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Early man relied on fire for the luxuries of light, heat, and cooking.

Today, we take all

these luxuries for granted. At the flick of a switch, a push of a button or the turn of a
knob, we can have instant power. Electricity plays a huge part in our everyday lives.
Whether it is at home, school, the local shopping center, or our workplace, our daily
routines rely heavily on the use of electricity. From the time we wake up in the morning
until we hit the pillow at night, our daily life is dependent on electricity. The alarm we
have to turn off each morning runs on electricity. The light in our bedroom. The gadgets
we are using. All these things need electricity in order to function. Even our first meal of
the day is heavily dependent on electricity. The fridge that keeps all our food cool and
fresh needs electricity to run or the grill that cooks our hotdogs and eggs also needs
power to operate. This power generally (unless you have gas stove) comes from
electricity. Electricity not only plays a big part in our daily lives at home, but it is
extremely important for all the things that go on in the world around us in our modern
life, such as industry that we depend on, communication as in form of radio, television,
e-mail, the Internet, etc. Transport is another aspect of our daily life that depends on
electricity to some degree.

Early man relied on fire for the comforts of light, heat, and cooking. Today, we take all
these advantages for granted. We can have instant power with the flip of a switch, the
push of a button, or the turn of a knob. Electricity is extremely important in our daily life.
Our everyday routines rely largely on the consumption of power, whether at home,
school, the local retail mall, or at work. Our everyday lives are reliant on power from the
moment we wake up until we lay our heads on the pillow at night. Each morning, we
must turn off the alarm clock, which is powered by electricity. In our bedroom, there is a
lot of light. The devices we’re using. All of these things require electricity to work. Our
first meal of the day, too, is heavily reliant on power. The fridge, which keeps all of our
food cool and fresh, and the grill, which cooks our hotdogs and eggs, both require
energy to operate. Unless you have a gas stove, this power is usually provided by
electricity. Electricity is essential not just for our everyday lives at home, but also for
everything that happens in the world around us in modern life, such as the industry that
we rely on, communication in the form of radio, television, e-mail, and the Internet, and
so on. Another component of our daily lives that is reliant on energy is transportation.
Science Threatens Our Wellbeing and the Natural World
Science seems to put discovery above all else. That’s the dark side of the discipline. It
seems like it’s a matter of ‘progress and discovery at all costs’, no matter the
consequences. We do inhuman and unspeakable things in the name of science, like
experimenting on animals, destroying the natural world, and creating nuclear weapons.
Think about the psychology studies of the Mid-20 th Century. By today’s standards they
were unethical at best and heinous human rights violations at worst. And yet we justify
and explain such things away as necessary for scientific progress. If we lose large
portions of the natural world, human quality of life will be severely reduced and the lives
of future generations will be threatened unless effective action is taken. It is our
responsibility to make and take an action to save this world right away or take the
consequences ahead of time.

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