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Pleasant Times

Volume 2 News from Mt Pleasant Christian Church March 2010

A Second Glance…
Claudia Jackson was born in Monroe County
to Charles and Margaret Hurst and has lived
in the Ellettsville area all but eleven years
of her life. She graduated from the “old”
Ellettsville High School and attended
Business College after graduation. After
The Church of Tomorrow?
Business College she married Forrest
By Pastor Jon
“Kenneth” Jackson and moved to
Martinsville for the first seven years of her
More than once I have heard someone in the
41 years of married life. The family moved
church say, "We need more young people
to Spencer for the next four years and then
because they are going to be our church of
into Ellettsville; they moved to Mt. Tabor
tomorrow." This is the viewpoint that became
Road in 1972, where Claudia still resides.
the foundation of youth groups and youth
pastors. It was the hope that by getting more
young people into the church building we
would be guaranteed a church that would last
beyond today and into the future. The sad
reality is that the rate of young people
leaving the church and not returning after
their 18th birthday is the same in churches
that have youth groups as those who do not.
The Barna Research Group has found that
70% of youth who attend church on a regular
basis during high school will leave the church
when they move out on their own.1

At the age of 13 Claudia was baptized at

the First Christian Church in Bloomington
and during high school attended the First
Methodist Church in Ellettsville (the minister
of the First Christian Church told her
mother that, “The Methodists’ aren't going
to hurt her”). Claudia became acquainted
with Mt. Pleasant through her boys and
became a member in 1980; she re- In some churches the young people who were
dedicated her life in 2000. brought up in youth groups didn't really feel
like they "fit-in" in the traditional services
For 22 and a half years Claudia worked as being held in the church sanctuary. As a
an Administrative Assistant at RCA until her result of this feeling some left and started
retirement in 2001. After Kenneth’s death new churches made up of younger people and
in 1999 her hobbies are her six modern music or they started a second
grandchildren, quilting, and helping in contemporary service in their home church.
Ladies Aide. All three seem to keep life Either one of these scenarios does the body
from being boring or not without something of Christ more harm than good because it
to do - all of which adds to the white in her causes the family to be segregated based on
hair. age. As Molly Hemingway put it, "A Church
family of the same generation isn't much of a
family."1 We all have so much to learn from
FYI: For Your Information…. one another.
You can now access letters from missionaries
connected to our church and thank you letters
sent to the church through the church website.
Just click on the bulletin board icon on
the bottom left side of the homepage.

Pleasant Times 1
In a church with a good mix of people young people have the opportunity to learn about life,
caring for the sick, and death. It also affords the older generations the opportunity to learn
from the youth how to use that new computer, add contacts to their cell phone, and program
the DVR. "We all have different experiences in life and by existing together in the same
community we all benefit."1

It is my belief that the solution to the problem of youth leaving the church can be found in
scripture and will cause us to rethink the way we "do" church and maybe even our view of the
youth within our church. We must allow the young people to have an active part in the church
today if we want the church to be here tomorrow.

First, there needs to be a genuine acceptance in the body of Christ for young and old alike. No
one generation should be catered to more than the other. Programs and activities within the
church need to be family-oriented not age-oriented. Jesus taught this to his disciples when
they attempted to keep the children away from the "adult" service. Their actions displeased
Jesus and he took the time to use the children as an object lesson for his sermon when he
said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the
kingdom of God." (Mark 10:13-16). He also taught his disciples a lesson of faith from a young
boy who gave five loaves and two fish that he had in his possession in order to feed five
thousand (John 6:9-11).

Second, there needs to be opportunities for young and old to serve the body of Christ. In the
New Testament, Timothy was struggling with his position due to his age. The Apostle Paul
wrote to him and said, "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the
believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity (1 Timothy 4:12).
God also did not let the Prophet Jeremiah use his age as an excuse to not be used by God, but
rather told him, "Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee."
(Jer 1:7). The Scripture also gives a very specific job for the older women in the church. Paul
said that they are to teach the younger women to love their children and to love their
husbands (Titus 2:4). All of these jobs would be impossible to fulfill in a church that only
consisted of young people or likewise in a church with only older people.

Third, the priority of the church needs to be instruction, not entertainment. The majority of
youth groups that exist today focus more on entertainment and youth outings than they do
Biblical instruction and training. The Apostle said the older women were to teach, and young
Timothy was to preach. The trouble with entertainment is that it doesn't last, when the young
people grow up they become bored and move on. If the young people are given instruction
and active roles in the church today will have the footing necessary to see the church into the
future and later train their children to do the same.

It’s great to see the young people in our church taking active roles such as: serving
communion, taking up the offering, singing specials, helping in the nursery, passing out
bulletins, and building relationships with people outside of their age group. These are the
steps that we need to encourage in the church if we want a church to be here tomorrow.

In conclusion, whether you know how to program your DVR or if you’re not even sure what a
DVR is we have a lot to learn from one another. The very simple lesson given to us by Jesus
is that the church is to be a family made up of people from all generations sharing and caring
for each other as we journey together to Heaven.

2 Hemingway, Mollie. 2010 Segregated In A Whole New Way. Christianity Today, January.
3 Hemingway

Pleasant Times 2
'Well, this certainly isn't it,' I thought,
glancing toward the floor.
Celebrating Birthdays this Month: Then the prayer was ended, and the songs
of praise began.

The shoe man was certainly loud, sounding

proud as he sang.

His voice lifted the rafters. His hands were

raised high -
Chris Harrison 1st
Sue Cooter 3rd The Lord could surely hear. The shoe man's
Brooklyn Scott 4th voice from the sky.
Becca Anderson 6th
Olive Lake 7th It was time for the offering and what I threw
Myrna Lutes 10th
Shirley Long 11th
in was steep.
Bob Pruett 12th
Alexis Swinney 13th I watched as the shoe man reached into his
Carl Kale 21st pockets so deep.
Vernal Chafin 22nd
Marlee Chafin 24th I saw what was pulled out. What the shoe
Cole Chafin 27th
Garnet Keith 28th
man put in.
Jessica Nickless 28th
Ann Lawson 29th Then I heard a soft 'clink' as when silver hits
Wig Frye 30th tin.
Madison Ludlow 31st
The sermon really bored me to tears, and
Anniversaries that's no lie.
Clay and Amy Chafin March 14th
Ed & Betty Hendrix March 17th
It was the same for the shoe man. For tears
Shoes in church fell from his eyes.
-submitted by: Marla McClary
At the end of the service as is the custom
I showered and shaved. I adjusted my tie. here.

I got there and sat in a pew just in time. We must greet new visitors and show them
all good cheer.
Bowing my head in prayer, as I closed my
eyes. But I felt moved somehow and wanted to
meet the shoe man.
I saw the shoe of the man next to me.
Touching my own, I sighed. So after the closing prayer I reached over
and shook his hand.
With plenty of room on either side, I thought,
'Why must our soles touch?' He was old and his skin was dark and his
hair was truly a mess.
It bothered me, his shoe touching mine, but it
didn't bother him much. But I thanked him for coming - for being our
A prayer began: "Our Father..." I thought,
'This man with the shoes, has no pride. He said, "My name's Charlie. I'm glad to
meet you, my friend."
They're dusty, worn, and scratched. Even
worse, there are holes on the side!' There were tears in his eyes, but he had a
large, wide grin.
"Thank You for blessings," the prayer went on.
"Let me explain," he said, wiping tears from
The shoe man said a quiet 'Amen.' his eyes.

I tried to focus on the prayer, but my "I've been coming here for months and
thoughts were on his shoes again. you're the first to say 'Hi.'''

Aren't we supposed to look our best when

walking through that door?

Pleasant Times 3
"I know that my appearance is not like all the rest.

But I really do try to always look my best.

"I always clean and polish my shoes before my very long walk.

But by the time I get here they're dirty and dusty, like chalk."

My heart filled with pain and I swallowed to hide my tears.

As he continued to apologize for daring to sit so near

He said, "When I get here I know I must look a sight.

But I thought if I could touch you, then maybe our souls might unite."

I was silent for a moment knowing whatever was said

would pale in comparison.

I spoke from my heart, not my head.

"Oh, you've touched me," I said.

"And taught me, in part;

That the best of any man is what is found in his heart."

The rest, I thought this shoe man will never know.

Like just how thankful I really am that his dirty old shoe touched my soul.

Upcoming Events Coming Soon…

Bible study will begin on April 7th. All

 April 2nd Good Friday Service 7:00pm those interested need to sign up or let
 April 4th, Easter Sunday we will be Pastor Jon know they plan on attending
having two services: by March 31st so that Pastor Jon can
order them a book. You can sign up
7:00am Sunrise, followed by breakfast through the church website or on the
9:30 am Sunday School church bulletin board
10:30 am Second Service
No Evening Service on Easter *Journey into Meaningful Living*
There will be special music in both services
This "journey" is a 13 week-lesson study
It is confirmed that we will have the of Ecclesiastes. Solomon wrote this
Barrow Family Gospel Singers book to answer the question, “Why does
for our Good Friday Services. life seem meaningless?” This is also the
title of the first lesson. Other lesson titles
include: Finding Real Happiness, Avoiding
Foolish Mistakes, Living Life to the Max,
Why Isn't Life Fair?, Getting the Most Out
of Worship, What Everyone Should Know
About Money, Why God Allows Bad Things
To Happen, When Life Is Puzzling, How To
Know if You’re Wise, Making Every Day
Meaningful, and Living in an
Unpredictable World.*

*Journey into Meaningful Living* is pictured left.

Have a recipe, a joke, or testimonial you’d like to share?

Email Pastor Jon at
Or Trish Day at

Pleasant Times 4

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