesson 10
How To Know If
You're Wise
Ecclesiastes 8:1-17
How To Know If You're Wise

What does it mean to be wise?

Wisdom is mentioned over 300
times in the Old Testament.

Over half of those times are in the

writings of Solomon or in reference
to Solomon
Ecclesiastes 1:16
1 Kings 10:23-24
Proverbs 1:2, 1:3, 1:7, 2:6
Respect for God
Experience = Wisdom
“But grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”
2 Peter 3:18
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you
meet trials of various kinds, for you
know that the testing of your faith
produces steadfastness. And let
steadfastness have its full effect, that you
may be perfect and complete, lacking in
nothing.” James 1:2-3
Four Traits
1. Have a shining Face
“Who is like the wise? And who knows
the interpretation of a thing? A man's
wisdom makes his face shine, and the
hardness of his face is changed.”
A shining face speaks of being blessed

How does Moses' blessing to Aaron in

Numbers 6:25 reveal this fact?
“the Lord make his face to shine upon
you and be gracious to you;”

We reflect the Father to the world

Jesus said we are the light of the world
(Matthew 5:14)
We can shine even in adversity because
of what promise found in Psalm 34:5
and Romans 8:28?
Those who look to him are radiant, and
their faces shall never be ashamed.

And we know that for those who love

God all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to his
Four Traits
2. Be patient when life is unfair
Ecc 8:2-7
Solomon said they should submit to the
king because he can “do whatever he
Today we are commanded by God to
be people of patience and submission
Hebrews 13:17
James 4:7
1 Peter 2:13

How does Titus 3:1 also reiterate this

“Remind them to be submissive to rulers
and authorities, to be obedient, to be
ready for every good work”
“For there is a time and a way for
everything although man's trouble lies
heavy on him. For he does not know
what is to be, for who can tell him how it
will be?” 8:6-7
Wise people are not impulsive they
wait for the right time and way to
handle a problem.

How can we be patient in adversity?

Psalm 5:3, “O Lord in the morning you
hear my voice; in the morning I prepare
a sacrifice for you and watch.”
Four Traits
3. Accept what you can't change
Ecc 8:8-14

“Lord, Give Me the Grace to Accept the

Things I Cannot Change”
“No man has power to retain the spirit,
or power over the day of death”

What did David tell Jonathan in 1

Samuel 20:3?
“as your soul lives, there is but a step
between me and death.”
Sometimes it is hard to accept that we
live in a world where people get hurt.
But what can we do according to
Colossians 3:13?
“Forbearing one another, and forgiving
one another, if any man have a quarrel
against any: even as Christ forgave you,
so also [do] ye.”
Solomon says, “I saw the wicked
buried. And being praise.” 8:10
In regards to ungodly people remaining
in their sin until death, what does
Solomon write in Ecc 8:11?
“Because the sentence against an evil
deed is not executed speedily, the heart
of the children of man is fully set to do
One day people will get what they
deserve because of what truth found in
Isaiah 30:18?
“The Lord waits to be gracious to you,
and therefore he exalts himself to show
mercy to you.”
“Though a sinner does evil a hundred
times and prolongs his life, yet I know
that is will be well with those who fear
– Ecc 8:12
Does it bother you to see a sinner get
away with evil?

Remember Jeremiah 51:56

“For the Lord is a God of recompense;
he will surely repay.”

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for

whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he
also reap.
Galatians 6:7
Four Traits
4. Enjoy Life Now
Ecc 8:15-17

“The wise person does not allow

injustice and things we don't understand
keep him from enjoying God's blessing.”
No one is wise enough to
understand everything. Sometimes
we must simply trust in what
promise found in Lamentations
“The Lord is good to those who wait
for him, to the soul who seek him. It
is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.”
Lamentations 3:25-26
How To Know if You're Wise
1. Having a shining face
2. Be patient when life is unfair
3. Accept what you can't change
4. Enjoy life now

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