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Homebased Learning Material for Mathematics 9

Real world problems can often be studied with the help of mathematical equations. Often,
these equations are of various higher orders. One such equation is the quadratic equation, an
equation of order two. What are these equations and where can we use them? Also, is there a way
to solve them? Let us find out!
Quadratic Equation
The word “quadratic” comes from “quadratum”, the Latin word for square. Hence,
we define a quadratic equation as an equation where the variable is of the second degree.
Therefore, a quadratic equation is also called an “Equation of degree 2”or a “Second Degree
It is an equation with one variable that can be written in the form a x 2+ bx+ c=0,
where a , b∧c are real numbers and a ≠ 0. In the equation, a x 2is the quadratic term, bx is the
linear term and c is the constant term.

Illustrative Examples
Determine which of these are quadratic equations.
1. C=2 πr 3. A=π r 2 5. x +3 x=0
2 2 2
2. x −2 x+1=0 4. 2 x −5 x +1=0 6. 3 x −5=0
Solution: Equations 2, 3, 4 and 6 are quadratic equations because their highest degree is 2.

Quadratic equations may be written in different forms. They may be complete or

incomplete. Which among the quadratic equations below are complete and incomplete?
a . 4 x 2 +7 x=5 c. 5 x 2=−4 x e. ( 2 x+5 )( x−1 )=−6 b.
3 x =−7 d. 3 x ( x−2 ) =10
Solution: Equations a, d, and e are complete quadratic equations because they are second
degree equations.

Work with quadratic equations is usually simplified when a quadratic equation is written in
standard form, a x 2+ bx+ c=0.

Examples: Write in standard form and determine a , b∧c .

Quadratic Equations Standard Form a b c
a x 2+ bx+ c=0
a . 4 x 2 +7 x=5 4 x2 +7 x−5=0 4 7 -5
b. 3 x 2=−7 3 x 2+7=0 3 0 7
c. 5 x 2=−4 x 5 x 2+ 4 x=0 5 4 0
d. 3 x ( x−2 ) =10 3 x 2−6 x−10=0 3 -6 -10
e. ( 2 x+5 )( x−1 )=−6 2 x2 +3 x +1=0 2 3 1

Note: For examples d and e, do the following to arrive at the standard form.

d. 3 x ( x−2 ) =10

3 x 2−6 x=10 Distributive Property of multiplication

3 x 2−6 x+ (−10 )=10+(−10) Addition Property of equality


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3 x 2−6 x−10=0 Standard form

e. ( 2 x+5 )( x−1 )=−6

2 x2 −2 x +5 x−5=−6 Distributive property of


2 x2 +3 x−5=−6 Combining like terms

You may watch the following videos for more understanding.
x2 +3 x−5+6=−6 +6 Addition Property of Equality
2 x22. x +1=0 Standard Form
5. Algebra 1 by Prentice Hall
We learned that quadratic equations can represent many real-life situations. Now that we
know what quadratic equations are, let us learn about the different methods to solve them. Here we
will try to develop the Quadratic Equation Formula and other methods of solving the quadratic
equations. Let us start!


A. Extracting Square Roots
B. Factoring
C. Completing the Square
D. Quadratic Formula


Quadratic equations written in the form x 2=k can be solved by applying the
following properties:
 if k > 0 , then x 2=k has two real solutions∨roots : x=± √ k .
 if k =0 , then x 2=k has one real solution∨root : x=0
 if k < 0 , then x 2=k has no real solutions∨roots .
The method of solving the quadratic equation x 2=k is called Extracting Square Roots.
By the properties x 2=4 is equivalent to x=± 2, x 2=0 is equivalent ¿ x=0 ,∧¿
x 2=−4 has no real solutions or roots because -4 < 0.

Strategy for Solving Quadratic Equation by Extracting Square Roots

1. Solve the equation for the square of the unknown number or isolate the
variable with square.
2. Find the square roots of both members of the equation.
Illustrative Examples
1. Solve x 2−16=0 by extracting square roots.
x 2−16=0
x 2−16+16=0+16 Addition Property of equality

x 2=16 Write in the form x 2=k .

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√ x 2=± √16 Extract the Square Root

x=± 4 Roots/Solutions

Since k = 16, and 16 is greater than zero then the first property ( k > 0 )above can be applied
to find the values of x that will make the equation x 2−16=0 true

Answer: The Equation x 2−16=0 has two solutions: x=4∨x=−4

Checking: By Substitution
Substitute x with the values found in the quadratic Equation, x 2−16=0

If x = 4, then 4 2−16=0 If x = -4, then (−4)2−16=0

16−16=0 16−16=0
0=0 0=0

2. Solve: x 2−5=0
x 2−5=0
x 2−5+5=0+5 Addition Property of equality

x 2=5 Write in the form x 2=k .

√ x 2=± √5 Extract the Square Root

x=± √ 5 Roots/Solutions

Answer: The Equation x 2−5=0 has two solutions: x=√ 5∨x =−√ 5
Checking: By Substitution
Substitute x with the values found in the quadratic Equation, x 2−5=0

2 2
If x = √ 5 , then ( √ 5) −5=0 If x = −√ 5 , then (−√ 5) −5=0
√ 25−5=0 √ 25−5=0
5−5=0 5−5=0
0=0 0=0

3. Solve: x 2+ 9=0
x 2+ 9=0
x 2+ 9−9=0−9 Addition Property of equality

x 2=−9 Write in the form x 2=k .

√ x 2=± √−9 Extract the Square Root

x=± √ 9(−1) Factor the radicand

x=± 3 √(−1) Extract the Square root of 9

x=± 3 i Express √ (−1) = i

Since -9 is less then 0, then the equation x 2+ 9=0 has no real solutions or roots. This is
shown in the third case where k < 0.

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Note: There is no square root of negative numbers but we can factor the radicand into the
number multiplied to (-1) and as a math principle, √ (−1 )=i (for imaginary number)
Answer: The Equation x 2+ 9=0 has no real solutions because our x < 0: but we can
express our answer as x=3 i∨x=−3 i , since 9 is a perfect square then we can extract its
square root and express √ (−1 ) as i .

4. Solve the equation x 2=0 .

Since x 2 equals 0, then the equation has only one solution.
Answer: x = 0.
Checking: By Substitution
Substitute x with the values found in the quadratic Equation, x 2=0

If x = 0 , then (0)2=0

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B. Solving by FACTORING

A simple method we can use to solve the quadratic equation in the standard form
ax +bx +c=0 is by factoring. An important technique to use is the Zero-Product
Property which states that the equation ab=0 is equivalent to the compound equation
Of course we can only use the factoring method when we can factor the quadratic
polynomial. To solve a quadratic equation by factoring, we solve the following

Strategy for Solving Quadratic Equation by Factoring

1. Write the equation into the form ax 2 +bx +c=0 .

3. Factor the left member of the equation.
4. Use the Zero-Product Property to equate each factor to zero.
5. Solve each resulting equation.
6. Check the answers in the original equation.

Illustrative Examples

1. Find the roots the quadratic equation 2 x2 +7 x=−3 by factoring.

Add 3 to each side of the equation to form the equation into ax 2 +bx +c=0 .

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Therefore, the solution set or the roots are { , -3}

Substitute the values of x in the original equation 2 x2 +7 x=−3 .
If If x = -3

2 x2 +7 x=−3 2 x2 +7 x=−3

−1 2 −1
2( ) ( )
=−3 2 (−3 )2 +7(−3)=−3
−1 2 −1
2( ) +7( )=−3 2(9)−21=−3
2 2
1 7
2( )− =−3 18−21=−3
4 2
1 7
− =−3 −3=−3
2 2
−3=¿ −3

2. Solve by factoring: x 2−6 x=−8


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Substitute the values of x in the original equation x 2−6 x=−8 .
If x = 4 If x = 2
x 2−6 x=−8 x 2−6 x=−8
2 2
( 4 ) −6 ( 4 ) =−8 ( 2 ) −6 (2)=−8
16−24=−8 4−12=−8
−8=¿ −8 −8=¿ −8

3. Solve ¿ by factoring.

x 2+ 4 x +4=9 Square the binomial
x + 4 x +4−9=0 Transform into standard form ax 2 +bx +c=0
x + 4 x−5=0 Simplify
( x +5)(x−1)=0 Factor the left side
( x +5)=0 x−1=0
x +5=0 x=1

Therefore, the solution set or the roots are { -5, 1}

Substitute the values of x in the original equation ¿.
If x = −5 If x = 1
(−5+2)2=9 ¿
(−3 )2=9 ( 3 )2=9
9=¿ 9 9=¿ 9

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The previous lesson presented solving quadratic equations by factoring. However,

not every quadratic equation is factorable. This lesson presents another method which
will enable us to solve quadratic equation that is based on the general principle that
both members of an equation may be raised to the same power or reduced to the same
root without destroying their equality. This method is called completing the square,
where the left member of the equation must be a perfect square trinomial so that the
square root of the member containing the unknown is equal to the square root of the
constant terms.

Strategy for Solving Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square

1. Write the equation into the form ax 2 +bx=c , a = 1.
If a ≠ 1, then divide each side of the equation by a.
2. Add to each side of the equation the square of the coefficient of x
or the b to make the left side of the equation a perfect square.

Homebased Learning Material for Mathematics 9
3. Express the left-hand side of the equation as a square of binomial.
4. Extract the square root of each side of the equation, writing the double
sign ± of the number at the right-hand side of the equation.
5. Solve for x.
6. Check the answers in the original equation.

Illustrative Examples
A. How do you determine the constant or number that must be added to the
left side of the equation to make it a perfect square? Examine the examples
Quadratic b ¿ or ¿ Number to
Expressions (Coefficient of be Added
1. x 2+ 5 x + ¿ ¿ 5 ¿ or ¿ 25
2 8 or ¿ 16
2. x +8 x +¿ ¿ ¿
3. x +7 x +7¿ ¿ ¿ or ¿ 49
4. x 2−10 x +¿ ¿ -10 ¿ or ¿ 25

2 4 4 ¿ or ¿ 4
5. x − x+ ¿ -
5 ¿ 5 25

B. Solve the following by completing the Square:

1. x 2−2 x−2=0 , where a = 1.

x 2−2 x=2 Separate the constant from terms containing x.
x −2 x+1=2+1 Add 1 to both side of the equation because that
makes the left side a perfect square trinomial.
¿ Express the left side of the equation as a square of
binomial or simply factor the left side.
√¿ ¿ Extract the square root.
x−1=± √ 3 Solve for x.
x=1 ± √ 3
Therefore, the solution set or the roots are { 1+ √ 3, 1− √ 3}

Substitute the values of x in the original equation x 2−2 x−2=0 .
If x=1+ √ 3 If x=1− √ 3
2 2
( 1+ √ 3 ) −2 ( 1+ √ 3 )−2=0 ( 1− √ 3 ) −2 ( 1−√ 3 )−2=0
( 1+2 √3+ 3 )−2−2 √ 3−2=0 ( 1−2 √ 3+3 ) −2+2 √ 3−2=0
1+2 √3+ 3−2−2 √ 3=0 1−2 √ 3+3−2+ 2 √ 3−2=0
1+3−2−2=0 1+3−2−2=0
0=¿ 0

2. 2 x2 +8 x−10=0, where a ≠ 1.
2 x 2 +8 x−10 0
= Divide both side of the equation by 2
2 2
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x 2+ 4 x−5=0 Simplest form.
x 2+ 4 x=5 Separate the constant from term containing x.
x + 4 x +4=5+ 4 Add 4 to both side of the equation to make the
left side a perfect square trinomial.
¿ Express the left side of the equation as a square of
binomial or simply factor the left side.
√¿ ¿ Extract the square root
x +2=± 3 Solve for x.
x=−2 ± 3 or x=−2+3 = 1
and x=−2−3 = -5
Therefore, the solution set or the roots are {1,−5}

Substitute the values of x in the original equation 2 x2 +8 x−10=0
If x=1 If x=−5
2 ( 1 )2+ 8 ( 1 ) −10=0 2 (−5 )2 +8 (−5 )−10=0
2+8−10=0 50−40−10=0
0=0 0=¿ 0

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Another way of solving quadratic equation in the form ax 2 +bx +c=0 where a, b
and c are real numbers, a ≠ 0 is the quadratic formula which is derived by the use of
completing the square and finding the square root methods.
The quadratic formula states that if ax 2 +bx +c=0 wIth a ≠ 0, then

−b ± √ b2−4 ac

Illustrative Examples

1. Solve the equation  x 2+ 3 x −10=0 .

Determine the a, b, and c : a = 1, b = 3, and c = -10.
−b ± √ b2−4 ac
Plug them into the quadratic formula x=
x=−3 ± √ ¿ ¿¿
−3 ± √9+ 40

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−3 ± √ 49
−3 ±7

Therefore, the solution or roots are { 2, -5 }

Substitute the values of x in the original equation x 2+ 3 x −10=0
If x=2 If x=−5
( 2 )2 +3 ( 2 )−10=0 (−5 )2 +3 (−5 ) −10=0
4 +6−10=0 25−15−10=0
0=0 0=¿ 0

2. Solve:  x 2−3 x+ 1=0.

Determine the a, b, and c : a = 1, b = -3, and c = 1.
Plug them into the quadratic formula

−b ± √ b2−4 ac
x=−(−3 ) ± √ ¿ ¿ ¿
3 ± 9−4
x= √
3± 5
x= √

3+ √ 5 3− √5
x= x=
2 2

3+ √ 5 3− √5
Therefore, the solution or roots are { x= , x= }
2 2

Substitute the values of x in the original equation x 2−3 x+ 1=0
3+ √ 5 3− √5
If x= If x=
2 2
2 2
3+ √ 5 3+ √5 3− √ 5 3− √ 5
( 2 ) ( −3
2) +1=0 ( 2 ) ( −3
2) + 1=0

32+ 2(3) ( √5 ) + ( √ 5 ) 9−3 √5 32−2 ( √ 5 ) + ( √ 5 ) 9+ 3 √5

− +1=0 − +1=0
4 2 2 2

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9+6 √ 5+5 9+3 √ 5
− +1=0
4 2
9−6 √ 5+5 9+ 3 √5
− +1=0
4 2
9+6 √ 5+5 9+3 √ 5
4( − +1=0) 4(
4 2
9−6 √ 5+5 9−3 √5
− +1=0)
4 2
9+ 6 √ 5+5−2(9+3 √5)+4=0 9−6 √ 5+5−2(9−3 √ 5)+ 4=0
(9+5−18+ 4)+(6 √ 5−6 √5)=0 (9+5−18+ 4)+(−6 √5+6 √5)=0
0+0 =0 0+0 =
0=¿ 0
3. Solve: 3 x 2+ 8=−4 x
Transform the given equation to ax 2 +bx +c=0 : 3 x 2+ 4 x +8=0
Determine the a, b, and c : a = 3, b = 4, and c = 8.
−b ± √ b −4 ac
Plug them into the quadratic formula x=
x=−4 ± √¿ ¿ ¿
−4 ± √ 16−96
−4 ± √ −80
−4 ± √ 16(−5)
−4 ± 4 √ −5
−2 ±2 √−5 −2 ±2 √ 5(−1)
x= or x=
3 3

−2+2 √5 i −2−2 √ 5i
x= x=
3 3

−2+2 √5 i −2−2 √ 5i
Therefore, the solution or roots are { x= , x= }
3 3

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Homebased Learning Material for Mathematics 9
−b ± √ b2−4 ac to solve
In the previous lesson, we used the quadratic formula x=
quadratic equations. In the formula, the radicand b 2−4 ac is the discriminant because it
describes the characteristics or nature of the roots/solutions of a quadratic equation.
In the equation ax 2 +bx +c=0 ,
 if b 2−4 ac=0, then the roots/solutions are real, rational and equal.
 if b 2−4 ac > 0 and is a perfect square, then the roots/solutions are real, rational and
 if b 2−4 ac > 0 but not a perfect square, then the roots/solutions are real, irrational
and unequal.
 if b 2−4 ac < 0, then the roots/solutions are imaginary and unequal.

Illustrative Examples
1. Find the value of the discriminant in x2 – 6x + 9 = 0 and tell the characteristics of
the roots.
Determine the a, b and c: a = 1, b = -6 and c = 9.
Substitute a, b and c in the formula then simplify.
2 2
b −4 ac ¿(−6) −4 (1)(9)
¿ 36−36
¿ 0 , since b 2−4 ac=0 , then the roots/solutions are real,
rational, and equal as shown when x is solved.
−b ± √ b2−4 ac −(−6)± √(−6)2−4(1)(9)
x= x=
2a 2(1)
6 ± 36−36
x= √
6±0 6+0 6−0
x= x= =3 and x= =3
2 2 2

2. Determine the nature of the roots of x2 – 2x – 3 = 0.

Determine the a, b and c: a = 1, b = -2 and c = -3.
Substitute a, b and c in the formula then simplify.
b 2−4 ac ¿ (−2 )2−4(1)(−3)
¿ 4 +12
¿ 16 > 0 and a perfect square therefore the roots/solutions
are real, rational and unequal as shown when x is solved.
−b ± √ b −4 ac −(−2) ± √(−2)2 −4 (1)(−3)
x= x=
2a 2(1)
2± 4 +12
x= √

2± √ 16 2+4 2−4
x= x= =3 and x= =−1
2 2 2

3. Characterize the roots of x2 + 5x + 3 = 0.

Determine the a, b and c: a = 1, b = 5 and c = 3.

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Substitute a, b and c in the formula then simplify.
b 2−4 ac ¿ ( 5 )2−4(1)(3)
¿ 25−12
¿ 13 > 0 but not a perfect square therefore the roots/
solutions are real, irrational and unequal as shown when x is
−b ± √ b2−4 ac −(5) ± √ (5)2 −4 (1)(3)
x= x=
2a 2(1)
−5 ± √25−12
−5 ± √13 −5+ √ 13
x= x= and
2 2
−5− √ 13

4. Find the discriminant and determine the nature of the roots of x2 - x + 2 = 0
a = 1, b = -1 and c = 2.
b 2−4 ac ¿ (−1 )2−4(1)(2)
¿ 1−8
¿−7 < 0, therefore both roots/ solutions are imaginary and
unequal as shown below.
−b ± √ b2−4 ac −(−1) ± √(−1)2−4( 1)(2)
x= x=
2a 2(1)
1± 1−8
x= √
1± −7 1+ 7 i 1− 7 i
x= √ x= √ and x= √
2 2 2

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The relationship between the coefficients and roots of a quadratic equation are
interesting and useful in writing quadratic equations by getting the sum and product of the
roots without solving the quadratic equations.
If x1 and x2 are the roots of a quadratic equation ax 2 +bx +c=0 , where a, b and c
are the coefficients then:
−b c
Sum of the roots: x1 + x2 = and Product of the Roots: x1 x2 =
a a
2 b c
If the general equation ax 2 +bx +c=0 is written in the form x + x+ =0, then
a a
x 2−( ∑ of theroots )x +( product of the roots)=0 , is now our way of writing quadratic
equations if the roots are given.

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Illustrative Examples
A. 1. x 2+ 5 x−6=0 where a = 2, b = 5 and c = -6

−5 −6
Sum: x1 + x2 = =−5 and Product: x1 x2 = =−6
1 1
Let’s find out if the sum and product of the roots are really true in
x + 5 x−6=0 if we solve for the roots.
( x +6 ) ( x−1 )=0

( x +6 )=0 ( x−1 )=0

x +6=0 x−1=0
x=−6 x=1, Therefore, the Roots are { -6, 1}

Proof: Sum of the roots = - 6 + 1 = - 5, while the Product of the roots = (-6)(1) = - 6

2. 3 x 2−5 x +1=0 where a = 3, b = -5 and c = 1

−(−5) 5 1
x1 + x2 = =¿ and x1 x2 =
3 3 3
2 2
3. 2 x + x=6 ; Transform¿ 2 x + x−6=0 where a = 2, b = 1 and c = -6
−1 −6
x1 + x2 = and x1 x2 = or -3
2 2

4. 9 x 2=−3 x +5: Transform to ax 2 +bx +c=0 , thus 9 x 2+ 3 x −5=0.

−3 −1 −5
x1 + x2 = ∨ and x1 x2 =
9 3 9
B. Write the quadratic equation whose roots are the following:
1. 2 and -5.
Represent the Roots: x1 = 2 and x2 = -5
Get the Sum: x1 + x2 = 2+ (−5 ) =−3
Get the Product: x1 x2 = (2) (−5 )=−10
Quadratic Equation: x 2−( ∑ of theroots )x +( product of the roots)=0
x 2−¿ x 2+ 3 x −10=0
2. 4 + √ 2 and 4 - √ 2
x1 + x2 = (4 + √ 2) + (4 - √ 2 ) = 4 + √ 2 + 4 - √ 2 = (4 + 4) + (√ 2 - √ 2 )= 8 + 0 = 8
x1 x2 = (4 + √ 2) (4 - √ 2 ) = 16 - √ 4 = 16 – 2 = 14
Quadratic Equation is x 2−8 x +14=0

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EQUATIONS (Week 2-3)

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Rational Equations are those equations in fractional form in which some variables
x 2 x 3x
appear in the denominator. + =1 is a rational equation while + =8 is not a
x+1 x 2 2
rational equation.

To solve rational equations, we transform them first to quadratic equations by multiplying

the whole equation by the least common denominator (LCD) in order to clear the equation of
fractions. Be sure that they are reduced to lowest form. Then, apply whatever method of
solving quadratic equations is applicable.
Illustrative Examples
6 x −3
1. Solve the rational equation + =2.
x 4
LCD: 4x

Multiply the LCD to the whole equation: 4 x ( 6x + x−3

4 )
=4 x (2)

6 x−3
4 x ( )+ 4 x (
4 )
=8 x
24+ x −3 x =8 x
Rewrite to quadratic form: x 2−3 x−8 x +24=0 x 2−11 x+ 24=0
Factor: x 2−11 x+ 24=0
(x – 3) (x – 8) = 0 (x – 3) = 0 and (x – 8) = 0
x = 3 x=8
6 x −3
Substitute the value of x to the original equation + =2.
x 4
If x = 3 If x = 8
6 3−3 6 8−3
+ =2 + =2
3 4 8 4
3 5
2+0=2 + =2
4 4
2=2 =2
2x 5
2. Solve: =2− .
x+1 2x
LCD: 2x( x+1)
Multiply the LCD to the whole equation:
2x 5
2 x(x +1) ( x+1 =2− )
2x 5
2 x ( x +1 ) (
x +1 )
=2 x ( x+1 ) ( 2 )−2 x ( x +1 ) ( )
4 x2 =4 x ( x+1 ) −5 ( x +1 )
4 x2 =4 x 2 +4 x−5 x −5
4 x2 −4 x 2−4 x +5 x =−5

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2x 5
Substitute the value of x to the original equation =2− .
x+1 2x
2(−5) 5
If x = -5, then =2−
−5+1 2(−5)
−10 5
−4 −10
5 1
2 2
1 1
2 =2
2 2

x−4 2 x−1 1−2 x

3. Solve: − = 2 .
x−5 x+ 4 x −x−20
Factor: x 2−x−20 = (x - 5) (x + 4).

LCD: (x - 5) (x + 4)
Multiply the LCD to the whole equation:

(x - 5) (x + 4) ( x−4

2 x−1
x +4
1−2 x
x −x−20 )

(x + 4)(x + 4) - (x - 5) (2x – 1) = 1 – 2x
x 2−16−(2 x 2−11 x+5) = 1 - 2x
x 2−16−2 x 2 +11 x−5+2 x−1 = 0
−x 2+ 13 x−22 = 0
-1 ( −x 2+ 13 x−22 = 0)
x 2−13 x+ 22 = 0
( x – 11) ( x – 2) = 0
x = { 11, 2 }
x−4 2 x−1 1−2 x
Substitute x to the original equation − = 2
x−5 x+ 4 x −x−20
If x = 11 If x = 2
11−4 2(11)−1 1−2( 11)
− =
11−5 11+ 4 (11)2−11−20
2−4 2(2)−1 1−2(2)
− = 2
2−5 2+ 4 (2) −2−20
7 22−1 1−22
− =
6 15 121−11−20
−2 4−1 1−4
− =
−3 6 4−2−20
7 21 −21 2 3 −3
− = − =
6 15 90 3 6 −18
35−42 −7 4−3 1
= =
30 30 6 6

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−7 −7 1 1
= =
30 30 6 6

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Many word problems Involving unknown quantities can be translated to the equation
form in one variable, leading to a quadratic equation and two answers are obtained. In some
problems, a set of answers can be disregarded especially when it comes to dimensions and
other situations involving measurement.
In solving any word problems, there are steps to consider and I would like to suggest
the following:
1. Analyze the problem by reading it carefully until you understand it. On this stage
you should be able to identify the given and what is asked or the unknown in the
2. Represent the unknown or what is asked in the problem using a variable ( x or y).
3. Write the Equation using the variable for the unknown and decide what operation
to use.
4. Solve the equation formed using concepts learned and appropriate methods which
are applicable.
5. Check your answers.

In short, just remember the word ARESC (Analization, Representation, Equation,

Solution and Checking).
Illustrative Examples
1. If the square of a number is added to three times the number the sum is 108.
Find the number.
Given: 108 as the sum of the square of a number which is added to three times the
Asked: The number
Representation: Let x be the number.
Equation: the square of a number is added to three times the number the sum is 108

x 2+ 3 x =108
Solution: x + 3 x −108=0
( x +12 )( x−9 )=0
x +12=0∨x−9=0
The number is -12 or 9.
Substitute the values of x to the original equation x 2+ 3 x =108.
If x = -12 If x = 9
(−12)2+ 3(−12)=108 (9)2 +3(9)=108
144−36=108 81+27=108
108=108 108=108

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1. An amusement park wants to place a new rectangular billboard to inform visitors
of their new attractions. Suppose the length of the billboard to be placed is 4 m
longer than its with and the area is 96 m 2. What will be the length and the width of
the billboard?
Given: length which is 4m longer than the width and Area is 96 m 2
Asked: length and width of the billboard
Representation: Let x be the width and x + 4 be the length
Equation: Area of a rectangle = length (width)
A = lw or lw = A ( x +4 )( x)=96 x 2+ 4 x−96=0
Solution: x 2+ 4 x−96=0
( x−8 )( x +12 )=0
x=8∨x=−12 (discarded because it is negative)
The width which is x = 8 cm while the length which is x + 4 = 8 + 4 = 12 cm

Substitute the values of x to the original equation ( x +4 )( x)=96 .
(8+ 4) (8) = 96
96 = 96
3. A mason’s helper takes 4 hours more to pave a concrete pathway than it takes the
mason. The two worked together for 3 hours when the mason was called away. The
helper completed the job in 2 hours. How long would it take each to do the same job
working alone?
Given: 3 hours as the time for the helper and the mason have worked together.

2 hours as the time for the helper to complete the job.

4 hours more as the time spent by the helper to pave a pathway than the mason
Asked: How long would it take each to do the same job working alone.
Representation: Let x be the number of hours it takes the mason to do the job alone.
x + 4 be the number of hours it takes the helper to do the job alone.
=¿ part of the job done by the mason in 1 hour
=¿ part of the job done by the helper in 1 hour
x+ 4
Equation: Since the mason worked for 3 hours and the helper for 5 hours to complete
the job, therefor:
3 5
+ =1
x x+4
LCD: x (x + 4)
Multiply the whole equation by the LCD.
3 5
x (x + 4) + =1
x x+4
3 ( x+ 4 )+ 5 x=x 2 + 4 x
3 x+ 12+5 x=x 2 +4 x
x 2−4 x−12=0
(x – 6) (x + 2) = 0
x – 6 = 0 and x + 2 = 0

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x=6 x = -2 (discarded because it is negative)
The mason can do the job alone in 6 hours and the helper can do the job
alone in 10 hours.
3 5
Substitute the values of x to the original equation + =1
x x+4
3 5 1 5 1 1
+ =1 + =1 + =1 1=1
6 6+ 4 2 10 2 2

You may watch this video for more understanding.


An inequality involving a quadratic polynomial is called a quadratic inequality. The

solution of a quadratic inequality may be obtained using the principles of real numbers and the
properties of inequality.
Quadratic Inequalities can be of the following forms:
 ax 2 +bx +c >0
 ax 2 +bx +c <0 where, a, b, and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
 ax 2 +bx +c ≥ 0
 ax 2 +bx +c ≤ 0
Illustrative Examples
Which of the following are quadratic inequalities? Why?
a. x 2+ 9 x+20=0; Not a quadratic Inequality because of the equal symbol.

b. 3 w 2+12 w 0 ; Quadratic Inequality because of the “is greater than or equal”

symbol and its highest degree is 2.
c. 4 x2 −25=0 ; Not a quadratic Inequality because of the equal symbol.
d. 2 t 2 <21−9 t ; Quadratic Inequality because of the “is lesser than” symbol and
at the same time its highest degree is 2.
e. 2 s 2+ 7 s+ 5>0; Quadratic Inequality because of the “is greater than” symbol,
its highest degree is 2 and follows the form ax2 +bx + c > 0.
f. m 2=6 m−7 ; Not a quadratic Inequality because of the equal symbol.
g. r 2 +10 r−16 ; Quadratic Inequality because of the “is lesser than or equal”
symbol and its degree is 2.
h. 15−6 h2=10 ; Not a quadratic Inequality because of the equal symbol.
i. x 3+ 7 x+12>0 ; Not a Quadratic Inequality because the highest degree is 3.
j. ( x +3 ) ¿−4) > 0; Quadratic Inequality because when multiplied the highest
degree is 2. It uses the symbol “is greater than”.

You may watch the following videos for more understanding.

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To solve quadratic inequality, find the roots of its corresponding equality. The points
corresponding to the roots of the equality, when plotted on the number line, separates the
line into two or three intervals. An interval is part of the solution of the inequality if a number
in that interval makes the inequality true.

Illustrative Examples
1. Find the solution set of x2 − x − 6 < 0.
Solution: Change the inequality x2 − x − 6 < 0 to equality x2 − x − 6 = 0 to solve for x.
x2 − x − 6 = 0
(x + 2)(x − 3) = 0 Factor
(x + 2) = 0 and (x − 3) = 0 Apply the Zero Product Property
x + 2 = 0 and x – 3 = 0 Transpose the constant
x = -2 x=3
Plot the points corresponding to -2 and 3 on the number line.

Identify the three intervals: −∞< x ←2, −2< x <3, 3< x <+∞ on the number
line to determine testing points to use.

−∞ < x ←2 −2< x <3 3< x <+∞

Choose any number from each of the intervals to use as testing point against
the inequality.
−∞< x ←2 −2< x <3 3< x <∞
Let x = -4 Let x = 1 Let x = 6
x2 − x − 6 < 0 x2 − x − 6 < 0 x2 − x − 6 < 0
(- 4)2 – (- 4) − 6 < 0 (1)2 – (1) − 6 < 0 (6)2 – (6) − 6 < 0
16 + 4 – 6 < 0 1-1–6<0 36 - 6 – 6 < 0
14 < 0 (False) -6 < 0 (True) 24 < 0 (False)

x = -2 x=3
Substitute -2 to the inequality Substitute 3 to the inequality
x2 − x − 6 < 0 x2 − x − 6 < 0
(- 2)2 – (- 2) − 6 < 0 (3)2 – (3) − 6 < 0
4+2–6<0 9-3–6<0
0 < 0 (False) 0 < 0 (False)
Therefore, the inequality is true for any value of x in the interval −2< x <3 and this
interval do not include -2 and -3.
The solution set of the inequality is { x ∣ −2< x <3} and is shown in the number line
below. The unshaded/open circles are used in the graph to indicate that -2 and 3 are not part of
the solution set.

2. Solve for 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3.

Solution: Rewrite: 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3 to 2x2 – 5x -3 ≤ 0 following the form ax 2 +bx +c ≤ 0 .

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Factor: 2x2 – 5x -3 ≤ 0 as (2x + 1) (x – 3) ≤ 0
Case 1: (2x + 1) ≤ 0 and (x – 3) ≥ 0 Case 2: (2x + 1) ≥ 0 and (x – 3) ≤ 0
2x + 1 ≤ 0 and x – 3 ≥ 0 2x + 1 ≥ 0 and x – 3 ≤
2x ≤ -1 and x ≥3 2x ≥ -1 and x ≤ 3
−1 −1
x≤ x ≥
2 2
No Solution There are Solution
Solution Set: { x ∣− ≤ x ≤ 3}
Graph of the Solution set:

Consider any number between ≤ x ≤ 3 as solution to 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3.
Let x = 1 Let x = 2
Substitute to 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3. Substitute to 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3
2(1)2 – 5(1) ≤ 3 2(2)2 – 5(2) ≤ 3
2–5≤3 8 – 10 ≤ 3
– 3 ≤ 3 TRUE – 2 ≤ 3 TRUE
Consider any number lesser than and greater than 3 as solution 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3.
Let x = -1 Let x = 4
Substitute to 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3. Substitute to 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3
2(-1)2 – 5(-1) ≤ 3 2(4) 2 – 5(4) ≤ 3
2+5≤3 32 – 20 ≤ 3
7 ≤ 3 FALSE 12 ≤ 3 FALSE

3. Solve for x2 – 5x + 6 ≥ 0.
Solution: Case 1: x2 – 5x + 6 ≥ 0 Case 2: x2 – 5x + 6 ≤ 0
(x – 3) (x -2) ≥ 0 (x – 3) (x -2) ≤ 0
x – 3 ≥ 0 and x – 2 ≤ 0 x – 3 ≤ 0 and x – 2 ≥ 0
x≥3 x≤2 x≤3 x≥2
Solution Set: { x ∣2 ≤ x ∨x ≥ 3}
Graph of the Solution set:
• •

Consider any number from x ≤ 2 and x ≥ 3 as solution to x2 – 5x + 6 ≥
Let x = 1 Let x = 4
Substitute to x2 – 5x + 6 ≥ 0. Substitute to x2 – 5x + 6 ≥ 0
(1)2 – 5(1) + 6 ≥ 0 (4)2 – 5(4) + 6 ≥ 0
1 -5 + 6 ≥ 0 16 -20 +6 ≥ 0
2 ≥ 0 TRUE 2≥0
Consider any number between 2 and 3 as solution 2x2 – 5x ≤ 3.
1 5
Let x = 2 or
2 2
Substitute to x2 – 5x + 6 ≥ 0

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5 5
( )2 – 5( ) + 6 ≥ 0
2 2
25 25
– +6≥0
4 2
- ≥ 0 FALSE

You may watch this video for more understanding.



Illustrative Examples
Some problems involving quadratics require solutions of not only quadratic equations
but also quadratic inequalities.

Illustrative Examples
1. Charlene’s daily profit P for selling x magazine subscriptions is determined by
P = -x + 80x – 1500. For what values of x is her profit positive?
We can find the values of x for which P > 0 by solving a quadratic inequality:
-x2 + 80x – 1500 > 0
-1(-x2 + 80x – 1500 > 0) Multiply the inequality by -1
x2 - 80x + 1500 < 0 Reverse the sign when multiplying or dividing with
(x – 30) (x – 50) < 0 Factor
x < 30 and x < 50
x = 30 and x = 50 Equate to zero to plot on the number line

• •
Answer: The Profit is positive when the number of magazine subscriptions sold is greater
than 30 but less than 50.

2. The profit P that a company earns for selling x number of toy cars can be modeled
by P = -25 x2 + 1000x – 3000. How many toy cars must be sold for a profit of at least Php
Since the profit P has to be at least Php 5000, then we write the quadratic inequality as
-25x2 + 1000x – 3000 ≥ 5 000
-25x2 + 1000x – 3000 = 5000 Writing the related equation
-25( x - 40x + 120) = 5000 Factor out -25
x2 - 40x + 120 = -200 Dividing both sides by -25
x2 - 40x + 120 +200 = 0
x2 - 40x + 320 = 0 Simplifying
Solving x2 - 40x + 320 = 0 using the quadratic formula.
a = 1, b = - 40 and c = 320

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−b ± √ b2−4 ac
−(−40)± √ (−40)2 −4 (1)(320)
40 ± √1600−1280
40 ± √ 320

The range of possible values of x is 11.06< x<28.94 , so the solution set is

{12, 28} since we are talking about the number of toy cars.
To make a profit of at least Php 5000, at least 12 and at most 28 toy cars must
be sold by the company.


Quadratic functions are more than algebraic curiosities—they are used in many types
of real-world situations in science, business, and engineering. The U-shape of a parabola can
describe the trajectories of a ball and of water jets in a fountain, determining the height of a
thrown object and in optimizing profit for businesses or be incorporated into structures like the
parabolic designs of bridges, architectural designs of buildings, amusing rollercoasters and
reflectors that form the base of satellite dishes and car headlights. See the pictures below. 

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A quadratic function is a function defined by y=a x2 +bx +c or f ( x )=a x 2 +bx +c

where a , b ,∧c , are real numbers and a ≠ 0 .
The domain of the quadratic function is the set of real numbers. The first term a x 2is
the quadratic term, the second term bx is the linear term and the last term c is the constant

A=s 2is a quadratic function where

a=1 ,b=0∧c=0. Its graph is not a straight line, but a
curve line called parabola. See the figure on the right.
(Algebra II Functional Approach by Soledad Jose-Dilao,
Ed. D., et al.)
Many real-life situations can be modeled by using quadratic functions. Here are some
of them.

Illustrative Examples

1. A shot-put throw can be modeled using the

function f ( x )=−0.0241 x 2 + x+5.5 or the
equation y=−0.0241 x 2 + x+ 5.5, where x is
the distance traveled (in feet) and y is the height
(also in feet). This function can answer the question,
How long was the throw?

2. A ball is thrown upward at 48 ft/s from a platform

that is 100 ft. high. Find the maximum height the
ball reaches and how long it will take to get there?

To answer this question, we are going to use the

equation that models an object being launched or
thrown which is h=−16 t 2+ v 0 +h0.

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3. A company has determined that if the price of an item is PhP 40, then 150 will be
demanded by consumers. When the price is PhP 45, then 100 items are demanded by
consumers. What is the maximum revenue? This can be answered by the revenue
function, R ( x )=−0.1 x+55 x .
Now, you have seen how real-life situations are modeled by quadratic function and you
may solve them later on when you have already a full understanding on how to solve quadratic
functions at the end of this lesson.

You may watch the following videos for more understanding.


Quadratic functions may be represented by Table of Values, Graph and Equation.


Illustrative Examples

1. This table shows a linear function. (Observe carefully)

(difference in x are equal )
*To find the difference, subtract
each term from its successor.
a. -1 – (-2) = 1 -1 + 2 = 1
b. 0 – (-1) = 1 0+1=1
c. 2 – 1 = 1

(difference in f( x) are equal )

2. This table shows a quadratic function. (Observe
(difference in

( first difference in f( x))

( second difference in f( x))

A linear function in a table of values shows that equal differences in x produce equal
differences in f(x).

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A quadratic function in a table of values shows that equal differences in x produce
equal second differences in f(x).
To get the common difference, always subtract each term in the table from its
Can you now state how the two functions differ in terms of their respective table of
Illustrative Examples
1. Given a table of values below, find the graph.

To graph, plot the points from the
table of values or ordered pairs on
the Cartesian Plane and connect
the points to form a straight line.
The graph shows a linear

2. Sketch the graph of the given table below.

To graph, plot the points from the
table of values or ordered pairs on
the Cartesian Plane and draw a
smooth curve through the points
to form the parabola. This graph
shows a quadratic function.

At this point, you can now differentiate the graphs between linear functions and
quadratic functions through their graphs.

The graph of a linear function is a straight line.
The graph of a quadratic function is a smooth curve called parabola.


Quadratic functions can be represented through their equations;

1. The General Form of quadratic function is f ( x )=a x 2 +bx +c where a , b ,∧c ,

are real numbers and a ≠ 0
2. The Standard Form of quadratic function is f (x)=a( x−h)2 +k , where a, h
and k are real numbers and a ≠ 0. Because it contains the vertex (x – h), it is also
called the Vertex Form of a quadratic function.

Illustrative Examples

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Which of the following are quadratic functions?

1. f ( x )=−x +7 6. k ( x )=3 x−2
2. g ( x )=x 2+1 7. f ( x )=2 x 2−3
3. d ( t ) =rt 8. G ( x ) =x2 −2 x−5
4. f ( x )=x 3−2 x +5 9. H ( x ) =3 x2
5. h ( x )=2( x +3)2 10. J( x )=e x


Quadratic Function Reason Not Quadratic Functions

1. g ( x )=x 2+1 It follows the 1. f ( x )=−x +7
general form but
it has no linear
2. h ( x )=2( x +3)2 It follows the standard 2. d ( t ) =rt
form but with no k.
3. f ( x )=2 x 2−3 3. f ( x )=x 3−2 x +5
4. G ( x ) =x2 −2 x−5 4. k ( x )=3 x−2
4. H ( x ) =3 x2 5. J( x )=e x


We learned earlier that a quadratic function takes the form f (x)=a x2 +bx +c , where
a ≠ 0 and whose graph is a parabola.
Today, let us learn how the quadratic function f (x)=a x2 +bx +c , a ≠ 0 can be
transformed to its vertex form which is f (x)=a( x−h)2 +k , where a, h and k are real
numbers and a ≠ 0. The vertex has coordinates (h, k).
Let us see first how the vertex form f (x)=a( x−h)2 +k is derived from the form
f (x)=a x2 +bx +c , and vice versa.
A. f (x)=a x2 +bx +c
2 b
= a(x + x )+c Factor out a∈a x 2 +bx
2 b b2 b2
= a ( x + x + 2 )+c−( ) Complete the square
a 4a 4a
= a¿ Simplify
−b 4 ac−b2
f (x) = a ( x−h)2+ k Let h = and k =
2a 4a

B. f (x) = a ( x−h)2+ k
= a ( x2 −2hx +h 2)+k Square the binomial
= a x 2−2 ahx +a h2 ¿+k Simplify
−b −b 2 −b
= a x 2−2 a( )x +a ( ) +k Let h =
2a 2a 2a
= a x 2+ bx+ +k Simplify

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f (x)=a x2 +bx +c Let c =

Illustrative Examples
1. Change f (x)=2 x 2 +8 x+5 into the form f (x) = a ( x−h)2+ k .

Solution: f (x)=2 x 2 +8 x+5

= 2( x 2+ 4 x ¿+5 Factor
= 2( x 2+ 4 x + 4) + 5 – 8 Complete the square
f ( x )= 2( x 2+ 2)2−3 Factor and add

2. Transform f ( x )= -2( x 2+ 6)2−3

Solution: f ( x )= -2( x 2+ 6)2−3
= -2( x 2+ 12 x +36 ¿−3 Square the binomial
= -2 x 2−24 x−72−3 Distributive property
f ( x )=−2 x 2−24 x−75 Addition property

You may watch the following videos for more understanding.



The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola which opens either upward or

downward. It has important characteristics which are necessary to analyze, solve and predict
real-life situations. Refer to the figure below:

Domain is the set of all possible values of x. The domain of all quadratic functions are
all real numbers (-∞ ,+∞ ¿.
Range is the set of all possible values for y. If f(x) ≥ k, then the range in interval
notation is [k,∞ ¿ and if f(x) ≤ k, then the interval notation of the range is (−∞,k].
x -intercepts are the points on the parabola that crosses the x-axis where y = 0.
y-intercept is a point on the parabola that crosses the y-axis where x = 0.
Axis of Symmetry is an imaginary line through the graph of a parabola that passes through
line x = h at the vertex and divides the graph into two congruent halves. Each side of the
parabola is a reflection of the other side.

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−b 4 ac−b2
The vertex (h,k) is the point whose coordinates are ( , ¿ on the parabola
2a 4a
where the

graph changes direction. It attains its maximum value when a < 0 or minimum value when
a > 0.
The direction of the opening of the parabola is determined by the vertex of the quadratic
function (h,k), when the range is y ≥ k , thenthe graph opens upward and when the range is
y≤ k , thenthe graph opens downward .
Illustrative Example
Determine the important characteristics of the graph of the given quadratic function.

Domain: The set of all Real Numbers, (-∞ ,+∞ ¿

Range: y ≥ -1
Direction of the Opening: Opens Upward since y >

1. Find the coordinates of the vertex, axis- of symmetry, the point where it attains
its minimum or maximum value of f ( x )=x 2 +4 x+3 and change the function in
the form f (x) = a ( x−h)2+ k .
Solution: a = 1 , b = 4 and c = 3
−b 4 ac−b2 −4 4 (1)(3)−4 −4 12−16
Vertex: (h, k) = ( , ¿=( , ¿=( ¿
2a 4a 2(1) 4 (1) 2 4
= (-2, -1)
−b −4 −4
Axis of Symmetry: x = h , h = = = = -2
2a 2(1) 2
Minimum value is attained at ( -2, -1) which is the vertex and it satisfy a > 0.
f (x) = a ( x−h)2+ k
= 1(x−(−2))2 +(−1)
f (x) = ( x +2)2 −1
f ( x )=x 2 +4 x+3 f (x) = ( x +2)2 −1

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2. Determine the vertex, axis of symmetry, x-intercepts, y-intercepts, domain and
range of the given graph on the right.


Vertex: (3,1)
Axis of Symmetry: 3
x- intercept: None because
the graph does not pass
through the x-axis.
y-intercept: (0, 7)
Domain: The set of all Real
numbers or (-∞ ,+∞ ¿.
Range: y ≥ 1

You may watch the following videos for more understanding.


Illustrative Example
1. Use the graph of f(x) to estimate the following?

 For what x-values is the curve increasing? (2,

(Write your answer as inequalities)
The curve is increasing for x < 2.
 For what x-values is the curve decreasing?

(Write your answer as inequalities)


The curve is decreasing for x > 2.

 Vertex: ( 2, 4)
 x-intercept: (0, 0) and (4, 0)
 y-intercept: (0, 0)
 axis of symmetry: x = 2
 Reflection of the y-intercept: (4, 0)
 f(5): - 5
 What x-values will make f(x) = 3? x = 1
 Domain: All real numbers since the
parabola gets wider and wider and it will
continue up to infinity.
 Range: y ≤ 4 since the graph opens

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2. Use the graph of f(x) to estimate the following?

 For what x-values is the curve increasing?
(Write your answer as inequalities)
The curve is increasing for x > -4.
 For what x-values is the curve decreasing?
(Write your answer as inequalities)
The curve is decreasing for x , -4.
 Vertex: ( -4, -4)
 x-intercept: (-2, 0) and (-6, 0)
 y-intercept: (0, 12)
 axis of symmetry: x = -4
 Reflection of the y-intercept: (-8, 12)
 f(-8): -12
 What x-values will make f(x) = 5? x = -1
 Domain: All real numbers.
 Range: y ≥ - 4 since the graph opens


After knowing the important characteristics of the graphs of quadratic functions, you
are now ready to analyze the effects of the changing values of a, h, and k in the equation y =a(x
– h)2 of a quadratic functions on its graph.
In this lesson, we will take a close look at the vertex form and see how the constants a,
h and k affect the graph of the function.
Bear in mind the following questions: “What are the important characteristics of the
graphs of quadratic functions? How are these used to analyze, solve, and predict real life
A. The Effects of h and k to the graph of a quadratic function f(x) = a (x – h) 2 +

Illustrative Examples
Focus on k in f(x) = x2 + k or f(x) = (x2 + 0) + k

I. In these functions, we are considering how a positive k-value changes the graph of a
basic quadratic function. What is the effect of a positive k-value on the graph?

1. 2. 3.

f(x) = x2 f(x) = x2+ 3 f(x) = x2+ 5

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Vertex: (0, 0) Vertex: (0, 3)
Vertex: (0, 5)

The positive k- value shifts each graph UP.

II. In these functions, we are considering how a negative k-value changes the graph of
a basic quadratic function. What is the effect of a negative k-value on the graph?

1. 2. 3.

f(x) = x2 f(x) = x2 - 2 f(x) = x2 - 5

Vertex: (0, 0) Vertex: (0, - 2) Vertex: (0, - 5)

The negative k- value shifts each graph DOWN.

In the vertex form f(x) = a ( x – h)2 + k , the value of h seems confusing.
Consider the expression x – h and how the value of h appears when the expression has
been simplified. If h = 1, we have x – 1 and if h = -1, we have x – (-1) resulting to x + 1.

Focus on h in f (x) = (x – h)2

I. In these functions below, we are considering how positive h-value changes

the graph of a basic quadratic function. What is the effect of a positive h-value on the

1. 2. 3.

f(x) = x2 f(x) = (x – 3)2 f(x) =

(x – 5)
Vertex: (0,0) Vertex: (3,0) Vertex: (5,0)

The positive h-values shifts each graph to the LEFT.

II. In these functions, we are considering how negative h-value changes the graph of a
basic quadratic function. What is the effect of a positive h-value on the graph?

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1. 2. 3.

f(x) = x2 f(x) = (x + 2)2 f(x) = (x

+ 5)2
Vertex: (0,0) Vertex: (-2,0) Vertex: (-5,0)

The negative h-values shifts each graph to the RIGHT.

Focus on h in f (x) = a(x – h)2 + k, where a = 1.

Given the graphs of the following functions, find the vertex of the parabola.

1. 2. 3.

f(x) = x 2 f(x) = (x – 4) 2 + 3 f(x) = (x +

5) + 2
h = 0, k = 0, Vertex: (0,0) h = _, k = _, Vertex: ____ h = _, k = _,
Vertex: ____

From the vertex form of the quadratic f(x) = a (x – h)2 + k where a = 1, the vertex of the
parabola (h, k) can be read directly.
In the graph of the quadratic function in the vertex form f(x) = a (x – h)2 + k, the
horizontal shifting of the parabola to either left or right depends on the value of h; while the
vertical shifting of the parabola to either up or down depends on the value of k . The vertex of
the parabola can be read directly from the vertex form of the quadratic f(x) = a (x – h)2 + k
where the vertex = (h, k).

B. The Effects of a to the graph of a quadratic function f(x) = a (x – h)2 + k.

1. Does the value of a affect the vertex of the graph? (Yes or No)
2. What happened to the width of the parabola as the ∣a∣ (absolute value) increases?
(Narrower or Wider)
3. What happened to the width of the parabola as the ∣a∣ (absolute value) decreases?
(Narrower or Wider)
4. What is the effect of a positive a-value to the graph? (Opens Upward or Downward)
5. What is the effect of a negative a-value to the graph? (Opens Upward or

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Graphs of f (x) = a(x – h)2 + k, where a > 1.

1. 2. 3.

f(x) = ( x + 2)2 -5, a = 1 f(x) =2( x + 2) 2 -5 f(x) =10( x + 2) 2

Vertex: ( __,__) Vertex: ( __,__) Vertex:
( __,__)
As the ∣a∣ (read as absolute value of a) increases, the width of the graph becomes narrower
and a positive a-value makes the parabola opens upward.

Graphs of f (x) = a(x – h)2 + k, where a < 1.


f(x) = ( x - 4)2 + 3, a = 1 f(x) = -2( x - 4) 2 + 3 f(x) = -10( x - 4) 2

+ 3,
Vertex: ( __,__) Vertex: ( __,__) Vertex: ( __,__)
As the ∣a∣ (read as absolute value of a) decreases, the width of the graph becomes narrower
and a negative a-value makes the parabola opens downward.


To determine the equation of a quadratic function from a table of values, we need to
consider the form f ( x )=a x 2 +bx +c and solving system of quadratic equations.
Example a: Given a table of values:
What is the equation?

Solution: 1. Form a system of linear equations by choosing three ordered pairs

from the table of values.
x f(x) f ( x )=a x 2 +bx +c Resulting Equation
0 1 2
1=a(0) +b(0)+ c 1=cor c=1

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1 3 3=a(1)2+ b(1)+ c 3=a+b+ c or
a+ b+c=3
-1 3 3=a(−1)2 +b(−1)+c . 3=a−b+c∨¿
a−b+ c=3
1. From the resulting equations we need to find a, b and c using
system of linear equations.
c=1 Resulting equation 1
a+ b+c=3 Resulting equation 2
a+ b+1=3 Substitute c with 1

a+ b+1+(−1)=3+(−1) Addition Property of Equality

a+ b=2 Resulting equation 4

a−b+ c=3 Resulting equation 3

a−b+1=3 Substitute c with 1
a−b+1+(−1)=3+(−1) Addition Property of Equality
a−b=2 Resulting equation 5

a+ b=2 Resulting equation 4

a−b=2 Resulting equation 5

a−b=2 Resulting equation 5

a−b+ b=2+b Addition Property of Equality
a=2+b Resulting equation 6

a+ b=2 Resulting equation 4

2+b+ b=2 Substitute a with 2 + b
2+2 b=2 Adding similar terms
2+2 b+ (−2 ) =2+(−2) Addition Property of Equality
2b 0
= Division Property of Equality
2 2

a+ b=2 Resulting equation 4

a+ 0=2 Substitute b with 0
We found that a=2, b=0 and c=1. So, we are going to substitute our a, b and c to
our quadratic function form, f ( x )=a x 2 +bx +c resulting to f ( x )=2 x 2+ 0 x+1. Thus, our
final equation for our quadratic function is f ( x )=2 x 2+ 0 x+1.

Example b: Determine the equation of the quadratic function from the given table.
x - - - - - -1 0
6 5 4 3 2
y 6 3 2 3 6 11 18
Solution: Select three (3) ordered pairs and
substitute each pair in the general equation a x + bx+ c =y, forming three linear equations:
(0, 18) a(02) + b(0) + c = 18
c = 18 equation 1
(-3, 3) a(-3)2 + b(-3) + 18 = 3
9a – 3b = -15
3a – b = -5 equation 2

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(-4, 2) a(-4)2 + b(-4) + 18 = 2
16a - 4b = -16
4a – b = -4 equation 3

Subtract equation 3 from equation 2: 3a – b = -5

4a – b = -4
-a = -1
Substitute the value of a in equation 2: 3(1) – b = -5
-b = -8

Since the values of a, b, and c are 1, 8 and 18 respectively, therefore the equation is
y = x2 + 8x + 18 or f ( x )=x 2 +8 x+ 18.

Example c: Find the equation of the quadratic function

from the graph of the parabola.

Solution: Locate three (3) points from the graph

and follow the same procedure as in Examples a and b
to find the constants a, b and c. Substitute these values
of a, b and c in the general equation y=a x2 +bx +c ,
a ≠ 0.

(0, 1) a(02) + b(0) + c = 1

c=1 equation 1
(-1, 3) a(-1)2 + b(-1) + 1 = 3
a–b=2 equation 2
(1, 3) a(1)2 + b(1) + 1 = 3
a+b=2 equation 3
Subtract equation 3 from equation 2: a–b=2
a+b=2 a–b=2
-2b = 0 a–0=2
b=0 a=2
Therefore, if a = 2, b = 0 and c = 1, then the equation is y=2 x 2+ 1 or f ( x )=2 x 2+ 1
or f (x)=2 x 2 +1 or f ( x )=2 x 2+ 1 .
The equation that describes a quadratic function can be determined by identifying three
points on its graph. The coordinates of the three points, if used to replace the variables x and y
in the equation y=a x2 +bx +c , will result in a system of three linear equations. From the
system, the values of a, b and c can be used for the equation of the function y=a x2 +bx +c or
f (x)=a x2 +bx +c , a ≠ 0 .
Example d: Find the equation of quadratic function f(x) with 5∧6 as its zeros.
In general, if the zeros are r1 and r2 we can express the quadratic function as
f(x) = (x – r1) ( x – r2) which results to f(x) = x2 – (r1 + r2) x + r1r2.
Consider the quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c. Solving for the zeros of f(x)
b c
means equating it to 0. That is, ax2 + bx + c = 0 or x2 + x + = 0.
a a

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b c
When f(x) = x2 – (r1 + r2) x + r1r2 is compared to f(x) = x2 + x + this suggests that
a a
b c
– (r1 + r2) = and r1r2 = . This illustrates the relationships between the zeros and the
a a
coefficients of a quadratic function.
Solution: Zeros: r1 = 5 and r2 = 6

b c
= – (r1 + r2) and = r1r2
a a
= -(5 + 6) = 5(6)
= -11 = 30
b c
Therefore, if f(x) = x2 + x + , then the equation of the function is f(x) = x2 +(-11)x
a a
+ 30 or f(x) = x2 -11x + 30.

You may watch the following videos for more understanding.

2. Algebra II Functional Approach by Soledad Jose-Dilao, Ed. D., Fernando B.
Orines and Susan D.C. Madali


(Week 9)
Quadratic functions help forecast business profit and loss, plot the course of moving
objects, and assist in determining minimum and maximum values. Most of the objects we use
every day, from cars to clocks, would not exist if someone, somewhere hadn't applied quadratic
functions to their design.
When solving a problem using a quadratic function it may be necessary to find the
vertex or to describe a section of the parabola.
Many real-life situations can be modeled by using quadratic functions. Here are some of them.

Illustrative Examples

1. A shot-put throw can be modeled using the

function f ( x )=−0.0241 x 2 + x+5.5 or the
equation y=−0.0241 x 2 + x+ 5.5, where x is
the distance traveled (in feet) and y is the height
(also in feet). This function can answer the question,
How long was the throw?

2. A ball is thrown upward at 48 ft/s from a platform

that is 100 ft. high. Find the maximum height the
ball reaches and how long it will take to get there?

To answer this question, we are going to use the

equation that models an object being launched or
thrown which is h=−16 t 2+ v 0 +h0.

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3. A company has determined that if the price of an item is PhP 40, then 150 will be
demanded by consumers. When the price is PhP 45, then 100 items are demanded by
consumers. What is the maximum revenue? This can be answered by the revenue
function, R ( x )=−0.1 x+55 x .
Now, you have seen how real-life situations are modeled by quadratic function and you
may solve them later on when you have already a full understanding on how to solve quadratic
functions at the end of this lesson.


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