Epigenetics and Learning TINE 2015

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Trends in Neuroscience and Education 4 (2015) 108–111

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Opinion article

Epigenetics and learning

Birgitta Mc Ewen
Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health, Science and Technology, Karlstad University, SE-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Epigenetics, the new field of biology, has given us a scientific explanation model for how the environ-
Received 1 June 2015 ment influences gene expressions. ‘Epi’ means ‘above’ and describes mechanisms that are situated
Received in revised form ‘above’ the base-pair order in the DNA. The benefits of our increased understanding of epigenetics en-
15 October 2015
compass many fields, among them learning. Since the same epigenetic mechanisms seem to be involved
Accepted 9 November 2015
Available online 14 November 2015
in learning, stress and physical exercise, we have a scientific tool to conduct investigations of the cor-
relations between these. In a broader sense, epigenetics brings scientific data to the classical gene-en-
Keywords: vironment-debate. It is important for school staff and school policy-makers to grasp the key concepts of
Epigenetics epigenetics, as it probably soon will be part of the scientific literacy.
& 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Physical exercise
School staff

1. Introduction arguments would extend and enrich this classical gene-environ-

ment-debate with scientifically-based facts. The concept of ‘social
The new findings of epigenetics influence a great number of inheritance’ is also part of this debate, which ought to be more
fields, among them learning. It is, therefore, important to under- nuanced with scientific facts from the epigenetic explanation
stand the key concepts of epigenetics and realize its potential. model.
Epigenetics deals with the environment's influences on genes and As epigenetics probably will influence a lot of areas where
interactions in gene expressions. For the first time, we now have a knowledge in biology is crucial, it is important for school staff and
scientific molecular explanation model for how the environment school policy-makers to grasp the key ideas of epigenetics and its
can interact with genes. potential benefits for society. This article will give a brief overview
Epigenetic mechanisms seem to be important regulators of of the current state of affairs in epigenetics and learning. It also
cellular processes throughout the whole life of an organism deals with possible links between learning and stress, and learning
[18,34]. It is involved in how an organism develops itself from a and physical exercise, respectively, as the epigenetic processes are
fertilized egg [4]. Epigenetic processes have been shown to occur thought to be the same in all these physiological states.
during adolescence [8] and adulthood [7]. In this sense, epige-
netics imbues all biology, and has changed our view of the central
processes of life. It has to be stressed that epigenetic mechanisms 2. What is epigenetics? – definition and mechanisms
should be regarded as an addition and complement to already
known physiological mechanisms. The term epigenetics was first coined by Waddington in 1968,
It has been suggested that epigenetic processes occur during as a way to describe the ordered interactions in the development
learning [18,19,7], stress [10,39,6] and physical exercise [1]. The of an embryo with genetics (see [38]). The word epigenetics comes
epigenetic mechanisms seem to be the same [1,39,7]. We are just from the Greek epi, ‘over, above, outer,’ and describes mechanisms
in the beginning of understanding the potential epigenetic corre- above genetics, that is above the order of base-pair nucleotides in
lations between learning, stress, and physical exercise. This is an the DNA constituting the genes. Gilbert and Epel [12] defined
epigenetics as ‘those genetic mechanisms that create phenotypic
example of how the environment can influence the expression of
variation without altering the base-pair nucleotide sequence of the
genes, in the sense that e.g. physical exercise could have an effect
genes’ (p. 12).
on learning. From a broader perspective, epigenetic knowledge
Epigenetic mechanisms constitute many different modifica-
could have consequences for our discussions about What-is-due-
tions on chromatin [16,28]. Chromatin, which is the DNA and its
to-genes? and What-is-due-to-the-environment? New epigenetic
associated proteins the histones, could be more or less packed. It is
well accepted that when the chromatin configuration is ‘open’ or
E-mail address: birgitta.mcewen@kau.se ‘loose,’ DNA is accessible and could be transcribed with an

2211-9493/& 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
B. Mc Ewen / Trends in Neuroscience and Education 4 (2015) 108–111 109

increased expression of genes as a consequence [12]. On the parents, and experiences of loss and trauma. DNA was obtained
contrary, a ‘closed’ or ‘tight’ chromatin configuration makes the from the lymphoblast cells. It was shown that unresolved loss or
DNA inaccessible with the consequence of no genes being ex- other trauma was correlated with a changed DNA methylation
pressed. The most studied modifications are DNA methylation, pattern. Unresolved loss or trauma is strongly associated with
histone modifications, and epigenetic control mediated by small posttraumatic stress symptoms [2].
regulatory RNAs, especially microRNAs, miRNAs [32]. Connections between epigenetics and stress-related symptoms
have been studied in animal models [10,11,21,23,39,6]. The study
by Weaver et al. [39] shows that adverse circumstances early in life
3. Brief review of the current state of affairs could influence the rest of an organism's life. In their rat model,
the connection between the epigenetic mechanisms and life-long
3.1. Epigenetics and learning stress symptoms was described. Maternal behavior toward her
offspring the first week after birth decided the level of methylation
Epigenetic mechanisms are suggested to have a role in learning at a special gene site. The more intensively the female rats
and memory formation and storage [18,19,24–26,7]. Two regions groomed and licked their pups, the more glucocorticoid receptors
in the brain are of special interest: the hippocampus, which is were later found in the offsprings' brains, and this pattern was
critical for memory consolidation but not essential for long-term mediated through epigenetic mechanisms. More glucocorticoid
memory storage [7], and the cortex, the site for long-term memory receptors are associated with a higher ability to deal with stress
storage [25,31]. Day and Sweatt [7] speculated that there are two [12]. Thus, maternal behavior, just after birth, influenced the
different epigenetic mechanisms, one that participates in the whole lives of the offspring.
consolidation in the hippocampus, and another that participates in Similarly, the adult brain reveals epigenetic marks upon stress.
the memory storage in the cortex. The authors also speculated that In a model with adult rats, acute stress induced rapid changes in
there ought to be a fundamental difference between these two the histone methylation after less than two hours [21]. The
mechanisms. Hippocampus needs to be plastic and be reset after changes persisted for at least 24 h. This suggests that changes in
each consolidation, while the cortex would promote stability to the chromatin formation are much more dynamic than previously
promote long-term maintenance of memory. To exemplify this, a believed, and might be one factor in the brain's response to stress.
study by Day and Sweatt [7] showed that fear conditions produced McEwen et al. [21] stated, “The adult, as well as developing brain,
transient changes in the DNA methylation in the hippocampus, but possess a remarkable ability to show reversible structural and
prolonged changes in the DNA methylation in the cortex. functional plasticity in response to stressful and other experi-
Establishment of new active synaptic connections in the brain ences” (p. 3). Correlations between epigenetics and stress are also
is crucial during learning and memory formation [5]. These au- described by Hunter [15], who discussed interactions between
thors stated that epigenetics has been shown to be one of these stress and corticosteroids and epigenetic mechanisms in the brain.
mechanisms, which generates and maintains changes in the sy- Other studies show that stress early in life induces epigenetic
naptic plasticity and memory formation. According to Lipsky [19], changes and could be a risk for life-long depression [27]. Fur-
each of the three epigenetic mechanisms, DNA methylation, his- thermore, environmental stressors during childhood and adoles-
tone modifications and miRNA activities, are critical to learning cence are discussed to result in neuropsychiatric disorders in
and memory formation, and their activities show a high degree of adulthood [29].
tissue specificity. Cortés-Mendoza et al. [5] speculated that epi-
genetic modifications could differ between various types of neu- 3.3. Epigenetics, learning, and stress
rons, and in different parts of the brain. These authors stressed
that further research is needed to better understand the me- The epigenetic mechanisms described in stressful situations
chanisms by which cognitive epigenetic modifications are gener- and during learning and memory storage seem to be the same
ated, maintained, and removed. [39,7]. Yet, there are only a few studies that touch upon the effects
of stress on learning in light of epigenetic mechanisms. Mifsud
3.2. Epigenetics and stress et al. [22] discussed the role of synergetic interactions between
different pathways in response to stress and learning and memory
Epigenetic mechanisms are also discussed to be part of the formation. The authors speculated, “Epigenetic mechanisms and
stress-related symptoms. It is important to underline that this their role in memory formation may therefore be the molecular
research area is in its infancy. Only a few studies have investigated basis for the crossover between stress studies and learning para-
human adolescent stress in the context of epigenetic mechanisms, digms” (p. 1312). Furthermore, McClelland et al. [20] discussed
of which two are reported here: Essex et al. [8] and van IJzendoorn that chronic early-life stress could result in deficits in the structure
et al. [36]. These studies discuss possible long-lasting effects of and function of neurons in the hippocampus, implicating influ-
stress on the epigenetic pattern in human adolescents. More stu- ences on learning and memory formation throughout life. Thus,
dies have been performed in animal models, and some of these there are speculations about correlations between learning and
will briefly be described below. Although not directly applicable to memory storage on the one hand, and stress on the other, through
a school situation, the mentioned articles suggest connections epigenetic mechanisms.
between epigenetic mechanisms and stress.
Essex et al. [8] showed correlations between parent reports of 3.4. Learning and physical exercise
high levels of stress during their children's infancy and preschool
periods and differences in DNA methylation, when the children Evidence is accumulating that physical activity promotes aca-
were fifteen-year-old. The sample was comprised of 109 adoles- demic achievement [3,30,33,35,9]. An intervention program with
cents, taken out from a group of 570, and compared to the rest of an almost double amount of school-based physical activity, in-
the group. DNA was derived from buccal epithelial cells. The study cluding circa 200 children in grade 5 in a Swedish, medium-sized,
of van IJzendoorn et al. [36] reported epigenetic pattern changes in city was performed by Käll et al. [17]. As a result, the children
a study with 143 adopted individuals with an average age of 39 increased their odds for achieving the national learning goals in
years. The individuals were interviewed about their childhood Swedish, English, and mathematics two-fold, compared to chil-
attachment experiences, current relationships with their adoptive dren not participating in the program. Evidence shows that
110 B. Mc Ewen / Trends in Neuroscience and Education 4 (2015) 108–111

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