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Direction: Analyze the picture carefully and answer the succeeding question;


During in my elementary level, it’s more different between nowadays. Because at

the time, teacher discussing lesson, they only use a single materials such as books,
visual aid. Flash cards, and writing on the boar, while the students only listening
and follow the instructing of the teacher.
Education in the past is teacher centered with fragmented curriculum and
students working in isolation memory facts.
While nowadays, mostly using an advanced technology such as internet, laptop,
computer, digital, mobile phones, etc. using now technology are getting more
advantages likes, easier, faster and more effective communication, better more
efficient manufacturing technology, time saving, and the ability to develop new
innovative approaches. At present, education and way of learning is student
centered with road life, relevant, collaborate project base learning.

Constructivism –is the theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than
just passively take in information. It emphasizes inquiry and the integration of real
world and classroom activities. The construct vision framework relies on the
learner to be in control of their own acquisition of knowledge and encourage the
instruction to serve as a facilitator.
Behaviorism Constructivism Social Learning Cognitivism Experientialism

Knowledge According to Is the theory in Why leaners Is a learning theory that Is the philosophical
Is: behaviorism, education that prefer to learn in focus on the process theory that states
knowledge exists recognized group, in which an involved in learning experience in the
outside of a learners construct interchange of rather than on the foundation of
person and is new knowledge observed behavior knowledge.
gained through understanding and personal to knowledge can be seen
behavior knowledge, individuals as schema or symbolic
modification. The integrating with learners. Learning mental construction and
theory views what they already occurs by learning is defined as
learning as a know? This observing a change in a leaner’s
change in includes behavior and then schemata?
behavior that can knowledge gained observing the
be conditioned prior to entering consequences of
using positive and school. putting those
negative behaviors into
reinforcement action.
such as reward
and punishment.
Learning This learning Is based on the Learning process The learner process the Experiential learning
Is: theory states that idea that people and social received information discusses the key
behaviors are activity construct behavior which seeking ways to component of
learned from or make their own proposes that understand it related to learning by doing,
environment, and knowledge, and new behavior can already know how it works and
says that innate or that reality is be acquired by information within his the characteristic
inherited factors determined by observing and memory. which contribute to
have very little your experiences imitating others. meaningful practice.
influences on as a learner. As a widely accepted
behavior. A theory educators
common example can use incorporate
of behaviorism is the model to
positive support teaching
reinforcement. practice and
learning experience.
Focus of Focus on the idea They focus on Theory suggests Is a learning theory that Conceptualization
leaning that all behaviors interactive that social focuses on the happens as the
are learned learning and are behavior is processes involved in learner forms news
through student centered, learned by learning rather than on ideas or adjusts their
interaction with teachers have a observing and the observed behavior? thinking based on
the environment. dialogue with instating the As opposed to the and their
In the future, student to help behavior of other. behaviorists, reflection about it.
student work hard them construct While behavioral Cognitivism do not
and study for their their own psychological require an outward
test in order to get knowledge, they focuses on how exhibition of learning,
reward. root in the environment but focus more on
negotiation, and and internal processes and
student work reinforcement connection that take
primary in group. effect behavior. places.
Building new Social Mental views Liberator concept
key learning Environment knowledge collaboration - Divergent student centered
concept surface behavior - convergent

Centered on: Student behavior Constructing Social integration


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