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MM353 Spring 2021

Complex Engineering Problem 2


Fe-TiB2 composites possess high hardness, strength, and elastic modulus. These can be
produced through casting (no in-situ formation) or through powder metallurgy. Two different
compositions of these composites are to be produced containing (i) 0.15 (ii) 0.4 volume
fraction of TiB2.
1. Calculate the hardness, elastic modulus and fracture toughness of the two composites by
using rule of mixtures (Take the individual values from the literature).
2. Discuss the benefits and short comings of both the techniques to produce Fe-TiB2
3. Select a suitable production method for each composition, also mentioning the reason for
the selection.

The report should be properly formatted and include method details, results and discussion,
comparison, relevant figures, tables and references list (Reference numbers in text).

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