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Scan 2013

Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Auto Skills Australia LTD

Level 4, 533 Little Lonsdale StReet
Melbourne, VIC. 3000 Ph: 03 8610 2500 FAX: 03 8610 2550
ABN 44 147 913 200

Current 2013 Board Members: LEYLA YILMAZ (DIRECTOR)

General Manager of Industrial Relations,
Organisation & Employee Development Manager Victorian Automobile Chamber Of Commerce
GM Holden
Manager, Learning & Development Toyota Motor Corporation
Motor Traders’ Association of New South Wales
WARREN BUTLER (DEPUTY CHAIR) Chief Executive Officer
Assistant National Secretary Commercial Vehicle Industry Association
Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union of Queensland
Vehicle Division
BRUCE BUTT (DIRECTOR) Chief Executive Officer
National Service Manager Construction & Mining Equipment Industry Group

PETER BLANSHARD (DIRECTOR) Previous 2012 Board Members:

Chief Executive Officer
Institute of Automotive Mechanical Engineers ALIX SACHINIDIS
National Industrial Officer – Vehicle Division
JOHN CHAPMAN (DIRECTOR) Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union
Chief Executive Officer
Motor Traders’ Association of South Australia ANTHONY MCMULLAN
Chief Executive Officer
STEPHEN MOIR (DIRECTOR) Truck Industry Council
Chief Executive Officer
Motor Trade Association of Western Australia

This publication has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Commonwealth Government
through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
Welcome 2
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Objectives of the Environmental Scan 3

Executive Summary 4

TABLE OF Section 1: 6
Latest Industry Intelligence

CONTENTS Section 2: 22
Identified Workforce Development Needs

Section 3: 51
Current Impact of Training Packages

Section 4: 60
Future Directions for Endorsed
Components of Training Packages

Appendices 65

The 2013 Automotive

E-Scan provides the
latest information and
projected advice on the
condition of automotive
industry sectors, their
workforce planning and
development needs.
Automotive manufacturing has Inputs into the E-Scan have grown
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
2 continued to be challenged by significantly over the past year as
a growing number and range of industry participants see it as an
imported vehicle brands with added ideal way to communicate their
pressure for Australia’s vehicle expectations about the year ahead

export market created by a strong to government. In addition to the
Australian dollar. In the face of these ASA Training Package and Workforce
demands, the Australian car and Development teams feeding their
Reverberations commercial vehicle manufacturing dialogue with industry into the
industries have sought to E-Scan, the Annual E-Scan Survey
from the global achieve further efficiencies while has also proved to be a powerful
financial crisis and maintaining high standards around mechanism for industry participants
vehicle build quality and service. to communicate their thoughts.
a constrained retail This year’s E-Scan survey resulted
environment continue As outlined in this year’s E-Scan, the in a 60% increase in respondents
automotive retail service and repair
to dictate the shape sector could best be described as
from the previous year, which not
only reflects an industry value
and progress patchy, with rapid activity associated in the E-Scan but highlights the
of Australia’s with mining and infrastructure
developments and flat retail
importance of this document in
collecting and condensing industry
automotive industry. environments where markets are intelligence to inform and support
on the periphery of major projects. VET, skills and industry policy
The E-Scan highlights the changing in Australia.
business models that are emerging
in the retail, service and repair I would like to personally thank
sectors of the industry and not industry and other key stakeholders
least the role the motor insurance who have supported the E-Scan’s
industry will play in recasting the development for 2013 and welcome
business models for body repairers their inputs into the work of ASA
in the coming year. over the coming 12 months.

This year’s E-Scan provides more

analysis at a regional level to highlight
some of the disparities between
local and national skills and labour
issues. ASA research analyst Steve
Bletsos has spent significant time
meeting with enterprises in regional
areas to better ascertain local Terry Cubley
business, skills and labour issues Chairman
that will affect industry growth and Auto Skills Australia
productivity in the coming year. February 2013
The role of the E-Scan is intended to be forward looking and
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
3 essentially to act as an early contemporary in nature. The E-Scan
warning mechanism for the defines the boundaries and trends
automotive industry, government in what is a diverse and complex
and the national training system. industry and uses meaningful

It provides the latest information data and analysis to articulate
and projections on the condition a contemporary economic and

of the
of automotive industry sectors, social evaluation. To this extent
their workforce planning and it draws on a range of sources

development needs, and in including industry, its associations
particular their projected reliance and unions, state and Australian
on the national training system over Government training authorities,
the next 12 months. other government departments,
private research organisations and
Building on from last year’s E-Scan, the media.
the 2013 E-Scan aims to add further
value to users by providing both a The E-Scan also draws on
national and state summary analysis ASA’s ongoing engagement with
of the automotive industry and industry, regulators and other
national training system. key stakeholders throughout the
country to ensure the information
The E-Scan is developed over a it uses is accurate and informed.
short but intense time frame so
that it is based on current and The content of this year’s E-Scan
meaningful information. It is not has been validated through
a document that is heavily reliant compiled industry intelligence and
on historical information about intensive industry interviews carried
the automotive industry as it is out between October 2012 and
January 2013.

The 2013 E-Scan aims

to add further value
to users by providing
both a national and
state summary analysis
of the automotive
industry and national
training system.
The automotive industry is a In response to user demand,
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
4 sizeable entity and key contributor this year’s E-Scan has been
to Australia’s economy. The industry expanded to include an analysis
employs just over 371,000 people of state and regional trends within
nationally across 10 different the automotive industry. This

sectors and accounts for 2.6% will provide even greater value
of Australia’s GDP. to all stakeholders in capturing

state-specific issues, industry
The automotive industry has developments and training needs,
experienced fundamental change which can vary significantly across
as of late, and this change will states and territories.
continue to define and shape the
industry over the coming years. The The key messages that
plethora of small business operators arise from the 2013 E-Scan
who make up the overwhelming are as follows:
majority of the industry is
decreasing, and indications are • Employment within the
that this trend will gain momentum automotive industry has
over time. The future profile of decreased by almost 16,000
the automotive industry will be persons within the past 12
leaner, with investment in capital months. The majority of this
equipment and training being a decrease (87%) has occurred
priority for the service and within the Automotive Repair
repair of rapidly evolving motor and Maintenance sector, with the
vehicle technologies. balance largely accounted for by
reductions in the manufacturing
sector. Further employment
reductions and business
consolidation are expected
over the next year.

Maintaining profitability
in the current economic
climate is the most
important consideration
for automotive
• Maintaining profitability in the These messages indicate that
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
5 current economic climate is the structural change will be the norm
most important consideration for the automotive industry in
for automotive businesses. This the years to come. Technology
• Economic conditions are patchy means working longer hours with is a major driver of such change,
for most automotive businesses existing staff levels and resources. as the sophisticated network of
across states and sectors. The computerised vehicle systems,
• A survey of 700 automotive the use of new lightweight vehicle
Motor Vehicle Retailing sector is businesses conducted by Auto
the best performing, particularly componentry and the wider
Skills Australia reveals that 50% adoption of hybrid and battery
for sales of heavy and light vehicles of automotive businesses are
and related servicing activity. electric vehicles over time will
affected by shortages of skilled require considerable investment
Independent, non-franchise labour, and 56.5% expect skill
based mechanical service and in human capital, plant
shortages to affect their business and equipment.
repair workshops have fared the operations over the next 12
worst economically. months. For motor mechanics For those enterprises prepared to
• The number of automotive alone, this translates into a claim a stake in this technological
businesses in operation is national shortage of approximately revolution through better customer
declining at an average rate of 19,000 trained workers during service, training, and a vision for
450 businesses per annum. 2012-13. business growth and career paths,
This is expected to accelerate, there is much to be gained in terms
• Attraction of labour to the of future rewards at the business
with the majority of these automotive industry remains a
business closures being small level and for the automotive
key issue. Competition from other industry as a whole.
businesses employing between industries, negative perceptions of
1-19 employees. the industry and a lack of sufficient
• Most small automotive businesses industry marketing to target
are not hiring apprentices or groups have all contributed to
trainees. This is mainly due to this situation.
reduced levels of consumer • Most automotive businesses
spending on vehicle maintenance, are generally satisfied with the
reduced levels of business quality of training administered by
profitability and heightened automotive training providers in
business uncertainty within each state/territory. An area of real
the local and global economic concern, however, is in relation to
environment. determining levels of competency
among apprentices in training.
A graded system of assessment
for apprentices and trainees
is overwhelmingly preferred
by industry over the current
competent or not-competent
model of assessment.
A New Era for Automotive Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing sector.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
These trends are displayed in Table 1.
The automotive industry is
undergoing a process of Growth in employment has occurred
rationalisation. Downsizing, in some sectors over the past 12
technological and structural change, months, most notably in Motor
SECTION 1 an ageing workforce and business
closures are all issues that typify
Vehicle Retailing (increase of 1886
persons), Bicycle Retailing (increase

Latest Australia’s automotive industry.

Inevitably, these processes will
of 179 persons) and Motor Vehicle and
Parts Wholesaling (150 persons).

change the landscape and profile
of the automotive industry over the As a consequence of these overall
coming years. As a consequence, changes, annual turnover for the

Intelligence this will present both challenges and

opportunities for all stakeholders.
industry has fallen by approximately
$1.1 billion (now $208.1 billion1 ) and
the contribution that the automotive
Despite the trying conditions and level industry makes towards Australia’s
of uncertainty, evidence of success GDP has fallen from 2.7% to 2.6%2.
abounds for many operators. For
those willing to innovate, plan ahead Despite recent falls in employment,
and invest accordingly, the future can the automotive industry remains
be an optimistic one. a sizeable entity and an important
contributor to the Australian
Industry Overview economy.
Compared with last year, Australia’s
Evidence compiled by ASA through
automotive industry has decreased in
industry forums, consultations with
size, with almost 16,000 fewer people
employer groups, associations and
working in the industry. This decline
other stakeholders including detailed
comprises reductions of more than
business survey evidence, reveals
2700 persons in the Motor Vehicles
a key pattern of economic, labour
and Parts Manufacturing sector, and
force, training and policy issues that
a much larger reduction of more than
all point towards a trend for greater
13,700 persons in the Automotive
consolidation within the industry.
Repair and Maintenance sector. A
further decrease of more than 1000
persons is also evident in the Motor

Table 1: Employment by Sector3 – Automotive Industry

ANZSIC SECTOR Persons employed Change in employment

CODE year ended June 2012 over previous year
231 Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 49,500 -2717
2399, 2462, 2491, 2461 Other Related Manufacturing 25,035 -335
350 Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 21,000 +150
391 Motor Vehicle Retailing 69,750 +1886
392 Motor Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing 26,750 -1048
400 Fuel Retailing 36,750 -135
941 Automotive Repair and Maintenance 129,500 -13,791
4241 Bicycle Retailing 4567 +179
4245 Marine Equipment Retailing 4503 +75
4231 Outdoor Power Equipment Retailing* 3900* NA
TOTAL 371,255 -15,736

Source: ABS Labour Force Data; ABS Australian Industry (Cat. No. 8155.0). Modelled Time Series Data.
*Note: Official ABS employment estimates for this sector are unavailable, anecdotal industry estimates are provided.
NA: Estimates not available.
Key Issues Affecting the quite a variable pattern of business
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Automotive Industry activity across states and sectors.
In Queensland, New South Wales,
Business Issues
Victoria, the Northern Territory and
The key issues affecting most
Western Australia, most businesses
businesses within the automotive

within the heavy and light vehicle
industry are economic ones.
repair sectors are performing
Maintaining business profitability
relatively well. In the Northern Territory
Latest within a patchy economic climate is
the most important consideration
especially, positive growth is occurring
in Darwin and Alice Springs within

for many businesses across both
these sectors, driven by resource
the manufacturing and non-
projects and both government and
manufacturing sectors. This

private investment. Less favourable
message is displayed in Figure 1.
conditions are prevalent in North
Figure 1 is derived from the 2013 Queensland where competition, a
Automotive Environmental Scan saturation of automotive businesses,
Survey. This is a national survey of internet part sales and crippling freight
700 businesses across all sectors of costs have diminished the profitability
the automotive industry conducted of many operators within the industry.
by Auto Skills Australia (ASA)
In South Australia, the business
during October/November 2012.
environment is quite patchy, with
Given the large sample size, the
inconsistent levels of activity evident
survey constitutes a rich source of
across the majority of sectors, except
information about businesses
for sales of farm equipment which
within the automotive industry. In
have been quite strong. Tasmania
the survey, 80% of respondents rated
appears to be in the worst shape of
maintaining profitability and more
all states, given that technically it is
than 70% rated economic conditions
in recession, consumer spending
as being their key issues of concern.
is greatly diminished and it has the
The least important issue identified
highest level of unemployment of
by business in the survey is the
all states4. Few or no skill shortages
environment and climate change.
have been reported for Tasmania
The economic message has also by automotive businesses.
been reinforced during discussions
with stakeholders nationally. There is

Figure 1: Key Business Issues Affecting the Automotive Industry (%)

MAINTAINING 80 Significant
gure 1 TECHNOLOGICAL 35.5 Minor

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

ATTRACTION 54.9 Significant

The reason why business In the Motor Vehicle and Parts
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
8 profitability and economic Manufacturing sector, the issue
conditions are so important is that of government policy takes on a
they underpin all other decision different perspective altogether,
making by businesses. Unless with exchange rates, the carbon
the financial underpinnings of tax, an open vehicle market, low
businesses are sound and unless trade barriers and a preference by
economic growth is spread evenly governments towards purchasing
across all states and industry imported vehicles, all being issues
sectors, then investment in both affecting the profitability of vehicle
capital equipment and labour will and parts manufacturers.
be greatly reduced. This is the
situation facing many small business Labour Issues
operators within the automotive Labour force issues were also a
industry at present. prominent theme identified within
the 2013 Automotive Environmental
Another key issue identified in Scan Survey. Regrettably, in the
Figure 1 is government policy. In current economic environment,
the non-manufacturing sector, many businesses are not hiring
MAINTAINING 80 Significant
PROFITABILITY 17.9 this is primarily related to the cost automotive apprentices. Instead,
2 Moderate
of running a business. Increased businesses are looking towards
business overheads in the form
consolidating their existing
16.6 of rising utility prices, workplace workforce. This message is
ECONOMIC insurance premiums,71 occupational demonstrated through Figure 2.
CONDITIONS 25.3 health and safety regulatory
ENVIRONMENT/ 19.4 requirements, payroll tax and other
administrative costs have eroded
the profitability of many smaller
46.7and consequently
18.7 their ability to invest in and build
their business.

Figure 2: Key Labour Issues Over the Next 12 Months (%)

ATTRACTION 54.9 Significant

14.3 Minor


Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Employer priorities are now aimed It is hoped this situation is only
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
9 towards raising the productivity and a temporary one, as it is not in
skills base of existing staff, retaining the long-term interests of the
experienced staff and only hiring automotive industry to neglect
well qualified and experienced hiring apprentices. Ultimately, this
persons. Figure 2 also shows that will have negative repercussions in
managing an ageing workforce is terms of youth withdrawing further
not really a consideration for most from automotive as a career as
employers. Because such older well as degradation of the training
and experienced workers harbour system due to training providers not
considerable knowledge, and are having sufficient apprentice training
precisely the type of employees throughputs to achieve positive
who employers are seeking, they business returns.
will do whatever they can to keep
existing older workers through Skill Shortages
better pay, flexible working hours A further issue highlighted by
and conditions and other measures. industry in the 2013 Automotive
The attraction to quality among Environmental Scan Survey is in
employers is partly a reflection of relation to shortages of skilled
the economic situation affecting labour. Fifty per cent of automotive
businesses, but also due to the fact businesses reported that they were
that such older employees have a affected by shortages of skilled
better understanding of the theory labour. This is consistent with
and underlying working principles of forecasts presented by ASA in last
motor vehicles and consequently year’s Environmental Scan.
are better able to diagnose and Respondents were also asked about
resolve problems as well as relate their expectations concerning skill
with customers. Many employers shortages over the next 12 months.
are also disillusioned with the lack of More than 92% of respondents who
work ethic and limited skills of some were affected by skill shortages
apprentices, having had negative expected them to persist over
experiences with them in the past. the next 12 months. Of the 50% of
respondents not affected by skill
shortages, 56.5% also expected to
experience skill shortages over the
next 12 months.
Overall, these results suggest that been reinforced within forums and
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013 46.7
skilled labour shortages within the
10 18.7 discussions with employer groups
INCREASING automotive industry are expected
50.8 and other stakeholders around
worsen during 2013. Modelling the country. For many employers,
of skill shortages undertaken there is no shortage of candidates
43.2 indicates a shortage of applying for automotive positions.
12.5 approximately 19,000 motor Employers are often bombarded
GOVT POLICY mechanics53.3 during 2012-13. This en masse with hundreds of
13 represents an increase of around résumés from people seeking
3000 persons from 2011-12 levels. employment, but very few have the
required skills to work within the
Figure 3 shows there are two primary industry. Employers are very clearly
reasons espoused by business for exercising a choice, and that is that
these skilled labour shortages. The they areSignificant
ATTRACTION 54.9 not prepared to spend
e2 OF WORKERS main reason recorded by almost time orModerate
invest resources in training
75% of respondents is an attraction
14.3 of labour towards other industries, Minor to an acceptable
new entrants
entry standard. Employers expect
ACHIEVING such as mining and resources.52.1The a certain level of education and
32.1 significant reason competency among applicants that
CURRENT STAFF AND indicated by respondents is the
SKILLS BASE 15.8 is commensurate with the demands
poor quality of candidates applying of modern vehicle technologies and
for jobs within the automotive55.9 customer service requirements.
industry. This issue relates to both As a consequence, many employers
9.4 apprentices and others seeking are now only accepting candidates
work within the industry whose skills with Year 12 as a minimum level
and abilities are not considered as
of education.
This message has also

Figure 3: Primary Reason for Skill Shortages (%)

e3 LOW WAGES 39 Significant

44.4 Moderate
16.6 Minor


Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

A further point of interest, which Occupations in Shortage
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
11 is reflected in Figure 3, is that
Table 2 provides a breakdown
employers do not consider low
of the five main occupations
wages to be a significant factor
in shortage as reported by
contributing to skill shortages. This
respondents in each sector and
is at odds with last year’s results,
weighted according to their overall
where low wage levels rated as the
significance. The most prominent
most important reason for skill
shortages are contained within
shortages. A possible explanation
the Outdoor Power Equipment,
for these changed perceptions
Bicycles, Automotive Repair and
is that most employers are now
Maintenance and Motor Vehicle
paying well above award wages for
and Parts Retailing sectors.
both skilled tradespersons and
apprentices, yet for many attracting
labour remains a key problem.

Table 2: Top 5 Occupations in Shortage, by Automotive Sector

SECTOR Proportion of Reported Weighted average

respondents occupations of occupations
in sector reporting in shortage in shortage

Motor Vehicle And 0% NA NA

Parts Manufacturing
Motor Vehicle 49% Salespersons 52%
And Parts Spare parts interpreters 30%
Automotive dismantler 9%
Parts picker/packer 9%
Motor Vehicle 55% Salespersons 57%
Retailing Administrative staff 27%
Service advisor 16%
Motor Vehicle 53% Parts salesperson 50%
Parts And Spare parts interpreter 25%
Tyre Retailing
Tyre fitter 13%
Wheel aligner 12%
Fuel Retailing 32% Console operator 100%
Automotive 52% Light vehicle mechanic 50%
Repair And Panel beater 14%
Diesel mechanic 12%
Spray painter 12%
Automotive electrician 12%
Bicycle Retailing 50% Bicycle mechanic 62%
Bicycle salesperson 30%
Electric bicycle repairer 3%
Wheel builder 3%
Picker/packer 2%
Marine Equipment 48% Marine mechanic 85%
Retailing Administrative staff 15%
Outdoor Power 59% Small engine mechanic 56%
Equipment Salesperson 19%
Spare parts interpreter 16%
Mechanical assembler 9%

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Impacts of Skill Shortages Sector Trends
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
12 The skilled labour shortages within Motor Vehicle and Parts
the automotive industry are having Manufacturing
profound effects on business Although not the largest sector in
operators. Figure 4 shows that the terms of employment, automotive
most significant effects include the manufacturing has the highest
need to work longer hours (68.1%), profile of all automotive sectors,
followed by business not able to given the unique position it holds
expand (67.7%) and a backlog of as a repository of high-end, value-
work and loss of profits (66.7%
and 62.9% respectively).
added Significant
economic activity. This
44.4 is achieved through significant
Discussions held with automotive investment
Minorin capital equipment,
businesses across both technology and skilled labour,
metropolitan and regional areas 74in culminating in the fact that Australia
INDUSTRIES 17.7 each state support these findings. is in a unique position of being one
8.3 Most businesses are compensating of only 13 countries in the world with
for skill shortages the capability to design and produce
POOR PERCEPTION 50.3by maintaining vehicles from start to finish.
OF AUTO INDUSTRY productivity through working at least
32.1 Automotive manufacturing also
an extra hour or more each day in
17.6 order to process backlogs of work. has multiplier effects that spread
The consequences of this action throughout the supply
is that it is44.4
placing extra stress and chain and wider economy.
pressure on business operators and
staff, with many business operators
reporting that they are unable 69.6
23.4take time off for holidays. As a result
7 of this situation, businesses are not
able to expand or grow.

Figure 4: Impact of Skill Shortages on Businesses (%)

e4 NEED TO WORK 68.1 Significant

LONGER HOURS 23.7 Moderate
8.2 Minor

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

The proportion of locally produced The continued strength of the
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
13 vehicles has halved in less than a Australian dollar, buoyed by capital
decade from more than 400,000 inflows from overseas as a result of
units in 2004-05 to 224,754 units in economic uncertainty in Europe
The health of Australia’s Motor 2011-127. The Ford Motor Company and the US as well as the influence
Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing has been particularly affected as of the minerals and resources
sector has deteriorated. The part of this decline, with production boom, has made imported vehicles,
Australian new vehicle market is falling from approximately 100,000 and even premium brand imports,
very open and competitive. Tariff vehicles per annum in 2004 to more affordable for Australian
protection for the automotive a historic low of 34,415 in 20128. consumers than ever before. In
industry is very low, with an effective Interestingly, the trigger point for addition, fierce price discounting,
average tariff rate of 3.5%5. There are Mitsubishi to close its Australian including zero per cent finance
66 brands of vehicle competing in a manufacturing operations in 2008 deals, has boosted new vehicles
marketplace of approximately one was a fall in sales to 11,000 vehicles, sales. The market is on track for
million new vehicle sales per annum. a decision that Mitsubishi admitted record sales growth.
By contrast the United States and it should have made a lot earlier9.
Australian consumers have also
Great Britain, despite being much However, it is not just the shown a change in preference
larger markets, have only 51 and competitive nature of the new from large locally made passenger
54 brands operating within their vehicle market that has vehicles to smaller and more
markets respectively6. contributed to the decline in local fuel efficient vehicles. This has
Each vehicle brand has etched manufacturing. It is the combination had a detrimental effect on the
out a niche within the Australian of a series of factors acting in traditional production base for
marketplace, thus progressively unison, which have taken their domestic manufacturers.
reducing the market share for toll on the sector.
domestic manufacturers.

Australian consumers
have also shown a
change in preference
from large locally made
passenger vehicles to
smaller and more fuel-
efficient vehicles.
Consequently, local producers The decline in the manufacturing
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
7.4 of both motor vehicles and parts sector has also been exacerbated
INCREASED 53.2production
have had to rationalise through the most unlikely of
LABOUR COSTS volumes 36.9
throughout the year by sources: government fleet
9.9 suspending work during certain purchases. Despite a clear fleet
periods, restructuring the nature vehicle selection policy by the
and extent of their operations and Federal Department of Finance
reducing the size of their workforces. and Deregulation that advocates
Many domestic suppliers of the purchase of Australian-made
automotive parts have either vehicles, all levels of government,
closed their operations or are in the but especially state and local
process of relocating their activities governments, are purchasing a high
offshore. Foreign governments proportion of imported vehicles as
have sought to capitalise or shown in Figure 5.
facilitate this relocation by sending
representatives to Australia to A contributing factor towards this
entice occurrence is that some Australian
TEACHING 19.7local parts suppliers to Very Good
vehicles do not meet the minimum
THE BASICS move overseas. One delegation Good
42 environmental emission standards
from Thailand visited Australia in Average
30.1 imposed by some state and local
late 2012, offering local car parts Poor
8.2 governments in their vehicle
suppliers generous tax breaks
TECHNOLOGY 17.2vastly lower labour costs to
and purchasing policies, particularly in
relocate their operations1038.1
. It is to be New South Wales and Queensland.
expected that many 32.3
vehicle parts Cost factors are also cited by fleet
managers, including the fact that
12.4 suppliers will move offshore in the
coming years, further reducing the many commercial vehicles needed
level of employment within by governments are simply not
the sector. 41.1 made in Australia.

Figure 5: Government Vehicle Sales 2012 YTD – August 2012

e5 FEDERAL Local vehicles

1303 Imported vehicles






Source: Go Auto News, 11 September 2012 / Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, VFACTS.

e6 100,000 15–24 years

25–34 years
Government policy towards Trends in the
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
15 the manufacturing sector also Non-Manufacturing Sector
remains a key issue. Any changes Large losses have occurred within
to the current model of co- the non-manufacturing sector,
investment between government particularly the Automotive Repair
and the vehicle manufacturing and Maintenance sector, which
sector may have repercussions has shed 13,791 positions over
in terms of further employment the past 12 months. In last year’s
reductions or even the withdrawal Environmental Scan, ASA had
of certain manufacturing activities forecast a net loss of approximately
altogether. This issue has certainly 13,000 positions within this sector
been highlighted by prominent during 2012, and this has proven
manufacturers in the media. to be largely correct.
It is clear that governments Being the biggest sector within the
are committed to a low tariff automotive industry, Automotive
environment and an open Repair and Maintenance covers
marketplace for motor vehicles businesses and employees involved
in Australia. The strength of in the repair and servicing of
the Australian dollar and other passenger and commercial vehicles,
cost pressures affecting the motorcycles and automotive
manufacturing sector are also likely electrical systems.
to persist for some time. This will
amount to even leaner and more As with the manufacturing sector,
efficient manufacturing operations there is a combination of factors
in the future. acting in unison that is responsible
for the large loss in employment
Governments can ameliorate the within the sector.
loss of employment within the
sector by providing policy certainty. First, automotive mechanics or
The manufacture of motor vehicles technicians continue to be attracted
requires considerable lead times away from the sector towards
and a decision made today to other industries such as mining and
produce a new vehicle model will resources, albeit at a slower rate
not come to fruition as a production than last year. This is especially the
run until many years into the case in the mining states of Western
future. It is therefore imperative Australia, Queensland, South
that the right investment decisions Australia and the Northern Territory,
are made by manufacturers and is primarily related to issues of
within a clear government policy remuneration11. In the non-mining
setting or framework. Also, stricter states, particularly New South Wales
policy directives for all levels of and Victoria, the influence of the
government to purchase Australian mining sector is not as pronounced
made fleet vehicles is a further and skilled labour is moving away
initiative that would be of great from the automotive industry for a
assistance. This is something myriad of other reasons.
the Federal Government has
announced it would consider.
A crucial factor is that
32.3the This cultural shift among youth is
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
automotive industry is losing its not just unique to Australia. Studies
16 12.4
appeal among today’s generation conducted in the United States
of youth. Although the Australian by the Frontier Research Group in
labour force has grown by more 41.1than 2012, indicate a shift by American
two million people since 200312, youth away from driving due to
10.2 the participation of automotive road congestion, cost factors and
apprentices in the labour force the ability of people on buses
ASSESSMENT 13.3as reflected by the number of and subways to stay plugged
apprentices in training 35.8
has remained into their social networks without
flat at an average rate of36.3
29,500 a being distracted with driving14. As
year over the period13. This suggests a consequence, the proportion of
that progressively, more and more people in the United States under
young people are choosing not 35 years of age without a driver’s
to enter into a career within the licence has risen to 26%.
automotive industry.
Compounding the effect of a
Discussions by ASA with employer cultural shift among youth is an
e5 FEDERAL Local vehicles
groups, industry bodies and other ageing demographic profile of the
1303 Imported vehicles
stakeholders confirm that today’s automotive workforce in Australia.
youth are less attracted to the There are 37,000 automotive
1450 automotive culture of previous tradespersons employed between
generations. Personal mobility and the ages of 55–64, a rise of
interaction for young people has more than 18% since 2006-07.
been redefined through use of the Additionally, there has been more
internet, social
9668media and smart than a doubling of people employed
phone technology. Fiddling under who are 65 years or older from
the hood of a motor vehicle is not 3000 to 6500 over the same
an interest or passion aspired 16,250
to period. These trends are shown
by many young people today. in Figure 6.



Figure 6: Automotive and Engineering Trade Workers Employed by Age Cohort

e6 100,000 15–24 years

25–34 years
35–44 years
80,000 45–54 years
55–64 years
65+ years




06–07 07–08 08–09 09–10 10–11 11–12

Source: ABS Labour Force Australia, Detailed Quarterly Oct 2012 (Cat. No. 6291.0.55.003).
Data from the Australian Bureau requirements for the automotive
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
17 of Statistics also supports an industry. These are Automotive
increasing trend of business Manufacturing (AUM) and
closures within the automotive Automotive Retail, Service and
The rising proportion of people industry. Since 2008, there has been Repair (AUR). There are 63
employed within these age cohorts an average of 450 business closures qualifications embedded within the
suggests that potentially there per annum within the automotive latest version of these combined
may be a loss of many thousands industry, according to records from training packages and there are
of people within the automotive the Australian Taxation Office15. Most 245 registered training organisations
industry due to retirements over of these business closures (85%) delivering automotive
the next few years. Consultations have been small business with qualifications nationally16.
and discussions conducted by ASA between 1-19 employees and the
majority are within the Automotive In the Automotive Manufacturing
with business operators around (AUM) Training Package there were
the country confirm that this Repair and Maintenance sector.
It is expected that the rate of 510 students enrolled during 2011,
scenario is already happening. In of which 429 were apprentices
addition, responses collected from business closures will escalate
over the coming years in and trainees undertaking training.
businesses in the 2013 Automotive In the AUR Training Package there
Environmental Scan Survey indicate accordance with the ageing
profile and retirement intentions were 40,317 students enrolled
that many business operators have during 2011, of which 26,903
intentions of retiring or closing their of many business operators.
were apprentices and trainees
businesses in the very near future. undertaking training17. The AUR
Vocational Education
This will have a major impact on the Training Package ranks as the sixth
and Training
industry given that the entry of new most used training package for
recruits is not occurring at levels ASA is responsible for the apprentices and trainees in training,
that are sufficient to replace these development and maintenance out of the 70 training packages
older or retiring workers. of two training packages that offered within the VET system18.
reflect the vocational qualification

There may be a loss

of many thousands
of people within the
automotive industry
due to retirements
over the next few years.
The attrition rate for automotive higher completion rates for
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
18 apprentices and trainees remains their apprentices, up to 70%
a key concern. Approximately half in some cases.
of all apprentices and trainees
withdraw from their training over A major contributing factor to this
the first three years, and more difference in apprentice completion
than one-quarter withdraw from rates between small and large
training within the first 12 months. employers is the fact that most large
Although this remains an overall employers have HR departments.
high rate of attrition, when examined This allows larger employers to be
from the perspective of the size more specialised and selective
of the employer, a much different in their recruitment practices, as
picture emerges. Recent research well as being able to offer support
undertaken by the NCVER points mechanisms for apprentices in
to a substantial difference in the terms of training, career pathways
completion rate for automotive and other advice.
apprentices tied to small businesses However, small businesses make
compared with those linked up the majority of the automotive
to large businesses. For small industry, and most automotive
employers (those employing up apprentices are contracted to small
to 10 apprentices), completion businesses. The implications for
rates hover around 50%. For larger policy are that small businesses
employers employing up to 50 or that employ only a handful of
more apprentices, the completion apprentices will need considerable
rate rises to 60%19. This has also support if the intention is to raise
been confirmed within industry their completion rates to match
forums conducted by ASA during those of large employers. However,
2012, where larger automotive given the dominance of small
employers within the heavy and employers within the automotive
light vehicle sectors have reported industry, this would prove to be
an expensive exercise.

The attrition rate

for automotive
apprentices and
trainees remains
a key concern.
Other issues affecting the uptake Preparation. These qualifications
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
19 of automotive trades as a career are targeted towards school
include negative perceptions students to enable them to better
concerning the automotive understand the modern-day
industry – that it is “dirty”, low-paid requirements of the automotive
work. This in fact is not the case. industry and the career paths that
Modern automotive workshops are available.
are clean and have sophisticated
equipment to diagnose and service Technology remains the key driver
modern vehicles. Students today in the development of automotive
are required to have maths, IT and qualifications and units of
science skills in order to be able to competency. Vehicle manufacturers
conduct vehicle diagnostics and continue to produce vehicles that
work with such technology. There are evolving in both their technical
is a serious lack of contemporary sophistication and functionality.
information about the automotive Modern motor vehicles are more
industry among students, parents than just a transport mechanism.
and school career advisors. There They now offer connectivity
has also been limited promotion with the rest of world through
and marketing of the industry integration with smartphone
towards schools and parents. technologies, navigational
Positive changes can be achieved systems and the internet. The
by the development of national line between mechanical and
industry career and apprentice electrical componentry is now
support programs, such as the blurred as vehicle manufacturers
Australian Government’s Apprentice merge components of vehicle
Advisor and Mentoring initiatives systems into interconnected units.
released in 2012. Manufacturers are also developing
new battery electric and hybrid
ASA has been heavily involved in vehicles, which demand a new
the creation and promotion of level of technical familiarity
Certificate I and II level qualifications and competency among
in Automotive Vocational aspiring mechanics.

Vehicle manufacturers
continue to produce
vehicles that are
evolving in both their
technical sophistication
and functionality.
This technological sophistication As a result, clearer linkages between
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
has placed increased demands training and occupational outcomes
on the knowledge and skills base have been provided that will enable
of traditional mechanics. Industry the development of a person’s skills
demands are now headed towards from the vocational sector through
an overlapping of mechanical and to undergraduate programs.
electrical streams into higher-level
specialist automotive technicians. Increases in technical expertise
It is expected that this ‘master required by vehicle technicians,
technician’ will emerge as a central coupled with changing business
role in most workshops, where the models in the industry, will
diagnosis of highly technical vehicle necessitate the use of higher-level
systems will be a core function. qualifications for many sectors.
These higher-level qualifications
As a consequence of such will support the provision of new
technological development, industry skills and knowledge and will help
stakeholders have expressed a need form important career paths that
for a restructure of qualifications will assist in the retention of existing
and units of competency within automotive technicians and the
both the AUM and AUR training attraction of new employees. While
packages. typically automotive tradespeople
undertake qualifications at the
Based on industry feedback, Certificate III level, indications
ASA has undertaken a full review are that a growing number of
and restructure of both the technicians will more readily take
Automotive Manufacturing and up higher-level qualifications in the
the Automotive Retail, Service coming years. Indications of this
and Repair training packages to have been expressed in 2012 with
ensure that the qualifications and registrations in new Certificate IV
units of competency embodied post–trade qualifications for vehicle
within version 12 reflect emerging repairers being at record levels.
vehicle technologies and modern
manufacturing techniques. The
review also addressed industry
needs for qualifications to more
clearly reflect defined job roles and
career pathways.
New qualification structures for The only category that received an
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
21 the industry that identify master average rating was in assessment
technicians at Certificate IV will standards. This is an issue of
again signal the value of these roles discontentment often expressed
and their relationship to higher within forums among automotive
skill demands for jobs such as businesses in general. Businesses
automotive diagnostic technicians. have bemoaned the fact that the
The National Workforce assessment process delivered by
Development Fund initiative training providers is rather crude
has assisted greatly in building and generally contains only two
higher-level skills in the industry levels, either – ‘competent’ or ‘not
gure 4 NEED TO WORK with employers co-contributing 68.1 Significant
competent’. It is the view of industry
to the cost of upskilling qualified Moderate
that this is a poor indication of the
8.2 Minor of an apprentice
tradespeople both in technical and true capability
LOSS OF PROFIT non-technical roles. 62.9 or trainee. What industry would
29.7 welcome is a graded system of
7.4 Employer satisfaction assessment that would provide a
with Training Providers better indication of the particular
32.9 strengths and weaknesses of each
11.3 In the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey, person. Many training providers
employers rated the delivery66.7 have also indicated that they would
27.7 welcome the introduction of a
of training by training providers
5.6 graded assessment system over
as being generally good in most
BUSINESS NOT ABLE categories, as shown in Figure67.7
7. the current assessment model.

Figure 7: Business Satisfaction with Training Providers

TEACHING 19.7 Very Good

30.1 Average
8.2 Poor


Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

gure 5 FEDERAL Local vehicles

Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
22 The following industry sector Businesses engaged in retailing
definitions apply within Section 2. automotive fuels including petrol,
diesel, LPG, lubricating oils,
Motor Vehicle and Motor as well as service station operation

SECTION 2 Vehicle Parts Manufacturing

This sector consists of businesses
(ANZSIC 400).

Automotive Repair
primarily engaged in the
and Maintenance
manufacture of motor vehicles

Workforce (including buses, trucks and vans), This sector covers a wide range of
engines, vehicle bodies, trailers, mechanical repair and maintenance

Development electrical components and services for automotive vehicles

parts (ANZSIC 231). (ANZSIC 941) including:

Needs Motor Vehicle and Motor

Vehicle Parts Wholesaling
• Brake, clutch, exhaust, cooling
system, gearbox, muffler, trailer,
transmission, engine repair,
Businesses primarily engaged in trailer repair, truck repair and
wholesaling new and used vehicles. motorcycle repair
This includes buses, commercial
vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, • Installation and repair of
caravans, trailers, parts and automotive electrical products
accessories and the dismantling of • Automotive body, paint
motor vehicles and motorcycles and interior repair.
and wholesaling of used parts
Bicycle Retailing
(ANZSIC 350).
Businesses engaged in retailing
Motor Vehicle Retailing bicycles (ANZSIC 4241).
Businesses predominantly engaged
Marine Equipment Retailing
in retailing new or used motor
vehicles, motorcycles, all-terrain Businesses engaged in retailing
vehicles, caravans, mobile homes boats, jetskis, marine engines and
and trailers (ANZSIC 391). accessories (ANZSIC 4245).

Motor Vehicle Parts Outdoor Power Equipment

and Tyre Retailing Businesses engaged in retailing
Businesses primarily engaged power operated hand tools,
in retailing new or used parts or generators, lawn mowers, pumps
accessories for motor vehicles and accessories (ANZSIC 4231).
(ANZSIC 392).
NEW SOUTH WALES & ACT Large decreases in employment
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
23 within the Automotive Repair and
Despite recent economic growth
Maintenance, Fuel Retailing and
in New South Wales, including a
Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling
relatively low trend jobless rate
sectors (losses of 3750, 1500 and
of 5.1% and slightly above average
500 persons respectively) have
population growth 1.02%20,
essentially been balanced through
the automotive industry has
increases in employment in the
experienced some degree of
Motor Vehicle Retailing and Motor
upheaval within the state.
Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing
Total employment within the sectors (gains of 4500 and 1250
automotive industry in New South persons respectively), thus leaving
Wales for the year ending June 2012 total industry employment largely
was 93,750 persons, and this overall unchanged for the year.
number has remained relatively
stable over the past 12 months.
What has transpired is a shift in the
relative employment composition
between automotive sectors. These
changes are illustrated in Table 3.

Table 3: Sector Profile – Automotive Industry, New South Wales

Sector Employment Net change in Number of Change in

year ending employment businesses number of
June 2012 over previous as at end businesses from
year June 2011 previous year

Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 7000 +1250 752 -32

Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 5250 -500 1754 -84
Motor Vehicle Retailing 21,250 +4500 1869 +13
Motor Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing 7000 0 1257 -14
Fuel Retailing 8750 -1500 1433 +22
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 40,750 -3750 11,190 -14
Bicycle Retailing 1234 +48 250 +14
Marine Equipment Retailing 1256 +21 274 -7
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailing* 1260* NA NA NA
TOTAL 93,750 +69 18,779 -102

Source: ABS Labour Force Statistics; ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits (Cat. No. 8165.0).
* Note: Official estimates for this sector are unavailable. Anecdotal national industry employment estimates
are provided and apportioned by state according to ABS state population distributions.
NA: Estimates not available.
The number of businesses consumers, with New South
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
24 operating within each automotive Wales being the largest market for
sector has also generally followed new vehicle sales. Profit margins,
these trend changes in sector however, are reportedly lower within
employment. Business counts, the sector, due to the intense price
however, are a lagging indicator of competition between competing
economic activity compared to brands and businesses. The Motor
employment estimates, given that Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing
the latest available data on business sector also grew strongly (21.7 %)
counts is 12 months older than and moderate growth is evident
that of employment estimates. within the Bicycle Retailing and
Nevertheless, changes in the Marine Equipment Retailing sectors.
number of businesses operating
within each sector are a useful Employment losses within the
indicator of trend activity. As at June Automotive Repair and Maintenance
2011 there were 18,779 automotive and Fuel Retailing sectors have
businesses operating within the been particularly severe, driven
New South Wales economy, which by an exodus of workers towards
is 102 fewer businesses compared more lucrative industries as well as a
with the previous year. This indicates rationalisation of business operators
that a restructuring of automotive within the sectors. These issues are
businesses may be occurring within expected to continue, if not worsen,
the state. particularly for the Automotive
Repair and Maintenance sector
The Motor Vehicle Retailing sector is over the next year or more.
clearly the strongest growth sector Official statistics for the Outdoor
within the automotive industry in Power Equipment sector are not
New South Wales, growing by an available due to the fact that the
impressive 26.9% or 4500 persons Australian Bureau of Statistics does
as shown in Table 3. This can largely not separately account for the
be attributed to record sales of sector within its ANZSIC industry
new vehicles among Australian classification.

Table 4: Sector Profile – Automotive Industry, ACT

Sector Employment Net change in Number of Change in

year ending employment businesses number of
June 2012 over previous as at end businesses from
year June 2011 previous year

Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 250 0 9 3

Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 0 0 24 -12
Motor Vehicle Retailing 500 -250 68 1
Motor Vehicle Parts 250 0 42 1
and Tyre Retailing
Fuel Retailing 250 0 20 -12
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 1500 -500 345 -13
Bicycle Retailing 104 +3 21 +1
Marine Equipment Retailing 9 0 0 -6
Outdoor Power 66* NA NA NA
Equipment Retailing*
TOTAL 2929 -747 529 -37

Source: ABS Labour Force Statistics; ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits (Cat. No. 8165.0).
*Note: Official estimates for this sector are unavailable. Anecdotal national industry employment estimates
are provided and apportioned by state according to ABS state population distributions.
NA: Estimates not available.
The results of the survey show that • 56.3% in Automotive Repair
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
25 56.4% of NSW respondents were and Maintenance
affected by shortages of skilled • 36.4% in Vehicle and Parts
labour. Furthermore, 71% expect skill Wholesaling.
Current Skill Shortages shortages to affect their business
operations over the next 12 months. No shortages were reported
The 2013 Automotive
Of those respondents affected within the Motor Vehicle and Parts
Environmental Scan Survey is a
by skill shortages, the following Manufacturing or Fuel Retailing
national industry survey conducted
proportions of skill shortages were sectors. Table 5 provides a summary
by ASA during October/November
recorded in each sector: of the highest priority occupations
2012. The survey captured detailed
in shortage as reported for each
labour market information on • 76.5% in Bicycle Retailing sector in both NSW and the ACT.
skills requirements and workforce
• 75% in Marine Equipment Retailing
development and training needs Although not reflected in the
for automotive employers in • 66.7% in Motor Vehicle Retailing results of the survey, in addition
each sector and state. The survey • 65.4% in Outdoor Power to the skill shortages displayed
contained a sample of 700 Equipment in Table 5, there were reports of
businesses, of which one-quarter prominent shortages of automotive
• 65.2% in Vehicle Parts
(176 businesses) were from NSW. cooling system technicians during
and Tyre Retailing
forum discussions with industry
stakeholders in NSW.

Table 5: Priority Skill Shortages by Sector – New South Wales & ACT

Sector Occupation % Average Average Main reasons

response number number for shortages
employed, additionally
all enterprises required,
all enterprises

Automotive Light vehicle mechanic 50% 3.5 2.5 Attraction to

Repair and Heavy vehicle mechanic 22.4% 8.9 5.3 other industries/
Maintenance poor quality
Automotive electrician 9.2% 1.6 1.2
Panel beater 9.2% 2.0 1.0
Tyre fitter 4.6%
Small plant mechanic 4.6% 9.0 3.3
Motor Vehicle Salesperson 100% 2.0 1.2 Poor quality
and Parts candidates
Motor Vehicle Vehicle salesperson 70% 5.2 2.5 Attraction to
Retailing Administrative staff 30% 2.2 1.0 other industries

Motor Vehicle Parts Spare parts interpreter 100% 2.6 1.8 Poor quality
and Tyre Retailing candidates
Marine Marine mechanic 100% 3.0 1.0 Low wages
Bicycle Retailing Bicycle mechanic 67.7% 3.3 2.1 Lack of training/
Bicycle salesperson 32.3% 4.8 2.4 poor quality
Outdoor Power Small engine mechanic 56.3% 2.4 2.1 Attraction to
Equipment Spare parts interpreter 25% 6.0 2.8 other industries/
low wages
Salesperson 18.7% 3.0 2.0

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Barriers to Overcoming For the Bicycle Retailing sector,
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Skills and Labour Shortages a lack of appropriate training
The primary factor identified by courses and training providers has
industry for the skills shortages in been identified as a serious issue,
NSW is a lack of attraction of skilled contributing to a lack of suitably
labour towards the automotive qualified personnel working within
industry, which is evident across the sector. Other general factors
virtually all sectors. The implication listed by respondents include
is that both entry of labour is not a community perception that
adequate and that existing workers automotive involves “dirty work
are leaving, thus causing severe carried out in dirty little workshops”,
skill shortages. perceptions of limited career
pathways and low wage levels, a
It is certainly the case that entry lack of appropriate information
rates for apprentices in automotive concerning the automotive industry
trades have not increased in NSW among schools and parents and
over the past 10 years21. In fact, a lack of marketing of the industry
apprentice numbers have been generally. These overall messages
declining over this period. Many have also been reinforced during
prospective recruits are choosing industry and stakeholder forums.
other industries over automotive.
Many existing automotive workers Solutions and Potential
are leaving the industry altogether, Sources of Labour
either for better salaries in allied The need to attract and retain
industries such as mining and labour within the automotive
resources or due to retirement, industry has been an ongoing
business closures and other factors. problem for many years. There are
These issues have reportedly been no quick or easy solutions, but the
most prominent, particularly within issues are also not insurmountable.
Newcastle and along the central The heavy vehicle segment for
NSW coast. example, has had some success in
attracting and retaining apprentices
The poor quality of candidates
within NSW. It has focused on
available is another key reason cited
attracting people with IT skills,
by businesses as a contributing
given the increasing degree of
factor in skill shortages. In this
computerised technology within
respect, levels of language, literacy,
heavy vehicles.
numeracy, underpinning technical
knowledge and diagnostic ability
are reported to be of an inadequate
standard by many respondents.
Although the heavy vehicle segment niche placement in a scenario of
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
27 does continue to lose apprentices constant technological change
to the mining industry due to the within motor vehicles. Businesses
lucrative salaries on offer, it is able that invest for the future through
to effectively manage or mitigate upgrading of premises, capital
the losses through competing on equipment and skills are better
non-financial terms, such as adding positioned to succeed financially
value through investment in training in the long term, including the
and capital equipment. This strategy attraction and retention of staff.
is generating increasing support. It is also beneficial for businesses
The heavy vehicle segment has also to develop strategic partnerships
been influential within the Western within the automotive industry,
Sydney region by actively working and to help foster relationships
with schools, career advisors with schools, training providers
and parents to promote its and the wider community in order
career opportunities, including to promote the industry and
organising tours of premises. raise its overall profile and image.
Such strategic groundwork has In this respect, it is particularly
clearly paid dividends for many important that businesses espouse
business operators22. the message among school
communities that completion
It must be emphasised that of Year 11 and Year 12 is now a
such activity is not the norm necessary requirement for entry
within the automotive industry. into the automotive industry.
The automotive industry is
predominantly characterised by Furthermore, discussions with
small business operators, many of industry stakeholders also reveal
whom do not invest in staff training that the automotive industry does
or capital equipment, which is not generally possess a good track
essential in an age of increasing record in elevating apprentices
technological sophistication of who have the ability to accelerate
motor vehicles. In addition, or work at a higher level. It is
many operators do not engage imperative that businesses support
in succession planning and lack not only apprentices who require
the necessary skills to market further development in key areas
and expand their businesses. through training, but also reward
high achievers through career
Essentially, it is these types of advancement and other means of
operators that are failing within the recognition. Offering such support
automotive industry and closing mechanisms will better enable
their businesses. What is clearly businesses to attract and retain
required is a forward-thinking key staff in the future.
mindset and a commitment by
businesses towards their future
VICTORIA Although overall employment
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
28 within the automotive industry
Recent highly publicised media
is highest within Victoria, NSW
reports of downsizing and
surpasses Victoria in terms of the
retrenchments in Victoria within the
number of businesses operating
automotive manufacturing sector
(18,779). Victoria’s large automotive
conjure a negative outlook among
manufacturing base accounts
many commentators concerning
for its higher share of industry
the business environment and
employment over NSW.
future expectations for the sector.
Although employment levels are In contrast to NSW, employment
reduced within the manufacturing within the Motor Vehicle and Parts
sector, when the industry is Manufacturing sector in Victoria
examined in its entirety a very decreased by 2250 persons
different picture emerges for its between 2010-11 and 2011-12. A less
overall health in Victoria. publicised but larger decrease in
employment of 3000 persons is
For the year ended June 2012, the
also evident within the Automotive
automotive industry in Victoria
Repair and Maintenance sector over
employed 102,961 persons,
the same period. This reduction has
which is the largest automotive
occurred for reasons similar to that
workforce of all states. The industry
of NSW, namely a lack of sufficient
is represented by approximately
entrants, a movement of workers to
15,901 businesses covering all
other industries, business closures,
sectors, as shown in Table 6.
retirements and other factors.

Table 6: Sector Profile – Automotive Industry, Victoria

Sector Employment Net change in Number of Change in

year ending employment businesses number of
June 2012 over previous as at end businesses from
year June 2011 previous year

Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 27,000 -2250 1052 0

Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 8000 +3750 1557 25
Motor Vehicle Retailing 16,000 -500 1603 28
Motor Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing 6750 +250 943 20
Fuel Retailing 10,500 +2750 885 5
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 31,750 -3000 9418 -36
Bicycle Retailing 1397 +60 283 +17
Marine Equipment Retailing 594 +10 160 -7
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailing* 970* NA NA NA
TOTAL 102,961 +1070 15901 -52

Source: ABS Labour Force Statistics; ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits (Cat. No. 8165.0).
* Note: Official estimates for this sector are unavailable. Anecdotal national industry employment estimates
are provided and apportioned by state according to ABS state population distributions.
NA: Estimates not available.
Counteracting these losses are Table 6 also shows that despite
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
29 large gains in employment within record vehicle sales, employment
Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling within the Vehicle Retailing Sector in
and the Fuel Retailing sectors Victoria has fallen by 500 persons.
(increases of 3750 and 2750 This has largely affected used car
persons respectively). The increase retailing where intense competition,
in employment within wholesaling price discounting and reduced
comprises of both a rise in full- levels of profitability have forced
time and part-time employment. some smaller used car retailers out
Reports of annual sales growth in of the market, as well as driven a
excess of 8% among automotive consolidation among businesses
parts wholesalers are cited as a within the sector.
contributing factor in employment
growth within the sector. Within the Overall, the net effect of these
Fuel Retailing sector, steep rises in compositional changes between
part-time employment are the sectors is that the automotive
main reason for the growth industry in Victoria has grown by just
in employment. over 1000 persons between June
2011 and June 2012.
Positive growth has also occurred
within the Bicycle Retailing and
Marine Equipment Retailing sectors
(increases of 60 and 10 persons
respectively), with bicycle sales in
particular continuing to grow at a
strong rate. Victoria is the largest
market for bicycles in Australia.

Positive growth has

also occurred within
the Bicycle Retailing
and Marine Equipment
Retailing sectors.
• 54.1% in Vehicle Parts and and the average number of persons
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
30 Tyre Retailing additionally required within that
• 53.7% in Automotive Repair occupation across all businesses.
and Maintenance The latter is an indication of the
Current Skill Shortages severity of the shortage. Most
• 52.4% in Bicycle Retailing shortages are in the order of 50%,
The results of the 2013 Automotive
• 42.9% in Vehicle and Parts which indicates that businesses in
Environmental Scan Survey
Wholesaling general are operating at around half
indicate that 51.4% of Victorian
• 33.3% in Marine Equipment their employment capacity within
business respondents are suffering
Retailing. those occupations in shortage.
from skilled labour shortages.
Furthermore, 64.3% of Victorian The fact that many automotive
No shortages were reported
respondents expect that skill businesses are operating at around
within the Motor Vehicle and Parts
shortages will affect their business half or less than half of their
Manufacturing and Fuel Retailing
operations over the next 12 months. employment capacity indicates
sectors within Victoria.
Of those respondents affected that the shortages experienced
by skill shortages, the following Table 7 lists the occupations within are quite severe. In particular, they
proportions of skill shortages were each sector that received the are affecting business profitability,
recorded in each sector: highest responses for skill shortages which in turn affects their capacity
in Victoria. Of particular interest to expand, provide training and
• 61.9% in Outdoor Power
is the data relating to the average other workforce development
number of employees within an initiatives.
• 57.1% in Motor Vehicle Retailing occupation across all businesses,

Table 7: Priority Skill Shortages by Sector – Victoria

Sector Occupation % Average Average Main reasons

response number number for shortages
employed, additionally
all enterprises required,
all enterprises

Automotive Light vehicle mechanic 48.1% 3.8 1.7 Attraction to

Repair and Panel beater 15.4% 4.5 2.3 other industries/
Maintenance poor quality
Spray painter 12.5% 4.5 2.2
Automotive electrician 12.5% 2.5 2.2
Low wages
Heavy vehicle mechanic 11.5% 4.8 2.3
Motor Vehicle Salesperson 100% 3.0 2.0 Attraction to
and Parts other industries
Motor Vehicle Vehicle salesperson 60% 6.5 3.2 Poor quality
Retailing Administrative staff 40% 1.5 1.5 candidates
Low wages
Motor Vehicle Parts Spare parts interpreter 100% 2.0 1.3 Attraction to
and Tyre Retailing other industries
Marine Marine mechanic 100% 2.0 1.0 Attraction to
other industries
Bicycle Retailing Bicycle mechanic 61.5% 3.0 2.1 Lack of training/
Bicycle salesperson 30.8% 4.0 2.3 poor quality
Electric bike repairer 7.7% 1.0 1.0
Lack of trained
Outdoor Power Small engine mechanic 67% 2.3 1.7 Attraction to
Equipment Salesperson 33% 2.5 2.0 other industries/
low wages

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Barriers to Overcoming opposed to more detailed diagnosis
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Skills and Labour Shortages and repair practices that are more
The key barriers reported by common in autonomous repair
Victorian businesses in overcoming workshops.
skill shortages are as follows.
Automotive businesses need
• The attraction of labour to to be proactive in attracting
industries other than automotive. labour. This will require a multi-
faceted approach of workshop
• The poor quality of apprentices
modernisation, investment in capital
in the labour market.
equipment to service new vehicles,
• The cost of employer a commitment to continuous
sponsored training. upskilling of staff with reward and
• The loss in productivity to recognition incentives, and investing
businesses through providing time with school communities to
off-the-job training for staff. properly inform and market the
industry to students and parents.
• A lack of interest by some
employees in upgrading of The cost of training and the
their skills. associated loss in productivity to
businesses should not be viewed
Solutions and Potential within the short term. Training is
Sources of Labour an investment for the future, and
Some of the barriers to overcoming business owners or managers
skill shortages as listed by Victorian who partake in and foster such
respondents can be addressed by investment in themselves and
businesses, whereas others present their staff, will reap greater financial
a more difficult challenge. With rewards over the long term
recent falls in resource commodity compared with those who choose
prices and a downgrading or not to do so.
shelving of many mining projects
around the country, it is possible Clearly, undertaking such initiatives
that some labour may slowly drift will require a new type of business
back towards the automotive operator or a change in the
industry over time. One of the management practices of many
challenges cited by employers existing operators. In the future,
when discussing tradespeople automotive businesses will not just
returning from employment on need to remain viable, but they will
mine sites is that often their skills need to be ‘ahead of the game’ in
capability has been reduced due many respects. This will require
to an environment dominated proactive thinking and action on
by ‘changing over’ mechanical many levels.
components on vehicles as
Queensland Industry consultations and forums
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
32 conducted by ASA in late 2012
The automotive industry
reveal that economic conditions are
employs almost 68,000 people
quite patchy between automotive
in Queensland, which is the third
sectors, and there is an even
largest workforce of all states.
greater economic divide between
There are more than 14,000
metropolitan and regional areas of
automotive businesses operating
in Queensland, covering all
industry sectors as shown in Within the manufacturing sector,
Table 8. Automotive Repair and the growth in employment has
Maintenance and Motor Vehicle been driven by growth in heavy
Retailing are the two largest sectors, vehicle and trailer production,
employing 25,750 and 14,750 particularly for those businesses
persons respectively. linked to the mining and resources
industries. Positive growth has also
Over the past 12 months, aggregate
been recorded in retail sales of
employment within the automotive
both heavy trucks and passenger
industry in Queensland has
vehicles, contributing to increased
decreased by 2688 persons or
employment in these sectors within
3.8%. This is due predominantly to
the Brisbane and metropolitan area.
reductions in persons employed
Similarly, Automotive Repair and
within the Motor Vehicle and Parts
Maintenance sector activity has
Wholesaling, Fuel Retailing and
been generally positive, more so
Parts and Tyre Retailing sectors
for franchise and dealership-based
(decreases of 2000, 1500 and 1000
workshops rather than independent
persons respectively). Gains in
mechanical workshops.
employment within Motor Vehicle
and Parts Manufacturing, Motor
Vehicle Retailing as well as other
sectors have not been sufficient to
counteract the overall trend loss in
industry employment.

Table 8: Sector Profile – Automotive Industry, Queensland

Sector Employment Net change in Number of Change in

year ending employment businesses number of
June 2012 over previous as at end businesses from
year June 2011 previous year

Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 7500 +1000 760 -43

Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 3250 -2000 1181 -83
Motor Vehicle Retailing 14,750 +750 1408 -15
Motor Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing 6500 -1000 982 +43
Fuel Retailing 7000 -1500 780 -11
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 25,750 0 8373 -60
Bicycle Retailing 918 +38 186 +11
Marine Equipment Retailing 1463 +24 346 -10
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailing* 779* NA NA NA
TOTAL 67,910 -2688 14,016 -168

Source: ABS Labour Force Statistics; ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits (Cat. No. 8165.0).
*Note: Official estimates for this sector are unavailable. Anecdotal national industry employment estimates
are provided and apportioned by state according to ABS state population distributions.
NA: Estimates not available.
In regional areas within North Current Skill Shortages
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
33 Queensland, business conditions The results of the 2013 Automotive
are far more challenging. In Cairns Environmental Scan Survey
and surrounding areas in particular, indicate that 54.8% of Queensland
the automotive industry is business respondents are suffering
diminishing due to intense levels of from skilled labour shortages.
competition between automotive Furthermore, 65.7% of Queensland
businesses. This is especially respondents expect that skill
the case within the Automotive shortages will affect their operations
Repair and Maintenance sector, over the next 12 months. Of those
where a saturation of automotive respondents affected by skill
businesses, increased internet shortages, the following proportions
purchases of vehicle parts by of skill shortages were recorded in
consumers, below cost selling each sector:
activities by some businesses
and crippling freight costs have • 61.9% in Outdoor Power
diminished the profitability of many Equipment
operators and hence their ability • 60% in Marine Equipment Retailing
to employ apprentices, invest in
• 57.5% in Automotive Repair and
capital equipment and retain staff.
Furthermore, many operators are
seriously contemplating closing their • 55.6% in Vehicle and Parts
businesses and obtaining a better Wholesaling
financial return by leasing out their • 42.9% in Motor Vehicle Retailing
premises instead of trading.
• 38.9% in Vehicle Parts and Tyre
• 38.1% in Bicycle Retailing.

No shortages were reported

within the Motor Vehicle and Parts
Manufacturing and Fuel Retailing
sectors in Queensland.

54.8% of Queensland
business respondents
are suffering from
skilled labour shortages.
Table 9 lists the occupations Barriers to Overcoming
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
34 within each sector that received Skills and Labour Shortages
the highest responses for skill The key barriers reported by
shortages in Queensland. automotive businesses in
Although not reflected within Queensland to overcoming skill
the survey, consultations with shortages are:
industry stakeholders indicate
that shortages of vehicle body • the attraction of labour towards
builders, trailer manufacturers, industries other than automotive
welders and engineers exist within • the poor quality of apprentices
the manufacturing sector in in the labour market
• government policy/regulation
• the cost of employer-sponsored
• the loss in productivity to
businesses through off-the-job
training for staff.

Table 9: Priority Skill Shortages by Sector – Queensland

Sector Occupation % Average Average Main reasons

response number number for shortages
employed, additionally
all enterprises required,
all enterprises

Automotive Light vehicle mechanic 46.3% 4.9 2.6

Repair and Panel beater 20.4% 3.5 2.3
Spray painter 14.8% 2.0 1.8 Attraction to
Heavy plant mechanic 7.4% 7.5 5.3 other industries
Heavy vehicle mechanic 5.6% 15.0 10.0
Motorcycle mechanic 5.5% 2.3 2.0
Motor Vehicle Spare parts interpreter 50% 3.0 1.0 Attraction to
and Parts Automotive dismantler 25% 2.0 1.0 other industries
Parts picker/packer 25% 1.0 1.0
Motor Vehicle Vehicle salesperson 66.7% 6.0 3.0 Attraction to
Retailing Administrative staff 33.3% 1.0 1.0 other industries
Low wages
Motor Vehicle Parts Spare parts interpreter 100% 2.0 1.0 Attraction to
and Tyre Retailing other industries
Marine Marine mechanic 100% 1.0 1.0 Attraction to
other industries
Bicycle Retailing Bicycle mechanic 66.7% 3.6 2.9 Lack of training
Salesperson 16.7% 3.0 2.4 courses/lack of
training providers
Wheel builder 8.3% 5.0 5.0
Picker/packer 8.3% 5.0 5.0
Outdoor Power Small engine mechanic 55.5% 1.5 1.7 Attraction to
Equipment Spare parts interpreter 33.3% 3.7 1.8 other industries/
low wages
Salesperson 11.2% 1.0 2.0

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Solutions and Potential parents and the wider community
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Sources of Labour have not changed over the past
In Queensland as well as every other 20 years. These perceptions are
state, not all automotive businesses centred around automotive being
are suffering from skill shortages. a dirty, low-skilled, lowly paid job
The question to be asked is why are with limited career advancement.
some businesses affected severely In reality, the technological
by skill shortages while others seem sophistication that is present and
to be completely unaffected? It evolving within motor vehicles today
has been suggested so far that the should resonate with the technology
type of business operator may be a interests of school leavers. This
factor in this scenario, particularly has not occurred because one
in regards to attitudes towards of the main selling points for the
recruitment and training. Many industry – the message concerning
business interests lie in short-term the marvels of modern vehicle
economic profitability and not in the technology and its applications
long-term viability of the business – has not been conveyed
or industry. Some businesses are appropriately if at all to these
importing skilled labour to meet target groups.
their needs in the short term,
The automotive industry clearly
while others are relying on other
needs to lift its profile and image
enterprises to train new apprentices
within the wider community. There
who are attracted away from their
are examples of such activity
employer in the latter part of
within Queensland through the
their training.
Beacon Foundation partnering
The problem with this approach with the heavy vehicle segment
is that it is essentially a temporary to educate school students and
solution. There are no guarantees teachers about the technology
even with imported labour that they and skill requirements of the
will stay any length of time within the industry23. Although commendable,
country or with a single employer. such activity is not sufficient
In the long term, a better solution within the industry. Far more
lies in addressing the root causes participation from a greater number
of youth disengagement with the of stakeholders is necessary in
automotive industry and raising marketing the skills, technology
both the quantity and quality of and benefits of the automotive
recruits. The profile and perceptions industry as a future career. A unified
of the automotive industry among approach among all automotive
school career counsellors, students, stakeholders is necessary to
achieve these aims.
South Australia Similar to Victoria, retrenchments
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
36 within the manufacturing sector in
There are approximately 30,171
South Australia have occurred as a
people employed within the
result of business downsizing due
automotive industry in South
to a high Australian dollar, intense
Australia in more than 4500
competition from imported vehicle
individual businesses. The largest
brands and changes in consumer
sectors contained are Automotive
buying preferences away from
Repair and Maintenance, Motor
large Australian-made passenger
Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing
vehicles. The only other sector
and Motor Vehicle Retailing, which
to suffer a fall in employment
employ 9750, 6250 and 5520
was Motor Vehicle and Parts
persons respectively and account
Wholesaling, where employment
for more than 70% of the industry in
fell by 12.5% or 250 persons over
the state. A profile of all automotive
the period.
sectors in South Australia is
illustrated in Table 10. Modest employment growth was
recorded in other automotive
Aggregate employment within the
sectors in South Australia. The
industry has decreased slightly
Fuel Retailing sector recorded
by 236 persons over the past 12
considerable growth in employment
months. However, some sectors
of 66.7% (1500 persons) during
have performed better than others.
the period. A consolidation of
The Motor Vehicle and Parts
businesses and an expansion of
Manufacturing sector has fared the
franchise-based fuel and grocery
worst, shedding almost one-quarter
retailing outlets have contributed to
of its workforce, with 2000 fewer
the rise in full and part-time persons
persons working within the sector
employed within the sector.
during 2011-12 compared with 2010-11.

Table 10: Automotive Sector Profile – South Australia

Sector Employment Net change in Number of Change in

year ending employment businesses number of
June 2012 over previous as at end businesses from
year June 2011 previous year

Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 6250 -2000 253 +8

Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 1750 -250 411 -15
Motor Vehicle Retailing 5250 +250 523 -19
Motor Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing 2500 +250 372 +21
Fuel Retailing 3750 +1500 237 -14
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 9750 0 2667 -39
Bicycle Retailing 336 +9 68 +3
Marine Equipment Retailing 297 +5 44 -2
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailing* 288* NA NA NA
TOTAL 30,171 -236 4575 -57

Source: ABS Labour Force Statistics; ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits (Cat. No. 8165.0).
*Note: Official estimates for this sector are unavailable. Anecdotal national industry employment estimates
are provided and apportioned by state according to ABS state population distributions.
NA: Estimates not available.
The general consensus among The downside in this situation is that
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
37 automotive stakeholders during farm machinery dealerships are
forum discussions in South holding large stocks of second-hand
Australia is that business conditions equipment, which is proving difficult
are very irregular within most to sell. This may constitute a real
sectors. Consumers are not financial risk to businesses
generally servicing their vehicles in if economic conditions
accordance with designated vehicle deteriorate further.
maintenance schedules, but rather
are stretching service intervals, Current Skill Shortages
often until vehicle breakdowns The results of the 2013 Automotive
occur. This is causing irregularities Environmental Scan Survey indicate
in workflows for businesses, with that just over half (50.4%) of South
weeks of little or no work often Australian business respondents
followed by short periods of are suffering from skilled labour
intense work. This makes the task shortages. Furthermore, 64% of
of managing staff levels all the more all respondents expect that skill
difficult for these businesses. For shortages will affect their business
vehicle collision repair businesses, operations within the next 12
work is reportedly diminishing due months. Of those reporting skills
to the fact that modern vehicles shortages, the following proportions
are now written-off with much less of skill shortages were observed
damage than previous generations within each sector:
of vehicles. The cost of repairing
modern technology within vehicles • 69.2% in Outdoor Power
today renders many vehicle repairs Equipment
economically unviable. • 53.9% in Automotive Repair
and Maintenance
Similar reports of a lack of general
upkeep of vehicles by consumers • 47% in Vehicle Parts and
are reflected within the Motor Tyre Retailing
Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing • 42.9% in Bicycle Retailing
sector, with claims that consumers
• 40% in Vehicle and Parts
are driving on poorly serviced
tyres and only bring their vehicles
in to replace them when they are • 38.5% in Motor Vehicle Retailing
about to fail. Retail sales of new • 33.3% in Marine Equipment
motor vehicles have been positive, Retailing.
especially sales of new farm
machinery within regional areas
of South Australia.
The Outdoor Power Equipment Barriers to Overcoming Skills
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
38 and Automotive Repair and and Labour Shortages
Maintenance sectors contain The key obstacles reported by
the highest proportions of skill automotive businesses in South
shortages within the survey for Australia to overcoming skill
South Australia. No shortages were shortages are as follows:
reported for the Motor Vehicle and
Parts Manufacturing and Fuel • The attraction of labour to
Retailing sectors. industries other than automotive
• Achieving productivity
Table 11 lists the occupations
improvements with current
attached to each sector that
staff levels and skill base
received the highest responses
for skill shortages. • Poor quality candidates
• The cost of employer-sponsored
Although not identified as a
priority skill shortage in the survey,
consultations with industry • The loss in productivity to
stakeholders indicate that businesses through off-the-job
automotive electricians are also training for staff.
in significant shortage within
South Australia.

Table 11: Priority Skill Shortages by Sector – South Australia

Sector Occupation % Average Average Main reasons

response number number for shortages
employed, additionally
all enterprises required,
all enterprises

Automotive Light vehicle mechanic 38.5% 3.9 2.7 Attraction to

Repair and Automatic transmission 15.4% 2.0 1.9 other industries
Maintenance repairer Lack of qualified
Heavy vehicle mechanic 15.4% 11.4 6.1 tradespersons
Panel beater 11.5% 3.4 1.8 Poor quality
Spray painter 11.5% 1.0 1.2 candidates
Tyre fitter 7.7% 3.3 3.0
Motor Vehicle Spare parts 100% 1.3 1.0 Attraction to
and Parts salesperson other industries
Motor Vehicle Administrative staff 60% 1.7 1.0 Attraction to
Retailing Vehicle salesperson 40% 2.0 1.0 other industries

Motor Vehicle Parts Spare parts interpreter 100% 1.5 1.0 Poor perception
and Tyre Retailing of auto industry
Marine Marine mechanic 100% 2.0 1.0 Attraction to
other industries
Bicycle Retailing Bicycle mechanic 100% 1.0 2.0 Low wages/
poor quality
Outdoor Power Small engine mechanic 75% 1.7 1.3 Attraction to
Equipment Salesperson 25% 1.5 1.0 other industries/
low wages

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Solutions and Potential workplaces more attractive to new
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Sources of Labour recruits through joining the national
Although recognising that mentoring scheme for apprentices
attraction of labour is a significant and offering other support or
problem, a clear message among guidance to apprentices to assist
South Australian businesses is them in their transition from school
that automotive businesses are to the workplace. Being in contact
‘bunkering down’ in the light of and having a good relationship
uncertain economic conditions and with the parents or guardians of
trying to trade their way through an apprentice is also important,
the current environment. As a and this can influence a decision
consequence of this, businesses by an apprentice to either leave
are very cautious about employing or stay with a particular employer.
apprentices or skilled tradespeople. Recognition of good work and
Only highly qualified and capable achievement can also be a strong
tradespersons are sought by motivating factor, including offering
industry, and these people are stimulating work, financial rewards
difficult to find or attract. Many and career pathway incentives.
businesses are not prepared to take There is evidence that businesses
on the risk and cost of employing which are successful in attracting
and training an apprentice, given and retaining staff actively employ
that it will take at least three years such measures to their advantage.
before they will develop valuable Wage levels are not the only factor
skills and they may, in all likelihood, influencing staff retention among
leave the business within businesses. The type of business
that period. operator and their management
style can have a significant
There are courses of action that bearing on the mindset of most
businesses can take to mitigate apprentices and recruits.
such risks. Business can make their

Many businesses are

not prepared to take
on the risk and cost of
employing and training
an apprentice.
Western Australia The smallest sectors are Outdoor
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
40 Power Equipment Retailing (409
Despite having the best performing
persons) and Bicycle Retailing
economy in the nation, with a
(415 persons).
trend unemployment rate of
3.9% and the highest population ABS labour force data shows that
growth of all states24 (3.14%), the employment within the automotive
economic reality for many within industry in Western Australia has
the automotive industry in Western fallen dramatically by 4471 persons
Australia is rather harsh. This is or 10.3% within the past 12 months.
testament to the strength of the The largest impact has occurred
mining and resource industry in within the Automotive Repair and
dominating all other industries Maintenance sector, which has shed
and economic growth within the 4250 positions over the period,
state. The notion of a two-speed followed by the Motor Vehicle and
economy is far more prevalent in Parts Manufacturing and Motor
WA than most other states and its Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing
effects are being felt most severely sectors (losses of 1500 and 1000
by operators that are not connected persons respectively). These losses
to mining or infrastructure projects. are recorded within Table 12. ABS
business counts relate to the
There are 38,736 people employed
2010-11 financial year, and therefore
within the automotive industry in
are a lagging indicator of economic
Western Australia across 6843
activity compared with employment
businesses. The largest sectors
estimates. Anecdotal evidence
are Automotive Repair and
provided by stakeholders within
Maintenance and Motor Vehicle
the industry suggests there have
Retailing, employing 15,750 and
been approximately 125 automotive
10,250 persons respectively.
business closures within Western
Australia during 2012.

Table 12: Sector Profile – Automotive Industry, Western Australia

Sector Employment Net change in Number of Change in

year ending employment businesses number of
June 2012 over previous as at end businesses from
year June 2011 previous year

Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 1250 -1500 333 -8

Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 2000 +250 474 -18
Motor Vehicle Retailing 10,250 +2500 629 4
Motor Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing 3000 -1000 550 21
Fuel Retailing 5000 -500 336 -7
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 15,750 -4250 4300 27
Bicycle Retailing 415 +18 84 +5
Marine Equipment Retailing 662 +11 137 -9
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailing* 409* NA NA NA
TOTAL 38,736 -4471 6843 +15

Source: ABS Labour Force Statistics; ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits (Cat. No. 8165.0).
*Note: Official estimates for this sector are unavailable. Anecdotal national industry employment estimates
are provided and apportioned by state according to ABS state population distributions.
NA: Estimates not available.
Standing out against these negative seeking to achieve productivity
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
41 trends, the Motor Vehicle Retailing improvements. Of those businesses
sector recorded strong growth in actively seeking labour, a large
employment of 2500 persons or proportion are resorting to recruiting
32.3% and the Motor Vehicle and imported labour from Europe and
Parts Wholesaling sector grew by other locations under the 457 visa
250 persons or 14.3%. This is partly a category employer sponsorship.
reflection of the new vehicle market,
which is on track to record sales Current Skill Shortages
growth, and the fact that Western The results of the 2013 Automotive
Australia contains the strongest Environmental Scan Survey
growth in real wages of all states indicate that just over half
(3.7%). Other sectors that recorded (50.7%) of Western Australian
modest growth were Motor business respondents are
Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling, suffering from skilled labour
Bicycle Retailing and Marine shortages. Furthermore, 60.8% of
Equipment Retailing. all respondents expect that skill
shortages will affect their business
The impact of the mining industry
operations within the next 12
in distorting the labour market
months. Of those reporting skill
in Western Australia continues
shortages, the following proportions
to be the major issue affecting
of skill shortages were observed
automotive businesses. Many
within each sector:
businesses just cannot compete
with the salaries offered by mining • 60% in Motor Vehicle Retailing
companies and therefore continue
• 58.3% in Outdoor Power
to lose both apprentices and
skilled tradespersons. They are
therefore reluctant to expend time • 52.6% in Automotive Repair
and resources in employing new and Maintenance
apprentices. Such businesses tend • 50% in Marine Equipment Retailing
to focus on managing with existing
• 40% in Bicycle Retailing.
staff levels as best as possible
through working longer hours and

Many businesses
just cannot compete
with the salaries
offered by mining
The Motor Vehicle Retailing and • The cost of employer
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
42 Outdoor Power Equipment sectors sponsored training
contain the highest proportions • The loss in productivity to
of skill shortages within the survey businesses through providing
for Western Australia. Table 13 lists off-the-job training for staff.
the occupations attached to the
relevant sectors that received the Solutions and Potential
highest responses for skill shortages. Sources of Labour
The loss of labour to the mining
Barriers to Overcoming Skills
industry remains a critical issue
and Labour Shortages
for automotive businesses within
The key barriers as reported by Western Australia and is stifling
automotive businesses in Western business investment in training
Australia to overcoming skill and upskilling of staff. One initiative
shortages are the following: being proposed by automotive
• The attraction of labour to stakeholders in Western Australia is
industries other than automotive the introduction of a levy on mining
companies that acquire apprentices
• A preference to achieve from small and medium-sized
productivity improvements with automotive enterprises within
current staff levels and skills base the first two years of their
• The poor quality candidates in employment within that business25.
the labour market

Table 13: Priority Skill Shortages by Sector – Western Australia

Sector Occupation % Average Average Main reasons

response number number for shortages
employed, additionally
all enterprises required,
all enterprises

Automotive Light vehicle mechanic 66.6% 5.5 2.7

Repair and Attraction to
Heavy vehicle mechanic 16.7% 17.0 8.3
Maintenance other industries
Tyre fitter 16.7% 3.0 2.3
Motor Vehicle Administrative staff 100% 2.0 2.0 Attraction to
Retailing other industries
Marine Marine mechanic 100% 1.0 2.0 Attraction to
other industries/
poor quality
Bicycle Retailing Bicycle mechanic 70% 1.0 2.3 Low wages/
Salesperson 30% 2.0 3.5 poor quality
Outdoor Power Small engine mechanic 42.8% 2.0 1.3 Attraction to
Equipment Salesperson 42.8% 1.7 2.3 other industries/
low wages
Fitter/installer 14.4% 1.0 2.0

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

This would effectively amount Another possible option could
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
43 to compensation from mining include the automotive industry
companies to automotive negotiating some form of alliance or
businesses for the investment in agreement with the mining industry
training they have undertaken in that is of mutual benefit to both
developing these apprentices. parties. This could involve strategic
agreements concerning the supply,
Another proposal being training, remuneration and tenure
contemplated by automotive for apprentices between the
stakeholders to stem the flow of two industries.
labour towards the mining industry
is in relation to employer-sponsored The most critical issue for the
457 visa applications for overseas automotive industry in the long term
workers. This initiative relates to remains the low entry rate for new
employers, who spend in the vicinity recruits. The supply of labour into
of $10,000 to bring a foreign worker the automotive trades is diminishing
into Australia, to effectively bind across all states and unless there is a
those workers with that employer concerted and united effort among
for a set period of time26. This would all stakeholders to lift the image,
eliminate a common problem career opportunities, remuneration
observed among overseas workers and marketing of the industry to
of leaving their employer sponsors the wider public, then the industry
after a short time and moving to will continue to struggle to attract
the mining industry. It remains to new recruits.
be seen whether either of these
proposals will gain support at the
state or federal government levels or
whether they would be enforceable.

The Motor Vehicle

Retailing and Outdoor
Power Equipment
sectors contain the
highest proportions
of skill shortages
within the survey
for Western Australia.
Tasmania The decrease in employment
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
44 within the automotive industry has
There are 6084 people employed
particularly affected two sectors.
within the automotive industry
The first sector is Automotive
in Tasmania across almost 1300
Repair and Maintenance, which
businesses. The largest sectors
has shed 1000 persons or 28.6%
consist of Automotive Repair
of its workforce within 12 months.
and Maintenance, Motor Vehicle
The second sector to be affected
Retailing and Fuel Retailing which
is the Motor Vehicle and Parts
employ 2500, 1250 and 1000
Manufacturing sector, where
people respectively.
employment has fallen by 250
Table 14 shows that total persons or 50% within the period.
employment within Tasmania’s By contrast, employment within all
automotive industry has fallen by other sectors of the automotive
approximately 1245 persons or industry in Tasmania has been
17% over the past 12 months. This relatively stable.
represents the largest proportional
Discussions with both industry
decrease in industry employment
stakeholder groups and automotive
of all states in Australia. This is not
businesses in Tasmania confirm
altogether surprising given the fact
the depressed levels of economic
that Tasmania has the nation’s
activity and business sentiment
highest jobless rate, and has
within the industry. Automotive
suffered two consecutive quarters
businesses are not employing
of negative economic growth during
apprentices due to the economic
2011-12, as well as having significantly
uncertainty and reduced levels
weaker than average population
of consumer spending, which are
growth (0.25%). Technically, it
affecting all industries across the
could be argued that Tasmania is in
whole state.

Table 14: Sector Profile – Automotive Industry, Tasmania

Sector Employment Net change in Number of Change in

year ending employment businesses number of
June 2012 over previous as at end businesses from
year June 2011 previous year

Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 250 -250 38 -13

Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 250 0 69 -14
Motor Vehicle Retailing 1250 0 145 2
Motor Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing 500 0 81 -3
Fuel Retailing 1000 0 165 -4
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 2500 -1000 751 -13
Bicycle Retailing 114 +3 23 +1
Marine Equipment Retailing 131 +2 24 4
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailing* 89* NA NA NA
TOTAL 6084 -1245 1296 -40

Source: ABS Labour Force Statistics; ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits (Cat. No. 8165.0).
*Note: Official estimates for this sector are unavailable. Anecdotal national industry employment estimates
are provided and apportioned by state according to ABS state population distributions.
NA: Estimates not available.
Vehicle collision repair businesses Current Skill Shortages
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
45 in particular are reported to be As a result of the current economic
affected severely, with many environment, very few shortages
workshops closing due to a lack of skilled labour are reported by
of work and the intense level of automotive businesses within
competition for any existing work. Tasmania.
Additionally, rising utility costs
and other business overheads Responses received within the 2013
combined with fixed levels of repair Automotive Environmental Scan
costs that are able to be charged Survey indicate that just 32.9% of
by businesses, has reduced the Tasmanian business respondents
profitability and viability of many are suffering from skilled labour
operators28. shortages. However, 55.7% of all
Tasmanian respondents expect
Some businesses within that skill shortages will affect their
the Automotive Repair and business operations within the next
Maintenance sector are reporting 12 months. Of those reporting skill
stable sales revenues within the shortages, the following proportions
current climate. This is a result of of skill shortages were recorded
less spending on general servicing within the relevant sectors:
of vehicles at scheduled service
intervals by consumers, and more • 50% in Bicycle Retailing
work by businesses on larger vehicle • 40% in Motor Vehicle Parts
repairs as a result of the lack of and Tyre Retailing
scheduled vehicle servicing.
• 29.8% in Automotive Repair
and Maintenance.

Some businesses within

the Automotive Repair
and Maintenance sector
are reporting stable
sales revenues within
the current climate.
Table 15 lists the occupations with the fact that little training or
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
46 attached to the relevant sectors that hiring of apprentices is occurring
received the highest responses for among businesses, potentially
skill shortages. exposes the automotive industry to
a real threat of skill shortages in the
Barriers to Overcoming future, especially when economic
Skills and Labour Shortages conditions begin to improve.
The key barriers as reported by
automotive businesses in Tasmania Many within the industry are
to overcoming skill shortages are calling for greater incentives
as follows: from government for employers
to train apprentices, such as
• The attraction of labour to financial support right through an
industries other than automotive apprenticeship and not just upon
• The poor quality candidates sign-up and sign-off. Penalties
in the labour market imposed on mining companies for
draining skilled labour from the state
• The cost of employer-sponsored are suggested by some as a way of
training financing such support.
• The loss in productivity to
businesses through providing Clearly, the best solutions in
off-the-job training for staff. Tasmania’s case are long-term
solutions. Investment in training
Solutions and Potential needs to be occurring for future
Sources of Labour business and labour market growth
within the automotive industry. As
Although few automotive
such, all funding options need to
businesses within Tasmania are
be considered to increase industry
reporting shortages of skilled
incentives for training, rather than
labour due to depressed levels
looking to penalise other industries.
of business activity and high
Tasmania is also in a unique position
unemployment, there is evidence
in that it only has one public training
that skilled automotive labour such
provider for delivering automotive
as automotive electricians are
qualifications in the state, and it is
leaving the state for the mainland in
therefore imperative that sufficient
search of work, particularly within
resources are maintained for
the mining industry. This, coupled
effective training provision.

Table 15: Priority Skill Shortages by Sector – Tasmania

Sector Occupation % Average Average Main reasons

response number number for shortages
employed, additionally
all enterprises required,
all enterprises

Automotive Light vehicle mechanic 66.7% 5.3 2.3

Attraction to
Repair and Tyre fitter 33.3% 1.5 1.5 other industries
Motor Vehicle Parts Salesperson 100% 5.0 1.0 Poor quality
and Tyre Retailing candidates
Bicycle Retailing Bicycle mechanic 100% 1.0 2.0 Low wages/
poor quality

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Northern Territory Strong economic growth can
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
47 be both a blessing and a curse
The Northern Territory, along with
for business operators, and this
Western Australia, contains the
is certainly the case for many
strongest job market in the nation.
automotive businesses in the
With a trend jobless rate of 3.9% and
Northern Territory. Within Darwin
the fastest economic growth of all
and surrounding areas, many
states, there is a lot of momentum
operators are experiencing
within the Northern Territory. The
boom conditions, especially
$34 billion INPEX liquefied natural
within the Motor Vehicle Retailing
gas project, along with other private
and Automotive Repair and
and public investment, is expected
Maintenance sectors and for
to stimulate growth over the next
both light and heavy vehicles. A
four or five years within Darwin
large growth in trade sales is also
and regional areas of the
evident in the Motor Vehicle and
Northern Territory29.
Parts Wholesaling sector. There is a
There are approximately 3679 seasonal element affecting business
people employed within the activity within the Northern Territory;
automotive industry in the this is especially the case for the
Northern Territory across 627 Marine Equipment Retailing sector,
individual businesses. Total industry where a marked slowdown
employment has decreased by 250 in sales is evident during the
persons or 6.4% over the past 12 wet season.
months, as shown in Table 16.

Table 16: Sector Profile – Automotive Industry, Northern Territory

Sector Employment Net change in Number of Change in

year ending employment businesses number of
June 2012 over previous as at end businesses from
year June 2011 previous year

Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing 0 0 18 -9

Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaling 250 0 30 5
Motor Vehicle Retailing 750 -250 66 -14
Motor Vehicle Parts and Tyre Retailing 500 0 45 9
Fuel Retailing 500 250 41 -1
Automotive Repair and Maintenance 1500 -250 408 13
Bicycle Retailing 49 0 10 0
Marine Equipment Retailing 91 +2 9 0
Outdoor Power Equipment Retailing* 39* NA NA NA
TOTAL 3679 -250 627 +3

Source: ABS Labour Force Statistics; ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits (Cat. No. 8165.0).
*Note: Official estimates for this sector are unavailable. Anecdotal national industry employment estimates
are provided and apportioned by state according to ABS state population distributions.
NA: Estimates not available.
In regional areas such as Alice a result of some other employers
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Springs, business conditions are offering as little as two dollars per
also reported to be very good, with hour extra in remuneration. As a
solid fleet sales of new vehicles consequence of this, job churn is
to the territory government, the reported to affect one-third or more
mining industry, local councils of the workforce of automotive
and shires. These strong fleet businesses every year. Once staff
sales also generate a high level have departed from an employer
of servicing activity for local they are very difficult to replace,
businesses. Alice Springs contains and businesses need to operate
a variety of economic drivers longer hours with existing staff levels
that generate positive conditions in order to maintain productivity.
for local automotive businesses Sourcing and retaining apprentices
such as the mining industry, the is also problematic, not just for
cattle industry, the United States the automotive industry but for
defence base at Pine Gap (which many industries within the
contains approximately 1000 staff), Northern Territory.
government administration and the
self-drive tourist market30. To combat frequent staff turnover
and skilled labour shortages,
Such buoyant economic conditions most businesses are resorting to
also create problems for local importing labour under 457 visa
businesses. Staff turnover or ‘job category applications, often at
hopping’ is a major issue as people huge cost. European workers are
have the confidence to leave their particularly sought after within the
employers at short notice knowing automotive industry due to their
that they can readily obtain work higher quality of vehicle diagnostic
elsewhere for higher pay or better skills compared with workers from
conditions. Some businesses have other countries or regions31.
claimed that they have lost staff as

Sourcing and retaining

apprentices is also
problematic, not just
for the automotive
industry but for many
industries within the
Northern Territory.
Current Skill Shortages • 40% in Bicycle Retailing
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
49 Responses received within the • 33.3% in Outdoor Power
2013 Automotive Environmental Equipment Retailing.
Scan Survey indicate that 64.9%
of automotive business within the Table 17 lists the occupations that
Northern Territory are affected received the highest responses
by skilled labour shortages. This for skill shortages in each sector.
represents the highest proportion
of skill shortages of all states and Barriers to Overcoming Skills
territories surveyed. Furthermore, and Labour Shortages
77.1% of all respondents within The key barriers as reported
the Northern Territory expect to by automotive businesses to
have skill shortages over the next overcoming skill shortages are
12 months. Of those reporting skill as follows:
shortages, the following proportions
• The attraction of labour to
of skill shortages were recorded by
industries other than automotive
• The poor quality of candidates
• 80% in Motor Vehicle Retailing in the labour market
• 76% in Automotive Repair • Low wages
and Maintenance
• The cost of employer-sponsored
• 71.4% in Motor Vehicle Parts training
and Tyre Retailing
• The loss in productivity to
• 60% in Motor Vehicle and businesses through providing
Parts Wholesaling off-the-job training for staff

Table 17: Priority Skill Shortages by Sector – Northern Territory

Sector Occupation % Average Average Main reasons

response number number for shortages
employed, additionally
all enterprises required,
all enterprises

Automotive Light vehicle mechanic 54.5% 9.0 3.7

Repair and Heavy plant mechanic 13.7% 25.0 9.7
Maintenance Attraction to
Tyre fitter 13.6% 2.5 2.0
other industries
Heavy vehicle mechanic 9.1% 9.0 5.1
Automotive electrician 9.1% 2.0 2.5
Motor Vehicle Spare parts 100% 1.0 1.0 Low wages/
and Parts salesperson attraction to
Wholesaling other industries
Motor Vehicle Sales/ 100% 1.0 1.0 Low wages/
Retailing Administrative attraction to
staff other industries
Motor Vehicle Spare parts 100% 2.0 1.0 Poor quality
Parts and Tyre interpreter candidates
Bicycle Retailing Bicycle mechanic 100% 1.0 2.0 Low wages/
poor quality
Outdoor Power Small engine 100% 2.0 1.0 Attraction to
Equipment mechanic other industries

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Solutions and Potential internationally recognised.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Sources of Labour It is these skills and career messages
Given the strong job growth that need to be embedded within
and investment occurring within the mindset of apprentices,
the Northern Territory, workers school students and teachers.
seem spoilt for choice in terms In order for such marketing and
of both employment and incomes promotion to succeed, industry
commanded. Many are taking must provide career pathways
advantage of these opportunities that are both achievable and
while they are available. Such transparent, and which will secure
buoyant conditions will not last the next generation of automotive
indefinitely, with many predicting technicians.
a harsher climate once the latest
Because of the remote nature
phase of investment winds down
of the Northern Territory, many
in approximately four years time.
employers have also suggested a
The automotive industry needs need for relocation assistance and/
to promote the message that what it or rental assistance to help secure
is offering to young people is not just and attract labour. Free income
a job, but a skilled trade and a career. protection insurance for workers
Unlike the short-term boom of the is also offered by many employers
mining industry, the automotive as an incentive to attract and
industry is able to offer a lifelong retain workers.
career that is both portable and

The automotive
industry needs to
promote the message
that what it is offering
to young people is not
just a job, but a skilled
trade and a career.
STAKEHOLDER National Training
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
51 ENGAGEMENT Advisory Committee
STRATEGY The National Training Advisory
Auto Skills Australia (ASA) relies on Committee is a cross-sector
intelligence from industry and the committee that is formed

SECTION 3 VET sector to ensure that training

packages are contemporary in
by the chairs of the sector-
specific advisory committees.

Current nature and meet the needs of

automotive workplaces.
This committee has a primary
role in ensuring that the work

Impact of
of the advisory committees is
This information is obtained communicated across the
through structured consultation various industry sector groups.
Training arrangements that seek to
engage a broad range of key A critical function for this group

Packages stakeholders including industry

and its peak bodies, unions,
is the consideration of national
vocational training issues that
have the potential to affect the
government and registered training
organisations. The specialised industry broadly and in particular
nature of the industry demands between closely articulated
that qualifications, and engagement sectors/industries, for instance
with stakeholders, are targeted heavy vehicle maintenance
around specific job roles and and the mining industry.
work functions. ASA has carefully
Sector Specific
developed its consultation
Advisory Committees
structures to reflect industry
sectors and to attract the right These committees meet twice
expertise to the most appropriate a year to provide direction and
advisory groups. guidance on the needs of the
sector. Membership includes
An illustration of these consultation high-level personnel representing
structures is provided in the stakeholders from specific industry
following diagram. areas. Projects identified through
these committees are recorded
National (cross sector) on the Training Package Continuous
Training Advisory Committee Improvement Register and
published monthly on the
ASA website.
Sector Specific Advisory
Committees There are 10 of these committees
providing advice to ASA.
Training Package
Reference Groups
Training Package and to provide updates on VET
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Reference Groups policy, latest industry information,
Training package reference groups future training package work and
form small working groups whose ASA projects.
focus is to work with ASA Training
Package Specialists to examine the TRAINING PACKAGE UPTAKE
technical detail and content of units ASA is responsible for the
of competency and align them to development, maintenance and
contemporary industry practice. continuous improvement of two
These groups are also involved national training packages:
in informing the content for new
qualifications and for alerting ASA • AUM12 Automotive Manufacturing
where applied technical skills and • AUR12 Automotive Retail, Service
knowledge requirements in industry and Repair.
are changing.
These training packages provide
Training package reference groups a framework of qualifications
inform advisory committees, but aligned to occupations across the
their work is focused on the Training breadth of the automotive industry.
Package Continuous Improvement The provision of trade and non-
Register and the provision of trade qualifications has been an
contemporary advice to ASA on underpinning feature of the industry
the content of a qualification, since the development of the
including the technical specification motor car and a culture of trade
of training standards and the training has persisted throughout
requirements for assessment this time. Demand for automotive
to meet workplace needs. qualifications remains positive and
total student enrolments within
Automotive Registered
the two training packages are now
Training Organisation Forums
at their highest level in four years.
Automotive registered training It is expected that demand for
organisation (RTO) forums have training across the industry will
been conducted in all states and continue to grow based on a growing
territories. These forums provide an vehicle fleet and the emergence
ideal opportunity to seek feedback of specialisations across a number
from RTOs on training package of automotive sectors. Tables 18
implementation issues. and 19 demonstrate the uptake
of national qualifications between
These forums also provide an
2008 and 2011.
opportunity for ASA to clarify
changes to training packages,

Table 18: National Uptake of ASA Training Packages – Student Enrolments across all training years

(combined AUR & AUM enrolments) 2008 2009 2010 2011

TOTAL 40,401 38,880 40,060 40,827

Source: NCVER Student Collection

In addition to the use of national Distribution of Training
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
53 qualifications, to support workforce by State/Territory
development needs, it is also The distribution of apprentices and
understood that a considerable trainees undertaking automotive
amount of training is still undertaken qualifications is broadly aligned to
via state-accredited courses that the population distribution by state.
do not appear in the national This reflects a dispersed network
qualifications data. of automotive workplaces with
greater density in higher population
Many enterprises also provide
locations, as displayed in Figure 8.
specifically tailored and non-
accredited training to their It should be noted that the data
personnel and this is also not provided in the tables in this section,
reflected in the course completions which are derived from the National
statistics. It could be conservatively Centre for Vocational Education
estimated that industry undertakes Research (NCVER), only reflect
at least 50% more non-accredited workers participation in nationally
training than is reflected in the accredited qualifications.
national course completion figures.

Table 19: Commencements – Combined AUR and AUM Training Packages

(combined AUR 2008 2009 2010 2011

& AUM enrolments)
Apprenticeships – 1175 1076 1191 853
school based
Other school-based training 1965 1943 2261 1765
Apprenticeships – 13,323 10,958 11,909 11,269
non-school based
Other training - not apprenticeships 3809 4048 4921 6035
Domestic fee for service training 1186 1339 1072 1371
International fee for 456 478 458 509
service training
TOTAL AUR12 & AUM12 COMMENCEMENTS 21,914 19,842 21,812 21,802

Source: NCVER VOCSTATS database. Note: Apprentices includes trainees

Figure 8: State/Territory Distribution of Apprentices and Trainees in Training,

Combined AUR and AUM Training Packages, 2008-12 (%)

gure 8 NSW 31.2

VIC 22.9
QLD 20.4
SA 8.1
WA 12.2
TAS 2.3
NT 1.4
ACT 1.5

Source: NCVER VOCSTATS database.

In addition to the use of national Cost and lost productivity due to
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
qualifications, a large amount of time off-the-job were by far the
training occurs on a fee-for-service two main barriers reported by
basis either as full qualifications, businesses in providing training,
or around specific units of as illustrated in Table 20. These
competency required for specific responses are reflective of the
job functions. The emergence of patchy business and economic
Skills Sets (specific units or clusters environment affecting many
of units endorsed by industry for employers within the automotive
specific job functions) has led to an industry. Many small to medium-
increase in upskilling, particularly sized enterprises, which make up
where job roles have a regulated the majority of the automotive
component. It is expected that industry, are simply reluctant to
this trend will continue as more hire new apprentices and trainees
Skill Sets are developed. due to reduced levels of consumer
spending on vehicle servicing and
Skill Sets are not coded in the same maintenance.
way as national qualifications and
consequently accurate data on the Reports made to ASA during the
use of Skill Sets is unavailable. E-Scan consultation process
indicate that many employers
WORKFORCE are managing by working longer
DEVELOPMENT hours with existing staff levels and
ISSUES resources in order to maintain
productivity. Indications are that
Barriers to Training
nervousness around business
Employers surveyed by Auto Skills prospects and the global economic
Australia in the development of environment will continue to
the 2013 E-Scan reported a range dampen the desire of many
of barriers to their businesses employers to hire new apprentices
providing training for employees. and trainees in the coming year.

Table 20: Employer-Reported Barriers to Providing Training for Employees.

Reason for not providing training % of employers

Cost 61.9
Productivity lost due to time off-the-job 53.9
Lack of access or choice of training providers in the employer’s location 37.0
Lack of employee interest 33.2
Lack of flexibility in course delivery 31.3
Concern that employees will become more attractive to other employers once they are trained 23.3
The likelihood of employees not completing the training 19.8
Administrative requirements too complex 17.5
Employees already have the required skills 14.5
Insufficient employee language, literacy or numeracy skills 11.8
Benefits of training cannot be applied to my business 7.8

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

Key Labour Issues in the mining and construction
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
55 The results of a national survey industries. This is particularly the
conducted by ASA of 700 case for light and heavy vehicle
employers within the automotive mechanics but also flows through
industry, indicate that the key labour to vehicle painters and other
issues affecting employers over the personnel who have the capacity to
next 12 months will be: work across a range of maintenance
and service functions in other
• achieving productivity industries. A critical factor in this
improvements with current movement of expertise across a
staff level and skills base broader employer base is the time
(55.9% response rate) required for the automotive industry
• attraction of labour (54.8%) to train new staff required to service
the Australian vehicle fleet. While
• workforce retention and skills
an apprenticeship can take up to
utilisation (52.1% ).
four years for a person to complete,
The least relevant labour issue in many cases a person’s expertise
reported by employers was and their mastery of a specific skill
“managing an ageing workforce”, may mature only after six years or
where almost half of employer more in the industry.
responses (46.1%) rated this as a
minor issue and only 18.5% rated it An example of this is a light vehicle
as a significant issue. These results mechanic developing high-level
are displayed in Table 21. vehicle fault diagnostic skills after
they have completed their basic
Employers have indicated a apprenticeship training. The
preference to consolidate their replacement of this labour force
existing workforce. Attraction of is a key challenge for the industry
labour still remains a critical issue for and for Australia more broadly, as
many employers, but only suitably there is often insufficient time for
qualified workers are sought. industry to make this investment for
the longer term. As a consequence,
Employers have also indicated that
experienced automotive labour is
where skills have been developed in
often lured away by other employers
the automotive industry for some
and industries.
time, this valuable human resource
is now having to support growth

Table 21: Key Labour Issues Facing Employers over the Next 12 Months.

Employer rating - % responses

Significant Moderate Minor
Attraction of workers 54.8 30.9 14.2
Achieving productivity improvements with current staff level and skills base 55.9 34.8 9.3
Workforce retention and skills utilisation 52.1 32.0 15.9
Adoption of higher skill levels across the workforce 41.3 42.6 16.1
Managing an ageing workforce 18.5 35.4 46.1

Source: 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING This work resulted in the reduction
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
56 TRAINING PACKAGE of qualifications from eight to seven,
the development of one new unit
The Automotive Manufacturing
of competency, recoding of all
Training Package contains
competencies to align with current
seven qualifications comprising
coding policy and the removal
103 industry-specific units of
of 10 units of competency.
competency aligned to occupations
across two sectors:
• Vehicle Manufacturing The uptake of qualifications from
Bus, Truck and Trailer this training package has remained
• Vehicle Manufacturing relatively consistent over the past
Passenger Vehicle four years as shown in Tables 22
and 23. It is expected that use of the
Sixteen registered training Automotive Manufacturing Training
organisations (RTOs) have the Package will grow as occupational
training package on their scope outcomes and career pathways
of registration (courses which become more readily identified
they have registered to deliver in the training package.
and assess).
The data in Tables 22 and 23 is
Progress drawn from NCVER reports and
only details results for nationally
During 2012, ASA has reviewed and
accredited training. It does not
restructured all qualifications in the
reflect state-accredited training
Automotive Manufacturing Training
or enterprise-specific, non-
Package. This work was in response
accredited training.
to industry feedback highlighting the
requirement for qualifications to
more clearly reflect defined
job roles and career pathways
in the industry.

Table 22: Automotive Manufacturing Training Package – Student Enrolments

2008 2009 2010 2011

Total enrolments 565 429 498 510

Source: NCVER Student Collection

Table 23: Commencements – Automotive Manufacturing Training Package

2008 2009 2010 2011

Apprenticeships – school based 8 15 6 3
Other school-based training 0 0 0 0
Apprenticeships – non-school based 234 184 232 132
Other training – not apprenticeships 142 25 45 42
Domestic fee for service training 0 0 1 1
International fee for service training 0 0 0 0
TOTAL AUM12 commencements 384 224 284 178

Source: NCVER VOCSTATS database. Note: Apprentices includes trainees

Continuous Improvement • Marine
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
57 Throughout 2013 all units of • Bicycles
competency in the Automotive
• Sales, Parts, Administration
Manufacturing Training Package
and Management
will be reviewed and the training
package will be streamlined to There are 241 RTOs that have the
conform to the recently endorsed training package on their scope
Training Package Standards. There of registration.
are 103 units of competency that
will be reviewed in this project. Progress
The expectation is that this work During 2012, the Automotive Retail,
will result in clear outcomes and Service and Repair Training Package
increased rigour in the units of was reviewed in response to needs
competency in accordance with identified by industry. This resulted
industry requirements. in an increase in qualifications
from 43 to 56, the development of
AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL, 94 new units of competency, the
SERVICE AND REPAIR review and recoding of 489 units
TRAINING PACKAGE of competency, the removal of
The Automotive Retail, Service six units of competency and the
and Repair Training Package development of 16 new Skill Sets.
contains 56 qualifications
This work included the separation
comprising 583 industry-specific
of a number of grouped-up
units of competency aligned to
qualifications into occupation-
occupations across eight sectors:
specific qualifications. This
• Mechanical and Specialisation separation enabled an increase
in the number of core units
• Mechanical Heavy Vehicle
to be structured within these
• Vehicle Body qualifications. This provides greater
• Auto Electrical rigour in the qualification outcomes
and will ultimately result in greater
• Outdoor Power and Equipment
industry confidence in the quality of
national automotive qualifications.
Uptake Continuous Improvement
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
58 The Automotive Retail, Service and Throughout 2013-14 all units of
Repair Training Package remains competency in the Automotive
one of the most widely used training Retail, Service and Repair Training
packages within the VET sector. Package will be reviewed and the
Student enrolments have remained training package will be streamlined
consistently high over the past four to conform to the recently endorsed
years, as shown in Tables 24 and 25. Training Package Standards. There
are 583 units of competency that
It is expected that use of the will be reviewed in this project.
Automotive Retail, Service and The expectation is that this work
Repair Training Package will grow as will result in clear outcomes and
occupational outcomes and career increased rigour in the units
pathways become more readily of competency.
identified and as the vehicle fleet
in Australia expands along with a Overall, the developments
growing population. embodied within both automotive
training packages may challenge the
Investment projects within the ability of some registered training
mining and civil construction providers to effectively deliver
industries will also result in an these enhanced qualifications.
increased demand for automotive It is necessary that the automotive
qualifications and in particular those workforce of the future is equipped
of heavy vehicle and plant and with the right balance of skills
machinery mechanics. in accordance with changing
The data in Tables 24 and 25 is vehicle technologies and industry
drawn from NCVER reports and requirements. As a result, the mix of
only details results for nationally training providers delivering national
accredited training. It does not automotive qualifications may
reflect state-accredited training change in the near future.
or enterprise specific, non-
accredited training.

Table 24: Automotive Retail, Service and Repair Training Package – Student Enrolments

2008 2009 2010 2011

Total enrolments 39,836 38,451 39,562 40,317

Source: NCVER Student Collection

Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Table 25: Commencements – Automotive Retail, Service and Repair Training Package

2008 2009 2010 2011

Apprenticeships – school based 1167 1061 1180 850
Other school-based training 2035 1969 2051 1765
Apprenticeships – non-school based 13,107 10,790 11,872 11,137
Other training – not apprenticeships 3677 4023 4918 5993
Domestic fee for service training 1186 1339 1072 1370
International fee for service training 456 478 458 509
TOTAL AUR12 commencements 21,628 19,660 21,551 21,624

Source: NCVER VOCSTATS database. Note: Apprentices includes trainees

It is necessary that the

automotive workforce
of the future is equipped
with the right balance
of skills in accordance
with changing vehicle
technologies and
industry requirements.
The national vocational education that are within all qualifications.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
60 and training (VET) system provides In the automotive context, this will
the framework through which also enable ASA to be clear not only
industry and registered training about what is delivered in training
organisations collectively deliver but also how industry expects it

training and assess the competency to be delivered. There does need
of individuals. This system provides to be careful consideration given

the structure for training and when placing greater rigour in units
assessment pathways that enable of competency that unrealistic or
the growth of organisations and unachievable demands are not
Directions individuals through vocational
skills development.
placed upon either the registered
training organisation, the workplace

for Endorsed NEW STANDARDS

or the learner.

Components = GREATER Rigour

The automotive industry has for

of Training some time sought greater rigour

and consistency in the delivery
One of the key features of the new
Standards for Training Packages is

Packages of automotive training. This is

particularly true of the Certificate
III level technical (traditional
the development of Streamlined
Training Packages. Streamlined
Training Packages will incorporate
apprenticeship) qualifications. remodelled and new content
into a series of companion
Automotive industry stakeholders volumes. These companion
have clear views concerning the volumes will provide advice on the
preferred delivery model for implementation of training packages
technical qualifications. These to automotive registered training
views espouse the need for a organisations and the automotive
strong emphasis on practical tasks industry and careers advice to
in a real workplace or a simulated potential new entrants.
environment that adequately
reflects the demands and Companion volumes will be
expectations of real workplaces. available online and will be an
interactive tool that provides
New Standards for Training Packages advice that has been developed
was endorsed by the Standing to assist the user in language
Council on Tertiary Education, that can be easily understood.
Skills and Employment (SCOTESE) These companion volumes
on 16 November 2012. These will be developed in consultation
standards guide the development of with stakeholders to ensure
industry standards and provide the that they meet the needs of
opportunity to create greater rigour the target audience.
in the units of competency
E-LEARNING – PART OF productivity in order to maintain
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
61 A BLENDED SOLUTION a certain level of profitability.
Unfortunately, staff training is often
The ASA Learning Hub has been
a casualty of such cost cutting.
developed as an online learning
environment that provides a set of Given that the uptake of national
free (blended) learning programs automotive qualifications at
and support materials for units of Certificate II and Certificate III
competency from the automotive levels has only marginally increased
training packages. The learning over the past decade, and that the
hub is expected to grow as more uptake of higher-level qualifications
resources are developed over time. has been even lower, a lack of
sufficient employer training may
The automotive industry is a hands-
constitute a real threat to both
on, practical industry. With this in
industry growth and the VET system.
mind, the resources that have been
developed for the learning hub are Traditionally, the automotive
meant to complement the training industry has been a strong
and assessment of competencies. supporter of the national VET
They are not meant to replace the system, and the restructure of
practical training and assessment automotive qualifications has been
of a student’s performance of tasks. undertaken in response to industry
needs. Industry support is therefore
E-learning’s strength is in providing
vital in engageing apprentices and
an environment that is both familiar
trainees within the new qualification
to young learners and that has
structures and career pathways.
content that can engage a learner
This will have positive implications
in ways that traditional training
for business productivity and the
may not.
VET sector in the long run.
In the current economic
Despite the sophisticated
environment, many automotive
technology in modern motor
employers have exhibited a
vehicles and the increasingly high
general reluctance to hire new
level of IT skills required in their
apprentices and trainees. This is
diagnosis and repair, the automotive
a reflection of both inconsistent
industry continues to suffer from
levels of business activity as well
community perceptions that jobs
as uncertainty stemming from a
within the industry are dirty and
weak global economic environment.
dangerous. These perceptions of
In such conditions, businesses
a largely bygone industry continue
tend to focus on their costs, and
to create major barriers in the
in particular reducing their costs
attraction of young people.
as much as possible and raising
Educating the general public, the FOCUSING ON TECHNOLOGY
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
school community and potential
Given that the average age of all
new industry entrants of the modern
vehicles registered in Australia is
industry’s practices and future
10 years, the stock of motor vehicles
directions is critical to attracting
on the road is a mixture of past,
new labour. To this extent, ASA
current and emerging technologies.
in conjunction with industry has
This mixture of technologies
developed a new range of career
poses significant challenges
resources to be used in schools
in the development of national
by career advisors to showcase
training qualifications.
the industry in a more positive and
contemporary light. These include The relatively large stock of
industry career video material, ‘old’ motor vehicles on the
website links to industry information, road necessitates that national
careers pathways, the Mentor/ training qualifications should
Advisor Apprenticeship program have provision for units of
(MAAP) and other measures. competency or specialisations
Promotion of the automotive in older vehicle technologies as
industry at career expos has also well as encapsulating present and
been a key initiative. emerging technologies, including
hybrid and battery electric vehicles.
Changing people’s ingrained
The restructure of both automotive
perceptions about the automotive
training packages has a clear focus
industry will inevitably take time. In
on capturing as broad a scope of
this respect, a united effort among
total vehicle technology as possible.
all stakeholders is required, as well
This has been further assisted
as a clever marketing campaign by
through the application
industry to attract a new generation
of elective units of competency
of youth towards the automotive
in all automotive qualifications.
industry. The skills requirements
embodied in today’s automotive
technicians can be a major selling
point for achieving these aims.
Even though all qualification through a series of computers.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
63 structures have been restructured, These vehicles require a higher
all trade qualifications still level of diagnostic ability and IT
enable one-third or more of literacy, and consequently the title
the qualification to be drawn of ‘technician’ has replaced that of
from elective units. This ensures ‘mechanic’ for most occupations
that training meets specific identified within the newly
enterprise needs. structured national automotive
Technology has also seen a
change in job roles within the It is also expected that the use of
industry and this has necessitated the terms ‘technician’ and ‘master
a change in the specific job technician’ will change community
roles and occupational titles perceptions regarding people’s roles
within the national qualifications. within the automotive industry, and
Modern motor vehicles are now perhaps help alleviate over time
characterised by a merging some of the negative connotations
of mechanical and electrical concerning employment within
technology that is controlled the industry.

Table 26: Summary of National VET Regulatory Reforms that affect the Automotive Industry

Vocational Education and Training Regulatory Reform Update

Reform objective/progress Effect of regulatory Information
reform on ASA
New Standards for Training Packages ASA is reviewing both Timeframe:
The Standing Council on Tertiary Education, Skills and training packages to By 31 December 2015, all
Employment (SCOTESE) endorsed new Standards for incorporate the new training packages will meet
Training Packages, developed by the National Skills Standards standards and move the new Standards for
Council (NSSC), on the 16th of November 2012. the training packages to Training Packages.
the streamlined model.
The purpose of the Standards for Training Packages is to
ensure training packages are of high quality and meet the ASA seeks to continue a
More information:
workforce development needs of industry, enterprises positive engagement with
the NSSC and in particular http://www.nssc.natese.
and individuals. The standards apply to the design and
in respect to the passage
development of training packages by Industry Skills
of automotive training file/0009/72765/
Councils (ISCs), which are then endorsed by the NSSC.
packages through the NSSC-SB-03_-_Standards_
The Standards for Training Packages replace the Training for_Training_Packages.pdf
new standards.
Package Development Handbook (which includes the
previous Training Package Development and
Endorsement Process).
The new Standards for Training Packages implement the
agreed recommendations from the joint COAG/NQC VET
Products for the 21st Century Report, endorsed by the
Ministerial Council for Tertiary Education and Employment.
Under the new standards there will be a strengthened quality
assurance process that will include all components of a
training package put forward to the NSSC for endorsement.
The national register of information on training packages,
qualifications, courses, units of competency and registered
training organisations – – will publish
streamlined training packages upon their endorsement by
the NSSC.
The Office of the NSSC is establishing a collaborative
process with VET stakeholders to support implementation
and develop a shared understanding of the design and
implementation of the new standards.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Table 26: Summary of National VET Regulatory Reforms that affect the Automotive Industry

Vocational Education and Training Regulatory Reform Update

Reform objective/progress Effect of regulatory Information
reform on ASA
Mandatory collection and reporting of total VET The details of the new http://www.scotese.natese.
activity data and the Unique Student Identifier (USI) standard for the mandatory
SCOTESE has agreed to the mandatory collection and collection and reporting
reporting of total VET activity data from 1 January 2014. of total VET activity data,
and the USI including its
Collecting detailed and comprehensive data on training by
operation, will be finalised
registered training providers will improve the operation of
after further engagement
regulation for consumers, inform policy-making and enable
with the National Skills
provision of more comprehensive information to students,
Standards Council (NSSC),
employers and training providers. Together with the USI, this
training providers and peak
will also enable students to have their record of educational
bodies and regulators.
achievements in VET across Australia brought together in the
one place and online.
This decision follows stakeholder consultation through a
Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Regulation
Impact Statement (RIS) process, which found that
mandatory collection and reporting of VET activity data
will lead to overall sector benefits.
SCOTESE also asked for advice in the short term on methods
to ameliorate the burden on small RTOs and any associated
costs, and in the long term a broader review of the data
collection and reporting requirements on training providers
with a view to potential rationalisation.

Review of the standards for the regulation of VET The outcome of this http://www.nssc.natese.
The NSSC has been asked by SCOTESE, as a priority, to review will be a new set of
undertake a broad-ranging review of the standards for the standards for the regulation file/0003/72318/
regulation of VET, focusing on issues of quality. The NSSC of VET, to be considered NSSC_Issues_Paper_
commenced its review in June 2012, releasing a public by SCOTESE in late 2013 Review_of_the_Standards_
consultation paper and holding roundtables with key for implementation from for_the_Regulation_of_
stakeholders. 2014. These standards will VET_-_web.pdf
be: appropriate for ensuring
The NSSC considers that reform of the standards for the
quality outcomes; clearly
regulation of VET is required, a position that is supported
documented; capable
by responses to the consultation paper and feedback
of being consistently
from the roundtable discussions. The main area identified
interpreted; and able to be
by stakeholders as requiring significant change relates to
effectively implemented.
ensuring quality training and assessment.
The scope of the review includes the national standards
for the regulation of VET, which are considered to include
standards for RTOs, registering and course accrediting
bodies, and data.
Importantly, the NSSC is cognisant of the potential impact of
the review on other components of the broader regulatory
framework for the VET sector (e.g. training packages, the
Australian Qualifications Framework, criteria for publicly
subsidised training, Education Services for Overseas
Students Act requirements) and their linkages to the
standards for the regulation of VET. However, it will not seek
to re-prosecute the content of these components but rather
consider how they align and link with the standards for the
regulation of VET.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Report on Previous Continuous
Improvement Activity
AUM12 Automotive Manufacturing Training Package – Version 1
Update imported units Training package 11 May 2012 14 June 2012 29 June 2012
and correction of errors data maintenance
Minor ISC upgrades to Training package 11 May 2012 14 June 2012 29 June 2012
correct errors and migration data maintenance
issues on TGA
Revision of six qualifications Capture 11 May 2012 14 June 2012 29 June 2012
• C
 ertificate I in Automotive contemporary
Manufacturing job roles and
•  Certificate II in Automotive
Manufacturing Production
– Bus, Truck and Trailer
•  Certificate II in Automotive
Manufacturing Production
– Passenger Motor Vehicle
•  Certificate III in Automotive
Manufacturing Technical Operations
– Bus, Truck and Trailer
•  Certificate III in Automotive
Manufacturing Technical Operations
– Passenger Motor Vehicle
•  Certificate IV in Automotive
•  Diploma of Automotive
Inclusion of Certificate IV Capture 11 May 2012 14 June 2012 29 June 2012
in Automotive Manufacturing contemporary
job roles and
Review and recoding of 102 units of Units reviewed 11 May 2012 14 June 2012 29 June 2012
competency, inclusion of one new and updated to
unit of competency, removal of 10 reflect current
units of competency training package
New unit created
to reflect current
standards for bus,
truck and trailer.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

AUR12 Automotive Retail, Service and Repair Training Package – Version 1

Update imported units and Training Package 19 October 2012 5 December 2012 17 January 2013
correction of errors data maintenance
Minor ISC upgrades to correct errors Training 19 October 2012 5 December 2012 17 January 2013
and migration issues on TGA Package data
Inclusion of 54 new qualifications Existing 19 October 2012 5 December 2012 17 January 2013
and removal of three qualifications qualifications were
reviewed resulting
in significant
restructure of the
training package
to capture
job roles and
Revision of two qualifications Qualifications 19 October 2012 5 December 2012 17 January 2013
• C
 ertificate III in Automotive Engine reviewed to
Reconditioning incorporate
• Certificate IV in Vehicle Loss Assessing
Review and recoding of 489 units of Units reviewed 19 October 2012 5 December 2012 17 January 2013
competency, inclusion of 94 new unit and updated to
of competency, removal of six units of reflect current
competency training package
New units created
to reflect current
technology and
job roles.
Inclusion of 16 new Skill Sets Skill Sets were 19 October 2012 5 December 2012 17 January 2013
developed to
capture licensing
and regulatory
requirements as
well as industry
1. Annual turnover relates to 2010-11 financial year. Turnover estimate
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
67 calculated from ABS Australian Industry 2010-11 (Cat. No. 8155.0) and
ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits, June
2008 to June 2011 (Cat. No. 8165.0),
2. GDP estimate expressed in current price terms from ABS Australian

APPENDIX B National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product,

Sep 2012 (Cat. No. 8159.0),

Bibliography 3. Sectors and employment estimates listed are an amalgamation of

relevant ANZSIC codes and modelled time series data.
4. ABS State and Territory Statistical Indicators, 2012 (Cat. No. 1367.0),
5. Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, Key Facts about the
Australian Automotive Industry, 7 September 2012,
6. Department of Innovation, Industry Science and Research: Automotive
Industry Data Card, November 2012,
7. Source: IBISWORLD Motor Vehicle Manufacturing in Australia, July 2012,
Industry Report C2811,
8. Source: Car Advice, Criticism of Local Manufacturing Empty: FCAI Chief,
4 January 2013,
9. Source: The Age, Ford’s green falcon fails to meet fleet guidelines,
18 July 2012,
10. Source: Adelaide Now, Thai auto workers will get $1.12 an hour to
replace Aussie jobs, 7 August 2012,
11. Source: ASA Automotive Industry/Stakeholder Forums –
Sep to Oct, 2012.
12. ABS Labour Force, Australia (Cat. No. 6202.0),
13. Source: NCVER VOCSTATS database, commencements in AUR and
AUM Training Packages, averaged over the period 2003-2012,
14. Source: Sydney Morning Herald, Car generation dying out, 24 May 2012,
15. ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits Jun
2008 to June 2011 (Cat. No. 8165.0),
16. Source:
17. Source: NCVER, student enrolments in AUR and AUM Training Packages
18. Source: NCVER Apprentices and Trainees, June quarter 2012,
19. Source: NCVER, The role of culture in apprenticeship completions,
Occasional Paper 2012, Tom Karmel and David Roberts,
20. Source: CommSec, State of the States Report, 19 October 2012,
21. Source: NCVER VOCSTATS database, apprentices and trainees
commencements, 2002-2012,
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
68 22. Source: ASA Automotive Industry/Stakeholder Forums –
Sep to Oct, 2012.
23. Source: ASA Automotive Industry/Stakeholder Forums –
Sep to Oct, 2012.
24. Source: CommSec, State of the States Report, 19 October 2012,
25. Source: ASA Automotive Industry/Stakeholder Forums –
Sep to Oct, 2012.
26. Source: ASA Automotive Industry/Stakeholder Forums –
Sep to Oct, 2012.
27. Source: The Examiner, Tasmania officially in recession,
12 September 2012,
28. Source: ASA Automotive Industry/Stakeholder Forums –
Sep to Oct, 2012.
29. Source: CommSec, State of the States Report, 19 October 2012,
30. Source: ASA Automotive Industry/Stakeholder Forums –
Sep to Oct, 2012.
31. Source: ASA Automotive Industry/Stakeholder Forums –
Sep to Oct, 2012.


Actions taken to develop the 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan

Auto Skills Australia Ltd has used a range of processes and strategies
to develop the 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan. The aim of the
2013 E-Scan was to integrate a contemporary statistical analysis of the
automotive industry, together with maximum engagement and qualitative
contribution from stakeholders. Intelligence gathering for the 2013 E-Scan
was conducted from July 2012 to December 2012.

The processes used to inform the E-Scan included:

• Conducting a series of forums and focus group discussions with
automotive industry stakeholders in each state. These stakeholders
included national and state industry associations and peak bodies; state
industry advisory training bodies; registered training organisations; and
state training authorities. Valuable intelligence was gained from these
forums on conditions within the automotive industry in each state. The
forums were undertaken over the period September to October 2012.
• The development of a national industry employer survey (the 2013
Automotive Environmental Scan Survey) was designed to capture detailed
quantitative and qualitative labour market information in each state. The
survey was conducted during October 2012. The survey is discussed in
more detail below.
• Discussions with representatives of motor vehicle manufacturers on
the state of the automotive manufacturing industry during October and
November 2012.
• Consultations with ASA Training Package Specialists on an ongoing basis
concerning developments in national automotive training qualifications.
• Consultations with ASA industry sector advisory committees and ASA
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
69 Board members concerning automotive sector intelligence.
• Use of the latest ABS and NCVER data and conducting time series
modelling of estimates.
• Use of automotive research publications, industry reports and ongoing
media report monitoring.

2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey

The 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan Survey was designed to
capture crucial quantitative and qualitative information on the state of
the automotive labour market and other important issues in each state.
The data gained from the survey was seen as instrumental in verifying
or validating the qualitative and anecdotal evidence presented by many
stakeholders during forum group discussions.

Given that the automotive labour market was the prime focus of the survey,
it was disseminated to automotive businesses in each state. The survey
included a cross-section of businesses in each state within each relevant
ANZSIC code and industry activity as listed in Table 1.

Sample Size and Level of Accuracy

A sample size of 700 automotive businesses was selected within the
survey. Given that the national population of automotive businesses is
approximately 64,000 (ABS: Counts of Australian Businesses Cat. No.
8165.0), a sample size of 700 businesses allows for a 95% confidence level
with the data, or a 3.7% margin of error according to the formula:

MARGIN OF ERROR = 1 / sample size =
Note: ‘n’ is always used to stand
for sample size (or number)

The margin of error can be described as the amount by which the

percentage or proportion obtained from the sample, a sample statistic,
will differ from the population percentage or proportion.

Therefore, with a sample size of 700, the margin of error is:

= 1 / √700
= 1 / √26.45
= 0.037
= (±) 3.7%

Therefore, if 50% of business respondents sampled claim to be affected

by shortages of skilled labour, one can be 95% confident that the true value
for the whole population falls between 50 ± 3.7, that is, in a range from
46.3% to 53.7%.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Occupations and Qualifications
in Demand Table
NOTE: The information contained in the following table is presented on the basis of industry sector and
occupation, according to the newly restructured qualifications and job roles within Version 12 of the Automotive
Retail, Service and Repair Training Package (AUR12) and the Automotive Manufacturing Training Package (AUM12).

The ANZSCO codes and occupations used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics do not accurately represent
or match the revised job roles and qualifications within AUR12 and AUM12. As such, a best fit of ANZSCO codes
to AUR12 and AUM12 qualifications and occupations has been presented in the table below. Where there are
no appropriate ANZSCO codes available, none are recorded.

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
899414 Automotive Air AUR20212 Certificate II in Low-level shortages for this
Radiator Conditioning Automotive Air Conditioning occupation were recorded in some
Repairer Specialist Technology states within the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.

899916 Automotive Vehicle AUR20512 Certificate II in Mild shortages for this occupation
Mechanic’s Assistant Serviceperson Automotive Servicing Technology were recorded in some states
within the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.
899916 Automotive Underbody AUR21212 Certificate II in No shortages were reported by
Mechanic’s Assistant Systems Serviceperson Automotive Underbody Technology employers for this occupation.
321211 Motor Mechanic Automotive Braking AUR21312 Certificate II in Some demand for this occupation
(General) Systems Serviceperson Automotive Braking System was reported by employers in NSW.
Technology A lack of specific TAFE courses was
cited as a key issue.
899414 Automotive Radiator AUR21412 Certificate II in Reports of significant shortages
Radiator Repair Specialist Automotive Cooling System within this occupation were made
Repairer Technology by employers in NSW/ACT during
industry forums conducted in 2012.
Low wages, a poor career image
and attraction of labour to other
industries were contributing factors
towards this shortage.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation titles qualification (qualitative and/or
323214 Automotive Engine AUR21512 Certificate II in Reports of shortages within this
Metal Cylinder Head Repair Automotive Cylinder Head occupation were made to varying
Machinist Specialist Reconditioning degrees in each state. The largest
shortages reported by employers
were in QLD and NSW through
industry forums and through the
results of the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.
321211 Motor Mechanic Automotive Driveline AUR21612 Certificate II in Severe and consistent shortages
(General) and Transmission Automotive Driveline System have been reported within
Specialist Technology this occupation in all states by
employers, especially within SA.
Both survey analysis conducted
by ASA and qualitative evidence
supplied through industry forums
indicate that issues of low pay,
an attraction of workers to other
industries and a lack of appropriate
training courses are all contributing
factors towards shortages in
this occupation.
899413 Automotive Exhaust AUR21712 Certificate II in No shortages were reported by
Exhaust Fitting Specialist Automotive Exhaust System employers for this occupation.
and Muffler Repairer Technology
321211 Automotive Steering AUR21812 Certificate II in Mild shortages for this occupation
Motor Mechanic and Suspension Automotive Steering and were recorded in some states,
(General) Specialist Suspension System Technology particularly in QLD and NT
within the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.
899415 Automotive Tyre Fitter – AUR21912 Certificate II in Severe shortages of tyre fitters in
Tyre Fitter Light Vehicles Automotive Tyre Servicing all categories (light vehicles/heavy
Technology vehicles/agricultural) have been
recorded in most states/territories
during employer consultations by
ASA and through the results of the
2013 Automotive Environmental
Scan Survey.
899415 Automotive Tyre Fitter – AUR21912 Certificate II in See above.
Tyre Fitter Heavy Vehicles Automotive Tyre Servicing
899415 Automotive Tyre Fitter – AUR21912 Certificate II in See above.
Tyre Fitter Agricultural Equipment Automotive Tyre Servicing
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO Code Industry Sector Training Package Justification/evidence

and Occupation and Occupation Qualification (qualitative and/or
Titles quantitative)
321211 Automotive Light AUR30612 Certificate III in Light Automotive light vehicle
Motor Mechanic Vehicle – Mechanical/ Vehicle Mechanical Technology technicians represent the most
(General) Repair Technician AUR32012 Certificate III in in-demand occupation and the
Automotive Alternative most critical shortage within the
Fuel Technology automotive industry.
AUR31612 Certificate III in This has been confirmed through
Automotive Drivetrain industry and stakeholder forums
Technology and consultations in all states. It
has also been confirmed through
the results of the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.
Time series modelling of ABS
labour force estimates conducted
by Auto Skills Australia indicates
that the shortage of automotive
light vehicle technicians is in the
order of 19,194 persons nationally
in 2012-13, rising to 19,297 persons
in 2013-14. Attraction of labour to
other industries, negative career
perceptions and issues of low pay
are all cited as contributing factors
towards this significant shortage.
321213 Automotive Motorcycle AUR30812 Certificate III Evidence provided by stakeholders
Motorcycle Mechanic Repair Technician in Motorcycle Mechanical during consultations with industry
Technology as well as the results of the 2013
Automotive Environmental Scan
Survey indicate that there
are shortages within this
occupation in most states.

Time series modelling of ABS

labour force estimates conducted
by Auto Skills Australia indicates
that the shortage of motorcycle
repair technicians is in the order
of 1480 persons nationally in
2012-13, rising to 1500 persons in
2013-14. Attraction of labour to
other industries, negative career
perceptions and issues of low pay
are all cited as contributing factors
towards this shortage.
321211 Automotive Light AUR32512 Certificate III in No shortages were reported by
Motor Mechanic Vehicle Underbody Automotive Underbody employers for this occupation.
(General) Repair Technician Technology
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO Code Industry Sector Training Package Justification/evidence

and Occupation and Occupation Qualification (qualitative and/or
Titles quantitative)
321211 Motor Automotive Lead/ AUR40212 Certificate IV in Shortages of master technicians
Mechanic Master Technician Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis or technicians with high-level
(General) AUR40412 Certificate IV in diagnostic skills have been reported
Automotive Performance to ASA during industry forums and
Enhancement employer consultations in all states,
particularly for medium and large
AUR40812 Certificate IV
business enterprises.
in Automotive Mechanical
Automotive AUR40212 Certificate IV in Demand for this occupation was
Technical Advisor Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis prevalent from industry during
business consultations undertaken
by ASA in 2012. Reports provided
indicate that shortages within
this occupation are expected to
increase over the next 12 months.
Performance AUR40412 Certificate IV in Low-level demand for this
Vehicle Technician Automotive Performance occupation was recorded in
Enhancement QLD within the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.
Advanced Diagnostic AUR50212 Diploma of Automotive Advanced diagnostic skills are
Technician Technology highly sought after by automotive
businesses in response to
increasingly complex vehicle
Automotive AUR50212 Diploma of Automotive No shortages were reported by
System Designer Technology employers for this occupation.


321212 Agricultural Mechanical AUR30412 Certificate III in Shortages within this occupation
Diesel Motor Technician Agricultural Mechanical have been reported by businesses
Mechanic Technology in VIC, NSW and SA within the 2013
Automotive Environmental Scan
321212 Heavy Commercial AUR31112 Certificate III in Heavy The results of the 2013 Automotive
Diesel Motor Vehicle Technician Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Environmental Scan Survey
Mechanic Technology indicate major shortages within
this occupation/specialisation,
particularly in SA, VIC, NSW,
WA, QLD and NT. Shortages are
prevalent across both the private
and public sectors. Public sector
shortages include demand
from local councils and shires,
particularly in NSW. The attraction
of labour to other industries is
cited as one of the key reasons
for these shortages.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
3213211 Mobile Plant Technician AUR31212 Certificate III in The results of the 2013 Automotive
Fitter (General) Mobile Plant Technology Environmental Scan Survey
indicate major shortages within
this occupation/specialisation,
particularly in VIC, NSW, SA WA,
QLD and NT. The attraction of
labour to other industries is cited
as one of the key reasons for these
3213211 Diesel Fitter AUR31212 Certificate III in The results of the 2013
Fitter (General) Mobile Plant Technology Automotive Environmental
Scan Survey indicate prominent
shortages within this occupation/
specialisation in QLD, NT, NSW and
VIC. The attraction of labour to
other industries is cited as one
of the key reasons for
these shortages.
323214 Automotive Engine AUR31312 Certificate III in Reports of shortages within this
Metal Reconditioner Automotive Engine Reconditioning occupation were made to varying
Machinist degrees in each state. The largest
shortages reported by employers
were in QLD and NSW through
industry forums and through the
results of the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.
321212 Automotive Heavy AUR31412 Certificate III in No shortages were reported by
Diesel Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Automotive Diesel Fuel Technology employers within this specialised
Mechanic Technician occupation.
321212 Diesel Engine AUR31512 Certificate III in The results of the 2013 Automotive
Diesel Motor Technician Automotive Diesel Engine Environmental Scan Survey
Mechanic Technology indicate major shortages within
this occupation/specialisation,
particularly in SA, VIC, NSW, WA,
QLD and NT.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
321212 Automotive Heavy AUR31612 Certificate III in Automotive heavy vehicle repair
Diesel Motor Vehicle Repair Automotive Drivetrain technicians represent one of the
Mechanic Technician Technology most in demand occupations and
AUR32012 Certificate III in one of the most critical shortages
Automotive Alternative Fuel within the automotive industry.
Technology This has been confirmed through
industry and stakeholder forums
and consultations in all states. It
has also been confirmed through
the results of the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.
Time series modelling of ABS labour
force estimates conducted by
Auto Skills Australia indicates that
the shortage of automotive heavy
vehicle repair technicians is in the
order of 3058 persons nationally
in 2012-13, rising to 3185 persons
in 2013-14. Attraction of labour to
other industries and negative career
perceptions are cited as contributing
factors towards this shortage.
721311 Automotive Forklift AUR31712 Certificate III in Forklift Mild shortages have been reported
Forklift Driver Repair Technician Technology by employers for this occupation in
various states.
Heavy Commercial AUR31812 Certificate III in Heavy Moderate shortages have been
Trailer Technician Commercial Trailer Technology reported by employers for this
occupation in QLD, NT and NSW.

Elevating Work Platform AUR31912 Certificate III in Elevating No shortages were reported by
Technician Work Platform Technology employers within this specialised


8999 Other Vehicle Body Repair AUR20912 Certificate II in No shortages reported
Miscellaneous Assistant Automotive Body Repair for this occupation.
Labourers Technology
8999 Other Vehicle Paint-Less Dent AUR20912 Certificate II in No shortages reported
Miscellaneous Repair Assistant Automotive Body Repair for this occupation.
Labourers Technology
8999 Other Vehicle Painter AUR20912 Certificate II in No shortages reported
Miscellaneous Assistant Automotive Body Repair for this occupation.
Labourers Technology
8999 Other Vehicle Trimmer AUR20912 Certificate II in No shortages reported
Miscellaneous Assistant Automotive Body Repair for this occupation.
Labourers Technology
8999 Other Vehicle Glazing AUR20912 Certificate II in No shortages reported
Miscellaneous Assistant Automotive Body Repair for this occupation.
Labourers Technology
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
8999 Other Vehicle Dismantler AUR20912 Certificate II in Results from the 2013 Automotive
Miscellaneous Automotive Body Repair Environmental Scan Survey
Labourers Technology indicate a mild shortage of vehicle
dismantlers within Queensland.
811111 Vehicle Detailer AUR20912 Certificate II in No shortages reported for this
Car Detailer Automotive Body Repair occupation.
8999 Other Vehicle Body Assembler AUR20912 Certificate II in No shortages reported for this
Miscellaneous Automotive Body Repair occupation.
Labourers Technology
8999 Other Vehicle Tinter AUR20912 Certificate II in No shortages reported for this
Miscellaneous Automotive Body Repair occupation.
Labourers Technology
324111 Vehicle Body Repair AUR20912 Certificate II in Results from the 2013 Automotive
Panelbeater Technician Automotive Body Repair Environmental Scan Survey
Technology indicate severe shortages of vehicle
Vehicle Body AUR32112 Certificate III in body repair technicians in most
Restoration Technician Automotive Body Repair states, but particularly in NSW, VIC,
Technology WA, QLD and SA.
Heavy Vehicle Body AUR32112 Certificate III in Time series modelling of ABS labour
and Chassis Repair Automotive Body Repair force estimates conducted by ASA
Technician Technology indicate a shortage of 4000 vehicle
body repair technicians nationally
in 2012-13, rising to a shortage of
4500 positions in 2013-14.
Businesses assert that insurance
company repair rates, low wages,
business closures, a lack of
suitable entrants into the industry
and attraction of labour to other
industries have all contributed
towards these shortages.
899412 Automotive Glazing AUR32212 Certificate III in Results from the 2013 Automotive
Autoglazier Technician Automotive Glazing Technology Environmental Scan Survey
indicate a low level of shortages
within this occupation in the order
of 60 positions nationally in 2012-13.
324212 Motor Trimming AUR32212 Certificate III Survey evidence indicates a low
Vehicle Trimmer Technician in Automotive and Marine level of shortages for motor/marine
Marine Trimming Trimming Technology trimmers in Tasmania and New
Technician South Wales. In Tasmania, 5.6%
of survey respondents identified
these occupations as being in
shortage and 2.3% in NSW. The
poor quality of applicants and
low wages were cited as the main
reasons for these shortages.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation titles qualification (qualitative and/or
324311 Vehicle Refinishing AUR32412 Certificate III Large shortages of vehicle
Vehicle Painter Technician in Automotive Refinishing refinishing technicians have been
Vehicle Refinishing Technology reported by industry stakeholders
Technician – Heavy in most states/territories. The
Vehicle and Industry results obtained from the 2013
Automotive Environmental Scan
Survey also confirm this.
Time series modelling of ABS
labour force estimates conducted
by Auto Skills Australia indicates
a national shortage of vehicle
refinishing technicians estimated
at 2596 in 2012-13, rising to 2625
during 2013-14.
Businesses with shortages within
this occupation assert that
insurance company repair rates
are having a profound effect on the
capacity for businesses to remain
viable. Also, difficulties in attracting
labour into this occupation remain
a key issue along with negative
perceptions concerning this trade.

512111 Workshop Manager, AUR40712 Certificate IV in New qualification & occupation.

Office Master Technician and Automotive Body Repair No reported shortages.
Manager Workplace Supervisor Technology
599612 Vehicle Loss AUR40512 Certificate IV Industry/stakeholder evidence
Insurance Assessor in Vehicle Loss Assessing provided to ASA indicates a national
Loss Adjuster demand of approximately 1000
positions in vehicle loss assessing.
The provision of Commonwealth
funding through the National
Workforce Development Fund
has stimulated the supply of
labour to this occupation,
which is expected
to largely meet this growing
industry demand.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
899411 Motor Vehicle Automotive Electrical AUR20412 Certificate II in No shortages reported for this
Part and Accessories Component Installer Automotive Electrical Technology occupation.
Fitter (General)
8999 Other Automotive Electrical AUR20412 Certificate II in No shortages reported for this
Miscellaneous Trainee/Assistant Automotive Electrical Technology occupation.
321111 Automotive Electrical AUR30312 Certificate III in Evidence provided by stakeholders
Automotive Technician Automotive Electrical Technology during forums held in each
Electrician state suggests that there is a
national shortage of automotive
electricians. This has also
been confirmed through the
results of the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey, where
shortages were particularly severe
in WA, QLD, SA and NSW/ACT.
Time series modelling conducted
by Auto Skills Australia indicates
that the shortage of automotive
electricians is in the order of 2642
persons nationally in 2012-13,
increasing to 2675 persons in
The attraction of automotive
electricians to other industries,
such as the mining industry due
to the considerably higher salaries
offered is cited as a major reason
for the shortages within this
512111 Automotive Electrical AUR40612 Certificate IV in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Office Workshop Manager/ Automotive Electrical Technology provided to date indicates mild
Manager Service Manager shortages at the Certificate IV level.
321111 Automotive Electrical AUR40612 Certificate IV in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Automotive Workshop Technical Automotive Electrical Technology indicates mild shortages at the
Electrician Service Advisor Certificate IV level.
321111 Automotive Electrical AUR40612 Certificate IV in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Automotive Master Technician Automotive Electrical Technology provided to date indicates mild
Electrician shortages at the Certificate IV level.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
321214 Outdoor Power AUR20812 Certificate II in Outdoor Results for the 2013 Automotive
Small Engine Equipment Power Equipment Technology Environmental Scan Survey
Mechanic Serviceperson indicate that outdoor power
Outdoor Power AUR30712 Certificate III equipment technicians and
Equipment Repair in Outdoor Power servicepersons are in severe
Technician Equipment Technology shortage in every state/territory
except Tasmania. The attraction of
labour to other industries and low
wage levels are cited by employers
as the main reasons behind these

321214 Marine Serviceperson AUR20612 Certificate II in Marine Survey evidence compiled
Small Engine Mechanical Technology from the 2013 Automotive
Mechanic Marine Mechanical AUR30512 Certificate III in Environmental Scan Survey
Technician Marine Mechanical Technology indicates moderate-level shortages
of marine technicians and marine
servicepersons in most states.
The attraction of labour to other
industries and the low wages
on offer were cited as the main
reasons for these shortages.

899916 Bicycle Assembler AUR20312 Certificate II in Results provided by industry
Mechanic’s Bicycle Mechanical Technology stakeholders in the 2013
Assistant Assistant Bicycle AUR20312 Certificate II in Automotive Environmental Scan
Mechanic Bicycle Mechanical Technology Survey indicate that bicycle
mechanics are in severe shortage,
particularly in NSW and VIC.
Employment within this trade
is facing severe supply risks as
most bicycle mechanics that are
employed have no qualifications
or training, and the use of transient,
unqualified labour is rife.
899911 Bicycle Repair AUR30212 Certificate III in Time series modelling of demand
Bicycle Mechanic Technician/Mechanic Bicycle Workshop Operations and supply estimates conducted
by Auto Skills Australia reveal a
shortage of approximately 1000
bicycle mechanics in 2012-13,
rising to 1200 nationally during
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
599 Miscellaneous Clerical/Office Assistant AUR20112 Certificate II in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Clerical and Automotive Administration does not indicate that this
Administrative occupation is in shortage.
542 Receptionist AUR20112 Certificate II in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Receptionists Automotive Administration does not indicate that this
occupation is in shortage.
621611 Service Station AUR21112 Certificate II in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Service Station Attendant/Salesperson Automotive Sales does not indicate that this
Attendant occupation is in shortage.
621111 Bicycle Salesperson AUR20312 Certificate II in Results provided by industry
Sales Assistant Bicycle Mechanical Technology stakeholders in the 2013 Automotive
(General) AUR21112 Certificate II in Environmental Scan Survey indicate
Automotive Sales that bicycle salespersons are in
severe shortage in most states. A
lack of specific training courses and
a lack of access or choice of training
providers in each state are cited
as the main factors behind these
621111 Outdoor Power AUR21112 Certificate II Results for the 2013 Automotive
Sales Assistant Equipment in Automotive Sales Environmental Scan Survey indicate
(General) Salesperson that outdoor power equipment
salespersons are in severe shortage
in every state/territory except
Tasmania. The attraction of labour to
other industries and low wage levels
are cited by employers as the main
reasons behind these shortages.
512111 Office/Sales AUR30112 Certificate III in Significant labour shortages within
Office Administration Automotive Administration this occupation have been identified
Manager within the motor vehicle retailing
sector in every state/territory
except Tasmania through the 2013
Automotive Environmental Scan
Survey. Low wages and the attraction
of labour to other industries have
been cited by employers as the main
reasons for the shortages within
this occupation.
591116 Warehousing AUR30112 Certificate III in Low-level shortages have been
Warehouse and Distribution Automotive Administration identified within this occupation
Administration Administration across states/sectors within the
2013 Automotive Environmental
Scan Survey.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
591116 Bicycle Administration AUR30112 Certificate III in Low-level shortages have been
Warehouse Automotive Administration identified for this occupation within
Administration the bicycle sector in Queensland.
591116 Marine Administration AUR30112 Certificate III in No shortages have been identified
Warehouse Automotive Administration within this occupation and sector.
591116 Outdoor Power AUR30112 Certificate III in Low-level shortages have been
Warehouse Equipment Automotive Administration identified within this occupation
Administration Administration and sector.
591116 Motorsport AUR30112 Certificate III in No shortages have been identified
Warehouse Administration Automotive Administration within this occupation and sector.
591116 Vehicle Servicing and AUR30112 Certificate III in Low-level shortages have been
Warehouse Repair Administration Automotive Administration identified within this occupation
Administration and sector across states/territories.
621312 Parts Interpreter AUR31012 Certificate III Survey evidence compiled from the
Motor Vehicle in Automotive Sales 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan
Parts Interpreter Survey indicates significant shortages
within this occupation in most states.
The poor quality of candidates on
offer, negative perceptions concerning
this occupation and the attraction of
labour to other industries are cited by
employers as main reasons for
this shortage.
621311 Vehicle AUR31012 Certificate III Vehicle salespersons are in high
Motor Vehicle Salesperson in Automotive Sales demand in all states due to record new
Salesperson vehicle sales during 2012. Significant
shortages have been reported by
employers within this occupation in the
2013 Automotive Environmental Scan
Survey, and this situation is expected to
continue during 2013-14.
621111 Farm Machinery AUR31012 Certificate III Employers have reported shortages
Sales Assistant Salesperson in Automotive Sales in NSW and SA within this occupation.
(General) Strong sales of new farm machinery
during 2012 have given rise to
these shortages.
621311 Motorcycle AUR31012 Certificate III Strong demand for this occupation has
Motor Vehicle Salesperson in Automotive Sales been reported by employers within the
Salesperson 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan
Survey, particularly in WA, SA and QLD.
This has led to shortages within this
occupation in these states. Strong sales
growth and an attraction of labour to
other industries have contributed
to these shortages.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation titles qualification (qualitative and/or
131112 Business/Sales AUR40112 Certificate IV in Some demand for this occupation
Sales and Manager Automotive Management was registered by employers in the
Marketing AUR50112 Diploma of Automotive 2013 Automotive Environmental
Manager Management Scan Survey in VIC and SA.
Mild shortages were evident
in the Automotive Repair and
Maintenance, Bicycles and
Agricultural Equipment sectors.
149212 Customer Service AUR40112 Certificate IV in Some demand for this occupation
Customer Manager Automotive Management was registered by employers in the
Service Manager AUR50112 Diploma of 2013 Automotive Environmental
Automotive Management Scan Survey in VIC and SA.
Mild shortages were evident
in the Automotive Repair and
Maintenance, Bicycles and
Agricultural Equipment sectors
across customer service/
workplace/parts management.
149212 Workplace Manager AUR40112 Certificate IV in No shortages were reported by
Customer Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
Service Manager
149212 Parts Manager AUR40112 Certificate IV in No shortages were reported by
Customer Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
Service Manager
Dealer Principal AUR40112 Certificate IV in No shortages were reported by
Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
AUR50112 Diploma of
Automotive Management
Operations Manager AUR50112 Diploma of No shortages were reported by
Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
Area Manager AUR50112 Diploma of No shortages were reported by
Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
131112 Marketing Manager AUR50112 Diploma of No shortages were reported by
Sales and Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
Marketing Manager
Purchasing Manager AUR50112 Diploma of No shortages were reported by
Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
149212 Customer Automotive Service/ AUR50112 Diploma of Low-level shortages were reported
Service Manager Repair Manager Automotive Management by employers in some states for
this occupation.
131112 Automotive AUR50112 Diploma of No shortages were reported by
Sales and Aftermarket Manager Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
Marketing Manager
131112 Automotive Retail Sales AUR50112 Diploma of Low-level shortages were reported
Sales and Manager Automotive Management by employers in some states for
Marketing Manager this occupation
131112 Automotive Warehouse AUR50112 Diploma of No shortages were reported by
Sales and Manager Automotive Management employers for this occupation.
Marketing Manager
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
832211 Product Product/Component AUM20112 Certificate II in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Assembler Assembler Automotive Manufacturing does not indicate that this
Production – Passenger occupation is in shortage.
Motor Vehicle
AUR20212 Certificate II in
Automotive Manufacturing
Production – Bus Truck and Trailer
AUM30112 Certificate III in
Automotive Manufacturing
Technical Operations – Passenger
Motor Vehicle

832211 Product Vehicle Body AUM20112 Certificate II in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Assembler Assembler Automotive Manufacturing does not indicate that this
Production – Passenger occupation is in shortage.
Motor Vehicle
AUM30112 Certificate III in
Automotive Manufacturing
Technical Operations – Passenger
Motor Vehicle
832211 Product Vehicle Production AUM20112 Certificate II in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Assembler Worker Automotive Manufacturing does not indicate that this
Production – Passenger occupation is in shortage.
Motor Vehicle
AUR20212 Certificate II in
Automotive Manufacturing
Production – Bus Truck
and Trailer
591116 Warehouse Warehouse and AUM30112 Certificate III in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Administrator Material Logistics Automotive Manufacturing does not indicate that this
Technical Operations – Passenger occupation is in shortage.
Motor Vehicle
133512 Production Team Leader/ AUM20112 Certificate II in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Manager Production Automotive Manufacturing does not indicate that this
(Manufacturing) Supervisor Production – Passenger occupation is in shortage.
Motor Vehicle
839311 Quality/Process AUM30112 Certificate III in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Product Specialist Automotive Manufacturing does not indicate that this
Examiner Technical Operations – Passenger occupation is in shortage.
Motor Vehicle
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation qualification (qualitative and/or
titles quantitative)
324211 Vehicle Vehicle Body Builder AUM30112 Certificate III in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Body Builder Technician Automotive Manufacturing indicate mild shortages within this
Technical Operations – Passenger occupation in NSW.
Motor Vehicle
324211 Vehicle Coach Builder AUM30212 Certificate III in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Body Builder Technician Automotive Manufacturing indicate mild shortages within this
Technical Operations – Bus, occupation in NSW.
Truck and Trailer
Lead Technician AUM30212 Certificate III in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Automotive Manufacturing indicate mild shortages within this
Technical Operations – Bus, occupation in NSW.
Truck and Trailer
Line Manager AUM40112 Certificate IV in Industry and stakeholder feedback
Automotive Manufacturing does not indicate that this
AUM50112 Diploma of occupation is in shortage.
Automotive Manufacturing
133512 Production Production Manager/ AUM50112 Diploma of Industry and stakeholder feedback
Manager Supervisor Automotive Manufacturing does not indicate that this
(Manufacturing) occupation is in shortage

Race Team AUR21012 Certificate II in No shortages were reported by
General Hand Motorsport Technology employers for this occupation.
Vehicle Service and AUR30912 Certificate III in Low-level demand for this
Repair Technician, Motorsport Technology occupation was recorded in
Motorsport Racing QLD within the 2013 Automotive
Environmental Scan Survey.
Service/Pit Crew, AUR30912 Certificate III in No shortages were reported by
Motorsport Racing Motorsport Technology employers for this occupation.
Master Technician, AUR40312 Certificate IV No shortages were reported by
Motorsport in Motorsport Technology employers for this occupation.
Pit Crew Coordinator,
Advanced Diagnostic AUR50312 Diploma of Motorsport No shortages were reported by
Technician, Motorsport Technology employers for this occupation.
Motorsport Team AUR50312 Diploma of Motorsport No shortages were reported by
Manager Technology employers for this occupation.
Motorsport Design AUR50312 Diploma of Motorsport No shortages were reported by
Technician Technology employers for this occupation.
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

ANZSCO code Industry sector Training package Justification/evidence

and occupation and occupation titles qualification (qualitative and/or
Entry Level Training – AUR10112 Certificate I in These pre-vocational qualifications
All Sectors Excluding Automotive Vocational Preparation at the Certificate I and Certificate
Manufacturing AUR20712 Certificate II in II level provide multiple pathways
Automotive Vocational Preparation for students into the automotive
Entry Level Training – AUM10112 Certificate I in
Manufacturing Sector Automotive Manufacturing
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013


Environmental Scan.

A J Connolly Panel Works Autocraft Boston Ford

A P Eagers Limited AvantiPlus Cannington Bothwell Motors
A.G.Souter Pty Ltd Avantiplus Kalgoorlie Bowral Mowers
ABS Mildura B & R Brakes (Castle Hill) BP Lauderdale
Acclaim Accident Hawthorn Baileys Auto Mechanical BP Roadhouse Nanango
Acclaim Accident Repairs (Lilydale) Bascombe Auto Ag Brabhams Outdoor Power Centre
Acclaim Accident Repairs Croydon BDS Panels Brahims Body Works
Ace Alloy Wheel Repairs Bendigo Auto Air Brakes Plus Bundaberg
ACE Automotive Pty Ltd Bendigo Dyno Tuning Brakes Plus Frankston
ACE Motors Benetook Automotives Breakaway Cycles
Active Motorcycles Berwick Enterprise Automotive Brian Turner Automotive
Advance Automotive & LPG Bicycle Connection Brianna Bodyworks/Tilt Trays
AFI – Australian Fuel Injection Bicycle Industries Australia Bridgeland Motorcycles
Air International Thermal Systems Bicycle Parts Wholesale Bridgestone Service Centre
Airpower Bike Power Bruce & Steve Automotives Pty Ltd
Aitkenvale Automotive Pty Ltd Bikecorp Bruce Hocking Motors Pty Ltd
Alan Lennox Motors BikeRiders Maroochydore Bryant Engineering Pty Ltd
Albany City Motors Bio-Mechanics Cycles & Repairs BTA Sales
Al’s Panel Shop Blakey’s Brake & Air Con Buchans Cycles & Mowers
Services Pty Ltd
Altona Mowerpower Bunbury Automotive
Blenks Automotive
AMEX Autobody Buronga Truck Sales and Service
Blue Star Motors
Anchor Marine Pty Ltd Burt Bros Automotive Services Pty
BM Tech Automotive Ltd
Anderson Automatics
BMW Bodyshop Butters Warehouse
APF Motors
BMW Group Australia C & E Motor Bodyworks (AUST)
Apple City Auto Electrics
Pty Ltd
Boat Books Australia Pty Ltd
ARB Keilor Park
Cairns Accident Repair Centre
Bob Watson Service Centre
Arkon Auto Electrical & Instruments
Calder Mowers
Pty Ltd Bodalla Motorcycles & Power
Equipment Callaghans Marine Services Pty Ltd
Artini Crash Repairs
Bolton Motorcycles & Power Caloundra Mower Centre
Aspley Bike Hub
Caltex Forest Hill
Augusta Automall Pty Ltd
Booran Holden Dandenong
Canberra & Region Assessing
Augusta Under Car Pty Ltd
Booth’s Motor Group Services
Auto Cycle Marine
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Canelanders Auto Service Centre D&T’s Auto Electrical Exclusive Auto Centre
Capalaba Cycles D’Alberto Motors (Kyabram) Pty Ltd Eyre Fuels/Liberty Port Lincoln
Car Repairs Tasmania Dalby Engine Rebuilders Farm City
Carlin and Gazzard Dalmeny Automotive Services Fennessy Holden and Nissan
Castlemaine Toyota Danic’s Auto & Tyre Service Fiat Chrysler Group
Cavan Agricultural Agencies Pty Ltd Darryl Grant Cycles Fleet Cycles Fremantle WA
Cell Bikes/Plex Pty Ltd DBL Mechanical Fleet Pro
Central Auto Repairs Dedicated Service Centre Pty Ltd Fluidrive Powertrain Partners Pty Ltd
Central Coast Mechanical Repairs Delmac Power Equipment For the Riders
Central Coast Mowers and Deni Car Care Fountain Gate Auto Electrics
Dents R Us Training Academy FT Guy Bodyworks
Central Gippsland Mowers &
Department of Defence Fullers Mobile Mechanical Services
Chainsaw Pty Ltd
Department of Education Fusion Business Solutions Pty Ltd
Central Qld Institute of TAFE
Dewhurst Mechanical G & L Motor Repairs
Centralian Motors
Diamond Valley UltraTune G & M Auto Electrics
CGU Insurance
Dickson Mechanical and Muffler G.A.S. Honda Motorcycles & PE
Chameleon Crash Repairs
Gabba Collision Repair Centre
Chandlers Corner Auto Centre
Diff Lapping (Qld) Pty Ltd
Gardiner Automotive
Charles Darwin University
Dirty Detours Mountain Bike
Gardiner Spare Parts
Chituma Australia Pty Ltd Adventures
Garland Crash Repairs
Christian Autos District Council of Robe
Geelong & Bellarine Mopeds
City Automotive Mornington DJ Motors Services Pty Ltd
Gejay Automotive
Civic Bikes Doherty Automotive Services
Geographe Saws & Mowers
Claridge Holden Doncaster East Car Repairs
Geraldton Mower And Repair
Classic Car Interiors Dons Auto Service
Giant Autos
CMV Truck Sales & Service Dore Power Equipment Pty Ltd
Glofen PTY LTD trading as
Coalfields Tyre & Mechanical Double O Crash Repairs
Shortcut Mowers
Coastal Tyre Service Drive-in Mower Centre Pty Ltd
Col Robinson & Co Driven Auto Electrics
Gollings Body Repairs Pty Ltd
Colac Body Works Pty Ltd Dubbo Mowers & Chainsaws
Gordon Turner Motorcycles
Confederation of Australian Dukes Body Works & Bicycles
Motorsport Ltd
Dycraft Pty Ltd Goulburn Power Centre
Coopers Auto Electrics Corio
Dyno Tube Mitchell Graeme Cooper Automotive
Coyles Mower and Chainsaw Centre
Dynomotive Graeme Svanosio Automotive
Crystal Air
Elite Crash Repairs Graham Mitchell Automotive
Cummins Pty Ltd Services
Epic Cycles
Cummins South Pacific Grant Carroll Ford
Euro Commercial Repairs
Cuthbert Automotive Consulting Great Lakes Council
Euroa BP Coomeroo Nominees
C.Y.O’Connor Institute Pty Ltd Greg Bridge Transmission Service
Cycling Sports Group Australia European Affair Griffiths Mowers
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Guido’s Panel & Paint Kyneton Tyre & Battery Miranda Caringbah Towing
Service Pty Ltd
Graham Winters Smash Repairs Mobile Car Care
Lacey Panel Works
Harrison Mowers Campsie Modern Motor Trimmers
Lake Tuggeranong College
Hartwich & Co Morello Panels Pty Ltd
Auto Department
Haughton Honda Morgan St Cycles
Lardner Mechanical Repairs
Head World Engine Reconditioning Moro & Dooly Accident Repair
Larj Ambitions Pty Ltd
His n Hers Automotive Solutions
Larrys Pitstop Mechanical Repairs
Motor Industry Training
Hitachi Construction Machinery
Leo St Automotives Association WA (Inc.)
Australia Pty Ltd
Lismore Service Centre Pty Ltd Motor Mecca NSW
Hourigan Truck Repairs
Loxton Motorcycle Centre MTA Institute of Technology
HSY Autoparts
LSAE Narromine Auto Repairs & Spares
Hunts Outboard Services Pty Ltd
M & DM Ah Boo National Collision Centre
Hyundai Motor Company Australia
Pty Ltd M&R Car Services Natrad
IAG Macveans Mowers & Chainsaws New Power Motors
In-and-Outboard Marine Maleny Mowers New Tack Consulting
Ingleburn Village Mowers & Power Mallee Tyre Service Pty Ltd Newcastle Auto Dismantlers
Tools Pty Ltd
Malvern Auto Electrical Newcastle Chainsaws & Mowers
Ipswich Bike Hub
Master Collision Repair Newspot Motors
Ireland’s of Cairns Specialists Pty Ltd
Nippon Truck Services
J B Scott P/L Master Locksmiths Association
Niverak Smash Repairs
of Australasia Limited
Jackmana Garage
Noordeman Diesel
Master Tech Mechanical & Electrical
Jackson’s Auto Repairs
North Central Truck & Tractor
Mastertech Automotive
Jacob Body & Paint Service Pty Ltd
Mawson Motors
Jastrak Pty Ltd Northwest Honda
Mayzal Mechanical
Jaxquickfit Tyres Thirmlmere Norwood Farm Machinery
McKinley Automotive Services Centres – Wagga & Lockhart
Jindabyne Auto Repairs
McLeods Whyalla Motor Company Nova Automatics
John Farragher Transport
Management McPhersons Chainsaw & Novus Windscreen Repairs
Mower Services
JRM Transmissions Nowra Automatic Transmissions
Mechanical Prestige Services
K&J Trucks Coffs Harbour Pty Ltd Nowra Truck & Tractor Repairs
Mega Bike Pty Ltd
Kangan Institute – ACE
Melita Auto Electrical Services Nuford
Katherine Small Engines
Pty Ltd
O G Roberts
Kennett Motorsport
Mercer Cycles
On & Offroad Mechanical
Kenworth DAF WA
Mid North Crash Repairs
On The Road Assessments
Kerrys Holden
Mid North Motor Company Pty Ltd
Originality Uniforms
Kevin Peucker Diesel Service Pty Ltd
Midas Car Care Bankstown
P&L Mechanical Services
Kingston Garage
Midas Car Care Centre – Hobart
PA Govan Automotive Spray
Kmart Tyre & Auto Service
Midlands Truck Spares Pty Ltd Painting Specialist
Miles Honda Paech Motors
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Parkers Body Shop Rightline Mechanical Repairs South Central Trucks Mack/UD
Parsons Outdoor Power Ritter Australia South East Car Care
Robs Auto Repairs Pty Ltd Southeast Motor Company
Pat Kinsela Motorcycles
Robs Automotive Southside Cylinder Head Service
PD Bike Works
Rockhampton Automotive Specialist Auto Electrics Pty Ltd
Pedders Suspension Specialist
Spider Bikes
Pelican Motors Service Centre Rokeby Service Centre
Stanfield Automatics
Peter Kittle Motors Roses Deals on Wheels
Startek Automotive Pty Ltd
Phillip Head Services Pty Ltd Ross Aiston Motors
Statewide Towing
Pilbara Institute Ross Angelo Mechanical Services
Stawell Panel And Paint
Pilbara Sporting Co/Smirkey’s Ross Macdonald Motors
Stewarts Automotive Services
Rotar Tyre Service
Sunshine State Mowers
Pit Lane Automotive
Rowell & Searle Auto Transmissions
Superfinish Bodyworks
Placzek Pty Ltd
Royal Automobile Association of
Superior Radiator Service Pty Ltd
Planet Cycles Pty Ltd South Australia
Sutherland Shire Home Tuning &
Plaza Automatics Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania
LPG Centre
PNG Automotive Royal South Australian Yacht
Swayn & McCabe
Polytechnic West
Sydney Motor Trimmers
RWS Auto Group Pty Ltd
Power Equipment/Honda
TAFE Illawarra
Agencies Bayside Ryde City Mowers
Pride Autos & LPG – Launceston SA Auto Electrics
Tyrepower TAFE SA Adelaide North Croydon
Sacred Ride
Priority One Car Care Pty Ltd
Saints Tyre & Auto
TAFE SA Regional
Prodrive Australia
Salisbury Transmission Specialist
Taig Bros
Pump ‘n’ Pedals
Sandersons Prestige Accident
Terry Wilkie Auto Smash
R & I Mechanical Repairs Repair Centre
The Bloomfield Group
R & J Sobey Pty Ltd Sartains Garage
The Car Barn
R G Upton and Co Scan-hi Abbotsford Honda
Power Equipment The Marina Hindmarsh Island
R. Keane Service
ScootaShed The River Group Cairns
Scott Doney Autos The Rust and Smash Shop
Scrivens Consolidated Industries The Saw Spot
Rainbow Cycleworx
Seaport Motors Timber City Motors
Ralphs Garage
Seaside Automotive TM&H Timber & Hardware
Ram Automotive
Serena Alfonso Auto Repairs Torino Motorcycles
Ramsey Bros Pty Ltd
Service Essendon C.J.D. Toyota Motor Corporation Australia
Red’s Motorcycle Repairs
Shane’s Autocare Toyota Material Handling
Retrim Pty Ltd
Australia Pty Ltd
Sheen Panel Service
Reynella Mowers
Tracserv Pty Ltd
Somerled Services
Rhino Crash Repairs
Tropical Trailerboats
South Albury Truck Repairs
Rick Smith Motors Fluidrive
Truck Electrics SA
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Truline Steering & Suspension In compiling this report, ASA Tasmanian Automobile Chamber
would also like to acknowledge of Commerce
Tschirns Mechanical
the assistance and support
Transport Engineering and
Tumbi Mowers of other stakeholders who
Automotive Training Advisory
Tumut Auto Electrics assisted in the development
Council (NT)
of the E-Scan, including
Turk Motors automotive chambers Victorian Automobile Chamber
Twin Cities Automotive of commerce, institutes, of Commerce
unions, training advisory
Penny Farthing Avanti Plus bodies, training authorities
ULR Automotive Group and registered training
5 Star Training & Consulting Pty Ltd
A special thank you is afforded
UltraTune Southland to the following:
UltraTune Erina
ASA Sector and Advisory
Ulverstone Mowers & Chainsaws Committees
Unicycles Australian Manufacturing Workers
Valley Power Equipment Union – Vehicle Division

Velo Cycles Australian Motor Industry Federation

Velo-Vita + TMO Sports Pty Ltd Automotive Air Conditioning

Electrical and Cooling Technicians
Village Motors of Australasia
Walkerie Honda S.A. Automotive Skills Queensland
Wangaratta Saw & Lawnmower Automotive Training Board NSW
Bicycle Industries Australia Ltd
Warners Bay Accident Repair Centre
Boating Industries Alliance Australia
We Find Cars
Engineering and Automotive
Wendouree Car Service Centre Training Council Inc. (WA)
Westend 4WD’S Institute of Automotive Mechanical
Western Diesel Engineers

Westrans Services WA Pty Ltd Manufacturing Industry Skills

Advisory Council Inc. (SA)
WFT Auto Net
Manufacturing Skills QLD
Whyalla Battery Electric
Motor Trade Association of ACT
Whyalla Brake and Clutch
Motor Trade Association of SA
Wilson Bolton & Co Pty Ltd
Motor Trade Association of WA
Workshop Solutions
Motor Traders’ Association of NSW
Wrights Chainsaws
Motor Trades Association of NT
Yallourn North Motors
Motor Trades Association of QLD
Yass Outdoor Power Centre
Outdoor Power Equipment
Zillmere Mower Centre Association
Retail Cycle Traders Australia
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Automotive Environmental Scan 2013
Scan 2013

Automotive Environmental Scan 2013

Auto Skills Australia LTD

Level 4, 533 Little Lonsdale StReet
Melbourne, VIC. 3000 Ph: 03 8610 2500 FAX: 03 8610 2550
ABN 44 147 913 200

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