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We live in a peaceful part of the Milky Way. Our home is the solar system.

A four and a
half billion year old formation that races around the galactic center at Two hundred
thousand kilometers per hour and circles it once every two hundred and fifty million years.
Our star the sun is at the center of the solar system. It's orbited by eight planets, trillions of
asteroids and comets and a few dwarf planets. The eight planets divided into four planets
like ours. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars and four gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
Mercury is the smallest and lightest of all the planets the Mercury year is shorter than the
mercury day which leads to enormous fluctuations in temperature. Venus is one of the
brightest objects in the solar system and by far the hottest planet. Venus doesn't have a
moon. Earth is our home and the only planet with temperatures that are moderate enough
to allow for surplus of liquid water. Furthermore, it is so far the only place where life is
known to exist. The Earth has one moon. Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar
system and hardly massive enough to keep a very thin atmosphere. Its Olympus Mons is the
largest mountain in the solar system more than three times as high as Mount Everest. Mars
has two small moons. Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet in the solar system, and
home of the largest and most powerful storms we know. Its largest storm is the great red
spot. It is three times as large as Earth. Jupiter has sixty seven moons. Saturn is the second
largest planets and possesses the smallest density of all the planets. Saturn is also known for
its extended very visible ring system. It has sixty two moons. Uranus is the third largest
planet, and one of the coldest. Of all the gas giants it's also the smallest. The special thing
about Uranus this is that its axis of rotation is tilted sideways in contrast to the seven of the
planets. It has twenty seven moons. Neptune is the last planet in the solar system. It's so far
removed from the sun. It has 14 moons.
If we compare the sizes of the planets, the differences between them become even
clearer. Jupiter is the leader in terms of size and weight. Small mercury on the other hand is
even smaller than one of Jupiter's moons Ganymede. Jupiter is so massive that alone it
contains roughly seventy percent of the mass of all the other planets and has a massive
impact on its surroundings.
The sun makes up ninety nine point eight six percent of the mass of the solar system. For
the most part, it consists of hydrogen and helium .Only less than two percent is made up of
heavy elements like oxygen. The sun fuses six hundred and twenty million tons of hydrogen
each second and generates enough energy to satisfy mankind's needs for heat.
  Task 01: Read the text and answer the following questions
-How old is our solar system?
-What is the planet that has more moons?
-Which planet is the heaviest one?
Task 02: Classify the planets in the following table
Weight Distance

Task 03: based on the information provided in the text, name the planets in the picture

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