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The characters ‫الشخصيات‬

Adel Basem Faten Fayez

Dad Mervat Mom Mr Sameh

Uncle Sami Zahra Zain

Picture Dictionary.

‫محمية طبيعية‬

maize ‫ذرة‬ nature reserve pipe ‫ أنبوب‬- ‫ماسورة‬

puzzle ‫لعبة ألغاز‬ sink ‫حوض‬ tractor ‫جرار‬

Prim 4 / Term 1
Zahra and Zein are watching a nature program with their

parents. It’s a very interesting program. It’s all about hippos.

.‫ كل شئ عن أفراس النهر‬.‫ إنه برنامج ممتع للغاية‬.‫زهرة وزين يشاهدان برنامجا عن الطبيعة مع والديهما‬

Hippos are the

most dangerous

land animals in

the world.
‫أفراس النهر هي أكثر‬
‫الحيوانات البرية خطورة‬
.‫في العالم‬

‘I love animals, ‘ says Zahra. ‘I want to be a vet when I’m older.’

‘That’s a great idea, ‘ says Mom. ‘A vet is a very important job.

What about you, Zein? Do you want to be a vet?’

‘I don’t think so, ‘ says Zein.

".‫ "أريد أن أصبح طبيبة بيطرية عندما أكبر‬."‫ "أحب الحيوانات‬:‫تقول زهرة‬
‫ ماذا عنك يا زين؟ هل‬.‫ "الطبيب البيطري هو عمل مهم للغاية‬."‫ "هذه فكرة رائعة‬:‫تقول أمي‬
"‫تريد أن تكون طبيب بيطري؟‬
".‫ "ال أعتقد ذلك‬:‫يقول زين‬

‘What do you want to be, then?’ asks Dad.
‘A doctor?’ ‘Or a dentist?’ asks Mom.
‘I don’t know, ‘ says Zein. I just can’t decide!’
"‫ "ماذا تريد أن تكون إذن؟‬:‫يسأل أبي‬
"‫ "طبيب بشري؟" "أو طبيب أسنان؟‬:‫تسأل أمي‬
"!‫ أنا فقط ال أستطيع ان أقرر‬،‫ "ال أعرف‬:‫يقول زين‬

‘I know, ‘ says Mom. ‘Why don’t you both go and stay with Uncle
Sami? He has lots of friends. You can find out about their jobs.
Then you can decide, Zein.’
‘That’s a great idea, ’ says Dad.
.‫ " لماذا ال تذهب وتبقي مع العم سامي؟ لديه الكثير من األصدقاء‬."‫ "أنا أعلم‬:‫تقول أمي‬
".‫ ثم يمكنك أن تقرر يا زين‬.‫يمكنك معرفة وظائفهم‬
".‫ "هذه فكرة رائعة‬:‫يقول أبي‬

Prim 4 / Term 1
1 Read and complete.

hippos - animals - Sami - parents- interesting - Zein - Zahra

1. Zahra and ………… Zein are watching a nature program.

2. They are watching the program with their …………

3. It’s all about …………

4. ………… wants to be a vet.

5. Uncle ………… has lots of friends.

6. The program is very …………

7. Zahra loves …………

2 Read and put () or ().

A vet is a very important job.

I love animals.

Hippos are dangerous.

3 Mark  the correct answer. Yes No

He is a doctor.

It’s a hippo.

These are my parents.

They are watching a program.

4 Rearrange.

1. be - you - What - want - do – to?


2. a - doesn’t – vet - to - Zein - be - want.

3. a - idea - That’s - great.
4. very - program - interesting - It’s - a.

Prim 4 / Term 1
Uncle Sami is a taxi driver. On the first day of their visit, he
takes the children to see his friend Adel. Adel is a vet. He works
in a nature reserve.
‫ اصطحب األطفال‬،‫ في اليوم األول من زيارتهم‬.)‫العم سامي سائق سيارة أجرة (تاكسي‬
.‫ يعمل في محمية طبيعية‬.‫ عادل طبيب بيطري‬.‫لرؤية صديقه عادل‬

‘This is Zahra and Zein, ‘ says Uncle Sami. ‘Zahra wants to be a vet.’
‘Great! says Adel. ‘Come on then. You can both help me with the
".‫ "زهرة تريد أن تصبح طبيبة بيطرية‬."‫ "هذه زهرة وهذا زين‬:‫يقول العم سامي‬
".‫ يمكنكما مساعدتي في التعامل مع التماسيح‬.‫ "هيا إذن‬."!‫ "رائع‬:‫يقول عادل‬

One of the crocodiles has something in its stomach. Adel gives
the crocodile some medicine and waits.
‘It’s asleep now, ‘ Adel says. Then he puts his hand into the
crocodile’s mouth.
.‫ يعطي عادل التمساح بعض األدوية وينتظر‬.‫أحد التماسيح لديه شئ في معدته‬
.‫ ثم يضع عادل يده في فم التمساح‬."‫ "إنه نائم اآلن‬:‫يقول عادل‬

‘Look, says Adel. ‘It’s a plastic bottle. People shouldn’t throw

garbage. It’s dangerous for the animals.’
‘What’s the matter, Zein? ‘ asks Zahra.
‘I love animals, ‘ says Zein, ‘but I don’t want to be a vet?’
‫ إنه خطير علي‬.‫ ال يجب علي الناس رمي القمامة‬.‫ إنها زجاجة بالستسكية‬،‫ "انظر‬:‫يقول عادل‬
"‫ "ما األمر يازين؟‬:‫تسأل زهرة‬
"‫ لكنني ال أريد أن أصبح طبيب بيطري؟‬،‫ "أنا أحب الحيوانات‬:‫يقول زين‬

Prim 4 / Term 1
Hi, Sami! !‫مرحبا سامي‬
Uncle Sami drives to a farm.
‘Come and meet my friend, Fayez, and his wife Mervat, ‘ he
says. ‘They look after animals, too. You can help on their farm.’
.‫العم سامي يقود سيارته إلي مزرعة‬
‫" "إنهم يعتنون‬،‫ "تعالوا وقابلوا صديقي فايز وزوجته ميرفت‬:‫يقول العم سامي‬
".‫ يمكنكم المساعدة في مزرعتهم‬.‫بالحيوانات أيضا‬

Come on, little goat! ! ‫ أيتها العنزة الصغيرة‬،‫تعالي‬

First of all, the children help Mervat with the animals. There are
some baby goats without mothers. Mervat and Zahra mix some
special milk. Zein feeds the babies with a bottle.
.‫ هناك بعض صغار ماعز بدون امهات‬.‫ يساعد األطفال ميرفت في رعاية الحيوانات‬،‫أوال‬
.‫ زين يطعم صغار الماعز بزجاجة‬.‫ميرفت وزهرة تخلطان بعض الحليب الخاص‬

Then they help with the maize. The maize plants are growing
tall and strong and the maize is nice and yellow. The children
pick lots of maize. It’s hard work!
‫ يقطف‬.‫ تنمو نباتات الذرة طويلة وقوية والذرة جميلة وصفراء‬.‫ثم يساعدون في الذرة‬
!‫ إنه عمل صعب‬.‫األطفال الكثير من الذرة‬

It’s an awesome tractor! !‫إنه جرار رائع‬

The children load the maize onto a tractor.
‘Can I drive the tractor?’ asks Zein.
Fayez laughs. ‘No, I’m sorry,‘ he says.
.‫يقوم األطفال بتحميل الذرة علي جرار‬
"‫ "هل يمكنني قيادة الجرار؟‬:‫يسأل زين‬
".‫ أنا آسف‬، ‫فايز يضحك ويقول "ال‬

Prim 4 / Term 1
1 Read and answer.
1. Who drives to a farm?
2. What does Adel give the crocodile?
3. Where do the children load the maize?

2 Look and tick :

Uncle Sami is a taxi driver.

Uncle Sami is a doctor.

Adel is a dentist.
Adel is a vet.

These are maize plants.

These are bottles.

3 Read and complete.

reserve - milk - yellow – animals - maize - garbage
1. The children pick lots of …………
2. The maize is nice and …………
3. Zahra and Mervat mix some special …………
4. People shouldn’t throw …………
5. Adel works in a nature …………
6. Fayez and Mervat look after …………

The next morning, Zahra is playing on her phone. Uncle Sami has
an idea.
‘Do you like computer games, Zein?’ he asks.
‘Yes, ‘ says Zein. ‘Computer games are awesome!’
.‫ العم سامي لديه فكرة‬.‫ كانت زهرة تلعب علي هاتفها‬،‫في صباح اليوم التالي‬
"‫ "هل تحب ألعاب الكمبيوتر يا زين؟‬:‫يسأل العم سامي‬
"!‫" "ألعاب الكمبيوتر رائعة‬،‫ "نعم‬:‫يقول زين‬

Uncle Sami’s cousin Faten is a software engineer. She tests

computer games. The children go to her office.
‘You can test these new games, ‘ says Faten. The children have
lots of fun.
‫ يذهب األطفال‬.‫ هي تختبر ألعاب الكمبيوتر‬.‫فاتن ابنة عم العم سامي تكون مهندسة برمجيات‬
.‫إلي مكتبها‬
.‫" يتمتع األطفال بالكثير من المرح‬،‫ "يمكنك اختبار هذه األلعاب‬:‫تقول فاتن‬

Prim 4 / Term 1
Zein has an idea for a game. It’s a puzzle game. He draws some
ideas, but it isn’t easy. Zein isn’t happy with his game.
‘Oh dear! he says, ‘I love games and puzzles, but I don’t want to
be a software engineer.’
‫ زين غير‬.‫ لكنها ليست سهلة‬،‫ يرسم بعض األفكار‬.‫ إنها لعبة ألغاز‬.‫زين لديه فكرة لعبة‬
.‫سعيد بلعبته‬
".‫ لكني ال أريد ان أصبح مهندس برمجيات‬،‫ "أحب األلعاب و األلغاز‬،!‫ "ياللهول‬:‫يقول زين‬

‘I know, says Uncle Sami. ‘Come and meet my friend Basem.

He’s a plumber.’
‘A plumber?’ says Zahra.
".‫ إنه سباك‬.‫" "تعالوا وقابلوا صديقي باسم‬،‫ "أنا أعلم‬:‫يقول العم سامي‬
"‫ "سباك؟‬:‫تقول زهرة‬

Basem is in Mr Sameh’s apartment. He is fixing some pipes under
a sink. The children help him. There are lots of pipes.
‘It’s like a puzzle! ‘ says Zein.
.‫ يساعده األطفال‬.‫ إنه يصلح بعض المواسير تحت المغسلة‬.‫باسم في شقة السيد سامح‬
.‫هناك الكثير من المواسير‬
"!‫ "إنه مثل اللغز‬:‫يقول زين‬

What’s this? ‫ماهذا؟‬

Something falls out of an old pipe. It’s a ring.
‘That’s my wife’s ring!’ says Mr Sameh. ‘Thank you for finding it.’
‘You’re welcome, says Basem. ‘It’s all part of the job.’
.‫ إنه خاتم‬.‫شئ ما يسقط من ماسورة قديمة‬
".‫ "هذا خاتم زوجتي!" "شكرا إليجاده‬:‫يقول السيد سامح‬
".‫ " "كل هذا جزء من الوظيفة‬،‫ "عفوا‬:‫يقول باسم‬

Prim 4 / Term 1
That night, Uncle Sami drives the children home in his taxi.
They are both happy and tired.
‫ كالهما سعيد‬.‫ يقود العم سامي األطفال إلي المنزل في سيارته األجرة‬،‫في تلك الليلة‬

‘Do you know what you want to be now, Zein?’ asks Dad.
‘Yes, I do, ‘ says Zein. ‘I want to be like Uncle Sami. He has got
the best job. He goes to so many interesting places. I want to be
a taxi driver!’
"‫ يا زين؟‬،‫ "هل تعرف ماذا تريد أن تكون اآلن‬:‫يسأل األب‬
‫ يذهب إلي‬.‫ لقد حصل علي أفضل وظيفة‬.‫" "أريد أن أكون مثل العم سامي‬،‫ "نعم‬:‫يقول زين‬
"!‫ أريد أن أصبح سائق تاكسي‬.‫العديد من األماكن الممتعة‬

1 Read and complete.
children - best - taxi – cousin - pipes - games - plumber
1. Uncle Sami has the ………… job.
2. Computer ………… are awesome.
3. Faten is Uncle Sami’s …………
4. The ………… go to Faten’s office.
5. Basem is a …………
6. Basem is fixing some ………… under a sink.
7. Uncle Sami drives the children home in his …………

2 Read and match.

1. Basem is in a. a software engineer.
2. Zein doesn’t want to be b. her phone.
3. The pipes are c. help him.
4. Zahra is playing on d. Mr Sameh’s apartment.
e. under a sink.

3 Rearrange.
1. Sami - an - Uncle - idea - has.
2. computer - you - Do - games - like?
3. a lot - fun - children - of - The - have.
4. happy - Zein – game - with – isn’t - his.

Prim 4 / Term 1
1 Underline the correct words in brackets.
1. Zahra loves (colors - books - animals).
2. A vet is a very (bad – important - boring) job.
3. Zein wants to be a (doctor – taxi driver - vet).
4. Adel works in a (school - museum – nature reserve).
5. Zahra wants to be a (vet - teacher – dentist).
6. The (cat - goat - crocodile) has something in its stomach.
7. People (should – shouldn’t –have to) throw garbage. It’s dangerous.
8. Uncle Sami drives to a (hospital – café – farm).
9. There are some baby (goats - cats - cows) without mothers.
10. A (necklace - ring - dress) falls out of an old pipe.

2 Look and tick :

It’s a sink.
It’s a pipe.

It’s a puzzle game.

It’s a ball.

There is a goat.
There is a crocodile.

3 Look and write.

There is a …………………… This is a ……….………………...

The ……………………… is yellow. Faten is a software …………………

4 Supply the missing letters.

tra_t_r h_ _po _octo_

si_ _ p_ _e t_ _i

Prim 4 / Term 1
5 Look and circle.

Adel is a ………… (vet – dentist).

Uncle Sami is ………… driver. (bus – taxi).

Basem is a ………… (plumber – doctor).

6 Read and complete.

apartment – bottle - interesting - puzzle - strong- Hippos
taxi driver – after – awesome - Zein
1. The pipes are like a …………

2. ………… are the most dangerous land animals in the world.

3. Zein wants to be a …………

4. The crocodile has a ………… in its stomach.

5. ………… doesn’t want to be a vet.

6. Fayez and Mervat look ………… animals.

7. The maize plants are growing tall and …………

8. Computer games are …………

9. Basem is in Mr Sameh’s …………

10. Uncle Sami goes to so many ………… places.

7 Rearrange.

interesting - goes - Uncle - many - Sami – to – places.


now - is - The - asleep - crocodile.


8 Read and match.

1. Uncle Sami has got a. Uncle Sami’s cousin.

2. Basim finds b. with a bottle.

3. Faten is c. the best job.

4. The children load the d. a ring.

5. Zein feeds the baby goats e. is a vet.

f. maize onto a tractor.

9 Read and write T (True) or F (False).

1. Uncle Sami is a bus driver. ( )

2. Zahra wants to be a software engineer. ( )

3. Zein feeds goats on the farm. ( )

4. The plumber helps Mr Sameh. ( )

5. Zein wants to be a taxi driver. ( )

Prim 4 / Term 1
Read and answer.
1. What is Uncle’s Sami job?
He is a taxi driver.
2. Who works in a nature reserve?
Adel works in a nature reserve.
3. Why does Zein want to be a taxi driver?
Because the taxi driver goes to so many interesting places.
4. Who wants to be a vet?
Zahra wants to be a vet.
5. What is Basem doing?
He is fixing some pipes under a sink.
6. Where do Mervat and Fayez live?
They live on a farm.
7. What color is the maize?
The maize is yellow.
8. Who drives the tractor?
Fayez drives the tractor
9. Where does Adel put his hand?
He puts his hand into the crocodile’s mouth.
10. What are the most dangerous land animals?
Hippos are the most dangerous land animals.
11. What does Adel give the crocodile?
He gives it some medicine.
12. When does Uncle Sami take the children to see Adel?
On the first day of his visit.
13. What is Faten’s job?
She is a software engineer.
14. Why do Zahra and Mervat mix some special milk?
To feed the baby goats that are without mothers.
15. What does Basem find in an old pipe?
He finds Mr Sameh’s wife ring.


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