Digital Playbook by Digital Forecast

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Building a new

digital playbook

Experts share advice on emerging trends,

how to build a digital-first strategy and
signs that you’re on the right track

1 © 2021 Contentful |

? We spoke with industry experts about what’s next in digital,
covering content, emerging tech, changing customer
expectations and how businesses are responding.

The verdict? The digital landscape is changing fast.

Brands around the world are evolving and building a new

playbook for the digital-first era. Find out how the latest
trends will impact your business and how you can position
yourself and your brand for success.

2 © 2021 Contentful |

Last year was the year
of the digital-first pivot
for many companies. For others, 2020 was an activator, giving teams permission to
start experimenting out of sheer necessity. The pandemic didn’t
Some companies had to accelerate
start the digital-first era, but it dramatically accelerated the shift
existing digital transformation efforts and
to a digital-first market for both consumers and businesses.
favor action — experiment, learn, iterate,
repeat — over long-term planning. Like digital trends of the past, this era is defined by big shifts. It started with digital natives
like Casper, Warby Parker and Dollar Shave Club; they used digital customer experiences
to disrupt established industries. By focusing on amazing digital experiences, they changed
customer preferences and raised the bar on customer experience. Some traditional brands
have seen the writing on the wall, and are also evolving to make digital a priority. Other
venerable brands, unable to pivot fast enough, have already disappeared.

Strategies that made companies successful in the past won’t always help them in the
future. To succeed in the digital-first era, brands need a new playbook that builds digital
competency and speed.

Digital is the new front door to your business. It changes the way you interact with
customers and how they engage with your brand. So how do brands evolve their digital
strategy to meet these changes? Which digital trends are most important? We spoke to
industry experts and drew on our own experience working with leading brands to bring
you the information you need to navigate digital trends and win in the digital-first era.

3 © 2021 Contentful |

Here are the trends
brands should focus on Content is king, but it no longer rules alone. Brands need an enterprise-wide content
strategy that gives consumers content that is authentic, engaging and relevant to them in

as they build their new the moment and on their channel of choice. Changes in the way users search for content
are making the stakes even higher.
digital playbook: Emerging technologies, notably machine learning and voice applications, are
changing how we build and deliver digital experiences. To succeed, companies
need to balance experimentation with a smart investment strategy that ties technology
to customers and business value. New channels continue to proliferate, and making
investments in future-proof technology solutions remains critical.

Tech stacks enable brands to build better digital experiences faster. Companies are
shifting from suites to flexible tech stacks that provide the speed, scalability and endless
integration possibilities they need to keep pace.

A customer-centric approach is the key to creating engaging digital experiences.

Customers are over the flashy one-off digital experiences that gained attention in the
past. They want experiences that deliver utility and value. Companies need to use
technology to deeply understand their customers and deliver real value, while also
maintaining a consistent brand voice and identity.

In this paper we’ll dive deeper into each of these trends and what they mean for you
and your business. Then we’ll look at the new playbook for the digital-first era. This will
be your guide to building digital competency with a focus on people, processes and
technology. Finally, we’ll show you how to measure your digital evolution to ensure that
your business is moving in the right direction.

4 © 2021 Contentful |

The changing
of the world’s searches
face of content are now voice searches.

Authentic brand voice Live content Relevance Voice-centric

Formal tones and Brands are leaning into The challenge isn’t how Half of the world’s
gimmicks are out. live content as users seek to produce new content, searches are now voice
Brands are using emojis, more ways to engage and but how to show the searches. As people shift
profanity and puns to interact. Whether that’s most relevant content from mobile to voice-
craft vibrant copy that on Instagram Stories, a at the right time in centric products like Siri,
conveys their personality. YouTube Livestream or the customer journey. Alexa and Google Home
We’ve seen the going live on Facebook, Content strategists to search for answers,
domination of crisp copy this type of content is are looking at new the stakes for top-ranked
that favors readability, all growing increasingly ways to make relevant content get higher. A voice
while reflecting a strong popular, according to content discoverable. search only turns up one
brand personality. Neil Patel, co-founder Think recommendation result, or as Patel puts it,
of NP Digital and NYT engines like those used “the winner takes it all.”
bestselling author. by Amazon and Netflix, Hear more from Neil Patel
and more real-time on the future of SEO.
personalization triggered
by user data and actions.

5 © 2021 Contentful |

Use strategy, governance
and structure to form
a scalable foundation While experts agree that content is the heart of digital experiences, simply
producing great content isn’t enough. How, where and when that content is
for digital content delivered to users are increasingly important considerations for strategists who want
to maximize the value content brings to their customers and their company.

“Structured, reusable content and integrated This starts with understanding what information your customers need at every stage
of the customer journey. Consider the data and information you already have that
tools empower teams to work at speed and can be fashioned into the content you need.
in parallel across channels. A clear content
As you create, use content modeling and tagging to structure content for easy
strategy and strong governance are keys to discoverability and reuse. It’s critical to build a solid foundation to streamline content
maintenance and make the content creation process repeatable and scalable.
maintaining that efficiency at scale.”
Adriana Soliz

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Strategy Governance

As your content spans more channels, touching every part of As you move towards enterprise-wide content use and
“Put one thing in
the customer journey, it’s imperative to have an enterprise- reusable components, it’s critical to think about governance.
front of your mind: wide content strategy with brand voice, governance, context Good governance will make a sophisticated content
engagement. All of and reusability baked in. Content strategy, while crucial, is strategy efficient and scalable. A central content platform
something that companies pivoting to digital-first are still can streamline content operations and provide a single
these social networks, trying to figure out, says Allan White, an enterprise solutions source of truth to keep content consistent wherever it
social platforms, and engineer at Contentful. appears, but it needs strong governance features to ensure
that the content has gone through the appropriate checks.
even search platforms This isn’t surprising. More than half of the CMS users we
are moving towards surveyed in 2020 were using multiple CMSes to manage Look for content solutions that give you the ability to
content across different products and channels. They organize and reorganize how users interact, to streamline
engagement… have great content, but efforts to personalize, localize and workflows and to adjust permissions. Granular permissions
and they’re looking contextualize it happen in silos, resulting in duplicated efforts that can be updated at the individual or team level will
and redundant workflows. make it easier to adjust access as teams change and ensure
at true forms of that content governance is consistent as you scale.
When companies move from these siloed content systems
to a unified content platform like Contentful, they often
don’t have an unified strategy for how content will actually
Neil Patel
flow across channels, says Adriana Soliz, a customer success
NYT BESTSELLING AUTHOR manager at Contentful.

The most successful companies bring developers and end

users to the table to collaborate and learn how the new
tools work. They take the time to develop a clear strategy for
how they will create, reuse and maintain content and they
designate a content strategist to oversee and iterate on the
strategy as they scale. See how Atlassian puts teamwork at
the heart of their digital strategy.

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As demand for omnichannel experiences increases, structured content creates a strong

foundation for automating content delivery across channels.

Structured content empowers builders to deliver the exact content needed — without
“Websites, web apps, mobile apps,
having to cut and paste from one system to the next. It’s what enables you to queue up small
tablets, watches, chatbots, social media, chunks in the sidebar or footer of other stories to make content more discoverable. And it’s
what empowers teams to spin up a new digital experience in weeks or even days, instead of
smart cars, smart homes, smart socks,
smart everything….The challenges of
A simple example is the author bio on a blog. By making the bio a separate piece of
supporting unlimited and ever-changing content, you can reuse that content on multiple blog posts. And that’s just the beginning.
customer experiences and products SumUp, a financial technology company, uses structured, modular content to create reusable
components that give content creators the freedom to spin up new pages without relying on
are among us. A structured content
developers. Structuring content also makes it reusable across teams. For example, instead of
platform enables content portability so recreating content, Atlassian pulls from existing product documentation and delivers it as in-
organizations can guide customers in the product support.

experiences they interact with today, while Structured content also enables companies to make digital experiences more accessible.
Structured text allows assistive technologies to make sense of the page. Similarly, including
future-proofing their content investments
options for adding alt-text for images or subtitling in video players enable users to access
to support tomorrow’s touchpoints.” content in the way that best works for their needs.
Andrew Kumar “Where earlier people would create web pages, they now think of their websites as systems,
and that really helps, because if you create reusable components and you bake accessibility
into that component, every time you use it, you’re using something accessible instead of
something inaccessible,” says Hidde de Vries, a Dutch front-end developer whose clients
include the Dutch government, Mozilla, and most recently, the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C). De Vries recently spoke with us about how accessibility leads to better digital
products. Watch the video.

8 © 2021 Contentful |

Emerging tech means
new opportunities
of organizations are planning
and challenges to deploy AI by 20221

AI/machine Voice No-code/ Augmented and

learning applications low-code tools virtual reality

As this technology As consumers expand “No-code/low-code While not a mainstream

becomes more their preferences to tools have become technology, expect
mainstream, expect to include voice applications, popular as a fast and easy to see more practical
see companies using brands will need to alternative to traditional applications of AR/VR,
AI to improve existing make their products and software development,” like BRP’s AR showroom
processes. We’ll see services compatible with writes Kiersten Thamm, for recreational vehicles,
technologies, such voice-activated apps managing editor of the apps that let you try
as Robotic Process and search. This shift — Contentful blog. NC/LC things on virtually, and
Automation (RPA), combined with machine tools empower people in-store experiences
perform mundane and learning strategies — will with a larger variety like those created by
redundant tasks leaving have a huge impact on of skill sets to create Chanel, which used an
people with the time and how brands design and digital products and AI to recommend lipstick
energy to complete more deliver digital experiences experiences. shades to shoppers.
impactful, higher-value and products.
creative work.

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Embrace an appetite for experimentation

Balance experimentation Be curious about how emerging tech can help you build better customer experiences.
Instead of pursuing experiments that will simply confirm an expected outcome, be open
with smart tech investments to surprises. Think in terms of faster time to experiment and learn, even if part of that
is learning what doesn’t work. This is where you build digital skills and discover new
To succeed in the digital-first era, companies applications that push your brand ahead of the competition.

need to continually experiment with and Kärcher, a manufacturer of user-friendly, sophisticated cleaning products since 1935,
adopt new technologies, but this need not embraced experimentation for a big win. The company wanted to be the first in its industry
to give customers the ability to ask questions via voice control. The team chose tools that
be a scattered approach. Understanding the made it easy to test and iterate, which allowed them to experiment and learn unexpected
value technology offers to your business and things along the way.

your customers can help you prioritize tech These experiments helped them build a better experience for Alexa Skills, launching two
skills that are available in multiple languages. The skills they gained and the content they
investments that are most likely to
produced can be reused in chatbots and the Kärcher IoT-enabled machines. In this way,
yield higher business value. experimenting with Alexa Skills created momentum for more digital firsts.

This snowball effect is the unsung hero of experimentation. Even if an experiment fails,
teams are building skills and creating assets that accelerate future experiments. They quickly
learn from what worked and what didn’t, and get to big wins faster in the next iteration.


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Tie tech investment to business value Invest in technology as you need it

While experimentation is important to long-term success As you map technology adoption to customer and business value, keep in mind that
in the digital-first era, it’s equally important to tie tech more technology is not necessarily better. Investing in a solution that comes with lots of
adoption to a larger digital strategy that supports additional tools won’t help you deliver better digital experiences if you don’t have the
your business objectives. people and processes to support them.

Think about how technology can solve a business Every business is at a different point on the digital maturity continuum. Businesses that
problem, streamline processes or offer more value to your are further along the continuum have the structure and strategy in place to support rapid
customers. Look for places where you can use technology tech adoption. Businesses that are in the early or middle stages of their journey need to
to deliver the highest value to customers and achieve the think about digital holistically — considering not just the technology, but also the skills
highest business value. and processes needed to get value out of those investments.

Mapping technology investments to customer and In many cases, investing in people and developing key skills will enable you to do more
business value will help you avoid investing in technology with the technology you already have and lead to better tech investments. This is one
for technology’s sake. Learn more about technology reason we advise against mega-suites. Companies end up paying for more than they
strategy in this interview with Forrester’s Amanda LeClair. need up front, and are then locked into tools that might not be the best fit when they are
ready to use them.

Instead, look for extensible platforms that make it easy to integrate new technologies as
“Every technology decision you make
you become more digitally mature. Ask how quickly capabilities can be added when you
should be directly attributed to a business need them. In this way you can maximize your tech investments by paying only for what
decision that you’re looking to solve.” you need and what will add immediate value to your business.

Matthew Weil

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Stacks vs
suites Tech stacks offer
a clear advantage
over the digital
suites of the past.
Unlike a monolithic suite, tech stacks empower digital
teams to assemble the best tools for each project. APIs
make it easy to swap components in and out without
breaking the whole system, reducing the risk associated
with experimentation. This leads to faster iterations and
reduced time to value.

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Tech stacks will enable A microservice approach dramatically increases speed
brands to integrate new Jim Ambras, manager of training delivery at Contentful, can’t say enough about the

tech and build better digital advantages of microservices over monolithic suites. The bottom line, he says, is that
monolithic solutions can’t enable the speed of changes that brands need in the digital-first

experiences faster era. With microservices, thousands of changes a day are possible. You can move much,
much faster in terms of rolling out new features and updates.

TUI Nordic, part of the world’s largest travel company, used a microservice approach to
New technologies and digital channels
transition from a monolithic platform to a speed-oriented architecture consisting of 160+
are changing the way we build and deliver microservices. With this approach that can deploy content dozens of times per day, from
digital experiences. And their impact extends small tasks like copy edits or adding an extension, to shipping a new page.

beyond just the tech giants. Powerful tools The Danish brand Bang & Olufsen has been improving speakers, headphones, and
televisions for more than 90 years. But its old monolithic ecommerce and CMS platform
like machine learning and recommendation
wasn’t keeping up. A microservice stack with a content platform at the core changed all that.
engines will become increasingly available for This deconstructed architecture gave it the necessary flexibility to design and implement
customer experiences both online and in stores, leading to a 60% increase in ecommerce
everybody, predicts Anthony Baker, executive
conversion rates.
technology director at R/GA. This will present
Brands are competing on exceptional customer experience. To do that, you need to be
new opportunities for businesses that can able to rapidly and safely launch new services in response to changing customer needs and
quickly integrate those technologies into behavior. A microservices architecture gives you this ability. We’ve seen many examples of
this adaptability during the pandemic, as retailers have had to rapidly shift and find new
existing processes and use them to
ways to support customers.
assemble new experiences.

13 © 2021 Contentful |

GoodRX, a provider of information on prescription drugs and other health topics, as well
as a marketplace for telehealth providers, chose a custom tech stack with a flexible content
platform. This enables rapid content creation, with coding and design built into reusable
content modules. Content creators could use these modules to quickly spin up new
experiences — without tapping developers or designers.

As a result of their early investment in speed and agility, GoodRx was able to launch a
coronavirus hub in less than two weeks. It quickly rose to the top for key Covid-19 search
queries. They also launched a telehealth marketplace and their own telehealth business,
HeyDoctor, to serve the soaring need for telehealth services early in the pandemic.

Technology advances will

lower the cost of assembling tech stacks
“Digitization has an
Typed toolchains and serverless, low-code ecosystems will change the way companies
accelerating effect. integrate tools, predicts Contentful co-founder and CTO Paolo Negri. He writes:
Everything will come at us I think there are two major changes happening right now. One is typed toolchains —
the GraphQL ecosystem specifically — reaching a stage of maturity in the next five
much quicker. We’re all years. The second is that the serverless, low-code ecosystem will be able to process
much more connected, and more and more sophisticated workloads in the next few years.

things can build up critical “The conjunction of these will make integration work a completely different activity
than before, and it will be a significant step toward reaching the creation of true
mass much quicker; things enterprise stacks in two ways. First, by lowering the cost of these stacks to be built
and assembled from within the enterprise. Second, by having standard and expected
can change a lot quicker” models of writing, running, deploying and distributing software.
Paolo Negri Paolo says not to waste time building generic solutions; there are plenty of apps out there
which specialize in providing the fundamentals. Instead, it’s best to focus on what is specific to
your business and build custom solutions for just those components. This is why extensibility
of core platforms is so essential. When your stack is designed with clear interfaces that allow
you to build on top of it, you can consistently update and upgrade it with the best tools and
services available — or build business-specific functionality on top. Learn more from Paolo
Negri on how to architect a tech stack.

14 © 2021 Contentful |

Changing customer
of executives believe it is getting
expectations harder to please customers2

Utility and value Privacy Seamless experiences

People have embraced Better connectivity and While many companies

technology out of necessity digital experiences come are still working to create
during the pandemic, and with a tradeoff. New a seamless customer
many have looked to digital technology, including experience across
to provide convenience and wearable tech and voice- channels, Claire Robinson,
value. This shift to utility controlled home apps, customer experience
over entertaining gimmicks give companies new director at Kin+Carta,
is a trend experts expect to ways to track and control sees a huge opportunity
continue. Convenience and behavior. Consumer for brands to partner
utility have become priorities concerns around data with other brands across
in consumer mindsets. protection and security the experience to deliver
may not be top of mind more value to customers.
People want their digital for companies yet, but
experiences to add value, they are worth keeping
not just provide one-off an eye on.

15 © 2021 Contentful |

A customer-centric Customers are tired of gimmicks and experiences where the novelty
approach is the key to wears off with no lasting value. Too often, brands are focused on what
great digital experiences they want customers to do, rather than focusing on how they can
deliver value to the customer. Think about how you can help your
Companies need to put the emphasis on customer make decisions. Empower them to find solutions.
the specific idea that consumers need Help them save time and money.
digital experiences that give them value and
Understand what the customer values
something that is beyond a one-off kind
of thing. If people are taking the time to Digital natives disrupted industries by understanding their customers and then using
digital technologies to deliver more convenience and value to those customers. This
download an app, etc. then it better be good customer-centric approach is essential to producing great digital experiences. Ask
and give something of value back. yourself how technology can help you better understand the customer and then use that
knowledge to build better experiences.
Anthony Baker
Data can help companies understand what is happening, but it is also important
to understand why. “I think it’s really important to blend quantitative analysis with
qualitative analysis, says Robinson. “Otherwise you don’t have the what and the why,
you only have the what.” Without the why, companies can end up making changes that
don’t answer customer needs, she explains. On the flip side, understanding the why can
lead to a new product or service that adds value.

Disparate data silos can inhibit this customer understanding and pose an obstacle to
good digital experiences. It’s critical to address these silos so that you can understand
why and how customers engage with your products and services. Then, use that
understanding to deliver more value.

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Accept a lack of control over customer preferences and behavior

In creating customer experiences, brands aren’t just competing against themselves or

industry benchmarks. They’re competing against each and every digital experience that
a customer has. Consumers interact with the digital world hundreds or even thousands of
times a day, according to research published on Statistica. Many of these experiences won’t
be noteworthy, but those few that stand out raise the bar a little higher for everyone else.

The ever-changing digital landscape and our human tendency towards adaptability mean
that companies must continually seek to understand their customers’ changing preferences
and behavior. What’s more, they must be able to adapt existing experiences and launch new
products and experiences faster to keep up with these changing customer expectations.

The digital-first era requires brands to move from ad hoc digital wins to digital competency.
With the right combination of people, processes and technology, companies can produce
engaging digital experiences in a way that is scalable and repeatable, while adapting to
changing trends.

Achieving digital competency is an evolution. Companies are at different points along

a continuum. It’s not about ripping out and replacing legacy technology — although
technology is certainly a part of it. It’s about accepting that what got you here won’t get you
much further. Building a new digital playbook requires changes to the people, processes and
technologies that support digital experiences across your organization.

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First, let’s talk about people. Ask yourself, do we have the skills we need to create compelling
differentiating experiences? The digital-first era is changing the way people work and how
teams are organized. Roles are changing — digital experience designers, chief digital offers,
data scientists — and the skills sets people and businesses need are changing too.
The new digital playbook In the past, people excelled in their careers by becoming hyper-specialized, but today we see
more and more roles that require an understanding of business, strategy, behavior and technology,
“Machines aren’t replacing humans, according to Anthony Baker. For example, a developer doesn’t just need to understand coding
and technology; they also need to understand how those technical components can enable new
they are enhancing what people can do touchpoints and interactions that in turn support larger business goals.
by taking care of the more mundane
Skill diversification will be critical to success in many fields. Contentful product marketer
tasks. The best types of experiences use Johanna Hyde says it directly: “Marketers need to be smarter and more well-rounded — just
doing one thing well is career suicide in the changing world that we live in.” Other examples
machines for what they’re brilliant for and
we’ve seen are SEO experts learning how to code and content creators who must learn how
use people for what they’re brilliant for.” to use translation, localization, optimization and even AI-driven technologies.

Claire Robinson, Companies need people who are willing to learn these new skills, work in a different way and
CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE DIRECTOR have a different mindset to working and collaborating, explains Baker. At Contentful, we call
KIN+CARTA this mindset a builder ethos — a drive to create compelling digital experiences regardless of
your role in an organization. These are the people you want to bring together in progressive,
cross-functional teams where they can think ahead of the curve and set the bar for creative
digital experiences that deliver value.

One challenge companies face is finding people with these skills. This can be particularly
hard for companies that are pivoting to digital and competing against digital natives for
talent. One of our experts recommends thinking in terms of skills instead of positions.
Offer employees opportunities to gain the skills your company needs and encourage
them to use those skills across the organization. When hiring new employees, think about
what skills they bring not only to that position, but to the company as a whole. And of
course, look for that builder ethos.

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When we think about the people and skills companies need in the digital-first era, it’s
also important to think about how you will bring those diverse skills together to produce
connected digital experiences. For many companies this means rethinking how teams work

Organizational silos are a common challenge to producing a connected set of experiences

across the customer journey. Companies need to shift from siloed teams to business models
“To a great extent, the software we develop
that support agile teams, decoupled systems and shared data, content and components.
determines greater and greater portions of
One way to test a new business model is by creating a center of excellence that brings
enterprises. This requires some rethinking about people, processes and technology together in new ways and then spreads those best
how departments are involved in these activities, practices across the company.

and how teams are structured and work.” Other companies take an enterprise-wide approach. They expect a period of adjustment and
Paolo Negri rapid iteration as they learn what works for them.
Some of the most successful companies we’ve seen reach out to partners to augment internal
skills and cross-pollinate new ideas. By using partners these companies — including Shiseido,
BRP, Murad and many more — are able to rapidly deliver new digital experiences for their
customers while building the digital competency they need to continue delivering more
digital products and experiences, faster.

“Most of the time we are trying to solve the problems of today. We

are not really thinking what technologies and what talent and what
business model we need for the problems of tomorrow.”

Anthony Baker

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Technology companies need to support the people and processes they are investing in. As
companies evolve they are breaking away from the all-in-one suites of the past and moving
“While we can guess at some of the digital to decoupled, headless systems with interchangeable components. APIs help break up
dependencies between systems and empower teams to build custom stacks for different
products coming our way –– VR and AI being digital products and experiences.
two big ones –– there is so much we can’t
Again, each company is at a different point in this evolution and many still rely on legacy
predict. With traditional methods of working, systems. They can’t simply start from scratch. The good news is that your technology
this uncertainty often leads to big projects strategy doesn’t have to be a big bang. The key is to ask yourself: How can technology
connect siloed systems for quick wins while you experiment with new tools for the digital-
being scrapped and rebuilt. The market first era?
changes quickly, and if you can’t be flexible and
All-in-one suites with long term contracts don’t fit the bill. They are difficult to integrate
adapt then you’re looking at a lot of wasted with existing systems and they don’t empower you to experiment with new technology. In
the short term they promise to solve your problems, but in the long run they are a brake
work. With agile, and the right extensible tech,
on innovation, according to Anthony Baker. Consider this, the average enterprise uses 91
you can quickly pivot and iterate. This will help marketing cloud services, according to Mary Meeker’s 2017 Internet Trends report. It would
you deliver real value to customers.” be impossible for one solution to provide all of that functionality.

Jo Fraser Extensible, cloud-based, API-first solutions empower you to build your own “suite” with
AGILE WORKFLOWS IN THE DIGITAL-FIRST ERA: components that can easily be changed without the risk of breaking the whole system. They
HERE’S WHY IT WORKS can bridge the gap between legacy systems and emerging technology and allow companies
to accelerate their digital transformation.

As you add technology, think about how it can empower people within your organization.
Using technology to support people and automate routine tasks can improve processes and
free up talent to focus on higher-value projects. See how Trunk Club (Nordstrom), freed a
team of editors from maintaining content across separate systems, enabling them to focus
on creating valuable new content.

20 © 2021 Contentful |

The digital-first era requires a continuous evolution of people, process and
technology. So how do you know if your organization is moving fast enough
or even moving in the right direction? We asked a leading industry expert.
How do you know
if it’s working? Companies that are in the earlier stages (or those that have lost their direction) should start
by assessing their business strengths and gaps and prioritize those gaps that align to the
most mission critical objectives. Think of this as your compass. Staying aligned with business
Over time, you will build digital
goals will make it easier to make a case with business partners and will focus your efforts on
competency and move from measuring the skills and technology you need to deliver the most business value.
success in terms of digital projects to As you progress, look for signs that your company is evolving. These might be small at
measuring business outcomes first, but they are indicators of building momentum. For example, you might notice that it
becomes easier to collaborate between teams and adopt agile processes. The culture might
shift from requiring lengthy business cases for new technology and channels, to a willingness
to experiment faster and use data to drive decisions.
Get started
Over time, you will build digital competency and move from measuring success in terms of
digital projects to measuring business outcomes like customer satisfaction and improved
operational efficiencies.

At Contentful, we understand that building digital competency is an often intensive process.

We offer extensive support with customer success experts and partners who can help you
build your new digital playbook and accelerate your pivot to the digital-first era.

21 © 2021 Contentful |

Jim Ambras, Paolo Negri, CTO and Matthew Weil,
End Thank manager of training Contentful co-founder enterprise account
delivery, representative, Contentful
notes you Contentful Neil Patel, co-founder
of NP Digital and NYT Allan White,
Anthony Baker, bestselling author enterprise solutions
Gartner - Gartner executive technology engineer,
Says the Future of Self- Hidde de Vries,
director, R/GA Contentful
Service Is Customer-Led Dutch front-end developer
Automation Andrew Kumar, whose clients include Jo Fraser,
director, platform strategy, the Dutch government, Contentful blog
CX Network-The Global Contentful Mozilla, and most recently, contributing writer
State of Customer the World Wide Web
Experience 2020 Johanna Hyde, Kiersten Thamm,
Consortium (W3C)
product marketing managing editor,
manager, Claire Robinson, Contentful blog
Contentful customer experience
Liz Osterloh,
Amanda LeClair, new media managing
analyst, editor,
Forrester Adriana Soliz, customer Contentful
success manager,

22 © 2021 Contentful |

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