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God Matters – Alex Mabe finding a church was difficult.

Finally, we ar-
Dorothy Posey, Church Secretary
Ryan Greene. Min. of Music & Youth
John Bryan - Interim Pastor (call the church office)
rived at a little country church surrounded by
And he (Jesus) sat down opposite the treas- the farmland of eastern South Carolina. The

You can also visit our website for service

ury and watched the multitude putting money congregation consisted mostly of farm folk,
and there was little evidence of wealth in this

into the treasury. Mark 12:41
church. At the conclusion of the service, the

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Your Church Staff

are continuing as follows:
In Mark’s Gospel account, we are given the pastor made a passionate plea for offerings
account of Jesus sitting down opposite the given to care for a local family that had lost

Worship - 10:30am
treasury and watching the multitude putting their home in a housefire. After prayer the

on Sunday
money into the treasury. In so doing, Jesus offering plates were passed around. By the
draws attention to the importance of giving time the plates arrived to our pew in the back
our tithes and offering to the Lord. Now of the church, I witnessed what sacrificial giv-
many rich people came along making large ing looks like...for the plates were full of small
September 23, 2021 • Vol. 44, Issue 38 donations, but Jesus was not impressed. bills and coins and on top was the crown jew-
However, when a poor widow came forth and el of love - someone’s wrist watch. In his
placed only two copper coins, Jesus acknowl- book A Disciple’s Path, James Harnish wrote,


From My Heart edged her great sacrifice and the heart that it “We give back to God what is God’s so that
represented. In fact, he stated that this wid- through our gifts the love of God can become
Thank You Belvedere First Family for ow had contributed more than any of those a tangible reality in our world.”
your loving welcome to me last Sunday! that gave large sums of money. In this ac-
I am privileged to serve as your Interim count, what is Jesus saying to us regarding
Pastor in these days of transition. My our giving? I believe that it is clear that Jesus
two Sundays with you have shown me is not concerned about sufficient funds being
accumulated t support the “church”. Does (continued from inside)
how you love God, love each other and
desire to love others. This is imperative God need our gifts in order to be God? Does

Electronic service requested:

North Augusta, SC 29861-8168

P.O. Box 8168
Belvedere First Baptist Church
the church need our money to be the church? October 7, 2021 - Adoption Covenant
as we seek God’s “next steps” and His Q&A
No indeed, the Psalmist wrote of God’s infi-
best. On Thursday, October 7, 2021, there will
nite resources, “I have no need of a bull from
“Love the Lord your God will all your your stall or of goats from your pens, for eve- be a Church Adoption Covenant Q&A with
heart and with all your soul and with all ry animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle the Adoption Evaluation Team and Warren
your strength and with all your mind’; on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:9-10). I sup- Baptist Church, Augusta Staff present. We
and, Love your neighbor as yourself.” pose there would be some that would point will meet in the Belvedere First Baptist
out the practical reality that without funds, the Church Sanctuary at 6:00 - 7:00pm.
Luke 10:27
church would have to shut down and the col-
Ryan and Dorothy will continue to handle lective ministries would have to end. Yet, let October 10, 2021 - Adoption Vote
the day-to-day ministry needs, but I am us notice that Jesus is not looking for giving As part of the Sunday morning worship
now available to assist them and you in based on careful calculations of what God or time, members of the Belvedere First Baptist
preaching, leadership, and vision toward His church needs. I believe that the poor Church will vote on the Adoption Proposal
the future. widow gave exactly what God wants us to (written secret ballot of active members).
Pastor John Bryan give...our trust, our gratitude, and our love.
Such giving to the Lord with all of our hearts
will be more than sufficient in God’s hands.
Our Mission: We exist to obey Jesus Christ by I recall when I was a teenager, my family
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Augusta, GA
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Non-Profit Org.

continuously reaching out to create relation- was on its way for a vacation at Myrtle
ships and share Christ’s story in order to make Beach. It was a Sunday morning, and as
mature disciples. was the practice of my family when the hour
was drawing near to 11:00 my parents began .
421 Edgefield Road | PO Box 8168 looking for a church to stop along the way to
North Augusta, SC 29861-8168 join in time of worship. On this stage of the For our weekly service recordings
803-279-0415 | 803-279-0476 trip, we were in the “middle of nowhere” and
Weekly Ministry Opportunities Stewardship Report
Sunday, Sept. 26 Shoeboxes are Week of: Sept. 19, 2021
9:15a Sunday School available!! Teens Reserved Unto True Holiness
Weekly Needs $6,281.00
10:30 Worship/John Bryan - Interim Due Nov. 15, 2021 Weekly Tithe $4,240.14
Benevolence Offering taken Needs/Date $239,271.79
4:00p Outreach-Pray & Go Offering/Date $207,714.74
YOUTH - Sunday School @ 9:15am
5:00 Choir Rehearsal (Sanct.) Youth Building
Pls. note change in schedule (Online giving included this week)
5:45 Small Group (J.Baker) CSRA Worship Center Missions #8025 $45.00
Thursday, Sept. 30 116 Wilde Drive, NASC Janie Chapman #8050 $135.00
Volunteers are needed for the Fall Festival
7:00p ESL Class (Rm #109) Yard Sale, Bake Sale, and Games Home Bound Meals #5454 $.00
Please sign up!
Sunday, Oct. 3 BBQ Plates -available 11:00a - 2:00p Oct. 9th - (9:00a - 1:00p)
9:15a Sunday School Oct. 2nd - 7:00a - 3:00p
10:30 Worship/John Bryan
4:00p Outreach-Pray & Go Their goal is to raise money for a
Meeting Place for a Church in India
5:00 Choir Rehearsal (Sanct.) FYI!
5:45 Small Group (J.Baker)
Lucy Pearson Class
Monday, Oct. 4 Behind the Sanctuary
6:30p Ladies Prayer Group (FH) Teachers: Mary Head & Kathy Britton
September 26, 2021 Members In Service
8 members - present on Sept. 19
Benevolence Offering
Although benevolence funds are in- Adult Coed Class - Room #112 Welcome Team
cluded in our church budget, our current Teacher: Gary Hartley
Trunk & Treat funds are depleted at this time. There- 9 members present on Sept.19 Freddie Holton, Arnold Wilde
will be here before you know it. If you fore, we will be taking up a benevolence
would rather not buy the candy yourself Frank Buck/Victory SS Class Safety
offering at the conclusion of the Septem- Teacher: Betty Holton
you can make a monetary donation and ber 26th worship service. Olin Boatwright
Room #110
let us buy the candy in bulk from Sam’s 13 members present on Sept.19
Club. Either way is good. October 3, 2021 Sound & Multimedia Team
John Baker/Phil Solesbee Class Wayne Duke, Debra Wheeler
Be sure to designate what the donation is Presentation of the Church
Room #109
for if you decide to give money. Adoption Covenant 5 members present on Sept. 19
After many hours of prayer, assess- Deacons-On-Call
ment and study, the Warren Baptist Youth - Youth Bldg. Phil Solesbee / 803-278-2291
Church and Belvedere First Baptist Teacher: Ryan Greene Scott Wilk / 803-278-5033
Church Adoption Evaluation Team has 5 members present on Sept.19
prepared the Covenant that will set forth Children - 1st - 5th grades Extended Session
the principles and processes of the Teachers: Evie Wilk, Gail Willem Sun., Sept. 26
adoption of Belvedere First Baptist 3 members present on Sept.19
Church into the family of Warren Baptist Sunday School & Worship Service
Church. The official adoption presenta- 4’s & 5’s Carolyn Rhoden, Kaye Mabe
tion to Belvedere First Baptist Church Teachers: Fran McCormick & Laurel Mead
State Missions/ 1 member present on Sept.19 Pray & Go Team Schedule
JanieChapmanOffering will be given in a called business meet-
ing on the morning of October 3, 2021 Nursery 4th Sunday
September 12 - 19, 2021 (Adoption Document available after the Teacher: Carolyn Rhoden Alex & Kaye Mabe, Ryan Greene
presentation). 2 members present on Sept.19 Phil Solesbee, Mike Gee & Gary Hartley
Our Goal: $2,500.
Given to date: $1,718.35 TOTAL: = 46
(continued on back page)
Needed to reach goal: $781.65

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