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Short Note

Extraction of calcified Radiolaria and other calcified

microfossils from micritic limestone utilizing acetic acid
Seyed Mohsen Kariminia
Department of Geosciences, University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 830688, Richardson, Texas 75083-0688

ABSTRACT: Micrite nodules are the only source of Radiolaria within the upper Tithonian to Aptian (Upper Jurassic-Lower Creta-
ceous) interval of Great Valley Supergroup (GVS), California Coast Ranges. Radiolaria recovered from GVS micrite nodules are either
calcified or pyritized. This paper describes a method of extracting well preserved calcified radiolaria from micrites utilizing acetic acid.
The same method resulted in the extraction of well preserved Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from indurated micrite within
the Khoy ophiolitic complex of northwestern Iran; from micrite in the Green Horn Formation, Pueblo Colorado; from indurated chalk in
the Austin Chalk, Dallas Texas, and from indurated micrite in Albian Duck Creek Formation of Texas. The preservation of extracted
radiolaria and planktonic foraminifera from the indurated micrites and chalk is excellent and is often comparable to that found in most
DSDP/ODP samples. Assumedly the clay content of the rock, and the chemical homogeneity of the calcified test are the principal rea-
sons for differential solution of the acetic acid.

1-2. Surface of the rock sample etched with HCl, note the pits on the rock fragments surface, representing calcified radiolarian, and Planktonic
foraminifera dissolved faster than matrix. 3. Radiolarians at the rock surface after dissolving, and removing the disaggregated matrix with this method.
4. Planktonic foraminifera at the rock surface after dissolving, and removing the matrix with this new method.

micropaleontology, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 301-306, text-figures 1-5, plates 1-2, 2004 301
Seyed Mohsen Karaminia : Extraction of calcified Radiolaria and other calcified microfossils from micritic limestone utilizing Acetic acid

INTRODUCTION Steps in microfossil extraction from micrites utilizing Acetic acid

Until recently it was impossible to extract calcareous
microfossils from micritic limestone. Studies by Lethiers and 1. Etch micritic limestone with diluted HCl (10%) for 1-3 min-
Crasquin (1988), Lirer (2000) and Tur et al. (2001) demon- utes, and then rinse with water to determine the presence or ab-
strated that acetic acid could be utilized to extract calcareous sence of Radiolaria. Radiolaria could be recognized with a
microfossils (e.g., planktonic foraminifera) from indurated binocular microscope from the pits on the ethched surface of the
micrite. Hitherto, most calcareous microfossils in indurated sample (Figure 1). Utilizing an ultrasonic cleaner, the etched
micrites had to be identified in thin section. During the summer material was then removed from the etched surface. This proce-
of 2002 the author independently developed a somewhat differ- dure helped to accentuate the tests more clearly (Figure 3).
ent method of acetic acid extraction. This technique was born
from the frustration caused by trying to extract calcified 2. Crush the sample to 1-5 cm size.
radiolaria from micrite nodules occurring in the Lower Creta-
ceous part of the Great Valley Supergroup (GVS), California 3. Immerse the crushed sample in diluted acetic acid (75% ace-
Coast Range (Kariminia, in progress Ph. D. dissertation, Uni- tic acid, 25% water) for 8 hours within a beaker.
versity of Texas at Dallas). In the past calcified radiolaria could
be extracted only from GVS micrites using the concentrated hy- 4.Rinse sample with water, and sieve through a set of #40, #80,
drofluoric acid method of Pessagno (1977). and #230 ASTM standard sieves.

All illustrations are scanning electron micrographs of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria from the Great Valley Supergroup,
California Coast Ranges, Glenn and Paskenta Counties, California. Illustrations demonstrate preservation differences of extracted
Radiolaria using this method of sample preparation versus concentrated hydrofluoric acid (HF) technique described in Pessagno (1977b).
Note that only calcified and pyritized Radiolaria exist for ~ 1000 miles along strike in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian to
Aptian) portions of the Great Valley Supergroup. Scale in upper right = number of µm cited for each illustration.

1 Complexapora kozuri Hull. Calcified radiolaria ex- of sample preparation; compare with preservation of
tracted from limestone nodule using new method. R. cretacea (Figure 8 below. HF method of sample
Buchia piochii Zone Grindstone Creek, Glenn preservation). Scale = 139 µm.
County, California. Scale = 167 µm.
8 Ristola cretacea Baumgartner. Calcified radiolarian
2 Pantanellium sp. Calcified radiolaria extracted from extracted from limestone nodule using HF method of
limestone nodule using new method. Note excellent sample preparation. Sample from Buchia uncitoides
preservation. Buchia piochii Zone Grindstone Creek, Zone, Grindstone Creek,Glenn County,California
Glenn County, California. Scale = 50 µm. Lower Cretaceous: Berriasian. Scale = 147 µm.
3 Pantanellium corriganensis Pessagno. Pyritized 9 Minocapsa sp. Calcified radiolarian extracted from
specimen extracted from limestone nodule using HCl. limestone nodule using new Kariminia method. Note
Sample NSF 1019 of Pessagno (1977b). Lower Creta- excellent preservation. Buchia piochii Zone, Grind-
ceous: lower Hauterivian to lower Barremian. Scale = stone Creek, Glenn County, California. Scale = 109
250 µm. µm
4 Cecrops septemporatus (Parona). Pyritized specimen 10 Mita sp. cf. M. magnifica Pessagno. Calcified
extracted from limestone nodule using HCl. Sample radiolarian extracted from limestone nodule using this
NSF 1019 of Pessagno (1977b). Lower Cretaceous: method. Calcified radiolarian extracted from lime-
lower Hauterivian to lower Barremian. Scale = 200 stone nodule using new method. Note excellent pres-
µm. ervation. Buchia piochii Zone Grindstone Creek,
Glenn County, California. Scale = 83 µm
5 Parvicingula citae Pessagno. Calcified specimen ex-
tracted from limestone nodule using HF. Sample NSF 11 Caneta sp. Calcified radiolarian extracted from lime-
845 of Pessagno (1977b). Lower Cretaceous: lower stone nodule using the new method. Note excellent
Hauterivian to lower Barremian. Scale = 128 µm. preservation. Calcified radiolarian extracted from
limestone nodule using new method. Note excellent
6 Parvicingula sanfilippoae Hull. Calcified radiolarian preservation. Buchia piochii Zone Grindstone Creek,
extracted from limestone nodule using new method. Glenn County, California, Scale = 92 µm.
Scale in upper right = 100 µm.
12 Parvicingula sp. Calcified radiolarian extracted from
7 Ristola cretacea Baumgartner. Calcified radiolarian limestone nodule using new method. Note excellent
extracted from limestone nodule using new method. preservation. Calcified radiolarian extracted from
Sample from Buchia piochii Zone, Grindstone Creek, limestone nodule using new method. Note excellent
Glenn County, California. Upper Jurassic: upper preservation. Buchia piochii Zone Grindstone Creek,
Tithonian. Note better preservation with new method Glenn County, California. Scale = 76 µm.

Seyed Mohsen Karaminia Plate 1

micropaleontology, vol. 50, no. 3, 2004 303

Seyed Mohsen Karaminia : Extraction of calcified Radiolaria and other calcified microfossils from micritic limestone utilizing Acetic acid

Comparison of this method and previous methods introduced by Tur et al. (2001), and Lirer (2000).

5. Return sample remaining on sieve #40 to the diluted acid for cessing time varies from 30 minutes for shales up to eight hours
another 8 hours treatment. for micrites.

6. Gently rinse the residue with abundant water, and dry in Ultrasonic cleaning of the sieved residue (Lirer 2000) helps to
oven. remove sediments from delicate structures of foraminifera spec-
imens (e.g. umbilical apparatus of Upper Cretaceous planktonic
Plates 1 and 2 illustrate the tests extracted with this modified foraminifera). To prevent destroying the extracted calcified
method. All figures are scanning electron microphotographs, radiolarians ultrasonic cleaning of the residue should be limited
representing excellent preservation of the tests. to one or tow seconds.

DISCUSSION The reaction of undiluted acid and carbonate sample takes sev-
The time length for treating a given sample depends on the clay eral days up to two weeks. Accelerating the process by heating,
content of the sample and its induration. In this method the pro- mentioned in some other studies, is because of utilizing concen-

All illustrations are scanning electronic micrographs of Upper Jurassic, Lower and Upper Cretaceous radiolaria and planktonic
foraminifera from the indurated micrites within the Khoy ophiolitic complex of northwestern Iran, Greenhorn Formation of Pueblo,
Colorado, and Duck Creek Formation of Texas. Scale in upper right = number of µm cited for each illustration.

1,2,9 Umbilical and lateral views of Favusella washitensis 7 Ticinella sp. Greenhorn Formation, Pueblo, Colorado.
Carsey extracted from indurated limestone. Upper Scale = 155 µm.
Albian, Duck Creek Formation, Texas. Scale: figure
1= 88 µm, figure 2 = 142 µm, figure 9 = 88 µm. 8 Racemiguembelina sp. Khoy Ophiolitic Complex,
N.W. Iran. Scale = 190 µm.
3,4 Whitinella sp. Greenhorn Formation, Pueblo, Colo-
rado. Scale : figure3 = 144µm, figure4 = 165.5 µm, 10 Globotruncana linneiana (d‘Orbigny) in acidified
figure9 = 129 µm. surface of the rock sample, before rinsing and extract-
ing. Note the differential dissolution of rock matrix
5 Ticinella sp. Duck Creek Formation, Texas. Scale = compared to the foraminifera. Khoy Ophiolitic Com-
160 µm. plex, N.W. Iran. Scale = 175.5 µm.
6 Schackoina sp. Khoy Ophiolitic Complex, N.W. Iran. 11-13 Lower Cretaceous calcified radiolaria in acidified sur-
Scale = 109 µm. face of the rock sample, before rinsing and extracting.
Note the differential dissolution of rock matrix com-
pared to calcified radiolaria. Figure 11: Pantanellium

Seyed Mohsen Karaminia Plate 2

micropaleontology, vol. 50, no. 3, 2004 305

Seyed Mohsen Karaminia : Extraction of calcified Radiolaria and other calcified microfossils from micritic limestone utilizing Acetic acid

trated acetic acid (Tur et al 2001, Lethiers et al 1988). With this LETHIERS, F., CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S., 1988. Comment extraire les
method time span can be reduced to30 minutes to 8 hours by microfossiles á tests calcitiques des roches calcaires dures. Revue de
diluting acetic acid to 75% and processing at the room tempera- Micropaléontologie, 31: 56-61.
ture. Text figure 5 compares this modified method and those of
LIRER, F. , 2000. A new technique for retrieving calcareous
Tur (2001), and Lirer (2000). Other studies lack the illustrations
microfossils from lithified lime deposits. Micropaleontology, 46:
of extracted microfossils and are not discussed herein. 365-369.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MOURA, J. C. et al., 1999. Using acids to extract calcareous
This work was supported in part by NSF EAR0074120 awarded microfossils from carbonate rocks. Micropaleontology, 45(4):
to Dr. Emile A. Pessagno, Jr. I would like to thank Dr. Emile 429-436.
Pessagno for his continuous support, and critical reading of
MOURA, J. C. et al., 1996. An alternative method for extracting calcare-
manuscript. I thank Dr. James Carter, Dr. Ignacio Pujana, and ous microfossils from carbonatic rocks. Anais da Academia
Mrs. Narjes Sabety for their aid in technical phase. I wish to ex- Brasileira de Ciencias, 68(2): 268-269.
press my appreciation to Dr. Ignacio Pujana and Ms. Dragana
Nebrigic for reviewing the manuscript. PESSAGNO, E. A. Jr., Newport, R. L. 1972. A technique for extracting
Radiolaria from radiolarian cherts. Micropaleontology, vol. 18, no.
REFERENCES 2, pp. 231-234.
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Manuscript received May 17, 2004
Manuscript accepted May 17, 2004


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