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OCt7)BEFt 1%6
7 MAY 1S62
(SEE 69)




This 6#@di0U w nuwlatmu fer w by cdl De-

gwtntenta and Ag- of tb of Defmue.

1.1Scopti This specification covers eol- FsDsuL
venbdispera@d corrosion preventive com-
pounds which deposit tMn, easily removable O-M-232 — Methamd (Methyl
films after evaporation of solvent. Aleohd)
1.2 classification. Corrosion preventive P–D-680 — Dry Cleaning So 1-
compound shall be of the following grades, vent.
as specified (see 6.2) :
NN-P-615 — Plywood, Container
Grade 1 — Hand film (176-degrees F. Grade.
minimum flow point of
solvent deposited film).
QQ-A-250/4— A 1urnin u m AIIoY
2024, Plate and
Grade 2 — Soft film.

Grade 3 — Water displacing, soft film.

QQ-B-626 — Brass, Leaded and
Non-Leaded; Rod,
Grade 4 — Transparent, non -tacky
film -- Shapes, Forgings,
and Flat Products
Grade 5 — Hot water-low p r ess u r e With Finished
steam removable film. Edges (Bar, Flat
Wire, and Strip).
QQ-A-671 — Anodes, Cadmium.
2.1 The following documents of the issue
in effect on date of invitation for bide or QQ-M-44 — Magnesium Alloy,
\requeet for proposal, form a part of the Plate and Sheet
specification to the extent speeified herein. (AZ31B).

] FSC 8030 I
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FEOEBAL ment of Noncorr-
osive Materials ).
QQ-S-698 — Steel, Sheet and
Strip,Low-Carbon. PPP-P–704 — Pails, Shipping, Steel
,. (1 through 12
QQ-Z-285 — Zinc; Anodes. Gallon).

RR-s-366 — Sieves, Standard For MILITARY

Testing Purposes.
MIL-L-6082 — Lubricating Oil; Air-
SS-R-406 — Road and Paving craft-Reciprocating
Materials; General Engine (Piston).
(Methuds of Sam- STANDARDS
pling and Test-

T1-E-t85 — Enamel, Semi-Gloss, FED+TD–141 — Paint, Varnish, Lac-

Rust-Inhibiting. quer, and Related
Materials; Meth-
TT–N–95 — Naphtha, Aliphatic. ods of Inspection,
Sampling, and
UU–T–1OI — Tape, Gummed, Testing.
Mending, and Re-
inforcing, (Paper FEILSTD-791 — Lubricants, Liquid
and Cloth). Fuels, and Related
Pruducts; Meth-
PPP-B-676 — Box, Wood, Cleated, ods of Testing.
Veneer, Paper
Overlaid. MILITARY

PPP–B-585 — Boxes, Wcod, Wire-

MILSTD-105 — Sampling Procedures
and Tables for In-
spection by Attri-
PPP–B5i91 — Box es, Fiberboard,

PPP–B–601 — Boxes, Wood, Cleated MIL-STD-290 — Packaging, Packing

Plywood. and Marking of
Petroleum and Re-
lated Products.
PPP–B–621 — Boxes, Wood, Nailed
and Lock-Corner.
(Copiesof specifications,
standards, drawings,
md publicatkmsrequired
by suppliers inconnection
PPP–B-636 — Box, Fiberboard.
procurementfunctions shouldbe ob-
taimdfromtbeprocuring activity or asdirected
PPP–C–96 — Cans, Metal, 28 Gage tbecontracting
and Lighter.
22 Other publication. The following
PPP-D–7Z9 — Drums: Metal, 55- documents form a part of this specifica-
Gallon (for Ship- tion to the extent specified herein. Unless

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otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on vent so as to form a fluid formulatitm con-
date of invitation for bids or request for forming to this specification.. The com-
proposal shall apply. pound shall be homogeneous, free from grit,
abrasives, water, chlorides, or other im-
AMERICAN SOCIDPY FOR TESTING purities, and shall not be injurious in any
MATERIALS way to personnel employing it if reasonable
procedures and safety precautions are em-
ployed. Benzol or chlorinated. hydrocarbons
D–1746=62T — Method of Test For shall be used.
Rust Protection
By Metal Preseiv- 3.3 Film characteristiea.
ativee In The Hu-
midity Cabinet. 3.3.1 Grades 1, 2, 9, 4, ad, 5. The com-
pounds shall readily wet the surfaces of the
(Application’ for copies should he addressed to the test panels and upon evaporation of the
American Society For Testing And Materials, 1916 solvent the resultant coating shill he con-
Race Strset,’ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.)
tinuous. Upon completion of the accelerated
weathering (grade 1) and shed storage
(grades 2, 3, 4, and 5), tests the specimens
Unifonm IWeight Classification Rul& shall show no evidence of cracking. Speci-
mens that show evidence of checking, alli-
(Application for copies should be addrsssed ti the gatoring, or other irregularities shall be
Official Classification Committee, 1 Park Avenue at
evahratid as specified in (Refer
S3rd Street, New York, N. Y. 10016. )
to FED-STD-141 for definition of terms.)
(Technical society rind technical ae.qociation speci-
fications and standards are generaUy available for 3.3.2 Gmok 4. The compound shall be
reference from Iihraries. They are also distributed transparent during the protective life of
among tschfiical croups and using Federal acencifs.)
the coating (see 4.6.13).

3.4 Nonvolatile content. The nonvolatile
content percent by weight for each prod-
3.1 Qualification. The cold-application,
uct will be established when qualification
solvent cutback corrosion preventive com- tests are conducted. The nonvolatile con-
pound furnished under this specification tent of any succeeding lot of the product
shall be products which are qualified for shall be not more than 5 percent lower nor
listing on the applicablequalified products 10 percent higher than the established
listat the time set for opening of bids value, baaed on the nonvolatile as received
(see 4.2 and 6.4). as being 100 percent (see 4.6.2. and 6.6).

3.1.1 Any change in the formulation of a 3.5 Solvent. The solvent employed shall
qualified product will necessitate its re-. possess a maximum distillation end point
qualification. The material supplied under of 41OOF. (see 4.6.1).
contract shall be identical, within manufac-
turing tolerances, to the ‘product receiving 3.6 Discernibility. Grades 1 and 2 shall
qualification. be permanently discernible on the p r e -
served item and grades 3 and 5 shall be
3.2 Material. The corrosion preventive discernible for at least two weeks after
compound shall be composed of nonvolatile aPPliution when allowed to stand in q well
base material dispersed in petroleum sol- lightedand ventilatedroom. The colorof

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the finished compound
shall be black or
An oil soluble dye may bs used. Metal
MiUi#wna P.,

aqu.,e centimeter
Steel ..-—–.—–..– _________ 0.2
3.7 Stability. The compound shall be
stable and homogeneous (see 4.6.3 ). Lead-crdciwu alloy (applicable ta
grade 2 only) __,_______ 5.0
3.S Sprayability. The compound shall be
sprayable at temperatures of 40”F. and 3.10 Sulphated residue. The sulphated
above (see 4.6.4). residue of each product will be established
w h e n qualification tests are conducted.
3.9 Corroeion. The compound shall not When the established value of the accepted
produce visually evident pitting, etching, sample is O to 0.50 percent, the sulphated
or a weight change in cxcees of the follow- residue of any succeeding lot shall be &
ing, when tested in accordance with 0.05 (absolute value ) with a zero minimum.
and In addition, the specimens When the established value of the accepted
tested in accordance with s h a 11 sample is (1.51 percent and up, the sulphated
show no dark discoloration. residue of any succeeding lot shall be plus
or minus 10 percent of the established.
value (ace 4.6.1 ). The deviations permib
Milligram-a per ted herein are manufacturing tolerances and
Metal wunre cent ime t e, are separate from those indicated in 4.6.1
which latter deviations reflect the accuracy
Brass _ —. 1.0
of the method (see 4.6.1 and 6.6).
Cadmium _—.-—...— 5.0
3.11 Requirements applicable to individ-
Zinc ___._..– _...__ 7.5 ual grades.

Magnesium —... -. —.-—.. - 0.5

3.11.1 When tested as specified in 4.6,
Aluminum .__-. .__.._ 0.2 the rust preventive compound shall conform
to table I:

TABLE L Requb’eme?tt8 for individual gmdes,

Gmde 1 Grid. 2 8 G rsde 4 Grade 6 Wat r,

Flash point, “F. (rein) — 100 104 100 100 100 4.6.1

Pemstration of nonvolatile
fraction . . ...- .. . ..-..-..—. ?00 (rein) ...-..,—,,. -.-..
—... 4,6.1

Miscibility with lubricating

011-,--.——— . . . . . ... . . .. complete . . . . .. -— 4.6.6

Removability aftir exposure,

cycles (max. ) .—------- 30 15 6 15

Hot water removability, res-

idwe, g/sq. ft. (max.) .. -...
—..-... . .. . . .. .. . 0.15

Low pressure stsam remov-

ability, residue, g/sq. ft.
(max.) . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 0.15 4.6.7 .2.2.2

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TABLE 1. Eequimnwnt8 for indiv+iual #rada-Cantinucd

Grd. 8 Grade 4 Grade6 T.t Puuru.h

Pmtaction *:

Film thickness, m i 1s
(max.) 4.0 20 1.0 2.0 1.0

Humidity, days (min.) _ 30 30 30 30

Salt spray, days (mim) . 14 7 14

Weathering, accelerated, 600

operating hours (min.) 1200

Shed storags, years (min.) 1 5 ,1 ?4

Flow point, “F. (min.) — 175 175 4.6.12

3.11.2Low-temperature adhesion (grndes chase order, the supplier is responsible for

1, 2, and 4). Grade 1 compound shall ad- the performance of ‘all inspectitm require-
here to metal at O.”F. and grade 2 and 4 ments as specified herein. Except as other-
compounds shall adhere tu metal at minus wise specified, the supplier may utilize his
40”F. (See 4.6.9). own facilities or any commercial laboratory
acceptable to the Govermhent. The Gover-
3.11.3 Drying (grades 1, .2, t?, and 5). nment reserves the right to perform any of
Grade 1 compound shall be sufficiently dry the inspections sst forth in the specifica-
within 4 hours to permit handling withouti tion where such inspections are deemed nec-
injury to the coating (sss 4.6.10). Films of essary to assure supplies and serviees con-
grades 2, 3, and 5 shall remain soft on dry- form to prewribsd requirements.
ing and exposure.
4.1.1 The supplier shall test each lot of Gmde 4. The cuating shall be compound (see 4.4.1 ), fur compliance with
sufficiently dry in 4 hours to permit han- the requirements as indicated in 4.5.1.
dling without injury to film, and after 24
hours, it shall be tack free as determined by 4.1.2 The supplier shall maintain an effer- tive aud economical qurdity control system
which shall control (a) receipt of ingredL
3.11.4 Water di-sphzcemsnt (grade s and ent material, (b) eqnipment and precedure
5). The grade 3 and 5 r.umpounds, (I) after for sampling materials, (c) storage of in-
storage in contact with water, and (2) gredient mcterials, (d) methods and routes
up+m 1:1 dilution with paraffin oil, shall of handling materials, (e) prueessing equip-
satisfactorily displace water (see 4.6.11 ). ment and delivery points of product mate-
rials, (f) processing procedures’ and con-
4. QUALITY ASSURANCE trols and (g) procedures and equipment for
PROVISIONS conducting the tests prescribed herein.

4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless 4.1.3 Inspsctiqn method 9601 of FED–
othenwisespecified in the contractor pur- STD–791 applies..””

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Inverhicationof the adequacy of Samples for verification and com-
the suppliersquality control system the parison tests shall consist ~~ the following.
. -—--..-..,
Government inspectorshallperiodically se-
lectsamplesof the solvent,
mate- Solvents. From each lot a two
rialand finishedcompuund (see 4.4.2)for pint sample of solvent shall be selected and
of acceptancetestin a Govern-
verification placed in clean, dry, metal containers with
ment Laboratory. the top sealed.

4.2 Qualification teats’. Qualification Nonvokttik material. From each

tests shall bc conducted at a laboratory lot a two pr,und sample of the nonvolatile
satisfactory to the Naval Ship Engineering material shall be selected and placed in a
Center. Qualification tests shall consist of clean, dry metal container with the top
the tests specified in 4.6. sealed.

4.3 Comparison testa. Products shall be Finished compound. From each
subject to comparison inspection which lot four separate on~gallon samples of the
comprises all the tests of this specification. finished compound shall be selected for vmi-
These tests may be conducted at intervals fication tests and placed in clean, dry, metal
of three yeaTs or less from the date of ori. containers tiith the tops sealed. Two 5-gal-
ginal qualification, and failure to cumply lon tilled containers shall be selected for
with the requirements will be considered as comparison tests,
a baais for removal of tbe product from the Disposition of samples. TWO con-
Qualified Products List. These tests may
be conducted on samples taken at time of tainers of finished compound and one con-
tainer each c,f solvent and nonvolatile com-
inspection or on samples requested from the
pound shall be forwarded to the teat labora-
tory desigmited by the bureau or agency
4.4 Sampling. concerned. A duplicate set should be re-
tained by the inspectrm. The containers
shall be plainly marked with the following:
4.4.1 Lot.

Sample :for verification of acwptance, Compound. Unless otherwise speci-
or comparison tests, as applicable.
fied in the contract or order, all corrosion
preventive compound of the same grade but Applicable specification number.
not more than 50,000 gallons manufactured
as one batch shall be considered a lot for Grade__
purposes of inspection.
Lot number_ Solucmt and nonvolatile mateti.
All aulvent and nonvolatile material from Finished compound, solvent or nonvola-
which a lot of compound is manufactured tile.
shall be considered a lot for purposes of
inspection. Name of manufacture.

4.4.2Santplingfor’tests. Sampling shall Manufacturer’s code number.

be in accordance with method 8001 of FED-
STD–791 and as specified herein. Dak______

‘ Application for Qualification tests shall be made in accordance with “Provisions Qualifica-
tion” (see 6.4 and 6.5).

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The samples shall’ he accompanied with a requirements of Section 5 of this specifica-
copy of the manufac.turera laboratory teat tion.
4.6 Test procedures.
4.4.3 Sampt&g for ezaminatwn of cOn-
tuincrs. A random sample of filled contairi- 4.6.1 The following test procedures shall
ers shall be selected in accordance with conform to the applicable methods specified
MIL-STD-105 at inspection level S-1 and in FED-STD-791:
acceptable quality level =2.5 percent defec-
tive to verify compliance with all require
ments regarding fill, closure, marking, and
Test procedure Method No.
other requirements not requiring tests. ““
Solvent distillation
4.5 Inspection.
Flash paint (for grades
,2, 3, and 5) —1102
4.5.1 Inspection shall consist of all the
testx of this apecificat,ion with the ,exception Flash point (for gmd&
of etorage stability ( eee 4.6.3), removability 1 and 4) —1Io2 (Flash pOint of CUL
beck asphalts and
(sea, shed storage (see, and
other viscaus nrstc-
accelerated weathering (1200 hours) ( eee rials and suspension Removability after 600 hours ex- of solids we stir-
posure, (25 days accelerated weathering, ring rate of 260
see, but not shed storage, shall he r.p.m. )
conducted on grade 1 only.
Sulpbated residue _5611 (Method S422 may bs
used provided lead
4.5.2 Rejectien. If any eample fails to and phosphors are
psss any of the tests, it shall, be cause for knOmltO he ah-
rejection of the lot represented by the sam. sent. )

pie. Penetration (for grade

2) ~lz
4.5.3 Examination of containers. Ewh
sample tilledcontainer. shallhe ex~ined
for defectsof construction of the container 4.6.2 Nonvohtik content. Approximately
and the closure,
for evidenceof leakage,and 2 gm. of the compound shall be weighed to
unsatisfactorymarking; each filled contain- the nearest milIigram in a tared aluminum
er shallaleo be weighed to determine the foil dish 2.0 to 2.5 inches in diameter. The
amount of contents. Any containerin the dish shall he placed in an dxplosionproof,
sample having one or more defectsor under gravity convection oven maintained at 105
requiredfillshallbe cause for rejection,
and to 11O”C. (221 — 2300 F.) for a period of 3
ifthe number of defective containersin any hours. The non-volatile content shall be de-
sample exceeds the acceptancenumber for termined as follows:
tbe appropriatesamplingplan of MIL-8TD–
105,the lotrepresentedby the sample shall AxlOO
be rejected. Non-volatile content, percent = ~

4.5.4Inspection for preparation for dz- where: A = Weight grams of residue

livery. The packaging and packing of the
corrosion preventive compound shall be ins- B =. Original weight, in grams
pected to determine compliance with the of sample.

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4.6.3 StabiJity. shall be allowed to remain upright at reem
temperature [77 o & 20F. for 24 hours. The Recovery from low temperature. can, standing upright, shall then be shaken
Fifty ml. of the compeund, in a cork stop- horizontally with a stroke amplitude of
pered test tube 8 inches by 1 inch, shall be approximately 2%z inches for 1 minute at
elevated 130” & 2“F. and maintained at the rate of :!60 strokes per minute.Z The
that temperature for 8 hours. At the end of spray gun csn with its contents shall be
thie period the tube and its contents shall placed in a suitable cold chambsr and held
be transferred immediately to a suitable at a temperature of 40” ~ 2“F. for a period
cold chamber maintained at minus 40 & 2“F. of 24 hours. At the end of this period, while
and allowsd to remain at that temperature contents are still maintained at this tem-
for 16 hours, care being taken to avoid perature, a determination shall be made of
physical disturbance of the compuund. This the fluid flow rate from a spray gun as speci-
cycle shall be performed for a total of four fied in 4.6.4. The compound shall pass the
times ending at the expiration of the last sprayability test specified in 4.6.4 to be con-
exposure at minus 40” & 2“ F. The test tube sidered acceptable.
shall he allowed to remain upwright at room
temperature (77” & 20F.) for 24 hours. Homogeneity. Materials passing
the test specified in, shall hc examined The test tube shall he then tilted for precipitaws and haziness in the solu-
through an angle of 180 degrees and held in tion. If tbe precipitate cannot he re-dis-
that position for 5 seconds. The compound solved into the compound or the haziness
shall he considered as meeting the require- dispelled by shaking, the supernatant liquid
ment if it dces not show any gelling, solidi- shall he tested to determine its ability to
fication, or more than a slight haze or pre- protect steel panels in the salt spray test
cipitate. If the material indicates evidence for grades 1, 2 and 4 (see The
of gelling, slight haze, or separation, the supernatant liquid shall pass the salt spray
tube shall then he shaken vigorously (by protection test. For grade 3 and 5, the su-
hand) for 1 minute. The compound shall pernatant liquid shall pass the humidity
hc considered as meeting the requirement test (see The panels for
for recovery from low temperature when the the exposure tests may be coated by dipping
tube is inverted and the compound flows and them in a small dish filled with the super-
does not show any lumps suggesting perma- natant liquid. It may be necsssary to repeat
nent solidification or more than a slight haze the low temperature cycle using a larger
or precipitate. sample in or,jer to obtain sufficient super-
natant liquid for test. Confirmatory test for’ recovery
front krw temperature.
Matsrialrequiring Storage. A 0.9 gallon sample of the
) shall be further
shaking (se+ compound in a l-gallon round metal contain-
examined by a spray ability test. A one- er shall be stored for a total of 9 months con-
quart spray gun can, as used for the spray- sisting of a 3-month storage period at each
ability test (see 4.6.4), shall be filled 1/2 to of the following temperatures and in the
2/3 full with the compound and closed with order given: 100” & 2“F., 77” & 2aF., and
a rubber stopper or other airtight closure. 40” & 2°F. At the expiration of the storage !
The temperature cycling procedure of period, the compound shall he allowed to I
shall then be applied. At the expiration of remain at room temperature (77” & 2“F.)
the last exposure at minus 40-F., the can for 24 & 1 hmrr, and the container and con-

‘ The shaker used in this test is . platform-type m anufa.tu red by the Precision Scientific Company,
catalog number 5855, m equal.

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tents shafl then be rolled at approximately in f rent of. the nozzle of the gun in position
50 revolutions per, minute (r.p.m.) for. 5 to catch tbe stream of fluid which flows from
minutes without reversing direction. The the gun when the trigger is pull@ After
compound shall be considered as meeting a measured time of flow the weight of fluid
the requirements of etorage stability after in the beaker shall be determined, and the
performing aetisfactarily as follows: flow rate in grams per second calculated.
Following this, the atomizing pressm-e vafve
Film thickness. Not greaterthan the
shall be opened, the pattern valve turned
maximum film thicknessspecified in
completely in, the atomizing pressure ad-
S.11.1for each grade PIUS 20 percent. justed to 40 p.s.i.g maximum, and fluid
Ezpoeure tests. Panels which meet the pressure to a constant 35 p.s.i.g. The chilled
film thickness requirement shall be compound shall then be sprayed on a glass
exposed to the following tests: plate which is held vertkdly and is approxi-
mately 12 inches away from the nozzle of
Grade’ 1 — 600 hours and 12OO the gun. The gun shall make one pass over
hours in weatherometer. tbe panel at the rate of one inch per second.
The sprayed panel shall be allowed to dry
Grade 2 — 7 days in the salt
for 24 hours at 40”F. in a horizontal posi-
tion. The film shall then be examined for
Grade 3 and 5 — 30 days in the continuity. A material shall be considered
humidity cabinet. sprayable at 40”F. if it flows at the rate of
1.0 gm. per second and the film on tbe
Grade 4 — 14 days in the salt sprayed glass panel is continuous.
4.6.5 Comosion. Specimens of the follow-
Sprayabi2ity. As specified
hr 4.6.4. ing metals shall be used in this test:

4.6.4Sprayabilitfi. A spray gun a (see Brass, QQ–B-626, composition 22 (lead-

figure 1) shall be tilled one-half to two-thirds ed brass )..
full with the compound under test, placed
in a suitable cold chamber, and held at a Anodes, cadmium, QQ–A-671.
temperature of 40” .& 2“F. for a period of Zinc, QQ–L265.
24 hours. At the end of this period, while
still maintained at the temperature, a de- Magnesium, QQ–M44.
termination shall be made of the fluid flow
Aluminum, QQ–A–250/4.
rate from the gun, using a pressure of 35
pounds per square inch, gage (p.s. i.g.), on Steel, QQ–S-698, open “hearth.
the fluid contaher. For this determination
the atumizing pressure valve shall be closed Metal specimens may be obtained from
and the needle travel regulator adjusted for the Precision Scientific Company.
maximum travel of the gun’s trigger. A (Suggested specimen size is 1A by v:
small tared weighing bottle shall be placed by 2 inches.)

“ The spray gun used in this test is a pregsure type manufactured by ‘the DeVilbiss (hnpa”y, Toledo,
Ohio, or eaual.
The gun” and component parta are identified as follows:
Gun: MBC51O 765 FF
Fluid Needle: MBC-t44-FF
Air Cap: AV 1239 No. 704
Reservoir: Screwtoptype, 1 qt. capacity, KN-519
Fluid Nozzle: AV–15-FF inside diameter of
orifice 0.055
length 0.055

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bad-calcium alloy (nominal comymi- Cording, The seven spacimens
tion:Lead 98 percent,Tin 1 percent, polished and cleaned in accordance with
Calcium 0.5 percent, — American shall be coated with the compound
Bearing Corporation, 429 S. Harding as spceified in After a 24-hour
St., Indianapolis, Ind. ) drying pericd the specimens shall be placed
in a gravity convection oven maintained at Immersion. Prepare two sets of 120” & 2“F. for 7 days. Upon completion
seven specimens each as specified herein. of the test, remove the compound and any
Drill a small hole near one corner in each loose corrosion products from the specimens
specimen of the set for tests of The by swabbing with surgical gauze pads moist-
immersion teat shall bc conducted as follows: ened with naphtha, then with methanol
The seven specimens shall be polished to re- (use 95 percent methanol for the magnesi-
move pits, burrs, and irregularities from all um specimen), and follow by clean solvent
faces and edges, finishing with a 240-grit rinses. Reweigh the specimen and calculate
polishing medium. The use of a slow speed the weight loss or gain in milligrams.
horizontal metallurgical polishing wheal is
convenient, with the final pulishing being 4.6.6 Mticibility with lubricating oil
done with 240-grit aluminum oxide paper or (grade 2), To 95 ml. of grade 1100 Iubri.
cloth moistened with kerosene. The use of eating oil of MIL-L-6082 in a 100 mf, cone-
“wet or dry” cloths or “wet or dry” papers shaped centrifuge tube add 5 ml. of the rust
is prohibited. Specimens shall bs cleaned preventive under test. Stopper the tube
by swabbing in hot naphtha with a final and shake by hand until the mixture appears
rinse in warm anhydrous methanol conform. homogeneous. Loosen the stopper and place
ing to grade A of O–M–232 (use 95 percent the tube in a beaker (tu ksep it upright)
methanol for the magnesium specimen).
spacimens shall be held in a manner to avoid

and then pls.ce the beaker into an explosion.
proof oven at 17WF. & 20F. for 15 minutes. ●
contact with the operator’s hands. Remove the tube and examine the contents
weighing, place the spscimens in a 3 inch for aeparatiun or sediment. Allow to cool to
diameter screw cap ointment or widemouth room temperature and examine again.
jar, arranging tbe specimens in the order AIIow the tube to remain at rcem tempera-
as listed above along one diameter of the ture for an :idditional 24 hours and examine
jar. Stand the specimens on one of their again.
narrow ends and separate them fmm each
other by glass-rud separators. The speci- 4.6.7 Removability.
mens shall tM covered with enough compound
(approximately 300 ml.) so that the tops of (Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4). The ap-
the specimens are at least 1A inch below the paratus for determining removability shall
surface of the cumpound. The sealed jar be essentially as shown on figure 2. Re-
shall then be placed in an oven at 130” & movability shall be determined on the test
2“F. for 7 days. Upon completion of the specimene that have completed the exposure
test, remove the compound and any loose period for accelerated weathering and shed
corrosion products from the specimens by storage tests. The specimens shall be placed
swabbing with surgical gauze pads moist- in a position one at a time in the appamtus
ened with naphtha, then with methanol so that a felt pad wiper saturated with dry
(use 95 percent methanol for the magnesi- cleaning sol vent conforming to type I of
um specimen), and follow by clean solvent P–D-680, can wipe a streak 41~ inches long,
rinses. Reweigh the specimens and calcu- in a forward and backward motion, on the
late the weight loss or gain in milligrams center of the specimen. The wiper shall
per square centimeter. (The suggested consist of a 2-inch long wick made from an
specimen size is 1/4 by 7/f by 2 inches. all woo] felt (weighing approximately 190

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ounces per square yard in a ~/4-tnch thick- atmosphere” for 9 months before perform-
ness) which shall be packed tightly into the ing the hot water and low pressure steam
lower end of a tube (wiper holder) 10 removability tests.
inches long and 5/16 inch inside diameter,
and shall protrude 1, to 1/2 inch outside. Removability apparatus. The.
one or more indentations shall be made aPParatus for determining the hOt water
aPPrOxirnately 2 inches from the bottom of and low pressure steam removability tests
the wiper holder tube to prevent the wiper shall be essentially es shown on figure 8.
from being forced further into the tube. A It consists of a rectangular ‘box 17 inches
rim supporting a weight sufficient to in- long, 2 inches wide and 2~ inches deep
crease the weight of the wiper holder sa- with a removable cover and gasket. Welded
sembly to 200 grams shall encircle the hold- to a hole’ in each end of the box are 1~-
er tube approximately 2 inches from the inch IPS pipe fittings to which are attached
top. The wiper holder shall fit intu a sup- a 11/2’-itich valve and 1 l/2-inch flange. The
porting tube 4 inches long and 7/16 inch cover contains lugs for holding nine test
? inside diameter, which is 6xed in pusition papels perpendicular. to the cover and at a
and acts as a sleeve or guide. The wiper 45” angle to’ the direction of flow. A pres-
holder tube shall be filled with solvent tight- sure gage. and a thermometer are fitted in
ly corked. It shall be uncorked and vented the box.
before each run so that the wiper felt is
filled with solvent in an amount sufficient to Flowing hot watsr test. Secure
make the run but without allowing the sol- eight aged panels to the cover of the re-
vent to flow freely over the specimen. The movability apparatus (figure 8) with a blank
length of the wiping stroke shall be 4 inches panel to act as a bathe plate, at the bottom,
and the speed of the machine shall be reg- to baffle the inlet flow. Attach the cover
ulated to 40 & 5 cycles per minute. ‘A corn. to tbe box. Mount the apparatus vertically
plete wiping cycle shall cunsist of a stroke with the valve at the huttom. Recirculate
of approximate] y 4 inches in one direction 1800F. hot water through the box from tbe
with a return stroke to starting position.. bottom it a rati of 20 gallons per minute
At the completion of the required number for three hours. Although the quantity of
of cycles, the compound under the wiper hot water used for this test is not critical,
should be completely removed (as deter- a 50 gallon reservoir is recommended for
mined visually). over an area 1A .- inch wide convenience. Remove the panels, dry, and
and the entire length of the stroke. weigh tu the nearest milligram. Calculate
.. the amount of corrosion preventive com- (Grade 5). pound remaining as follows: Preparation of svecimens. Steel

Residue (g/sq ft) = 16 (A – B)
panels ]k inch x 2 inchesx 2 inches shall
be fabricatedfrom open hearth,coldfinish,
dead softtemper, low carbon steelconform- Where: A = Final weight of panel in
ing to QQ-S-698. The panels shall have a
%-inch hole centered % inch from one edge,
B = Uncoated weight of panel
as shown on figure 8. Panels shall be
in grams
finished and cleaned as specified in para-
graph, weighed to the nearest milli-
grams, and the corrosion preventive com- Wet steam test. Secure eight
pound applied in accordance w i t h para- aged panels to the cover of the removability
graph The coated panels shail be aPParatUS (figure 8) with a blank panel at
aged in a draft-, dust- and fume-free indoor the top. Atts,ch the cover to the box. Mount

Downloaded from

the box vertically
with the steam entering
from the top. Wet steam at 25 p.s.i.g. k
(d) Rinse in hot
A of O-M-232)

at least ‘

piped to a 3/16-inch sharp-edged orifice i!j
~econds and ~llow jhe
placedin the flangeat the top of the appa- tu dry. If the panels are not
ratus. The pressure in the apparatus is processedat once,preservethem
throttled to 15 psig by the valve at the in a desiccator.
bottom and the steam flowed through for
three hours. Remove the panels, dry and (e) Buff the panel test surface by
weigh to the nearest milligram. Calculate means of 240 grit aluminum ox-
the amount of corrosion preventive com- ide abrasive with cloth or paper
pound remaining as follows: backing so as to produce a sur-
f.mce fmisb of 10-20 microinches
Residue (g/sq ft) = 16 (A – B) (r.m. s.). The use of “wet or
dry” cloths or “wet or dry”
papers is prohibited. The final
Where: A = Final weight of panel in
grams abrasion marks shall he in the
direction parallel to the length Of ,
the panel.
B = Uncoated weight of panel
in grams
(f) Wipe off superficial dusts from the
abrasion operation, using a . .
4.6.8 Protwtion tests. clean, dry, absorbent tissue or
cloth. Preparation of specimens.
(g) Scrub abraded face of panel Panel composition and size. Steel thoroughly with a clean, lint-free
panels shall be fabricated from open hearth, cloth unti[ there is no dark stain
cold finished, dead soft temper, low carbon c,n a clean section. Three-inch
steel conforming to QQ-S636. The panels wide surgical gauze held in a
shall be ?J+by 2 by 4 inches, conforming to blotter holder is convenient for
the description contained in ASTM D-1748. this operation. Panel finish and cleaning. The (h) Spray the panel with hot naphtha
panel test surfaces shall be cleaned and using a wash bottle or a spray
finished as follows: Wn. The panel should be held
in a rack at 20” & 5“ from the
vertical. The spray should be di-
(a) After rounding the edges of the
rected vertically down cm the
panel, reaming out the holes
panel flushing the test surface
used for suspension, wipe the
progressively downward. Spray
surfaces as clean as possible by
the test surface, back face, and
use of solvent soaked rags ( P–
iinally the test surface again.
S–661 or TT-N–95).

(i) Finally rinse the panel in fresh

(b) Scrub the panel with a clean cot- boiling anhydrous m e t h a n 01
ton or surgiral gauze swab in ~allowing the panel to be im-
a beaker of hot petroleum naph- ]mersed for at least 10 seconds to
tha (P–S-661 or TT-N-95 ). :permit the panel to reach tem-
perature of methanol b ef or e
(c) Rinse in hot petroleum naphtha. withdrawal.

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(j) Permit the panel to dry and pre- fume-free atmosphere prior to making film
serve in a desiccator, using it thickness measurements or other tests.
on the day of preparation. During this drying period the panels shall
be hung vertically by both hooks.
. The following precautions shall
be observed in carrying out the cleaning Film thickness. The average film
and finishing procedure: thickness prcduced by the compound shall
be determined on a panel prepared as speci-
(a) The utensils and cloths used in the fied in The film thickness shall be
preparation of the panels shall calculated using the following formula:
be clean and free of contamina-
tion. Solvents shall be clean and Film thickness (roils) =
renewed frequently.
1,000 X W X 0.061
(b) In all staies of treatment begin-
ning with step (a), handling of Where:
equipment with bare hands shall
be avoided. The panels shall be 1 mil = 0.001 inch.
handled with hooks, forceps, or
similar devices, care being taken W = weight of film (grams).
to prevent contact of the par!els
with contaminated surfaces dur.
0.061 cubic inch = 1 cubic centimeter
ing the cleaning procedure.

D = density of the film (grams per

4.6.S:1.3 Application of corrosion prWJ@l-
cubic centimeter C.C). Density is de-
tive compound. The procedures shall be
termined on the nonvolatile portion
performed at an ambient temperature con-
(see 4.6.2.) by means of pycnometer.
trolled at 77” & 2“F. and relative humidity
of 50 percent or below. A tightly closed
0.9 full can of the compound shall be rolled A = total surface area of the panel
at approximately 50 r.p.m. for 5 minutes (square inches).
without reversing direction and the coating
chamber filled with the compound. Means Hum<dity tsst (grades Z, 3, 4, and
shall be taken to assure that the compound .5). Three specimens prepared as described
is practically free from entrapped air bub- in, suspended by 18-6 corrosion re-
bles, and any accumulation of air bubbles sisting steel or nickel-copper alloy metal
shall be skimmed from the surface of the hooks, shall be exposed for 30 daya in a
compound prior to immersing the panels. humidity cabinet constructed and operated
The coating chamber shall be large enough in accordance with ASTM D–1748. At the
to accommodate simultaneously the protec- completion of the exposure period the com-
tion, film thickness, low temperature adhe- pound shall be considered as having passed
sion, and drying test panels. The panels this test if after removal of the compound
shall be coated by suspending them vertical- no one of the panels shows more than a
ly in the chamber containing sufficient com- trace of corrosion on the leading test sur-
pound to immerse the panels completely. &ace of the panel. A trace of corrosion is
The panels shall be allowed to remain. im- defined as not more than three dota of rust,
mersed for one minute and then separated no one of which is larger than one milli-
from the compound at a rate of 4 inches meter in diameter. Only corrosion within
per minute. The coated panels shall be significant areas as outlined in ASTM D–
dried for 24 & 1 hour in a draft, dust, and 1748 shall be considered.

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MIL-C-16173D Salt spra~ test (grades 1, 2, and face of the water. The sheds are not faced
4). Three specimens prepared as specified in any particular direction, At the end of
in shall be exposed for the speci. the exposure period, the panels shall be
fied time in accordance with salt spray tested for removability of the film as speci-
(fog) procedure specified in method 4001 fied in 4.6.7 (not applicable to grade 5),
of FE D–STD–791. No stop-off material shall and protection shall be evaluated as in
be used on the edges. The panels shall be Unless otherwise designated by the
examined at the end of the exposure period qualifying activity, the shed exposure tests
and evaluated as specified in shall be performed by the San Francisco
Bay Naval Shipyard, Mare Island Division. Accelerated weathering test (grade
1 only). Six specimens prepared as speci. Film characteristic (grades 1, 2,
fied in shall be exposed to an accel- 3, 4, and 5). Specimens prepared in accord-
erated weathering test. The apparatus shall ance with 4.6.8 .1.3 shall be examined to de-
conform to and shall be operated as sp+ci. termine whether the coating is continuous.
lied in method 6151 of FED–STD–141 ex- Upon completion of the accelerated weather-
cept that the water temperature shall be ing (grade 1 ) and shed storage (grades 2,
maintained at 70 & 100 F., and the pH of 3, 4, and 5) tests, specimens that exhibit
the water shal 1 be 8 & 1. The atlas Model cracking shall be considered as h a v i n g
XW Sunshine Arc Weatherometer is accept- failed. Specimens that exhibit checking,
able for this test. At the end of 600 hours alligatoring, or other irregularities shall be
of exposure removability as specified in considered satisfactory if there is no etch-
paragraph 4.6.7 shall be determined on three ing, pitting, m other evidence of corrosion
(3) panels. Upon completion of the re- on the significant areas of the panel as
movability test, the panels shall be evalu- specified in ASTM D–1748, upon removal of
ated for resistance to accelerated weather. the compound.
ing as specified in 4.6.8,3.
4.6.9 Low-temperature adhes<on. (grades
1, .2, and 4). One specimen each for grades At the end of 1200 hours of ex.
1, 2 and 4 shall be prepared, coated, and
posure, the remaining 3 panels shall be
dried in accordance with, after
examined for evidence of rust break through
which the specimen shall be cooled to a
on the surface of the coating. Following
temperature ,of 0“ & 2” F. for grade 1 and
this examination, removability shall be de-
to a temperwkure of minus 40” + 2“F. for
termined as specified in 4,6.7.
grades 2 and 4, and maintained at that tem-
perature for (one hour. While the specimens Shed storage (grades Z, 3, 4, and
are at this temperature, four p a r a 11e 1
5). Three specimens prepared as specified scratches approximately ~f inch apart and
in 4,6.8 .1.3 shall be subjected to the shed
1 inch long shall be made on the film with
exposure test for the time specified in table the low-temperature scratch tool (see figure
I. The exterior construction of the shed is 5). Four similar scratches shall be made
shown on figure 3. The interior of the shed in a directiorl perpendicular to that of the
box shown on figure 4 provides for 12 rows first four, Unsatisfactory adhesion is char-
of wooden platforms to support the panels acterized by flaking of the film within the
during exposure. As shown on figure 4, the areas boundei by the scratches. Chipping
panels rest in a groove cut in each of the of the coating extending more than 1/32
platforms and lean at an angle of 15 degrees inch from either side of the scratch marks
from the vertical against the back of the shall be considered flaking.
platform. A copper pan containing water
4 inches deep, covers the floor of the box. 4.6.10 D?’yi?lg (grades 1, 2, 3, a.n.d .5).
The panels are held 4 inches above the sur- The coating on a test panel prepared in

Downloaded from

accordance with shall be allowed 4J5.1O.1.2 Procedure. The procedure shall
to drain and dry in a vertical position at be as follows:
room temperature 77’”F. ~ 2 “F. for 4 hours
for grade 1 and 24 houre for grades 2, 3 (a) By means of the thin, relatively
and 5. At the end of these times, examine inelastic 0.012 i n c h diameter
grade 1 coating and determine whether chrome-alloy resistance wire (25
they can be handled withont injury to the pound test), hang equal weights
film, and grades 2, 3 and 5 films to de- to either side of the pulley. De-
termine whether they are soft. termine what additional weight
is required on one side to over- Tackiness (grade 4). The appa- come the pulley inertia and
ratus used for tbe tackiness test is shown cause it to turn (this additional
on figure 6. The procedure is conducted at w e i g h t should not exceed 10
77” +, 2“F. and a relative humidity not ex. grams if the pulley is properly
ceeding 50 percent. prepared). Record this addi-
tional weight as W,. Apparatus. The apparatus ehall
(b) Determine the weight necessary to
bc as follows:
lift the top panel by one edge at
the lifting hook. Record this
(a) Bottom (coated) specimen— (SCS
weight as W,.
figure 6). A 3 by 6 by 1A inch
steel panel, ground flat on each (c) Weigh the weight pan, (see figure
3 by 6 inch side, with a bevel- 6) supporting wires and damp-
led edge and hook. The un- ing spring scale (see figure 6).
bevelled side shall be finished to Record this combined weight as
10 to 20 r.m.e. by polishing in w:,.
accordance with (e).
(d) Coat the lower panel, in accord-
(b) Top (uncoated) specimen— (see ance with A11ow the
figure 6). A 2 by 3 by 1A inch coated panel to drain and dry
steel panel, ground fiat on one vertically at 770F. After 4 hours
side. Panel weight approximats- the coating should be sufficiently
lY 190 grama and finished on dry to permit handling without
polished side to 5 to 10 r.m.s. injury to the film. Allow to dry
by polishing with. 210 e m e r y for an additional 20 hours.
grit paper. The panel shall be
fitted with a removable pulley (e) Thoroughly degrease the top panel
hook to be affixed to the un- and place it polished surface –
polished side. down in the center of the lower
coated panel.
(c) Pulley— (see figure 6)—A 3 inch
diameter pulley is mounted on a (f) Line up the top panel pulley hook
ball bearing supported shaft so beneath the pulley to insure a
that it is free to turn. The PUL vertical pull. (A plumb bob can
ley shall be balanced and the be used to locate the hook in line
diameter oriented vertically. The with the vertical pull. )
pulley groove must be sufficient-
ly wide so that wire, figure 6, (g) Place a 1600 gram weight as
does ~ot. touch the pulley tips. shown on figure 6, on top of the

Downloaded from

top panel. Immediately,there- I,lvt.nt

after,by means of the pulley

Through No. 5,3 U.S. standard sieve,
wire attached to the hook, load
mam mum . . . . . . . 10
the opposite side of the pulley
with the damping spring scale
and the scale pan containing Badly rusted panels shall not be used, and
sufficient weights to provide a
any oil or innrganic residue on the panels
net upward force on the upper
shall be removed with hot naphtha and hot
test panel of 600 grams. (To methyl alcoho~, rinses prior to sandblasting.
calculate the weight to be placed
in the scale pan do the follow. After each panel is sandblasted.
ing: Scale pan load = 600 gins.
it shall be immediately placed in a contain.
+ W, + W, —W.. ) The weights er of commercial anhydrous methyl alcohol
shall be carefully added to the
conforming to grade A of O–M-232. Just
the scale pan to avoid oscilla-
prior to the final cleaning procedure, the
tion, swing or jarring.
methyl alcohol and panels shall be heated
so that upon withdrawal of each panel it
(h) After a 5 minute loading period, will be well above the dew point of the
the 1600 gm. loadingweight is room. The panels shall be cleaned by spray-
r e m o v e d and the clockingof ing with naphtha, rinsing in hot naphtha
time for top panel break-away and rinsing in bot methyl alcohol. Immedi-
k begun. ately after cleaning, the panels shall be
stored in a calcium chloride desiccator and
(i) A compound is considered as pas,s. shall be used the same day as prepared,
ing this test if break-away oc- Tbe panels sh.dl be handled with forceps or
curs before 5 seconds have other instruments at all times during and
elapsed. F o u r determinations after the sandblasting operation to avoid
shall be made and passing values fingerprint corrosion.
shall be obtained in at least 3
instances. Preparation of compound. Fifty
C.C. of the compound shall be placed in a
4.6.11 Water displacement and water 125-c.c. Er]enmeyer flask, 5 C.C. of distilled
stability (grades 3 and .5). water added, and the mixture thoroughly
shaken. The stoppered flask shall be stored l%eparation of test panels. Test overnight at 130” & 2-F. and cooled to
panels approximately 2 by 3 inches by 1/16 77” & 2°F. for testing.
inch with well rounded edges shall be pre-
pared from open hearth, low carbon steel. Wctw’ displacement prwcedww.
The sin-faces shall be uniformly abraded by Each of three panels, prepared as specified
sandblasting with sharp white silica sand in 4.6,11.1 and, shall be dipped in
which is free from organic matter. The distilled water momentarily and drained in
sand shall pass the following fineness re- a vertical position for not more than five
quirements (see RR–$366 ) : seconds, with the bottom edge in contact
with absorberlt paper. The panel shall be
immersed hor:,zontally and without agitation
for 15 second: in a petri or evaporating dish
containing the compound previously preparecl
as specified in After draining
momentarily, the panel shall be placed in x
static humidity cabinet ( for example, a de-

Downloaded from

siccator body containing some distilled 4.6.13 Trarwparerwy (groxie 4) On the
water) for one hour at 77” y 2“F. The panels to be used for shed exposure tests
compound shall be considered ss having (see tinemaikings nb more than
passed the water displacement test, if at the 3/16 inch high shall be scratched on the re-
end of one hour in test and after removal verse (nonevaluatq) side. These markings
of the compounds, the panels show no evi. may be the numbers or letters normallv
dence of rusts, mottling, or other abnormal used in identifying the pamfl. A well-sharp-
surface strains and defects. ened scratch-awl is @@quate for marking,
The markings s.haH be legible “after the 4
hour dry~ period. and after the shed ex- Lh&tim. The compound 1:1 shall
posure test.
be diluted with paraffin base oil (a neutral
noninhibited petroleum oil of 9W1OO S. U.S.
viscosity at 1000 F. ) and the water displace-
ment test performed as specified in
5.1 Packaging. The corrosion preventive
evaluating the test results in a similar man-
compound shall be furnished in one-gallon
cans, 5-gallon pails, or 55-gallon drums as
specified (see 6.2). Packaging shall be level
4.6.12 Flow resistance (grades 1 and 4). A or C, as specified (see 6.2).
A steel panel as specified in 4.6.8 shall be
finished and clean according to the procedure 5.1.1 Level A.
of A line shall bs scribed parallel
to and 7/8 inch’ fmm the bottom long edge Cans. The one gallon cans shall
of the panel as shown on item (a) of figwre conform to type V, class 2 of PPPC-96.
7. A l-inch wide strip of cellulose adhesive Exterior coating shall be plan B.
tape conforming to type H of UU–T–101
shall be applied to the bottom half of the 5. Ll.2 Pa&. The 5-gallon pails shall con-
panel on both sides (see item (b) of figure form totype II, class 1 or30f PPP–P–704.
7). The panel shall then be coated as speci- Exterior coating of the pails shall be re-
fied in After the 24-hour drying quired. Wire handles on bails shall be treated
period, the tape shall be carefully removed. to resist corrosion.

The bottom edge of the l-inch strip of coab

ing should then be parallel to the long edge Drums. The 55-gallon drums shall
of the panel and at right angles to the panel conform to type III of IV, as specified (see
surface. The line previously scribed on the 6.2) of PPP–D-729. Exterior coating of the
panel should now be % inch below and paral- drums shall be required. Unless otherwise
lel to the bottom edge of the film (see item specified in the contract or order, the. coat-
(c) of figurs 7). The panel shall then be ing shall conform to TT-E-tg5.
suspended vertically, with the uncoated area
downward for 4 hours in a forced convec- 5.1.2 Lsvel C. The compound shall be
tion oven maintained at 175” & 2°F. The packaged in accordance with manufacturer’s
panel shall be removed from the oven and commercial practice.
allowed to cool to room temperature. The
position of the edge of the coating relative 5.2 Packing. Packing shall he level A, B,
to the reference line scribed on the panel or C, as specified (see 6,2).
shall be observed. The compound shall be
considered to fail the flow resistance require- 5.2.1 Level A. The compound, packaged
ment if any movement of the coating toward in cans in accordance with level A or C as
the reference line has occurred as a result specified (see 6.2), shall be packed in over-
of heating. seas type wood-cleated fiberboard, nailed

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wood, wirebound wood (style3 for type 2 CAUTION
load), corrugatedor solid fiberboard, wood-
cleated paper overlaid or wood-cleated ply - 1. Agitate well before using.
wood boxes conforming to PPP–B–591,
PPP–B–621, PPP–B-585 PPP–B1536, class 2. Contains combustible petroleum thin-
3, PPP–B-576 or PPP–B–601, respectively. ners of 100” F. minimum flash point.
Plywood shall be type II, class 1 of NN-P-
515. Box closures shall be as specified in
3. Avoid use near open flames, sparks, or
the applicable box specification or appendix
welding or cutting operations.
thereto. The gross weight of wood boxes
shall not exceed 200 pounds; that of fiber-
4, Avoid :prolonged or repeated contact
board boxes shall not exceed the w e i g h t
with the skin, or breathing of vapors.
limitations of the applicable box specifica-
tion. Five-gallon and 55-gallon drums will
require no packing. When prolonged exposures are necessary,
use protectiveclothingand proper masks.
5.2..2 Level B. The compound, packaged
in cans in accordance with level A or C as 6. NOTES
specified (see 6.2), shall be packed in domes-
tic type wood-cleated fiberboard, nailed 6.1 Intended use. The corrosionpreven-
wood, wirebound wood, (for type 2 load), tivecompourd covered by thisspecification
wood-cleated-plywood, or wood-cleated paper isintendedfor the following uses:
overlaid boxes conforming to PPP–B–591,
PPP-B–621, PPP-B–585, PPP–B–601, or Grade 1:
PPP–B–576, respectively, or in overseas type
corrugated or solid fiber boxes conforming (a) For protection of metals when ex-
to class 2 of PPP–B&36. Closures shall be posed ta outdoor weather condi-
as specified in the applicable box specifica- tions.
tion or appendix thereto. Fiberboard boxes
shall conform to the special requirements of
(b) For general purpose preservation,
the applicable box specification. Five-gallon
indoor or outdoor, with or with-
and 55-gallon drums will require no packing.
out cover, for domestic and over.
seas shipment where a “dry-to-
5.2.3 Level C. The compound, packaged touch” film is required.
in cans in accordance with level A or C as
specified (see 6.2 ), shall be packed in con-
Grade 2:
tainers in a manner to insure safe delivery
and acceptance at destination. Containers
and packing shall comply with the Uniform (a) For extended undercover protection
of interior or exterior surfaces
Freight Classification Rules or other carrier
regulations applicable to the mode of trans- o:f machinery, instruments, bear-
ings or material with or without
portation. Five-gallon and 55-gallon drums
will require no packing. use of supplementary barrier

5.3 Marking. In addition to any special

marking specified in the contract or order, (b) For outdoor protection of material
each unit and intermediate package anrl for limited periods w-here metal
shipping container shall be marked in ac- temperatures do not reach levels
v’hich produce prohibitive flt,w

cordance \vith MIi.-STD-29o. Each cuntain -
er shall be marked as follows: of the corrosion preventive film.

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Grade 3: (b) Grade required (see 1.2).

(a) For use where water or saline solu- (c) Container required (see 5.1).
tion must be displaced from cor-
rodible surfaces and the corro- (d) Level of packaging and level of
sion prevented or arrested. packing required (see 5.1 and
5.2) .
(b) For protection of interior surfaces
of machinery, instruments, or (e) Type of drum required (see
material under cover for limited
periods. 6.3 The material should be purchased by
volume, the unit being a U.S. gallon at
(c) For protection of critical bare. steel
or phosphate surfaces for ex-
tended periods when packaged 6.4 With respect to products requiring
with satisfactory barrier wte- qualification, awards will be made only for
rials. products which are at the time set for ripe-
ning of bids, qualified for inclusion in Quali-
Note: Use grade 5 on metal (s) which may be
attacked by an alkaline treatment during the pr~ fied Products List QPL-16173. The atten-
servative removal stage. The chemical “boil-out>, is tion of the suppliers is called tn this require-
alkaline and its use should be avoided with such ments, and manufacturers are urged to
materials as aluminum and magnesium alloys. arrange to have the products that they pro-
Grade 4: pose to offer to the Federal Government
tested for qualification, in order that they
(a) For general purpose indoor and may be eligible to be awarded contracts or
limited outdoor preservation of orders for the products. covered by this
corrodible metals with or without specification. The activity responsible for
an overwrap and where handling, the qualified products list is the Naval Ship
stacking and counting requires a Engineering Center, Department of the
tack-free coating. Navy, Washington, D.C. 20360, and informs.
tion pertaining to qualification of prnducts
(b) Where a transparent coating is re- may be obtained from that activity. Appli-
quired in addition to properties cation for Qualification tests shall be made
indicated in item (a) above. in accordance with “Provisions Governing
Qualification” (see 6.5).
(c) Where there is no requirement for
miscibility with lubricating oil 6.5 Copies of “Provisions Governing
and where ease of removal with Qualification” may be obtained upon appli-
stoddard’s solvent is important. cation to Commanding Officer, Naval Supply
Depot, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia,
Grade 5:
Pennsylvania 19120.
(a) For use in place of grade 3 corro-
sion preventive compound where 6.6 The manufacturer’s trade name or
chemical “boil-out” designation which identifies the finished
cannot be
used for removal (see grade 3). product is regarded as a permanent and
unique identification nf the material tested
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement docu- and cannot be applied to any other material
ments should specify the following: submitted for qualification. Therefore, during
qualification, it is advisable to identify the
(a) Title, number, and date of this compound by a code number rather than by
specification. tbe trade name which may be desired for

Downloaded from

permanent identification of the ma~erial. 6.8 Grades 1, 2 and 3 are listed in MIL *
The use of the specification number in the P–116 as P-1, P–2, and P–3, respectively.
tra~e name or designation is prohibited.

6.7 Qualification
approval test data on 6.9 CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS
approved productsrequiredfor carrying out ISSUE. THE EXHIBIT OF CHANGES
tests is available upon request. This infor- (DELETIO!W,, ADDITIONS, ETC. ) PRE-
mation may be obtained from the Conlman- CLUDE THE ANNOTATION OF THE IN-
der, Naval Ship Engineering Center, De- DIVIDUAL CHANGES FROM THE PRE-
partment of the Navy, Washington, D.C. V1OUS ISSYJ~; O@’ THIS DOCUMENT.

Custodians: Preparing activity:

Army-MR Navy-SH

NaYy—s If (Project No. 8030-0179)

.iir Force-69

Review- activities:

Army-MR, EL, MO, WC

Navy—SH, AS, OS, YII

Air 1,....—69, 11

User activities:

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FIGUm 1. SPrauability test appwwtua and setup.

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FIGURE 3. Shed storage box.


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FIGURE 4. Design of panel platform in shed.

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FIGURE L Lou, tmnpwatw’e .wnztch to,/.

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FIGURE6. Tackiness test apparatus.

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ITEM (a) ITEM (b)

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s-s-e. ITEM [C)


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