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Distributed Generation in Nigeria’s Electricity Industry Deregulation

– Assessment and Integration

Abimbola Odubiyi Innocent E Davidson
Powergen UK Plc School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Coventry, CV4 8LG University of Natal
United Kingdom Durban, 4041, South Africa
E-mail: E-mail: Davidsoni@nu/

Abstract.  Mini and micro hydro plant

 Solar PV and Solar thermal-electric
The unsatisfactory performance of the National conversion
Electric Power Authority (NEPA) has lead to  Geothermal
proliferation of small-dispersed private  Biomass
generating facilities embedded within its  Small co-generation plants powered by natural
distribution network. In some areas, these gas and supplying electrical and thermal
facilities are the sole provider of electrical energies.
energy.  Electro-chemical energy system (e.g. fuel cells
and hydrogen production)
This paper assesses Distributed Generation  Electrical storage system
operation in Nigeria, and presents a framework  Thermionics and Thermoelectrics
for integrating this type of Generation in a post-
 Tidal waves and ocean flows
deregulation era. It offers solutions to specific
problems that may arise in a developing
Since DGs are located on-site or nearby the
country like Nigeria that is in the process of
location where the energy is used, they usually
deregulating its Electricity Supply Industry
operate at the low voltage (between 11kV and
132kV) supply chain of bulk electric power
distribution system. Their on-site location provides
Keywords: Distributed Generation,
the opportunity for greater local control and more
Deregulation and Privatisation.
efficient utilisation to boost efficiency and
reliability [3].
1. Introduction
2. Nigeria’s Deregulation Program
Distributed (embedded) generation (DG) schemes
are small modular generating machines ranging Nigeria’s low electricity consumption of 85kWh
from kilowatts to few megawatts capacity. per capita [4], served mainly by NEPA’s unreliable
According to [1,2], DG1 refers to small (typically system and infrastructure has posed a challenge to
kilowatts up to 10 MW) power plants at or near the the government over the years.
loads, operating in a stand-alone mode or
connected to a grid at the Distribution or sub- The under performance of NEPA has influenced
transmission level. In some cases, DGs harness recent decision of government to deregulate the
unconventional energy resources, such as wind, industry by breaking up NEPA into generation,
biomass, tides and waves, solar, and geothermal. transmission, Distributed/supply sectors and
Small power sources have been developed and privatise its constituent parts allowing these
employed for industrial, commercial, space, companies to operate under competitive market
underwater, and biomedical applications. In principles as far as practicable [5]. Figure 1 shows
developing countries DG is ideally suited to power the proposed structure.
small remote loads located far from the grid. Here,
integrated renewable energy systems (IRES), a
Under the proposed unbundled structured, an
special subset of DG, are ideally suited for these
industry regulator will be setup to have oversight
over the activities of industry participants to ensure
fairness in all their operations and protect
DG technologies and energy resources include:
consumers’ interests. To ensure, efficiency and
effectiveness, the transmission and Distributed
 Wind-electric conversion systems sectors will operate as monopoly businesses in
their franchise areas, with strong oversight from
the regulator.
Distributed or Embedded Generator is more than small
portable generating sets used in private homes.
CURRENT minimising line losses and voltage sag
INDUSTRY ONE VERTICALY INTEGRATED common to Distributed networks in many
developing economies.
GENERATION TRANSMISSION DISTRIBUTION  Provision of a stand-alone power supply in
areas where transmission and Distributed
PROPOSED infrastructure does not exist or grossly
Specialisation encouraged by
INDUSTRY competition & regulation emphasising
SPECIALISED inadequate.
STRUCTURE different key success factors  In some cases, provision of backup and other
ancillary services in times of stress on the
Distributed networks.
 Alleviation of congestion on the Distributed
Competitive Regulated Regulated Competitive network through peak load shaving.
Industry Regulator to ensure fair play
4. Distributed Generation Operation in
Figure 1: Proposed Structure of the Electricity Industry Post
Deregulation Distributed or embedded generation in Nigeria is
generally a point-to-point radial connection from
This plan should assist in transforming the the generating machine straight on to the load
electricity supply industry from its current state of center. NEPA’s electricity distribution operation to
a low efficient, non-profitable entity with consumers cover a wider geographical area
extraneous bureaucratic structure to that of an involving both radial and mesh networks used to
efficient, innovative and profitable industry supply electricity to several customers on the low
comprising of individual companies operating voltage end of a bulk electricity delivery industry
under the discipline of a free market economy. value chain.

To attain this goal, the country’s national Over the years small-scale on-site Distributed or
Assembly recently passed the Electricity Reform embedded generators have been established along
Bill that will provide legal backing to this radical side NEPA’s 11 to 33 kV distribution networks.
restructuring of the Electricity Supply Industry. These small generators (mostly using diesel or
Subsequently, the Bureau for Public Enterprise furnace oil) supply power to industries and in some
(BPE) the agency charged with deregulating the cases communities/estates attached to them,
Electricity Supply Industry has embarked on through their own self-built small private
preparatory work for the unbundling of the NEPA. Distribution networks.

3. Benefits of Distributed Generation It is unfortunate that NEPA has not utlised the
opportunities provided by DGs to alleviate the
One of the factors in favour of Distributed problem of power shortage especially in rural
generation especially in developing economies like electrification program in the country. Over
Nigeria is the unreliability of NEPA to meet the emphasis on costly conventional large centralised
electricity demand by large industrial customers electricity supply facilities is depriving some
[6]. Hence Distributed or small industrial (i.e. customers the benefits that DGs located in their
embedded) generation should be encouraged, area can provide.
because of their benefits to industrial customers,
whilst complementing the activities of NEPA’s Early in the deregulation process, the following
electricity Distributed service. issues regarding DGs and their impact on
operations of local Distributed Network Operators
In Nigeria and other developing economies, the (DNOs) need to be addressed.
benefits brought about by Distributed Generation
especially to large industrial customers are:  Will DNOs created from NEPA have the
monopoly status as the sole provider of electricity
 Reliability of electricity supply, which is in their franchise region, especially in rural areas?
critical for the conduct of economic activities. Are they required to oversee the operations of DGs
 Provision of necessary power quality needed connected to their networks, as they affect their
in industrial applications that are dependent wider network system integrity? The main concern
upon sensitive electronic instruments and here will be how to curtail DNOs from abusing
controls their monopoly power in operating and
 Obtaining high efficiency power maintaining electricity distribution service in their
transportation gains for on-site applications by franchise area.
 Concern of DG-owners about reliability of DNOs Advanced Industrial Turbines and
networks post deregulation and privatisation, Microturbines – these are a class of modular gas
judging from current performance of NEPA’s fired generators that produce high-temperature,
Distribution sector [7]. High reliability is high-pressure gas to induce shaft rotation by
extremely vital to the textile, chemical, petrol impingement of the gas on a series of specially
chemical, paper, cement and other process designed blades. Typical efficiencies (without use
industries. Industrial consumers would not of external exhaust heat) range from 21 to 40%.
compromise under any circumstance, and would Their high quality exhaust heat can be used in a
seek to ensure adequate supply of power to meet combined mode cycle to fire a small steam turbine
their needs. Further more, there will be financial, thereby improving efficiency. Their maintenance
geographical and environmental constraints on costs per unit of power output are among the
quick capacity expansion of generation, lowest of all generating technologies. They are
transmission and distribution facilities which most suitable for light industrial and commercial
NEPA’s successor companies will face post establishments, plus rural domestic use.
deregulation and privatisation.
Solar Power – solar power systems use sun
 It is unclear if the policy of deregulation of the tracking mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight
electricity industry addresses the impact DGs unto a receiver where it is converted to high
connected to the local distribution network have on temperature thermal energy. The heat is then used
network reliability. In addition remuneration for to drive an engine or electric generator. At a cost
services DGs may provide to support local DNOs of US$650 for a 55W solar power system [8], such
need to be addressed. power source is unaffordable to most rural
households in Nigeria. However, this type of DG is
5. Distributed Generation Technology for suitable for remote rural energy supply
Nigeria applications for powering telecommunication base
stations and outpost rural emergency services
In the short to medium term demand for electrical locations like police, health centres etc.
energy will continue to out strip supply, because of
constraints of time lag of building conventional 6. Economic and Technical Evaluation of
large generating, transmission and distributed Distributed Generation
In assessing a customer’s energy needs, and to
The huge demand for electricity calls for determine the suitability of DG investment in
investments in more DGs across the country. stand-alone or grid connected systems, specific
Private investors and DNOs should be encouraged issues under – Regulatory, Economic and
to set up DGs closer to the consumers. DGs should Technical categories must be considered.
be considered as an option to other co-operative
solutions as: network upgrades, uprating and An approach for assessing Distributed Generation
integration of protection, metering, control, and investment is shown below in Figure 2. Given the
voltage support. DGs should be used as an need for economic viability of DG investment, this
additional measure to bring electricity to the flow chart considers the customer’s need for
masses, and industrial concerns especially in rural adequate electrical energy and the supply (i.e.
areas. DNO and DG) options available. The result of
these inputs will determine whether the investment
In the context of Nigeria with abundant fossil in DG goes ahead.
resources (e.g. natural gas) and sunlight, DGs of
choice are: Since DG development will not cease post
deregulation of the electricity industry, owners of
Combine Heating and Power (CHP) – this type DGs will need the professional services of
of plant also known as co-generator, involves engineers, economists and others to negotiate with
capturing waste heat from power production and DNOs, design and implement solutions, answer
putting it to some useful purpose at the customer critical questions, provide adaptive
site. They are mostly gas-fired plants with models/solutions about energy information, such
potential for over 70 percent fuel utilisation as:
efficiency in industrial and commercial
establishments like pulp and paper, chemical/petrol  Measure and quantify the costs/values that
chemical and refining industries. energy produced by DG contributes to the cost
of good/services or the quality of life in the
Distributed Generation embedded within the wider
Regulatory Economic
Legal / Operational Start Up & Running geographical boundary of a franchised local
Avoidable cost
Manufacture Data
Distribution Network Operator (DNO) [9].
Planning permit Payback period Security / Safety of Equipment
Reliability / Power Quality
Qualify Operator In the process of deregulation of the electricity
industry, the probable challenges confronting
Investor Assessment government officials and their advisers fall into
these broad categories:
Non Viable Viable

Connect to Purchase Power

Invest in DG
 Legal and Regulatory Framework: The structure
DNO Network from DNO
of the legal and regulatory framework that offers
Operate DG to meet
incentives for current and future Distributed
Load Shape Generation wishing to participate in electricity
trading post deregulation, whilst accommodating
the wider responsibility and interest of local DNO
Yes Yes DG meets
Sell Power Any Excess total Power entrusted to supply power in their respective
to DNO Power ? requirement geographical area. In this regard the issue and
No modality of Open Access regime and connection
Yes Buy Short Fall agreement to DNOs network by Distributed
from DNO ? Generation should be well defined to ensure easy
assess to the Distribution/supply networks.

Figure 2: Assessing viability of DG investment (adapted from
 Network Access Regulation: Mode of operation
for DGs wishing to connect to the network of local
DNO area. Cost/values would include such DNO, plus the identification of the appropriate
items as ecology, opportunity, risk and engineering and commercial boundaries. This will
depletion as well as the traditional direct require the application of necessary supporting
cost/value set. infrastructure/equipment like protecting relays
(e.g. voltage/frequency relays), metering, and data
 Identify a method for quantifying cost/value
collection. Also, payment for services provided by
that is more appropriate than the current
DGs to DNOs to support their system.
Distribution tariff methodology.

 Identify method(s) for system "resource
planning/ modelling" that is responsive to real  ESI Operation and Management: Having the
time cost, new technology/methods and is appropriate enabling environment with the proper
compatible with Distributed, disparate financial incentives where by Distributed
resources. The method should be able to Generation and local DNOs can offer mutual
evolve, adapt, and learn as part of its assistance to each other. In this regard
architecture. consideration should be given to establishment of
an appropriate commercial forum in which DG-
 Define an operational methodology that
owners and DNOs can meet to discuss industry
supports and encourages participation (e.g.
matters affecting their operations.
easy entry and exist) in a deregulated energy
 The method must be cost effective (i.e. the
8. Proposals for DG Integration
cure should not cost more than the disease)
 Show the information necessary to enable the To overcome the above challenges and provide the
method. appropriate enabling environment that allows for
 Define the characteristics of the information smooth technical and commercial operation of
such as resolution, latency, size, speed and Distributed generation post deregulation, the
volume. following need to be considered.

a) Proper definition of what constitutes a Distributed

7. Challenges for DG under Electricity Generation. In this respect what constitutes a
Deregulation in Nigeria Distributed Generation, with clear explanation of
their technical and commercial boundaries within
As countries all over the world deregulate and the geographical area of a DNO must be included
restructure their electricity industry; they are in the overall Electricity Reform Bill that will give
confronted with the challenges of setting up legal backing to the restructuring and unbundling
appropriate regulatory and contractual arrangement of electricity industry.
that accommodate and promote the interest of
For example a DG owner may be restricted to a References
point-to-point radial connection to serve demand
requirement of a properly recognized load (e.g. an [1].Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
industrial plant). In consented cases, allowing for Reference Book, IEEE Press, 1999.
any excess energy produced and not required by [2].Strategic Plan for Distributed Energy Resources, US
the demand to be split or passed on to the DNO Department of Energy -Office of Energy Efficiency
network at a mutually agreed quality and time. and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy,
Standardization may be considered in this regard. September 2000.
b) Setting up of appropriate legal and regulatory [3].Integrated Assessment of Dispersed Energy
codes: These codes will be the basis for legal Resources Deployment, Consortium for Electric
contractual arrangements that governs the Reliability Technology Solutions, Lawrence
operations and interactions between a DG and a Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA, June 2000.
local DNO. Codes that govern activities dealing [4].International Energy Agency (IEA), Energy Prices
with: and Taxes – Quarterly Statistics, First Quarter 2001.
[5].Agagu, O. NEPA’s Privatisation to Give Rise to 28
 Design codes (technical and commercial)– Firms, The Guardian Online,
connection standard, metering, payment etc., March 29,
 Ancillary services provisions (e.g. voltage support, 2001.
backup reserve, load management -DSM). [6].Innocent E. Davidson and Abimbola Odubiyi,
 Island operation. “Power System Operation in Developing
 Dispute resolution between DGs and DNOs. Economies – The Nigeria Experience (Part 1)”,
`Energy supply and Management feature’, SA
The regulatory body must be empowered to Electricity + Control, pp. 6-9, July 2001.
monitor the implementation and operation of these [7].Makoju, J.O. “Challenges and Constraints of
codes and serve as Arbitrator in times of dispute. Electricity Distributed in Nigeria”, Reform and
For smooth operation, complex or deliberate Privatisation of the Nigeria Electricity Sector
loopholes in the codes should be avoided. Conference, London, 16th & 17th July, 2002.
c) Connection and Charging Principles: When a DG [8].World Bank Group, “Energy and Development
connects to DNO assets (e.g. network substation), Report 2000 - Energy Services for the World’s
the charging principles and mechanism should be Poor”, World Bank ESMAP publication.
clearly defined. This should be reviewed annually [9].Abimbola Odubiyi and Innocent E. Davidson,
to make it relevant to changes taking place in the "Distributed Generation Under Deregulation - ESI
industry and wider society. Restructuring in Pakistan”. Energize, Power
d) Provision of information, network designs and Journal of the SA Institute of Electrical Engineers,
expansion, etc. that facilitate true open competition September/October 2001, pp 44- 47.
in the supply of power to industrial customers.
This will ensure a level playing field between DGs Authors
and DNOs.
Abimbola Odubiyi holds a HND in Electrical
9. Conclusion Engineering from Ogun State Polytechnic. He
received the B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in Electrical
As the country proceed with the deregulation of Power System Engineering from the University of
the electricity industry and privatisation of NEPA, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA; MBA from Aston
it is essential to learn from the experiences of other University, Birmingham, UK. He is presently a
developing and developed countries, and adapt Senior Commercial Analyst with PowerGen Plc,
these to the local environment. Local experience the 3rd largest integrated electricity company in
acquired in the process must be well managed and the UK.
proposed. There outcomes implemented with a
delicate balance of competing factors, for Innocent E. Davidson holds a B.Eng. (Hons) and
maximum benefit. A careful evaluation of local M.Eng degrees in Electrical Engineering from the
issues, concern of DG owners and peculiarities of University of Ilorin, Nigeria, and Ph.D. in
the development of Nigeria electricity industry Electrical Engineering from the University of Cape
should not be ruled out. Moreover, development of Town. He is presently a Senior Lecturer with the
a viable legal framework to take on board the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
benefits of DG needs foremost attention to make University of Natal. His research interests are in
the overall process of deregulation a success. electric machinery design, power network planning
and operation, and the effects of power sector
deregulation on power systems.

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