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ATC - air traffic control

AFRS - air force reserve security

SCP – senior chief pilot

FAA – federal aviation administration

HEMS – helicopter medical services


5.1 Emergency Medical Services – Night Vision

Providing and emergency medical services or sometimes called as air ambulance, MHS
Aviation is responsible to fulfill their duty for any call of emergency day and night. Problems
face by this organization in fulfilling their responsibility usually happen at night, especially in an
emergency situation. Night, where the sky is dark and vision is very limited to the pilot, it is the
most dangerous situation in handling a helicopter. There are many cases where their pilot almost
hit a dense cloud and could cause a very bad impact to the helicopter as well as the passenger
inside. This problem occurs when they don’t have enough crew ready to be the pilot third eye
and assist the pilot throughout the whole voyage and only depend on the system on the flight.

6.1 Emergency Medical Services – Night Vision

During the night, in emergency situation, crew need to move fast and very efficient to
avoid mistake which could lead to danger. To fly a helicopter, a pilot is not the only main keys,
but they are others involve to ensure their safety such as the engineer, the radio operator, and
airport security. The solution for the Night Vision problem for the night call out emergency is an
effective and efficient crew to assist the flight from departure until it return to home based. It is
identified that, flight tracking center from the tower could help pilots escape dangerous situation
because they are equipped with direct data feeds from inside the helicopter, whether information
overlaying digital topographical maps and the FAA’s and HEMS weather tool, which tracks
storms at airport weather stations and interpolates condition in between.

Upon any occurrences on site such as an accident on oil platform, a request will be made and
it will be received by duty captain or engineer supervisor. Once, approve on request, they will
activate the night call out to send help on the platform. 2 important individual will take lead on
the same time but in different area to make sure all the arrangement before departure is ready and
safe. The on duty captain will be responsible to call out a few important people involve to ensure
the emergency medical services runs without problem:

 Night standby crew which will be needed to prepare the medication equipment on flight
before departing for the emergency mission.
 Radio operator is in the task to keep communication with the pilot during flight and to
be the pilot third eye in ensuring the route the aircraft is taking is safe using the flight
tracking center.
 Air traffic control (ATC) is responsible to check on air traffic of arriving aircraft or
other departing air craft before the helicopter start to depart to avoid any accident on the
 Air Force Reserve Security (AFRS) is responsible on the safety of the helicopter and
people on board.
 Senior Chief Pilot will be called and be advised on the flight detail and the situation the
pilot will be facing. As example if the pilot will be carrying an injured people, he will be
advised earlier on which hospital he need to take the patient.
Other than calling out people involve, he is required to make an arrangement required as well:

 Duty captain is responsible to monitor on crew arrival upon call and make a flight
planning such as which route the pilot should take to arrive safely on the site. Apart from
that the duty captain will call for air craft preparation, which he will decide on which
air craft should be used and instruct for the air craft to be prepared to avoid any failure on
the air craft.
 Prepared out a handwriting manifest.
 A safety briefing will be carried out and advise on any critical situation they might be
facing on site.

Meanwhile, on the same time the duty engineer supervisor will run his responsible as well:

 Engineer supervisor to make a preparation on the aircraft which will be used. He need
to make sure that there is not engine failure on the aircraft to avoid another unwanted
 Filling the fuel accordingly into the aircraft.
 To place an Auxiliary fuel tank into the aircraft as an additional fuel in the aircraft to
extend the flight range of the aircraft.

As soon as both duty captain and engineer supervisor has completed their task, they will liaise
with the client on the latest situation and finally the aircraft will airborne and contractually it
should be departing within one hour upon request.

After completing the task for the active night call out, the air crew is responsible to complete a
voyage report on the case they have just completed. Duty captain need to ensure that the crews
complete the voyage report for documentation. Other than that, he is also responsible to record
the whole event and time logged.

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