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“The Most Dangerous Game”

Page 58 in Literature

Answer the following in complete sentences and the correct format.

Before Reading
1. How would you define the word “game?” Is there more than one possible meaning? If
so, what else could it mean?

2. What is a trap? Are all traps physical?

3. How do you feel about hunting? Does it matter if you hunt for sport (fun) or survival?

4. What does it take to be a survivor? Does mental or physical strength contribute more
to survival?

During Reading

Make predictions by answering the questions at the following points:

1. At the end of page 63, predict where you think Rainsford is? Use evidence to support
your answer.

I think Rainsford is _________on Ship-Trap Island______________ because in the story

Rainsford and Whitney’s yacht had just passed an island right before Rainsford fell off
the boat. As they passed, Whitney stated, “‘The old charts call it Ship-Trap Island’”
(Connell 60).
2. At the end of page 67, predict whether or not you think Rainsford will enjoy his stay
with Zaroff. Use evidence to support your answer.

I think Rainsford _______________ enjoy his stay with Zaroff because _____________

3. By the end of page 69, Zaroff gives a description of the animal he is hunting. What
animal do you think provides the challenge for which he is looking? Prove it…
I think Zaroff is hunting __________________________. I thought he was hunting this
animal because the book says _______________________________________________
After Reading
1. Recall… Before arriving at the island, what is Rainsford’s position on hunting?
(CSQT) (C) Before arriving on the island, Rainsford felt that hunting for sport was just
fine and that animals didn’t have feelings. (S) On their way to their hunt, Rainsford and
Whitney had a discussion about the idea that they were going to have great sport hunting
in Rio. While Whitney showed signs of sympathy for the animal saying they had feelings
and would feel fear, (Q/E) Rainsford said to Whitney, “‘Don’t talk rot… You’re a big-game
hunter, not a philosopher. Who cares how a jaguar feels?’” (Connell 60). (T) This clearly
shows that Rainsford does not feel the same as his friend. This proves he has no cares
about the animals he hunts and just does it for the fun of it.

2. Clarify… What happens at the end of the story?

At the end of the story ____________________ “wins” the game. How do you know?
Explain using the space below.

3. Compare and Contrast… Use a t-chart to compare and contrast Rainsford and Zaroff.
(You may bullet your details. This does not have to be in complete sentences.)

Rainsford Zaroff

4. (character motivation) Knowing what you know about Rainsford’s character, why do
you think Rainsford chooses to confront Zaroff in the end, rather than simply ambush
him? Explain. (CSQT)
5. Conflict- struggle between two opposing forces (problem)
Internal Conflict- struggle within a character’s own mind; decision
External Conflict- involves a character pitted against an outside force (ie. Nature, a
physical obstacle, or another character).

Answer the following questions about conflict in “The Most Dangerous Game”:

A. What was Zaroff’s biggest internal conflict that he resolved by creating a “new”
animal to hunt?


B. What was Rainsford’s biggest internal conflict during his stay on the island?


C. List/describe three (3) external conflicts Rainsford encountered during the story.




D. Analyze conflict… author’s purpose. Reread lines 473-484. Connell does not reveal
the main conflict until a good deal of the story has passed. What do you think his
purpose was for this?

Paragraph (We will work on this separately.)

What effect do the elements of plot have on the suspense in “The Most Dangerous

We will do a three-reason CSQT paragraph to answer this question.

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