Research Proposal

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Research Proposal

Research Proposal

Student Name : Rithvik Anantharaman

Pathway : B.A. (Hons.) Culinary Arts

WORKING TITLE : Current market situation of Public houses(Pub) and an analytical

insight on plausible concepts to expedite profitability via expressing cross sectional view
points .


The study will primarily focus on the concept of a pub . The concept will be located in
one of the India’s most sought after metropolitan cities , Chennai in Tamil Nadu .
Highlights of various Pubs and Bars found in the geography will be assessed and
critiqued and an attempt will be made to bring out the reason as to why pubs and
beverage exclusive establishments are not bountiful in and around the city when
compared to other metro’s and mini metro’s . Various new concepts that add to the value
of the establishment will also be suggested and adequate survey will be conducted in this
discipline to prove the approval of these concepts by general public . Doyens and
entrepreneurs who are in this field will be approached to gain an insight on the trends and
the viability of such establishments in the desired market place .


A “public house” , more colloquially known as a pub is a licensed establishment to serve

alcoholic beverages within its premises .Typically , pubs serve beverages like beer ,
wines , spirits , cocktails and most of them have started marketing and up selling their
non-alcoholic beverages like mocktails and soft drinks . A pub is very similar in nature
to other establishments licensed to serve alcohol like inns , taverns and bars . These
establishments were predominantly famous in the United Kingdom as it was and
continues to be of the most common ways to socialise with new people and share ideas .
Most of them are centred on an idea or a theme as it is an ‘experience’ that is sold . Every
customer and patron who walks into a pub comes in search of an experience which will
be expected to greatly surpass the normal experience of purchasing and consuming
alcohol in the confinement of his own private space . These requirements are being
manifested as new concepts , each one trying to outdo the existing market competition
and as a result, giving birth to new trends and various innovations.

Anantharaman.R (C-1238)
Research Proposal

Pubs , as a concept in India is still metamorphosing and changing itself everyday . It is a

widely acknowledged fact that the Indian culture and population is very diverse and with
diversity comes a want of difference. This fact can be further understood when
comparing cities like Goa and Bangalore. Goa, being a tourist intensive destination has
more of an international clientele that frequents its hot spots for a major part of the year
and hence the numerous number of establishments to support and amalgamate the various
cultures of people that visit . On the other hand, Bangalore being more of an industry and
business oriented metro city , has a clear cut definition of its target which predominantly
consists of the local population and a few tourists .

The Focus of attention of this research will be to conceptualise a pub business in one of
the most potential metro cities , Chennai , in Tamil Nadu . This is city has a considerable
amount of night life , but most of it restricted to clubs in 5 star hotels . The epicentre of
this study will mainly base itself upon standalone pubs which are very scarcely found
around the city . The main clientele for this business model is between the age group of
21 – 45 and with constant globalisation of the markets , there is an increased need for
places to meet and socialise . The majority of establishments dwell in the depths of the
hotels which come with an expensive price tag . A price range that is easily affordable is
the main concern of the mentioned age group .

The night life culture is still quite visibly in its blackboard stage in the city of Chennai .
Pub concepts, conceptualised and implemented , will definitely yield great results .


The generation that forms the majority of Chennai city is a generation that loves music in
any form . Pub culture in the Indian context primarily revolves around good music and
good alcohol . Music in its various forms will be the forerunner of the pub . It will feature
various concepts like karaoke nights , Jukebox’s for individual music selection , live band
nights . Along with this will be a large projection screen holding multiplayer gaming
nights and slot machines . There will be one day dedicated to a quiet night where the
atmosphere of the environment would give patrons a heightened new experience and gives
them an opportunity to interact and make conversation primary to use the space as a
platform for socialisation .

Anantharaman.R (C-1238)
Research Proposal

Around the city of Chennai , Pubs primarily have a unidirectional goal; to serve alcohol .
There are several customers who visit these pubs and consume a very limited amount of
alcohol due to the fear of having to travel back to their accommodations . To counter
this , a concept that will provide facilities for customers to rest after consumption and a
healthy breakfast to be served the following morning keeping in mind the consumption
of the alcohol on the previous day will also be an added feature in the portfolio of the
establishment . This revenue model will be clubbed with transportation services at two
points of the day , one after consumption of alcohol , i.e. during the night , and the
following morning .

These services and concepts are not available in the city and most of the pubs/bars
revolve around a very neutral theme and concentrate mostly on serving quality beverages
and quality entertainment in the form of dance floors with Disc Jockey’s providing

As far as design is concerned for the conceptualisation of the establishment by putting in

the various new concepts to materialize profitability , an apt pub design is of at most
importance with just the right kind of interiors , adequately skilled and talented personnel
, decors that match the interiors like a hand in a glove , etc, are some of the most
important factors which also highly adds to the overall profitability of the establishment
resulting in a successful operation .

The USP of the concept pub is to break away from the stereotype and create change , a
never ending need .

Anantharaman.R (C-1238)
Research Proposal


• To delve into the reason as to why the concept of a pub is not catching up in the
city of Chennai

• To analyse how the existing pubs/bars have the grasp of the target sector and to
critically study the methods employed to yield a successful operation .

• To examine the target audiences openness to change in the services provided by

existing establishments .

• To canvas the spectrum of concepts that result in the success of establishments

around the world .

• To document the opinions of experts in this field as to where they see the
business in the near future and the scope for its growth .


• Chennai is a city with population that is just in the process of exposure and to
many , the pub culture is an alien culture .

• When available , at pocket friendly prices with innovative and customer friendly
new concepts , a successful revenue model is established .

This research will be instrumental in answering and eliminating the following

questions and doubts :

• How the target market would respond to the innovative concepts to be induced
into the work system of the establishment .

• As per the current situation , why there are very limited number of pubs in the

• What is the reason for the existing leaders in the business to have such a great
hold on the existing customer share .

• What would be the future prospects for a pub business in Chennai

• What do prospective consumers typically look into when choosing a Pub .

Anantharaman.R (C-1238)
Research Proposal

• What are the major insecurities that are experienced by different categories of
customers when they consume alcohol in the setting of a Public house .


Primary Research

This research will typically involve the collection of data that is not available
elsewhere . It will carried on through Qualitative research methods and will primarily
focus on getting information from industry experts and members who are closely related
to the working of these kind of establishments via methods like engaging in a discourse
or receiving a lecture from them .

The method of ‘observation’ will be a key research method in this field . Standalone
pubs and those attached to hotels shall be visited and observed closely for understanding
their work concepts along with their USP’s and what makes them a valid choice for the
target market .

Open ended questionnaires will also be made and filled by respondents to get an
immediate feel about the pulse of the targeted public .

Secondary Research :

Secondary research will primarily involve retrieving information from various existing
sources of information like government internet presented ortals , newspapers ,
magazines and articles . Data such as facts and figures shall be presented from various
sources regarding the various information required .



During the course of this research , under no circumstances will details regarding
personal identity like name of an individual or a respondent shall be revealed unless and
until told to do so .

All data used in this research will be rightfully sourced or prior permission will be
received for their usage .

This research shall conform to all the norms of the university .

Anantharaman.R (C-1238)
Research Proposal


Taylor.J.D (2000) Bars Pubs Cafes , Rockport Publishers inc,.

Blyth.D (2003) Pubs, Bars & Clubs Handbook, Kogan Publishers Ltd.

Panneerselvam.R (2004) Research Methodology ,Prentice Hall Pvt. Ltd.


1. “Public Houses” (Online)

Available at
Accessed on [16th October 2010]
2. “Minimum age Limits World Wide” (Online)
Available at <>

Accessed on [16th October 2010]

3. “Night life in India” (Online)

Available at <>

Accessed on [17th October 2010]

Anantharaman.R (C-1238)

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