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Religion today

At the same time there are two trends that point in a different direction.The first one-decline in individual
adherence to Christian religious beliefs as measured by numers of people going to church regularly.Second,there
has been growth in newer religious movements that are often not Christian.They are frequently sectarian and
communitarian in their social organization.
There are differences between different parts of Britain.In England e.g 11% of the adult population are
Christian,in N Ireland the corresponding figure was 70%.In Scotland the Presbyterian Church (called the kirk) is
the established church and i tis separate from the Church of England.The Presbyterian Church is based on form
of protestantism introduced by John Calvin in Switzerland and was brought to Scotland by John Knox.Although
there is complete religios freedom in Britain today,there is still tension between catholics and Protestants in
Northern Ireland.religion is here still caught up with politics.British immigrants have brought with them their
own religions-Muslims,Sikhs,Hindus,Rastafarians,the largest group of Jews living in Europe.There has been
a gradual decline in participation in christian churches-a process of secularization.There are many reasons for
this decline also in what is called institutional adherence-the state has grown in power and the church is less
involved in political process,the church has less political power.Scientific institutions have grown in importance
and claim to be able to solve problems that used to be in the province of the church in the past also welfare and
charitable activities are more often performed by other agencies.
Civic rituals-Church of England is intergrated in the national culture.There are national events that include
religious components-The Archbishop of Cantenburry presides at coronations ,royal weddings,and services of
thanksgiving.Moreover,important changes within the Church can be made only by consent of parliament.

The Church of England/Anglican Church

• Remained subject to Parliament and the Crown

• Bishops,clergy alllowed to be married
• Its beginnings were an attempt to satisfy as many as possible of the conflicting parties(1549/1662-the
Book of Common Prayer includes eucharist,1571-Thirty-nine articles-desplays its doctrines-no
purgatory,invocation of saints)
• Has 42 diocese each with a cathedral and a bishop.Each cathedral has a dean and five or six residency
canons(dean and chapter) who are together responsible for the cathedral and its services
• Bishops are appointed by the Queen who acts on the PM´s advice
• Archbishop of canterbury and York and 24 other senior bishops have seats in the Holuse of Lords
• The cathedrals as well as clergical salaries are provided by the Church´s own funds supplemented by
money from parishioners.
• Protestants not belonging to the church of england were excluded from many offices and places,olso
House of Commons until 19th century.They used to be called dissenters, nonconformists or Free
Churches( the Baptists,the United Reform Church,the Religious society of friends,methodists-John
Wesley 18th century-lay preachers,esp. Northern England and Wales)

Religion in history overview:

1525-Henry VIII. decided to divorce with Catherine of Aragon

1534-Act of Supermacy-Henry became head of the Church of England.This was the beginning of the Anglican
Church.The quarrel with Rome was political,not religious.henry did not regard himself as a protestant and the
church didi not start as a protestant church.However,when henry ordered the Bible to be tranlated into
English ,the way became open for the spread of Protestantism in England.
1553-Mary,Henry´s daughter became queen and the country re-entered the Roman Protestants in 1558 she was
replaced by Elizabeth I. and catholicism have never been re-established as official religion.
17th century-split between the Court (the Stuarts) and the Puritans(English protestants who wanted to purify the
Church of England)
1620-sailed from Plymouth in a ship Mayflower-Pilgrim Fathers

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