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Pleasant Times

from Mt Pleasant Christian Church - - July 2010

A Second Glance… by Cortney Walcot

Mt. Pleasant’s Annual

Ice Cream Social

The 4th of July Ice Cream Social holds much history in our church and in our community. However,
most of it is based on memories and not exact dates. Geraldine Brown recalls that the Ice Cream Social
began in the home of Louis Prather: Robert Prather’s grandfather. It was held there for a few years and then
moved to the old Fairview schoolhouse. Many members of our church attended grade school at Fairview
Elementary and may recall the Ice Cream Social. From the memories of some attendees, the event was
made up of a small crowd of family and friends that would gather for homemade ice cream and fireworks.
The Fairview schoolhouse closed down somewhere around 1942, thus giving up the Ice Cream
Social. Assumed by many members in our church, the Ice Cream Social was then moved to Mt. Pleasant
(making this its 68th year). Mt. Pleasant maintained the tradition of homemade ice cream and fireworks at
dusk. Memories were made playing horseshoes and sitting under the old maple tree outside of the church.
The church did not have a basement at the time (that was added later) so it has been said that sack lunches
were taken and the day was spent outside relaxing and enjoying the holiday. At some point, the event was
moved indoors and began to grow into what it is today.

Through the years, the Ice Cream Social has grown into an event that the people of our church and
community have come to expect and look forward to. Organized and put on by the Ladies Aid, a menu is
created every year and the items are either made or donated by members of the church. Adding to the
original menu of homemade ice cream are items such as pies, cakes, fish sandwiches, sloppy joe
sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans, coleslaw, and well…you get the idea!!
About three years ago, the menu was changed to donations rather than pricing each item. The
money that is raised by the Ice Cream Social is used in the church where it is needed. Recently the money
has been put towards the principle on the loan for the new church. This year’s event will be held on Monday,
July 5th at 11:00am. We hope you come join us in celebrating not only our country’s freedom, but a
wonderful family event that is cherished by many. We look forward to seeing you!

*A special thanks to Sharon Bolinger, Dorotha Prather, Hazel Osman, Geraldine Brown, Don and Sue
Cooter, Bill Hovious, and Helen Dean for sharing memories and helping with the history. If anyone has
anymore information or exact dates, please contact Cortney Walcott.
Taking Attendance

By Pastor Jon
Every Sunday after we leave the service I ask for my wife's opinion on
the sermon. Then the conversation usually turns to "how many people
we had." Then we spend a few minutes talking about who was there
for church and who was missing. Some people have different ideas
about attendance. One time I heard a preacher say, "We don't worry about the attendance, because the
size of the crowd doesn't matter." This has also led some churches to no longer publically state how
many people they have attending each service, unless of course it is above a thousand. I agree that you
can have a church service with three people or thousands in the pews. Yet, at the same time the
number of people present for worship is important according to scripture.
During the very first church service after Jesus ascended into Heaven
Luke recorded, "In those days Peter stood up among the brothers, the company of persons was in all
about 120.” (Acts 1:15) We know how many attended this early church service because someone took
the time to count the people. On the day of Pentecost after Peter preached to the crowd we are told, "So
those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand
souls." (Acts 2:41) Again in Acts 4:4 we are told that the church grew to about five thousand. We can
see from these verses that the number of people who were attending the services and receiving the
Word of God was important to the early church, which is a strong argument as to why those same
numbers should be important to us today. Attendance is important because it helps the church to
gauge our effectiveness. It has been said "that if you
always do what you always did you will always get what
you always got." When the church is doing what the Lord
commissioned us to do, which was to go and make
disciples of the nations, the byproduct would be growth in
attendance. If years go by without anyone being saved or
added to the church we need to call into question what
we are doing to point the lost to Christ and strive to be
faithful in our calling to reach the world with the Gospel.
Another reason that attendance is important is
because every number represents a soul that is precious
to God. The elders and deacons within the local church
have been given a responsibility to watch over the souls of those who sit under their leadership.
(Hebrews 13:17) The taking of attendance helps in this area by allowing the elders to know who needs
to be called upon and prayed for. Jesus established the church to be a family that helps and encourages
one another along in the journey of life. After the resurrection when Thomas did not show up for the
church service, the other disciples made a point to go check on him and let him know that he had
missed seeing the Lord. Thomas made sure to not miss the next meeting of the church.
We count the things that matter to us. The surprising thing that I see in the
book of Acts has to do with the offerings they took up. Luke says that the people who owned land and
houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the Apostles feet. (Acts 4:34-
35) Yet we are never told the dollar amount that was given. The logical conclusion that one must draw
when reading through the book of Acts is that people mattered more to them than money, since they
counted the people more carefully than the money.
In conclusion, I challenge us as a church to see the importance of taking
accurate attendance. It will help us to minister more effectively to our community and be faithful to the
example set by the Apostles and the early church. The numbers posted every week on the board in our
church foyer represent the souls who were here and also the souls who were not. God cares more about
people than dollars, and we should also!
Photo used is: “Pew” by Esther Gibbons
The “I AM” sayings of Jesus Christ
Has anybody ever asked you what you believe about Jesus? Often, people will claim that Jesus was just a
good man, or maybe a great teacher… but not the son of God. It is important to know exactly what Jesus
taught about Himself. The answers from this crossword puzzle are from the gospel of John, in the Bible. Do
the puzzle and find out who Jesus claimed to be!

2. Ruler of a country. ( _ _ _ _ , John 18:37) (4)
4. Not false, "I am the _ _ _ _ vine." (John 15:1) (4)
6. Jesus said, "I am the _ _ _ _ _ of Life." (John 6:35,41,48) (5)
7. Greek word for Messiah. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ , John 4:25-26) (6)
9. "The _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lays down His life for the sheep." ( two words, John 10:11) (12)
10. "I am _ _ _ - _ _ _ the truth and the life." (two words, John 14:6) (6)
11. Opposite of death. ( _ _ _ _ , John 11:25) (4)

1. Not a lie. ( _ _ _ _ _ , John 14:6) (5)
3. God is Christ's Father. Therefore, Jesus is _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . (two words, John 10:36) (7)
5. Given physical life after death. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , John 11:25) (12)
8. It shines bright in darkness. ( _ _ _ _ _ , John 8:12) (5)
9. A place to enter, like a door. ( _ _ _ _ ) (4)
Have a recipe, a joke, or testimonial you’d like to
share? Email Pastor Jon at
Or Trish Day at

Birthdays Anniversaries
July 2nd, Zane Walcott Jim & Kathy Jones
July 5th, Ambyr Miller
July 5th, Mike Farmer Clarke & Shannon Chafin July 13th
July 7th, Bob Anderson
July 8th, Karl Wampler Josh & Cortney Walcott July 20th
July 9th, Paul Turner
July 10th Rick Brown Frank & Helen Dean July 22nd
July 18th, Tammy Patton
July 19th, Junior Hovious Carl & Jane Kale July 27th
July 21st, Jada Payne
July 22nd, Sharon Turner Steve & Sharon Wilson July 29th
July 23rd, Trey Payne
July 23rd, Eugene Payne
July 24th, Laura Hasncock
July 25th, Tony Kale
July 28th, Connie Peach
July 31, Michael Wampler

Photo used is: Happy New Year !!! by: Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton

Mt. Pleasant Christian Church
3191 W. Burma Rd.
Gosport, IN 47433

Have an idea for an article you’d like to see
in our newsletter? Staff writers are always
welcome and appreciated. Please see Jon
or Trish if interested! Thank you!

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