Antioxidants For Cancer

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Oncologist ®

Clinical Pharmacology
Commentary: Antioxidants for Cancer: New Tricks for an Old Dog?


Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern

Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA

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Disclosures: Nima Sharifi: Research funding: Prostate Cancer Foundation
The content of this article has been reviewed by independent peer reviewers to ensure that it is balanced, objective, and free from
commercial bias. No financial relationships relevant to the content of this article have been disclosed by the independent peer

Traditionally, the main focus of the importance of reac- fects of antioxidants on tumor cells, along with the
tive oxygen species (ROS) in oncology is that these spe- evidence that the route of administration of antioxi-
cies induce DNA damage, leading to a predisposition to dants in earlier clinical trials for cancer could not
cancer. However, it has recently been shown that ROS achieve pharmacologically effective levels, suggests that
may have an alternative activity, by modulating tumor antioxidants may serve as bona fide signal transduction
cell signaling. Moreover, tumor cell signaling mediated modifiers for cancer. A re-examination of the current
by ROS is readily reversible upon treatment with anti- evidence and further study is clearly warranted. The On-
oxidants. This emerging evidence on the molecular ef- cologist 2009;14:213–215

Over two decades ago, reports of a role for the utility of oxidants in combination with other treatments, such as che-
ascorbate for use in cancer [1] were effectively dismissed motherapy and radiation, which is beyond the scope of the
with the completion of two double-blind, placebo-con- discussion here [7, 8]. Recently, several preclinical studies
trolled clinical trials of oral ascorbate that showed no effect have suggested a critical role of reactive oxygen species
on survival in patients with advanced cancer [2, 3]. How- (ROS) for tumor signaling and growth, along with revers-
ever, later studies determined that the oral bioavailability ibility of these ROS-mediated mechanisms that is achiev-
with the doses used in those studies gave a much lower ex- able with antioxidants [9 –11]. This emerging evidence
posure than i.v. administration, which was done with earlier raises the question of whether we should revisit the issue of
nonrandomized trials that suggested a benefit [4]. Other a potential utility of antioxidants for cancer therapy.
studies have investigated a potential role for N-acetylcyste- Free radicals or ROS have a well-established role in the
ine (NAC) with or without vitamin A for the management initiation of cancer through effects on DNA damage that re-
of lung and head and neck cancers and have also not shown sult in mutations, leading to the activation of oncogenes and
efficacy [5]. However, oral administration of NAC, which loss of tumor suppressor gene function [12]. It is in this con-
was used in this study, largely undergoes first-pass metab- text that ROS are typically thought of in a link to cancer and
olism and is also scarcely bioavailable [6]. It should be in which antioxidants have been posited to play a potential
noted that numerous other studies have tested various anti- role in cancer chemoprevention. However, ROS also have
Correspondence: Nima Sharifi, M.D., Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas South-
western Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75390-8852, USA. Telephone: 214-645-5910; Fax: 214-648-5915;
e-mail: Received October 6, 2008; accepted for publication February 2, 2009; first published online
in The Oncologist Express on March 5, 2009. ©AlphaMed Press 1083-7159/2009/$30.00/0 doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.2008-0219

The Oncologist 2009;14:213–215

214 Antioxidants for Cancer

multiple and diverse effects on cell signaling [13]. For ex- activity and that direct targeting of ROS with antioxidants
ample, ROS play a role in the activation of the c-myc onco- may reverse this process.
gene [14] and the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1 A third recent study showed that the spectrum of antitu-
transcription factor [15], which are both critical tumor sig- mor activity in mouse models is broad, with ascorbate
naling mechanisms that drive growth and proliferation. blunting the growth of several types of tumors, including
These and other signaling pathways may be modified by in- ovarian carcinoma, pancreatic carcinoma, and glioblastoma
creasing or decreasing the intracellular levels of ROS. Re- [11]. Importantly, the concentrations required for activity
cent evidence suggests that ROS-dependent signals are are similar to those achievable in humans treated with i.v.
required for tumor growth and that altering levels of ROS ascorbate [11]. Surprisingly, this line of investigation
with antioxidants or pro-oxidants could modulate tumor showed that hydrogen peroxide concentrations increase
growth. with ascorbate administration and that ascorbate effectively
HIF-1 activation occurs under hypoxic conditions. Al- functions as a pro-oxidant, rather than an antioxidant.
though counterintuitive, hypoxia increases, rather than de- Preliminary evidence further suggests that the down-
creases, ROS, which are mechanistically required for the regulation of manganese superoxide dismutase, a somatic
inactivation of prolyl hydroxylases, leading to the stabiliza- genetic alteration that occurs in castration-resistant prostate

Downloaded from by on July 15, 2010

tion, accumulation, and activation of HIF-1 [15]. Hypoxia- cancer [16], and an increase in ROS are involved in the in-
induced HIF-1 activity was recently found in mouse models duction of molecular features of prostate cancer resistance
to be partially reversible upon treatment with NAC [9] in to hormonal therapy, through the activation of the androgen
prostate and lymphoid-derived tumors, further suggesting receptor [17]. Moreover, ROS-mediated androgen receptor
the importance of the ROS-dependent mechanism of HIF-1 activation is largely reversible upon treatment with NAC
accumulation and activation. Moreover, Myc-mediated tu- [17]. Germline genetic polymorphisms may also play a role
morigenesis in a mouse tumor model, which requires HIF-1 in increasing ROS levels and driving tumor signaling.
activity, is largely reversible upon treatment with NAC and Breast cancer patients with homozygous missense variants
in separate experiments with ascorbate [9]. These findings of NAD(P)H:quinine oxidoreductase 1, which leads to ele-
suggest that reversal of HIF-1 activity with antioxidants is vation of ROS levels, had a shorter survival time from di-
achievable in vivo to such an extent that is sufficient to in- agnosis and from the time of metastasis in two independent
duce antitumor activity. They also suggest that the role of patient cohorts [18]. This suggests that tumors with in-
ROS in driving tumor growth is not limited to a mechanism creased ROS may lead to decreased survival.
involving DNA damage and genomic instability. What should be concluded thus far from these intriguing
A second recent study showed that, in addition to hy- recent studies? First, the effects of ROS on tumor cells ex-
poxic stimulation of ROS, ROS generation also occurs tend beyond their role in DNA damage and in promoting
through other mechanisms and that ROS is involved in reg- early tumorigenesis. Similarly, a potential role for neutral-
ulating tumor metastasis [10]. Mutations in respiratory izers of ROS may exist beyond prevention, after the tumor
complex I in mitochondrial DNA occur in tumors that are is already established. Second, although ROS may modify
highly metastatic. These mutations result in the production cellular signaling that is critical to driving tumor biology,
of high levels of ROS. Transfer of mitochondria with these the effects of ROS are pleiotropic and nonspecific [13].
mutations from highly metastatic tumors conferred meta- Third, the lack of effect of ROS neutralizers seen with well-
static potential to tumors with previously low metastatic conducted randomized studies may be a result of inade-
capability and normal complex I activity. Moreover, quate concentrations [2– 4]. Fourth, a keener understanding
mitochondria with normal complex I activity from cells of how the manipulation of ROS levels affects cell signal-
with low metastatic capability suppressed metastases from ing is critical to developing a potential role for the manip-
previously highly metastatic tumors [10]. This suggests that ulation of ROS in cancer therapy. The explosion of signal
the metastatic “trait” in these cells follows mutant complex transduction modifiers in oncology over the past 10 –15
I and excessive ROS production. Furthermore, cells with years has come mainly in the form of small molecule ty-
mutant complex I had higher levels of HIF-1 than those rosine kinase inhibitors and antibodies targeting cell sur-
with normal complex I, under both normoxic and hypoxic face receptors, or their respective ligands. Drugs that reduce
conditions. Pretreatment of tumor cells with NAC before or otherwise manipulate ROS may be used as signal trans-
injection into mice, as well as direct treatment of mice in- duction modifiers alone or in combination with other signal
oculated with these cells, markedly inhibited metastatic ac- transduction inhibitors.
tivity. These findings demonstrate that ROS generation in Although it is premature to use antioxidants for cancer
cancer cells drives cell signaling that is critical to metastatic therapy, the emerging evidence suggesting that these agents
Sharifi 215

may reverse tumor signaling in preclinical models, along diated signaling should be tested in combination with tar-
with evidence suggesting that earlier trials of antioxidants geted agents for predicted synergy. A more careful
did not achieve biologically active concentrations, begs a assessment of antioxidants for cancer given these recent
re-evaluation. Clearly, the current evidence from clinical preclinical findings may lead to the re-evaluation of a po-
trials for antioxidants in cancer, including several well- tential role for therapy.
conducted and recently completed studies, is overwhelm-
ingly negative [8, 19 –21]. Clinical studies of antioxidants
that characterize the pharmacokinetics of these compounds ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
that also include biomarkers to validate effects on tumor- The author has received grant support from the Prostate
specific signaling are required [9, 10]. Antioxidants given Cancer Foundation. I thank Dr. Barnett Kramer for critical
in a dose and schedule that effectively decrease ROS-me- review of this manuscript and for helpful comments.

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Commentary: Antioxidants for Cancer: New Tricks for an Old Dog?
Nima Sharifi
Oncologist 2009;14;213-215; originally published online Mar 5, 2009;
DOI: 10.1634/theoncologist.2008-0219
This information is current as of July 15, 2010

Updated Information including high-resolution figures, can be found at:

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