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Social Stress

Social stress is the feelings of discomfort or anxiety that individuals face in many situations. It
is an emotional and physical state that is always present in the person which is influenced by
various environmental, psychological, and social factors. Stress is harmful to health,
productivity and affects personal relationships, work relationships, and every aspect of human
life. The reasons for social stress can be many. For example: being under a lot of pressure,
worrying about something or for a big change, overworking under a lot of pressure, not being
able to cope up with the changes in life, etc.

According to the survey conducted on 1426 participants, 30.72% of the people were neither
happy nor upset in the past month due to something happened unexpectedly. A little over one
fifth of the respondents affirmed the they were unable to control important things in their life.
By following the survey result, we found that about 50.98% which is 727 people among the
surveyed people often felt that they were nervous and stressed during the last month. Near
about one third of the people confirmed that they were confident enough about their ability of
handling their personal problems. Slightly over 27% contributors felt that life was going in their
way sometimes as they planned during the last month. Nearly 28% of the partakers found it
hard to cope-up with all the things they had to do. Around 45% of the participants admitted
that they were able to control irritations in their life in the previous month. Most of the people
(almost 50%) conducting the survey has given a negative answer regarding them being on top
of things. Around 49% of the surveyed people indicated that they lost their temper due to out-
of-controlled things. From the information of the survey, it is shown that nearly about 41% of
the partakers considered that they faced difficulties piling up so high for them to overcome.

The desire of maintaining a firm relationship is a natural tendency of human being as a part of
society. Among all the stresses, social stress has the strongest impact and people face it mostly
in regular basis throughout their lives. People need to overcome these stresses to become
progressive in the near future.
Graph: Social Stress







Never Almost Never Sometimes Fairly Often Very Often

Attitude towards Health

Attitudes are based on cognitive, affective, and behavioral information and good health
requires a positive attitude. Attitude towards health is totally based upon a psychological
reaction to any progressions in one’s actual health. It might be influenced by any outer
elements. For instance, abilities instead of disabilities; strengths instead of your weaknesses;
creating new methods to minimize manage stress.

From a survey conducted on 1426 people, we found around 56% of respondents indicated that
If they become sick, they have the power to make themselves well again which is a positive
thing. About 40% of participants confirmed that they don’t feel like no matter what they do if
they are going to get sick, they will get sick and it proves their confidence. Near about one-
fourth of surveyed people strongly affirmed that if they see an excellent doctor regularly, they
are less likely to have health problems and it is obvious. Around 23.07% of the partakers never
felt that their health is greatly influenced by accidental happenings. About 56% of respondents
hardly felt that they can only maintain their health by consulting health professionals and it is
true. Near about 17% of surveyed people considered that they aren’t directly responsible for
their health but the rests think otherwise. About one-fourth of participants are not sure about
the fact that whether other people play a big part in their life regarding health and they are
confused about this matter. Around 43% of respondents confirmed that whatever goes wrong
with their health is their fault and their thinking is right. Slightly over 8% conductors of the
survey, very often felt that when they are sick, they just have to let nature run its course, and
the rest 92% people have a different opinion regarding this. More than half of respondents
hardly felt that health professionals keep them healthy but others think that health
professionals can’t. About 41% of participants felt that when they stay healthy, they aren’t just
plain lucky nevertheless it is because of their good health practice. Nearly 68% of the surveyed
people often felt that their physical well-being depends on how well they take care of
themselves. Around 15% of the respondents don’t believe that when they feel ill, that
happened because they haven’t been taking care of themselves properly but the rests 85%
have believed in it. Near about one-third of the participants confirmed that the type of care
they receive from other people is what is responsible for how well they recover from their
illness. Slightly over 30% of the surveyed people are not sure about the fact that even though
they take care of themselves, they can be vulnerable to get sick. About 40% of the respondents
hardly felt that when they become ill, it's a matter of fate. Near about one-fifth of the
participants assured that they can pretty much stay healthy by taking good care of themselves.
Around 40% of the surveyed people confirmed that if they follow doctor's orders to the letter
then they can stay healthy.

Human mind is a powerful thing and it allows humans to keep a positive state of mind. Our
frame of mind greatly depends on our health. Depression, confusion, sadness, happiness,
inspiration, excitement all these things depend on our health condition. So, health is a major
part in our comfortable and disciplined life.

Attitude towards Health






1.Power of 2.Feeling of 3.Visiting 4.Influence of 5.Consulation 6.Directly 7.Others 8.I'm 9.Nature can
0 recovery from getting sick for excellent accidental of health responsible for influence my responsible for effact my
sickness no11.My
reasonluck 12.Own
doctor take
regularly 13.My illness
happenings in 14.Others
professionals is 15.Taking
my health care 16.My
healthillness 17.Taking
my healthgood following
professionals keeps me care keeps
lessens me
health occurs due to
health caring works on
mandatory can't resist depends on my care can keep doctor's orders
keep me healthy physically well
problem my my recovery myself being fate me healthy i can stay
healthy carelessness sick healthy

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat In Between Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat In Between Agree Strong Agree

(The graph shows the first 9 information from the graph result)

Attitude towards Health

(The graph shows the last 9 information from the graph result)
Social Capital (Bridging)

Social capital bridging is a type of social capital that describes connections that link people
across a cleavage that typically divides society (such as race, class, or religion). It is associations
that create a ‘bridge’ between communities, groups, or organizations. Basically, bridging social
capital is between social groups, social class, race, religion, or other important
sociodemographic or socioeconomic characteristics.

According to the survey, 33% of the people showed a positive vibe in conversing with different
people or groups to think about the news outside of the town. They need external information
and it is a beneficial routine work for them. About 36.12% strongly agree that interacting with
others motivates them to try new things. These days, we realize that we are living in a ruthless
world, so new things can assist us to cope up with others. Realizing about ourselves is a positive
gesture. Almost one-fourth of people think associating with individuals will make them inspired
by what they do. We cannot travel the whole world. So, when we meet a group of people, we
can think about different places and cultures all around the world. From the survey, we can
track down that 35.20% of individuals additionally believe that conversing with individuals
intrigues them about different places. About 26.65% of people think they are into some stage
between more captivating correspondences when they connect. We feel awkward when others
talk, which is not in our knowledge. Again, 33% of individuals think that they feel associated
with the higher perspective on the possibilities that they talk with others. This is also a
beneficial routine for considering the fundamental elements of the current situation. After that,
we realize that the world has now become so closer like a village in people’s hands. So, 32.61%
of individuals concurred in a forceful way that if the interface, they can easily associate with the
rest of the world. We are living in general society. So, bunches of social exercises are occurring
around us. Almost 33% of individuals emphatically concur that they will uphold general local
area exercises.

We discovered that people are excited about meeting new people after investigating the truth
of the matter. They believe they will be able to adapt to a variety of things.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat In Between Agree Strongly Agree

Social capital (Bridging)

Social Capital (Bonding)

Social Capital Bonding depicts the associations inside a gathering or local area described by
undeniable degrees of similitude in segment qualities, mentalities, and accessible data and

Around 54.35% of the participants recommended that they have several trust-worthy people
to help them for solving their problems. Unexpectedly more than 15% of the surveyed people
don't have someone who can give them advices regarding important decisions. Slightly over
53% of the partakers don't have someone with whom they feel comfortable to talk about their
intimate personal problems. Approximately 52.53% of the surveyed conductors luckily have
several people to talk with when they feel lonely. Near about 50.70% of the respondents firmly
concurred that within the occasion that they required an emergency credit of BDT 1000, they
know someone they can go to. Around 65% of the individuals concurred or unequivocally
concurred that the people they interact with will willingly put their reputation on the line for
their sake. More than 65% of the respondents moreover concurred or solidly concurred that
people they interface with would be awesome work references for them. Regardless, about
31.07% of respondents within the audit are confused about the people they interact with
regarding the matter whether they would share their last dollar with the surveyed people.
Almost 50% of the reviewed individuals vary or earnestly vary regarding their connection with
people by whom anything important can be done. Unfortunately, nearly 13% of the partakers
affirmed the people they interact will not be there to fight an injustice alongside the surveyors.

Here we can notice that the people who participated in the surveyed are mystified around
how strong their interaction and connection with people. It is clear that a major part of them do
believe in the people with whom they communicate and interact.

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