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Beijing 6 airplanes NR

Beijing Capital airport departure information V 1510Z. Takeoff RWY 36L, 36R, RWYs 36L and
36R independent parallel departure, RWY 36L initial heading 330, 36L initial altitude 1200 m,
36R initial heading 360, 36R initial altitude 1500 m. RWY 36L surface condition wet. RWY
36R surface condition wet. Surface wind 270 degrees, 07 m/s, wind variable between 240 and
320 degrees. Visibility 2000 m, shower, drizzle, thunderstorm, temperature +23, dew point 22,
QNH 1000. Delivery frequency 1  121.6, delivery frequency 2  121.65, departure frequency 1
119.7, departure frequency 2 120.6. Attention: when taxi make … On initial contact advise
controller you have V.

Beijing Capital airport arrival information R 1510Z. Landing RWY 36L, ILS approach, 01 ILS
approach RWY 36L and 01 dependent parallel instrument approaches. RWY 36L surface
condition wet. RWY 01 surface condition wet. Surface wind 270 degrees, 07 m/s, wind variable
between 240 and 320 degrees. Visibility 2000 m, shower, drizzle, thunderstorm, temperature
+23, dew point 22, QNH 1000. Attention: when taxi … On initial contact advise controller you
have R.

4. KHB 339, resume confirm squawk

5. KHB 339, squawk 1222, radar contact, descend and maintain 3600 m
6. KHB 339, descend and maintain 3600 m, rate of descent 3000 feet/min for spacing
8. KHB 319, descend and maintain 9800 m
10. KHB 330, confirm I, J, M, F9
11. KHB 330, confirm stand 209 and destination UHHH
12. KHB 330, departure RWY 36R, follow YV 32D Departure, initial altitude 1500 m on
QNH, squawk 4100, Departure frequency 120.6
13. KHB 330, route level 8900 m
15. KHB 330, 11300 m not available, … descend 8900 m
16. KHB 330, report ready
17. KHB 330, pushback and startup approved RWY 36R
19. KHB 311, good evening, radar contact, descend and maintain 9200 m
21. KHB 322, stand by
23. KHB 320, confirm destination UHHH
24. KHB 320, roger, stand by, call you back
25. KHB 330: Сломалось буксировочное водило
26. KHB 330, understand you have a tow bar broken, stand by, I’ll call you back
27. KHB 319, report Mach number (M 0.81)
28. KHB 319, roger, continue descent and maintain 9400 m
30. KHB 339, go ahead, please
31. KHB 339, … 209
5 транзитных пассажиров на рейс Singapore Air 128 отправление 16:20 + 1 больной
пассажир, необходимо кресло-коляска.
32. KHB 339, say your quick request
33. Say again, please, slowly
34. KHB 339, how many transit passengers do you have?
35. KHB 339, I’d like to find out their flight number and the departure time
36. KHB 339, ok, we’ll get in touch with Singapore Air representative
37. KHB 339, say again, do you need stretchers?
38. KHB 339ok, we’ll inform the Ground Handling Service and I hope the wheelchair will be
at your disposal upon arrival.
39. KHB 319, continue descent and maintain 8400 m
40. KHB 330, we don’t have a tow bar for your aircraft type. We look for an appropriate one.
41. KHB 311, continue descent and maintain 8400 m
42. KHB 320
43. KHB 320, departure RWY 36L, follow YV 11 D Departure, initial altitude 1200 m on
QNH, squawk 3002, departure frequency 120.6
44. KHB 320, read back correct, report ready
45. KHB 320, face east push back and startup approved
46. KHB 322, confirm stand number
47. KHB 322, cleared to destination UHHH, departure RWY 36L, when airborne heading
360, radar vector to join YV 11 D Departure, initial altitude 1200 m on QNH, when
airborne contact 120.6, squawk 3020
48. KHB 322, cruising level 8900 m on standard
49. KHB 322, contact 121.9
50. KHB 322, push … RWY 36L face east
51. KHB 319, descend and maintain 7200 m now
52. KHB 339, maintain 4200 m due to traffic
53. KHB 319, report indicated speed
54. KHB 319, for spacing reduce to 260 knots, continue descent and maintain 6600 m
55. KHB 339, contact Beijing Approach 120.6, good day
56. KHB 339, follow GITUM 01 RWY 01
58. KHB 319, this is Air China Operation, please say again your call sign
59. KHB 319, I want to know your call sign, please say it slowly, thank you
60. KHB 319, THB 319 correct
61. KHB 319
62. KHB 319, hold on, please
64. KHB 320, TWY Z2, F, Z4, C, RWY 36L
66. KHB 330, push back and start up approved, RWY 36R
68. KHB 322, TWY Z2, hold short of Z3
69. KHB 339, fly heading 190
70. KHB 319, …
71. KHB 319, are you parking stand 210?
72. KHB 319, descend and maintain 4200 m
73. KHB 311, descend and maintain 6000 m
74. KHB 322, taxi via Z3, hold short of Z4
75. KHB 330: несимметричный выпуск закрылков, необходимо вернуться на стоянку,
чтобы решить эту проблему
76. KHB 330, say again you information and your request
77. KHB 330, do you need to go back into the gate?
78. KHB 330, taxi to the gate
79. KHB 319: на борту преждевременные роды
80. KHB 319, understood you have a medical emergency. Could you give me more
information, please?
81. KHB 319, roger, what condition is the patient in right now?
82. KHB 319, roger, what assistance do you need upon arrival?
83. KHB 319, roger, stand by
84. KHB 319, emergency medial services alerted
85. KHB 339, descend and maintain 3000 m on QNH 1000
86. KHB 320, contact 124.3, good day
87. KHB 320, Tower, line up and wait RWY 36L
88. KHB 322, turn left via Z4 and C, hold at holding point 6
89. KHB 322, hold at holding point 6
90a. KHB 339: Запросить курс 170 для обхода грозы
90. KHB 339, could you accept heading 180 to avoid bad weather?
91. KHB 339, roger, heading 180 approved
92. KHB 319, contact Beijing Approach 120.6, good day
93. KHB 319, follow GITUM 01 Arrival RWY 01
94. KHB 339, descend and maintain 2500 m until on QNH
95. KHB 319, descend 3900 m, reduce speed 250
96. KHB 311, continue descent and maintain 3900 m 2000 feet per minute
97. KHB 320, advise: there are birds in the vicinity of the aerodrome. Be cautious during
98. KHB 320, wind calm, RWY 36L cleared for takeoff
99. KHB 322, contact 124.3, good day
100. KHB 322, copied hold short RWY
102. KHB 311, go ahead, please
103. KHB 311, are your parking base 211?
104. KHB 320, contact Approach 120.6
105. KHB 320, Beijing Departure, climb and maintain 2100 m
106. KHB 339: Обход грозы завершен
107. KHB 339, roger, on heading 200
108. KHB 320: Отказ двигателя №1, попадание птицы, возврат на аэродром
вылета, необходима выработка топлива до посадочного веса
109. KHB 320, Beijing Approach, we see flames and smoke from your left engine. Is
everything OK?
110. KHB 320, your engine No 1 has ingested birds. Are you declaring an emergency?
111. KHB 320, state persons on board
112. KHB 320, say intentions
113. KHB 320, turn right direct to HUR, climb to 3000 m, cleared to hold on 029
Radial over HUR VOR between HUR VOR and GITUM, maintain 3000 m, inbound
track 209, right hand pattern. Read back
114. KHB 339, descend and maintain 2400 m on QNH
115. KHB 319, descend to 3600 m
116. KHB 319, speed 220 knots
117. KHB 339, contact Beijing Final 119.0, good day
118. KHB 339, Beijing Final, RWY 01, maintain 2400 m
119. KHB 322, about 4-5 min. I’ll call you
120. KHB 311, contact Approach 120.6
121. KHB 311, radar vectoring RWY 36L
122. KHB 311: запросить курс 255 в течение 10 миль для обхода грозы
123. KHB 311, confirm heading 255. How many miles?
124. KHB 311, confirm how many miles on heading 255
125. KHB 311, confirm 10 miles
126. KHB 311, roger
127. KHB 330: готов к буксировке
128. KHB 330, push back and start up approved RWY 36L
129. KHB 319, descend to 3000 m, QNH 1000
130. KHB 339, descend and maintain 1500 m
131. KHB 322, line up and wait RWY 36L
132. KHB 311: Обход грозы завершен
133. KHB 311, turn left heading 170
134. KHB 339, descend and maintain 900 m
135. KHB 319, descend to 2700 m
136. KHB 322, weather radar …
137. KHB 322: взлет невозможен из-за грозы
138. KHB 322, taxi straight ahead, take the firs right, turn on TWY P1 and contact
Ground 121.9
139. KHB 322, hold at holding point 6
140. KHB 330: готов к рулению
141. KHB 330, taxi via Z2, F, hold short of W2
142. KHB 339, … descend and maintain 600 m
143. KHB 319, heading 190
144. KHB 319, descend to 2100 m
145. KHB 311, reduce speed to 220
146. KHB 322, suggest you hold there for a few minutes, the thunderstorm is rapidly
approaching the far end of the runway
147. KHB 330, hold short of W2, contact Tower 118.5, good day
148. KHB 330, stand by, call you back
149. KHB 339, turn right heading 270
150. KHB 319, heading 180
151. KHB 311, direct to PEK
152. KHB 339, direct heading 240, intercept localizer RWY 01
153. KHB 311, descend and maintain 2700 m, QNH 1000
154. KHB 319, descend to 1200 m
155. KHB 339, cleared VOR approach RWY 01
156. KHB 339, contact Tower 118.6, good day
157. KHB 339, Beijing Rower, QNH 0999, RWY 01
158. KHB 339, QNH 0999
159. KHB 322, contact 124.3, good day
160. KHB 322, Line up and wait RWY 36L
161. KHB 319, speed 180 knots
162. KHB 319, descend to 900 m
163. KHB 339, wind calm, RWY 01, gate 1
164. KHB 319, descend to 600 m
165. KHB 311, after PEK heading 180, contact 119.0, good day
166. KHB 311, on final RWY 36L, descend and maintain 1500 m
167. KHB 330, confirm reaching W2 the holding point
168. KHB 330, Line up RWY 36R
169. KHB 339, contact 121.75, good day
170. KHB 339, Ground, taxi via K, T5, hold short of H
171. KHB 319, turn right heading 270 for base
172. KHB 322, weather radar. Can you depart fly heading?
173. KHB 322: запросить взлет по прямой
174. KHB 322, confirm on RWY heading
175. KHB 322, stand by
176. KHB 330, confirm you are on RWY 36R ready
177. KHB 330, wind 270 degrees at 3 minutes per second cleared for takeoff
178. KHB 319, turn left heading 330, intercept localizer RWY 01
179. KHB 322, surface wind 230 degrees RWY 36L cleared for takeoff, when airborne
continue RWY heading, radar vectors
180. KHB 330, Beijing … radar contact, climb and maintain 5400 m on standard
181. KHB 319, cleared for ILS approach RWY 01
182. KHB 322, contact Departure 120.6, good day
183. KHB 322, Beijing Departure, climb and maintain 5400 m on standard
184. KHB 311, fly heading 270 descend and maintain 900 m
185. KHB 320: выработка топлива завершена
186. KHB 320, heading 190, follow GITUM 01 RWY 01
187. KHB 319, contact Tower 118.6, good day
188. KHB 319, good evening, Tower, continue RWY 01
189. KHB 311, fly heading 330 to intercept localizer RWY 36L
190. KHB 339, continue taxi via G, hold short of A8
191. KHB 319, surface wind 100 degrees 2m/s RWY 01 cleared to land
192. KHB 322: запросить курс в течение 10 миль для обхода грозы
193. KHB 322, to avoid 030 is approved
194. KHB 322, how many miles are heading 030?
195. KHB 322, roger
196. KHB 319, go on 121.75, good day
197. KHB 319, taxi via K northbound, hold short of T5
198. KHB 311, cleared for ILS approach RWY 36L
199. KHB 311, attention all aircraft, RWY 36L arrival microburst alert, be on the alert
for windshear 35 knots loss 1 mile final threshold wind now 250 degrees and 24 knots
watch out for any microburst activity. Be careful on short final
200. KHB 311, confirm you can make normal approach RWY 36L
201. KHB 311, contact Tower 124.3, good day
202. KHB 311, good evening, Tower, QNH 1000, surface wind 300 degrees 30 m/s
RWY 36L cleared to land
203. KHB 320, descend to 2100 m
204. KHB 339, contact 121.9, good day
205. KHB 339, turn left via A8, hold short of RWY 36R
206. KHB 319, taxi T5, hold short of H
207. KHB 311: сильный сдвиг ветра, уход на второй круг
208. KHB 311, contact Approach 120.6
209. KHB 311, Beijing Approach, roger, turn left heading 320 to intercept Radial 359
SZY, then climb 2100 m on QNH
210. KHB 320, heading 180
211. KHB 320, descend to 1200 m
212. KHB 339, contact Tower 118.5, good day
213. KHB 339, confirm wait RWY 36R A8, turn left F, contact 121.9, good day
214. KHB 339, taxi via F22, stand N209
215. KHB 311, you’re 12 miles north of SZY, make left turn, climb 2100, depart SZY
heading 100
216. KHB 330, contact 124.55, good day
217. KHB 330, Beijing … , good morning, climb and maintain 7500 m
218. KHB 320, descend 600 m
219. KHB 320, turn right heading 270 for base
220. KHB 322: обход грозы завершен
221. KHB 322, confirm you are able to fly direct to YV
222. KHB 322, turn left direct to YV
223. KHB 319, report a follow-me car in sight
224. KHB 319, follow follow-me car
225. KHB 311, proceed direct to PEK VOR, maintain 2100 m and hold as published.
Expect approach time at 16:55
226. KHB 320, turn right heading 330, intercept localizer RWY 01
227. KHB 322, contact Control 134.2
228. KHB 322, …, maintain 8900 m
229. KHB 320, cleared for ILS approach RWY 01
230. KHB 330, Beijing Approach
231. KHB 330, climb and maintain 7500 m initially
232. KHB 311, after PEK heading 180, contact 119.0, good day
233. KHB 311, resume final arrival RWY 36L, descend and maintain 1500 m
234. KHB 320, contact Tower 118.6, good day
235. KHB 320, wind calm RWY 01 cleared to land
236. KHB 330, climb and maintain 11300 m
237. KHB 332, maintain 9500 m
238. KHB 311, fly heading 270, descend and maintain 900 m
239. KHB 339, confirm marshaller in sight
240. KHB 339, good day
241. KHB 320, contact 121.75, good day
242. KHB 320, Beijing Ground, good evening, taxi via K, U2, J to maintenance apron
243. KHB 311, heading 330 to intercept localizer RWY 36L
244. KHB 319, contact 121.8, good day
245. KHB 319, follow the follow-mw car
246. KHB 311, cleared for ILS approach RWY 36 L, contact Tower 124.3, good day
247. KHB 311, good evening, Tower, Surface wind 330 degrees 2 m/s, RWY 36L
cleared to land
248. KHB 322, …
249. KHB 322, did you receive ELB transmission 100 DME over PEK VOR?
250. KHB 322, we have emergency situation. We have lost radar contact with
helicopter NAC 301. He has not been responding for 30 minutes. Could you call him on
frequency 133.4?
251. KHB 322, call sign is NAC 301
252. KHB 322, thank you
253. KHB 311, contact Ground 121.9, bye-bye
254. KHB 311, via TWY C, hold short of Z2
255. KHB 330, radar service terminated, contact 125.95, good day
256. KHB 311, contact 121.8
257. KHB 311, Ground, taxi via Z2 for parking bay 211
258. KHB 322, radar service terminated, contact Control 115.9, good day

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