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Secrets to help

organize your Organization is key

● You should want to be some what

organized because you can find things
much easier and it’ll help you get things
done much easier.
It’s really simple and quick, and it’s crucial to
stay organized especially during school.
1. Go to your local target or walmart
get decorative stickers, buy pens or
pencils (whichever you prefer).
2. Next amazon here you come!
Amazon has multiple planners to pick,
choose your favorite and one that will
Takes no more than 20 minutes suit your schedule.
(After you get your supplies) 3. After your shopping ....
Sit down by yourself and think about
everything you do through out the week.
Then also write down your hobbies that
you never have time for on a sheet of
4. Then insert all of the things you have to
do onto the calendar in your planner.
After that you can see where you can
squeeze in your extra hobbies and free
After i started using a planner life became
less stressful, because it’s like a reminder 5. It will take time to create your schedule
incase you forget something you can look that works for you but at least you have
just to make sure you haven’t. However i your planner to keep yourself updated
will admit if you don’t fill out everything you on what you need to do.
need to do for that time period it wont 6. Lastly make sure to keep your planner
work, because you didn’t do it properly. updated this will really help make sure
However if you do 9/10 times it’s amazing. you have everything ready to go for your
week/ month depending on how often
you update it.
09/2021, Iyonnie

Credits- google, and

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