English q2 Las2

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Text book-based in English 6
instruction paired with
MELC-Based Quality Quarter __2____ Week __2_____
Assured Learning Activity
Sheet (LAS)

Name: _____________________________Grade and Section: ________________________

Teacher : ___________________________Date Submitted: ___________________________

MELC: Identify the purpose, key structural and language features of various types of
informational/factual text.
Lesson/Topic Purpose and Language Features: Comparison and Contrast
Reference/Source: Joy in Learning English 6 Page No.__198 - 199___

Objective/s/ Subtask/s: 1. Distinguish text types according to structure purpose and

language features (comparison-and-contrast)

Activity No.: ___1__: Title : Text-Types as to Purpose and Language Features: Day: _1_
Comparison and Contrast

Key Concept: Comparison and Contrast

Comparison and contrast are ways of looking at objects and thinking about how they are
alike and different.

Compare: When we compare two things, we look at their similarities, the things that make
them the same. We compare things that belong together like apple and orange which are both
fruits, truck and car which are vehicles, residential house and apartment, etc. Language feature
used to compare are both, alike, and as well as.

Contrast: When we contrast two things, we look at their differences, the things that make
them different from each other. We contrast them based on their looks or appearances, their
tastes, their colors etc. like food that can be eaten raw or cooked, flowers that are sweet or have
no smell, high or low profile jobs, etc. Language feature used in contrasting are while, on the
other hand, whereas, and although.
Activity 1-A Directions: Read the selection carefully. Compare and contrast the
microscope and telescope by writing in the Venn diagram their similarities and

The microscope and the telescope are two scientific optical instruments
that serve their purposes differently. Both instrument are used for viewing and
observing. They are made of lenses which allow reflection or refraction of light
A microscope is used for looking at tiny objects. It magnifies microscopic
plants and animals such as bacteria that cannot be seen by the naked eye and
makes them look bigger. On the other hand, a telescope makes things that are
far away such as heavenly bodies look nearer. The simplest microscope, a
magnifying glass, uses one lens; other microscopes have several lenses to bend
light rays. Small microscopes can magnify 100 times; big microscopes may
magnify up to 250 times.
The telescope works by gathering the light from an object and bending it to
make an image that is enlarged. The lens or refracting telescope uses two
lenses-one large and the other, small. Instead of lens, the reflecting telescope
has a curved mirror and collect light. Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch
spectacle-maker accidentally discovered the idea of the lens telescope in 1608.
These “scopes,” found to be vital in viewing and observing objects, have
propelled scientists and explores to level up their research, studies, and

Differences Differences

1-B: What is the purpose of the selection above? Tick the box of the correct answer.

Compare and contrast the vital appearance of microscope and telescope.

Compare and contrast the functions of microscope and telescope.

Compare and contrast the researches and discoveries.

1-C What are the language feature used? encircle the language feature used from the box.

both alike as well as while

on the other hand whereas although

Objective/s/ Subtask/s: 1. Distinguish text types according to structure purpose and

language features (cause and effect)
Reference/Source: Joy in Learning English 6 Page No.__239___

Activity No.: __1___: Title : Text-Types as to structure purpose and language features:
Cause and effect Day: 2-3

Key Concept: Cause and Effect

The cause is an event or an action that tells why something happens.

The Effect tells what happens as a result of an event or action.

Important signal words are also evident in writing using a cause-and-effect structure. These
signal words to show cause and effect are shown on the table:

because As a result
The reason for finally
Due to therefore
since so
On account of For this reason
A. Directions: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

This 21st century, cities have grown so large that now about fifty percent of the world’s
population lives in urban areas. Why is this so? For one reason, many industries and job
opportunities abound in cities. These jobs attract many people from the rural areas because of
perhaps a better material life. Another reason is that many big schools, colleges, and universities
are to be found in the cities, even in newly created ones. Parents are lured to send their children
to these institutions due to the promise of better education. Still another reason is that as cities
grow, people put up places of leisure, entertainment, and culture. For rural folks, these facilities
make city life appear more interesting and exciting than life on the farm.

1. What is the text about?

2. Why is the fifty percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas?

3. What are the reasons for this occurrence?

B: Directions: Read the following text. Then infer the cause of the given effect or the effect of the
given cause.

By far, the greatest number of Chinese are farmers. In modern China, the farmers do not own
their farms. Each village called commune owns its land. Everyone works on it, and the harvest is
shared among them.
Hot summers and cold winters with plenty of rainfall all year round make the heart of China a
good farming region. But much of China cannot be farmed. Growing enough food for the fast-
growing population is still a problem. The man crops that are raised are rice in the south, and
wheat and millet in the north.


1. A commune owns its land _____________________________________

2. ____________________________ The harvest is shared among them
3. Hot summers and cold winters with _____________________________________
plenty of rainfall all year round
4. Fast-growing population _____________________________________
C: Directions: Read and understand the selection below

Water covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface and constitutes over 60% of the human
body. If water is polluted, marine life, wildlife health, and human well-being are affected
extensively. To prevent pollution, there must be an immediate check on our daily habits and the
types of products we consume, including our knowledge on the causes and effects of water
pollution in the environment.
There are many ways by which water becomes polluted. First, sewage from domestic
households, factories, and commercial buildings is treated in water treatment plants. This is often
disposed of into the sea. Second, solid wastes and human litter such as Styrofoam, aluminum,
plastic, and glass are dumped into rivers, lakes and seas. Finally, industrial wastes from factories
going to the rivers contaminate the waters. Aside from this, oil spills from tankers and oil from
ship travel do not dissolve in water, thus, forming a thick sludge. When fossils fuels are burned,
acidic particles are formed in the atmosphere, causing acid rain.
Because of the pollution, groundwater contaminated by pesticides causes damage to
reproductive processes within wildlife ecosystems. Sewage, fertilizer, and other chemicals
increase the growth of algae which depletes the oxygen in water, upsetting the natural ecological
balance in rivers and lakes. These also poison fish which humans eat. Swimming in and drinking
contaminated water causes skin rashes and health problems like cancer. Human-produced litter
like plastic bags and oil spills can kill marine animals. Solid waste accumulated in streams and
rivers causes flooding, too.
Facts on water pollution are alarming, especially its huge impact on human health and marine
animal ecosystem. If we do our part by not polluting the water, we can help improve aquatic life
and our health, in general.

A: What is the purpose of the selection above? Draw a if the statement serves a
purpose If not.

________ 1. To prevent water pollution

________ 2. Check on our daily habits and types of products we consume.
________ 3. To differentiate water and air pollution.
________ 4. To inform the readers about the causes of water pollution.
________ 5. To show the effect of illegal logging.

B: Write the language feature used from the text on the line provided

. 1. _____________ 2. ____________
Objective/s/ Subtask/s: 1. Distinguish text types according to structure purpose and
language (problem- and-solution)

Activity No.: __1_: Title: Text-Type as to structure purpose and language features:
problem and solution Day: 4

Key Concept:

Look around you. Do you see some problems related to your environment or surroundings?
Do you have some solutions? In a problem-solution composition, you can organize information
by presenting a problem and offering two or more possible solutions.

A problem-solution text presents information about a particular problem and discusses its
possible solutions.

Language Features are also evident in Text-Type Problem- Solution. These signal words to
show problem-solution are shown in the box.

Problem issue conflict solution answer

remedy avoid resolve prevent

due to since so because

in order First next lastly so that

certainly moreover in addition

A: Directions: Study the picture below and answer the following questions.
1. What are the facts that you know about the problems shown in the picture?

2. What is your opinion about the problems shown in the picture?

3. What do you think are the possible solutions to these problems?

B. Read and understand the text below.

Have you ever seen a mouse or rat in or around your home? If so, you may have a
rodent infestation. Mice and rats are considered pests since they steal food from
people. They are hard to get rid of because they move quickly and they hide in
walls and other tight places that are difficult for people to reach. These pests make
poor houseguests, but you don’t have to live with them any longer. You can give
them the boot without bringing any poisons in to your home. You can do this by
getting a cat: nature’s remedy for a rodent problem. Cats have very sharp senses
and lightning quick reflexes. They are excellent hunters. It is estimated that cats kill
between 10 and 20 billion small mammals annually. Moreover a cat helps to solve
your issue with rodents, they will also kill any small birds that they can catch. So
rather than sharing your home with a greedy mouse or a filthy rat, share it with a

Directions: Identify the problem and solution from the text by writing them on the table.

pests make poor houseguests
cats kill between 10 and 20 billion small
mammals annually
B. Directions: Write True if the statement talks about the purpose of the given text above and
False if not.

________ 1. To tell the readers about the reason why cats are considered pests.
________ 2. Identify ways of getting rid of rodents.
________ 3. To show readers the advantage of getting cats as pets.
________ 4. Tell readers that cats are useful.
________5. Tell that rats are hard to get rid of because they move quickly and they hide in walls
and other tight places that are difficult for people to reach.

C. Directions: From the given selection above’ encircle the language feature used provided in
the box.

Problem issue conflict solution

answer remedy avoid resolve

prevent because due to

since so so that in order

First next lastly certainly


Activity 1

Differences of microscope Telescope

1. Used for looking at tiny objects 1. Makes things that are faraway look nearer
2. Uses ones lens 2. Uses two lenses
3. Cured mirror
4. Collect light

1. Both instrument are used for viewing and observing

2. Made of lenses
3. Vital in viewing and observing objects

Activity 1 cause and effect

1.3 Answers may vary

Activity 2 cause and effect


1. A commune own its land 1. Farmers do not own their farms

2. Everyone works on it 2. The harvest is shared among them
3. Hot summers and cold winters with 3. Make the heart of China a good farming region
Plenty of rainfall all year round
4. Fast-growing population 4. problem

Activity 1 problem-solution Problem-Solution Activity A

1-3 Answers may vary 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. true

Activity A -Cause and effect Activity B

1. Star 2. Star 3. Moon 4. Star 5. Moon since, because, so , moreover

Activity B. 1. Because 2. Finally

Activity C 1. Give them boost without bringing any poison 2. Issue with rodents

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